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The Irish Inquiry

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Repost from N/a
V TELEGRAM CHANNEL (URL victoryireland) OPINION PIECE: The Green Party has elected their new leader. I am not interested but I am curious, curious as to how only 65% of the party membership bothered to vote on what is for the Green Party must be a matter of extreme importance. It is reasonable to say that 35% of the party membership choose no to vote because that were not enthused by either candidate. I am happy to presume that a failure to cast a vote is not just laziness or disinterest but rather a conscious decision to abstain. I am certainly not privy to the inner workings of the ‘greens’ but it struck me that the leadership choice was between a candidate incapable of rallying rural appeal and a candidate incapable of rallying urban appeal. Maybe some moderate ‘greens’ are fed up with polarisation and want a middle way that might appeal to normal ordinary city and country dwellers. In the last general election the Green Party achieved 12 TD’s and 4 Senators. This was an achievement and was part of what is described as the ‘green wave’. Policies were hardly discussed except in the broadest of terms and it wasn’t considered important outside of the Green Party echo chamber. But then the ‘greens’ got lucky, they were trust into government to make up the numbers. A programme for government was formulated and this is where democracy ended and autocracy began. The ‘greens’ could ask for anything and ask they did. A fragile mistrusting coalition of historic enemies, Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil needed to make up the numbers and in walked the greens with a shopping list that was never democratically ran past the Irish people. This was bullying and threatening behaviour, if you don’t agree, if you don’t give what we want we will walk.So what did the Green Party want. Their shopping list contained set proposals and a series of hints as to what they might expect. The attitude of the two major parties hungry for power was have what you want once you keep us in power. Immediately the attack on rural Ireland started. Rewilding and rewetting productive land won back from nature over the centuries. The closure of our native turf industry and electricity production. The bizarre importation of biomass from South America to Foynes to keep our carbon credits on tract. It was the Green Party that was primarily responsible for the passing of the Nature Restoration Act in the EU Parliament with Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil voting in favour of it with a green gun to the head.None of this was discussed by the Green Party at doorstep or before the election. The same could be said for their driving of the ‘diversity and equality’ agenda. The aggressive promotion of all things LGBQT especially in schools by the funding of ‘gay’ advocacy groups such as ‘Belong To’ who organise homosexual awareness events in schools to whom they award their ‘quality mark’. Their policies on transgenderism seem to be at odds with the ‘gold standard’ Cass report from the Uk which recommends caution when dealing with children seeking to socially transition. The Green Party approach is affirmation in opposition to the principle recommendation of the Cass report. ‘Open borders’ was never discussed on the doorstep either. This policy, probably the most destructive of all green policies came about behind closed doors in the negotiations for the ‘programme for government’. Again no consultation with the people, no democracy. This is understandable if you are ‘green’ because your primary loyalty is to the planet, not the nation state. So the concept of the nation state ceases to exist and becomes utterly unimportant. With the appointment of Roderic O Gorman as party leader we at least know what to expect, climate, migration and all things LGBQT. But he has particularly flagged ‘hate speech’ legislation as his ‘pet’ priority. The general election must be held before March 2025 and until then we must be vigilant to oppose this proposed legislation which is still very much alive. This is a Green Party last throw of the dice,oppose it, defeat it, preserve free speech.
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An infuriating exchange between Senator Sharon Keogan and Minister Emer Higgins regarding Thornton Hall. It is VERY clear from the Minister's response that the interests of Irish people (and in particular those on housing lists and who are homeless) come behind that of male immigrants who are almost all  illegal immigrants. (source for this claim: dept of Justice secret memo
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See video above^^^ People laugh when weather modification is brought up in conversation, even though huge mainstream shows like Good Morning America report that not only is weather manipulation being carried out but they also report that its an amazing practice. They say "we have a super power, straight out of science fictions X men. We have weather modification." As in all things money is involved: the US global weather modification market was estimated to be 153 million in 2020 and is expected to reach 290 million USD 2027. This weather modification organisation was founded in 1950 (yes 1950) A list of their corporate partners can be found on the website. And here is two of MANY profit driven cloudseeding companies (so how is it a conspiracy theory? Weather Modification Inc. Selerys What they do: Fog Dissipation Hail Suppression Snowfall and Rainfall Augmentation Other Weather Modifications And geographical regions cludseeding companies cover: North America (U.S., and Canada) Europe (Germany, U.K., France, Italy, Spain, etc.) Asia-Pacific (China, India, Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, South Korea, etc.) South America (Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, etc.) Middle East & Africa (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, South Africa, etc.) And here is a study showing the harm that silver iodide may cause to terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Potential risk of acute toxicity induced by AgI cloud seeding on soil and freshwater biota "These results suggest that AgI from cloud seeding may moderately affect biota living in both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems if cloud seeding is repeatedly applied in a specific area and large amounts of seeding materials accumulate in the environment." And this website here reports that silver iodide causes,%2C%20developmental%20defects%2C%20and%20cancer. "Unfortunately, the use of silver iodide has been linked to numerous health risks, including toxicity, reproductive disorders, developmental defects, and cancer. Symptoms of silver iodide toxicity include coughing (, wheezing, and difficulty breathing." Almost sounds like Covid type symptoms 🤔
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WEATHER MODIFICATION: cloud seeding, atmospheric services - Weather Modification, Inc.

Weather Modification, Incorporated is the leader in atmospheric assessment and evaluation. Since 1961, we have been working in the sky, providing unmatched, scientifically based meteorological services and atmospheric solutions.

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Repost from N/a
V TELEGRAM CHANNEL (URL victoryireland) OPINION PIECE: In motoring language Sinn Fein appears to be a ‘right off’. From 36% to 11•8% in a few months, that is unprecedented in modern Irish politics. But what is more remarkable is the fact that they saw it coming and felt unable to take remedial action. They just drifted on their disaster course despite myriads of opinion polls, hours of doorstep feedback and analysis. And they still have taken no remedial action as their downward spiral continues. I am looking forward to the general election when I believe that they will be obliterated. However it is reasonable to not only chronicle their decline but to analyse it. Maybe there is a bigger learning opportunity for all of us from the mistakes that they have made. Personally I don’t know any Sinn Fein voters, at least that I am aware of. Slightly over a year ago I thought that I would remedy my Sinn Fein void and meet a few of them. I choose to attend a Sinn Fein meeting in their Monaghan heartland, Inniskeen, better known as the home of the poet Paddy Kavanagh. What I found surprised me, decent hardworking small farmers whos main concern was what Sinn Fein would do for TB in cattle. The Sinn Fein President was in attendance along with the two local TD’s. Naturally they promised everything. I spoiled the occasion when I got the microphone and asked about mass inward migration of unvetted males and Sinn Féin’s support of open borders. The mood in the room changed and I realised that the loyalty displayed to Sinn Fein was conditional, almost qualified and certainly not a blind loyalty. I saw immediately that many were agreeing with me. The loyalty was fragile and can easily be transferred to another party with more nationalist ambitions and sentiment. These were people who would vote in a thoughtful and responsible way and certainly were not Sinn Fein cannon fodder. They understood what I meant by ‘fake opposition’ and many nodded in agreement. It was obvious to me that there is a vast chasm between the presumed Sinn Fein voter and the party ‘elite’. In the village hall where the meeting was held there was not a single transgender flag, not a single item of LGBQT paraphernalia nor were there any Palestinian flags. The Sinn Fein presentation could have been given by any politician in any party, it had no particular Sinn Fein branding. It was very normal and was respectfully listened to by people who I believe had reserved their political judgement. These were not people to be taken for granted. But the Sinn Fein in Monaghan appears to be a world apart from the Sinn Fein in Dublin and in party headquarters. In most of Ireland the ‘equality’ agenda is non existent. Of course people are passionate about normal equality, people respectfully getting on with each other and male and female respecting each other equally and mutually. That is normal, it always was. What is abnormal is having LGBQT flags waved at you at every opportunity, the labelling of anybody who disagrees as homophobic to be threatened by ‘hate’ speech legislation. That plus open borders has made much of middle Ireland feel threatened, intimidated and constantly harangued by the self appointed Sinn Fein ‘elite’ who view themselves as progressive and therefor everybody else antediluvian. Perhaps Sinn Fein themselves have been captured by LGBQT lobbyists and academic Marxists who could never countenance living in a real Marxist society. Having captured the internal levers of Sinn Fein power the rank and file will have an impossible job getting those levers back. All they can do is leave by transferring loyalty to parties who are waiting in the wings of nationalist sentiment. At the local and EU elections we saw that happening. Sinn Fein is paralysed by their recently adopted equality ideology that fails to resonate with the traditional voter and can appeal only to those in the rarefied Marxist echo chamber which can never provide enough traction to win an election. A political ‘right off’ has become political scrappage. There is no way back.
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We don't just hold our children's hands with ours, we hold their future too - and we must guard it fiercely. What matters more than this? A show of strength must be seen. Garden Of Remembrance, Saturdays July 13th, 2pm. "Give to these children, new from the world, Rest far from men. Is anything better, anything better? Tell us it then." W.B Yeats
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Repost from @PhilipDwyer
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If it wasn't caught on camera I don't think anyone would believe it.
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The African and the Irish.mp432.60 MB
Repost from N/a
V TELEGRAM CHANNEL (URL victoryireland) OPINION PIECE: What happened on Saturday morning at Ranelagh Bridge on the Grand Canal was tragic. Two homeless men living in two tents adjacent to the canal died, presumably by drowning. They were there because they were left behind. Hundreds of other tents occupied by migrants that sprung up along the toe path of the canal and the surrounding footpaths were cleared away in a number of coordinated operations by the Gardai, the Department of Integration and it appears anybody else that wanted to give a hand. They were driven to other accommodation, warm, clean with food and hot water supplied. Obviously they complained, it wasn’t good enough, Crooksling was remote and the food was bland. But they were safe. Irish homeless in similar tents in similar locations were simply left behind, ignored and left to their fate. There are no brownie points to be garnered in Brussels by helping our own, the EU and all the globalists are simply not interested nor is our government and fake opposition. And on Saturday morning we found out the results of such neglect. This was a tragedy waiting to happen, easily anticipated and totally ignored. There were 13,866 people registered as homeless in March of this year, the last month that I have figures for. One third are children. This published figure ignores those who are sleeping rough, or those who are inadequately or inappropriately accommodated. The two men who died in the canal would never have entered those statistics. There was no urgency around accommodating them, no expressions of concern from any NGO that I am aware of simply because they were Irish and swept to the bottom of the heap by officialdom. There is an official scramble to provide own door modular home accommodation for all migrants and asylum seekers. This is not going to happen due to public protest and outrage at the preferential treatment given to unvetted migrants. The fall back position is for army type tents in large migrant camps such as Thornton Hall and Ballyogan and elsewhere. But at least that accommodation comes with facilities and security, the basic necessities that our own people are denied. In the first four months of this year 7,000 migrants have arrived in this country seeking asylum and anything else that they can get. In the first four months of this year a similar number crossed the English Channel from France to the UK, a country with a population twelve times bigger than ours. Nobody knows the total numbers expected for 2024 but the figure 20,000 was mentioned in Dáil Éireann. This is in addition to Ukrainians of which there are 105,000. All have greater entitlements and greater privileges than our own people and everyone has secure and safe accommodation, nobody is at risk of falling into a canal. The sense of outrage in our people is very apparent, very determined and becoming very visceral. Already protests have turned physical with law abiding protestors batoned and pepper sprayed out of the way to allow for the accommodating of migrants. Local citizens have been told loud and clear that there is no veto nor will there ever be. To grant a veto to be used democratically by a community would simply be politically incorrect. Imagine if a citizen had the temerity to ask do any of the migrants have a history of sexual violence. Priority is with the migrant and this is government policy, a policy of the government against the people. The tragedy on the canal will not change government policy. There was very little real comment beyond a general attitude of wasn’t it a pity, no policy change, no requisitioning of hotels or even army tents. A local Fianna Fáil TD offered his condolences and nothing else. No analysis, no asking why and certainly no questioning if anything can be done to prevent another similar tragedy. Tomorrow is another news day and this tragedy will be quickly forgotten as the Irish homeless have few advocacy groups and no government influence. This has to stop and our own people must get priority. Start by closing our borders now.
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THE NATIONAL MOBILISATION, SATURDAY JULY 13TH, 2PM, GARDEN OF REMEMBRANCE. The Irish Inquiry supports the national protest this Saturday. If tens of thousands would mobilise, it might make some modicum of difference. Any less is not conducive to putting serious pressure in the establishment. Be there. The time has gone where we can say we have time left. Those in Government were never our friends. But the last few years they've shown they are ardently against the Irish people. Signing the Migration and Asylum Pact into Law was the single biggest transfer of sovereign power to untrustworthy unelected foreign bureaucrats in the history of the state.
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