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Την Ιθάκη τη βρήκαμε ... τους Μνηστήρες τους αφανίζουμε ...

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معدل نمو المشتركين

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Το Παγκόσμιο Οικονομικό Φόρουμ κήρυξε επίσημα τη γρίπη των πτηνών ως "διεθνή πανδημία" και διέταξε τις κυβερνήσεις να αρχίσουν τη σφαγή δισεκατομμυρίων κοτόπουλων [...] ΜΗΝ συμμορφωθείτε με τις απαιτήσεις τους σε καμία περίπτωση❕❕
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Μεγάλες υποσχέσεις για μεγάλους συντρόφους σ' αυτές τις μεγάλες αποστολές... O Rumi είχε πει κάποτε : «Το καθήκον σου δεν είναι να αναζητήσεις την αγάπη αλλά να βρεις όλα τα εμπόδια μέσα σου που έχεις χτίσει εναντίον της». Τώρα ξέρετε από που να αντλήσετε τη χαμένη σας δύναμη. Δεν είστε μόνοι... Κανένας δεν είναι μόνος! Όλοι μας κάποιες στιγμές, χρειαζόμαστε ένα χτύπημα στην πλάτη... ❤️ Για τα παιδιά μας
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"Songbird" Fleetwood Mac performed by Rumours of Fleetwood Mac (2022)

Fleetwood Mac fans worldwide will be so saddened by the shocking news of Christine McVie's passing. Rumours of Fleetwood Mac would like to send their heartfelt condolences to Christine's family and to all at Fleetwood Mac. Thank you for the music. Fly onwards our beautiful Songbird. In 1977 Fleetwood Mac debuted their album “Rumours”. To this day it remains one of the greatest albums of all time. To celebrate the 45th anniversary of its release, 'Rumours of Fleetwood Mac' re-recorded this iconic and beloved album. The following was shot and recorded in one day on May 10th, 2022 at School Farm Studios in Little Maplestead, UK. Creative Director - James Cole Recording, Mixing Engineer: Andrea "Pelle" Pellegrini Studio Engineer: Stefano Civetta Studio Assistant: Hester James Director of Photography & Video Editing: Dennis Madden Recorded and Mixed at School Farm Studios

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🔥Απερίγραπτο κακό: Τα μωρά παθαίνουν καρδιακές προσβολές στη μήτρα Ο Dr. James Thorp, γυναικολόγος με 43 χρόνια εμπειρίας, εξηγεί τις καταστροφικές συνέπειες του εμβολιασμού COVID "Δεν ξέρω αν υπάρχει άλλος γιατρός στη χώρα που να βλέπει τόσους ασθενείς όσοι εγώ με υπερηχογράφημα, οπότε γνωρίζω τι συμβαίνει. Έχω δει θάνατο και καταστροφή που δεν έχω ξαναδεί ποτέΥπάρχει αύξηση 1200 φορές στις ανωμαλίες της εμμήνου ρύσεως. Όταν εξετάζουμε την εγκυμοσύνη, υπάρχει ουσιαστική και σημαντική αύξηση των αποβολών, των γενετικών ανωμαλιών, των εμβρυϊκών καρδιακών αρρυθμιών, των εμβρυϊκών καρδιακών δυσμορφιών, της επιβράδυνσης της ανάπτυξης του εμβρύου, της μείωσης του αμνιακού υγρού και της εμβρυϊκής καρδιακής ανακοπής". ‼️"Λέτε ότι τα μωρά παθαίνουν καρδιακές προσβολές στη μήτρα;" ‼️"Ναι. Το εμβόλιο προκαλεί σημαντική φλεγμονώδη επίδραση". 👀 ΔΕΙΤΕ ΤΟ ΒΙΝΤΕΟ : ΕΔΩ
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10 REASONS TO AVOID VACCINES - PT.2 " Antibodies last only so long - which is why "boosters" are required. But again, that is not immunity. So, a child could be exposed to measles and show symptoms, or NOT show the symptoms, and be sick for an extended period of time. If the child shows symptoms, then the unvaccinated are blamed - not the faulty logic / faulty process of vaccination. Vaccine mandate apologists then say that the only true way a vaccine will work is when the entire population is vaccinated - also a myth because even in 100% vaccinated populations there have been outbreaks. 8) Adjuvants aggressively overstimulate the immune system - for a LONG TIME. Adjuvants are used in vaccines to aggressively overstimulate the immune system in order to cause the body to create antibodies to injected antigens. As Dr. Sherri Tenpenny has pointed out however, this is only an ALLERGIC REACTION and has nothing whatsoever to do with immunity. Aluminum is often used as an adjuvant, and mercury can be used as well, which are both highly toxic and can cause the immune system to permanently stay in a state of shock - otherwise known as an "autoimmune" condition. Keep in mind, when an unvaccinated child gets ill, the body mounts a full immune response to take care of the problem (think, FEVER), but once it is done, the entire system goes back to a "resting state" (an EXTREMELY important concept to understand!). This is not true in the vaccinated person - that immune system is constantly buzzing because the aluminum and other heavy metals stay in the body, wrecking havoc for years or decades. 9) Vaccines destroy IMMUNE CAPACITY. On the heels of #8 above, because those toxic adjuvants (and other highly toxic chemicals used in vaccines) may never leave the body, a vaccinated person will get sick more often and take longer to recover from illness than the unvaccinated, specifically because the immune system is also dealing with the toxic ingredients that targeted the immune system. This is the MAIN REASON why the unvaccinated are ALWAYS healthier than the vaccinated. 10) The CDC, FDA, US Government, Vaccine Industry, Pediatricians, Hospitals, Medical Mafia, Fake News Media, and paid off "Scientists" LIE TO US. Countless parents, researchers, scientists, medical professionals and activists have been sounding the alarm about vaccines for decades now, which really ramped up in 2015 / 2016 after California mandated vaccines for children to attend public and private school, and the information is now available that proves beyond any doubt that vaccines do not confer immunity, are extremely dangerous, do absolutely nothing for our health, never saved us, and are completely unnecessary for children, adults or pets. The agencies responsible for mandating vaccines to the population can only now contain this information through CENSORSHIP because the books have been written, the parent groups were created (and then banned - like mine), the videos and documentaries have been released, the websites have been put up, the studies have been produced, the professionals have spoken, the parents have cried, and there is RIGHT NOW more than enough ample evidence to show that we do not need vaccines and never did. We do not need even one more study! Because... IT WAS ALL A LIE - we were lied to - it's time to learn the TRUTH. 11) BONUS: Why you ask? Why create a lie this big? How do you control populations? Autism is 1 in 36, and will be 1 in 2 by 2032 at the current rate. How do you destroy nations, silently? And THAT is just autism. What about the rest of the ailments vaccines create? SOURCE- LARRY COOK Part 1-
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Child Covid Vaccine Injuries UK

10 REASONS TO AVOID VACCINES - Pt.1 1) Vaccines do not confer immunity. This means that a vaccinated person can (and does) get the illness for which they are vaccinated against. Although this failure of vaccines is always blamed on the unvaccinated (the "herd immunity" myth), in reality, it is because the TH1 cell mediated immune response was not activated which is necessary for immunity. Only the TH2 humoral immune response is activated - the antibody arm - BUT, antibody production is NOT immunity. 2) The unvaccinated are MUCH HEALTHIER. Although the CDC refuses to do vax vs unvax health outcome studies, there are a few small studies that have proven over and over again that the unvaccinated are healthier. In my former Stop Mandatory Vaccination Facebook Group with over 200K members (banned in 2020) parents with both unvaccinated and vaccinated children ALWAYS said the same thing: their unvaccinated children reached milestones sooner, got over illness faster, got sick less often and did not suffer from chronic…

10 REASONS TO AVOID VACCINES - Pt.1 1) Vaccines do not confer immunity. This means that a vaccinated person can (and does) get the illness for which they are vaccinated against. Although this failure of vaccines is always blamed on the unvaccinated (the "herd immunity" myth), in reality, it is because the TH1 cell mediated immune response was not activated which is necessary for immunity. Only the TH2 humoral immune response is activated - the antibody arm - BUT, antibody production is NOT immunity. 2) The unvaccinated are MUCH HEALTHIER. Although the CDC refuses to do vax vs unvax health outcome studies, there are a few small studies that have proven over and over again that the unvaccinated are healthier. In my former Stop Mandatory Vaccination Facebook Group with over 200K members (banned in 2020) parents with both unvaccinated and vaccinated children ALWAYS said the same thing: their unvaccinated children reached milestones sooner, got over illness faster, got sick less often and did not suffer from chronic health ailments (ear infections, asthma, allergies, eczema, etc.) or vaccine injuries (autism, seizures, death, etc.) like the vaccinated siblings did. 3) Vaccine damage is everywhere, and shows up as: chronic health ailments, constant illness, ear infections, asthma, autoimmune conditions, seizures, autism, SIDS, eczema, emotional instability, irritability, neurological issues, speech delay, cancer, and so much more, which feeds the Pharma Industrial Complex with an endless supply of patients and money. 4) The vaccine industry is not liable for death and injury. In 1986 Congress passed a law stating that vaccine makers are not liable for the injury and death it causes. Instead, parents must use a "Vaccine Court" (not really a court) where it is virtually impossible to get a vaccine injury or death recognized and the fight that parents must go through to get that recognition is an extreme uphill battle. Even so, the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has paid out over 5 BILLION DOLLARS in USA taxpayer money to settle claims of vaccine injury and death as of December of 2023. 5) The CDC covered up its own data that vaccines cause autism. This is the topic of the documentary, Vaxxed - From Cover-up to Catastrophe, which helped to ignite the vaccine debate in 2016. In early 2019 CA Congressman Adam Schiff demanded that Facebook and Amazon remove "anti-vaccine" content, and both corporations complied. Amazon removed Vaxxed, and I was dramatically censored on Facebook by March 2019 (and permanently banned in November 2020). 6) Vaccines never saved us. Historically speaking, DEATH from diseases had been on a steady decline PRIOR to the introduction of most vaccines because of the ending of child labor, refrigeration (quality food / quality nutrition), plumbing (to remove human waste and get clean water into homes), homeopathy and other natural medicine modalities, and general improvement of living conditions. Death from measles, for example, had already declined 99.96% by the time the vaccine was introduced, and measles can easily be treated with high dose vitamin C and vitamin A. Death from an infection is always more likely in malnourished children - whatever that infection might be. The solution is not toxic vaccines, but rather, better nutrition, and supplements, when necessary. 7) Natural immunity is superior to vaccination. Take measles for example: when a child gets measles there will be a week long rash and then once the body has mounted a proper and AGGRESSIVE immune response (very important) utilizing both the TH1 and TH2 immune system response, the child will never experience measles again. Measles is easily treated with vitamins A and C, but there are other excellent treatments as well. However, vaccination bypasses that important TH1 immune response (because it is an injection) and activates the TH2 response - the creation of antibodies - but that is NOT immunity. It's antibodies - the only method of "proof" that a vaccine "works. Continued ⬇️⬇️
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Child Covid Vaccine Injuries UK

10 REASONS TO AVOID VACCINES - PT.2 " Antibodies last only so long - which is why "boosters" are required. But again, that is not immunity. So, a child could be exposed to measles and show symptoms, or NOT show the symptoms, and be sick for an extended period of time. If the child shows symptoms, then the unvaccinated are blamed - not the faulty logic / faulty process of vaccination. Vaccine mandate apologists then say that the only true way a vaccine will work is when the entire population is vaccinated - also a myth because even in 100% vaccinated populations there have been outbreaks. 8) Adjuvants aggressively overstimulate the immune system - for a LONG TIME. Adjuvants are used in vaccines to aggressively overstimulate the immune system in order to cause the body to create antibodies to injected antigens. As Dr. Sherri Tenpenny has pointed out however, this is only an ALLERGIC REACTION and has nothing whatsoever to do with immunity. Aluminum is often used as an adjuvant, and mercury can be used as well…

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VACCINES DESTROY CHILDREN A Starter Guide for Parents and Everyone On The Fence
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🚨Δεν βρισκόμαστε σε απελπιστική θέση, αλλά συνιστώ να αναγνωρίσουμε πόσο μεγάλο πρόβλημα έχουμε. Ενθαρρύνω τον καθένα από εμάς να προετοιμαστεί για να μπορέσει να αντισταθεί για όσο το δυνατόν μεγαλύτερο χρονικό διάστημα. Η αγορά χρόνου μπορεί να είναι το πιο σημαντικό πράγμα που μπορείτε να κάνετε. 🚨Σημαντική είναι η ιδέα της αναμετάδοσης. Όσοι διαβάζουν αυτό το κείμενο για παράδειγμα είναι ήδη σε εγρήγορση. Εκείνοι στο προσωπικό σας δίκτυο μπορεί να μην είναι. Σε αυτές τις περιπτώσεις, είστε λίγο πολύ η μόνη τους σωτηρία. Τα μέσα μαζικής ενημέρωσης δεν πρόκειται ποτέ να τους πουν την αλήθεια. Δεν μπορώ ποτέ να τους προσεγγίσω, επειδή δεν αναζητούν (ανθρώπους σαν κι εμένα). Έτσι, αυτή η μάχη μπορεί να εξαρτηθεί από την προθυμία και την αποτελεσματικότητά σας να ανοίξετε τα μάτια των σημαντικών για εσάς ανθρώπων. 🚨Είναι απίστευτο ότι αυτό έχει συμβεί. Τώρα, ακόμη και δισεκατομμυριούχοι που δεν είναι μεταξύ των δραστών θα χάσουν τα πάντα, όπως και εσείς και εγώ. 🚨Ό,τι νομίζετε ότι σας ανήκει, στο οποίο οφείλετε οποιοδήποτε χρέος, θα καταπέσει σε περίπτωση αποτυχίας μιας απομακρυσμένης επιχείρησης, της οποίας τα χρέη στηρίζονται εν μέρει στα περιουσιακά σας στοιχεία, επειδή αυτή η απαίτηση επί των περιουσιακών σας στοιχείων χρησιμοποιείται ως εγγύηση. Λοιπόν. Θα ενεργήσετε για να το σταματήσετε αυτό;
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Ίσως και να έχετε εκατομμύρια, ακόμη και δισεκατομμύρια;... θα τα πάρουν όλα... πολύ σύντομα.

Πάνω από 50 χρόνια, οι νόμοι έχουν αλλάξει σε όλο τον κόσμο. Έχετε "ωφέλιμη ιδιοκτησία" και όχι ιδιοκτησία. Αυτό σημαίνει ότι κάποιος άλλος έχει την κυριότητα. Θα το πολεμήσετε;

یک طرح متفاوت انتخاب کنید

طرح فعلی شما تنها برای 5 کانال تجزیه و تحلیل را مجاز می کند. برای بیشتر، لطفا یک طرح دیگر انتخاب کنید.