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Demon Eye, Kunlun, China. In Chinese mythology, these places were considered the abode of the gods, the ancestors of the Chinese nation. Kunlun is the center of the world. It contains the source of immortality, and the four main world rivers originate here. 📙abode - обитель 📙ancestors - родоначальники 📙immortality - бессмертие
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Arnold's Rafflesia The largest flower on the planet, which looks more like a mushroom. To attract flies, rafflesia's main pollinators, it emits a truly awful scent of rotting flesh. Because of that its another name is stinking corpse lily. 📒pollinator - опылитель 📒emit - издавать 📒awful - ужасный 📒scent - запах 📒rotting flesh - гниющая плоть 📒stinking corpse lily - трупная лилия
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Experiment Here's what happens if you treat the inside of the bottle with isopropyl rubbing alcohol. 📗treat - обработать 📗isopropyl rubbing alcohol - изопропиловый медицинский спирт
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Wolf spiders get their name from the way they hunt. They do not weave webs but wait for prey, and then abruptly grab it. 📒wolf spider - паук-волк 📒weave - плести 📒prey - добыча 📒abruptly - резко 📒grab - хватать
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The colorful eruption of the Villarrica volcano in Chile Chile is crossed by the Pacific "fire belt" - a strip of volcanoes and tectonic faults 40 thousand kilometers long. It encircles the Pacific Ocean, running along the coast of South and North America to southern Alaska, then turns to Japan, the Philippines and Indonesia and ends in the area of ​​the island of New Guinea, New Zealand and southwestern Oceania. 📒eruption - извержение 📒belt - пояс 📒strip - полоса 📒tectonic faults - тектонические разломы 📒encircle - окружать
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The Rhone Glacier is the oldest glacier in the Alps. Unfortunately, it quickly disappears. Every year the glacier is covered with special blankets, trying in vain to slow down the rapid melting of the ice. Since 1856, the Rhone glacier has lost about 350 meters in ice thickness. In the small village of Gletsch, which is located at the bottom of the mountainside, there is a marked wooden post on which scientists mark a new glacier height mark every year. 📙glacier - ледник 📙unfortunately - к сожалению 📙in vain - тщетно 📙rapid - быстрый 📙post - столб
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Australia is one of the most unique and beautiful continents in the world. The uniqueness of the landscapes and climate, as well as the stunning natural diversity, annually attract thousands of tourists from all over the world. The sights of Australia are impressive and, first of all, they are unique natural landscapes: mountains, rocks, gorges. The territory of the continent is quite extensive and, at the same time, is practically not affected by human life. 📗stunning - ошеломляющий 📗gorge - ущелье 📗extensive - обширный 📗affect - влиять
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These are Maltese pigeons - a bred breed. Unexpectedly, the pigeon was almost the first domesticated bird. These feathered inhabitants of the rocky mountains flew to peck grain in the fields when people first began to sow cereals. Ancient hunters caught them and used them for food. ⠀ Now Maltese pigeons are not eaten but kept for beauty - many people like their long legs and graceful neck. 📒bred breed - выведенная порода 📒unexpectedly - неожиданно 📒domesticated - одомашненный 📒feathered - пернатый 📒inhabitants - жители 📒peck - клевать 📒sow - сеять 📒cereals - злаковые
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African egg-eaters perfectly climb trees and find bird nests at a height. Having found an egg, the snake probes it with its tongue and determines its freshness. It feeds only on eggs in which the embryo has not yet formed. The egg eater opens its mouth and swallows the egg from the sharp end. The lower and upper jaw are not connected to each other, which allows the mouth to open very wide. 📗egg-eater - яйцеед 📗nest - гнездо 📗probe - прощупывать 📗swallow - глотать 📗jaw - челюсть
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