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Joel Davis

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Keith Woods somehow found a recent picture of Costin Alamariu aka Bronze Age Pervert which makes for a good laugh This clique of fat middle aged e-jews who larp as Nietzschean bodybuilders are a fucking joke
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Ever since Twitter made likes invisible I have noticed that racist memes are going more viral than ever. If you have a friend who is vaguely sympathetic to racism and they don't have a twitter account, you need to get them on there. It's become the internet's biggest radicalisation chamber.
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Apparently Australia needs "skilled migrants" to help the "economy" or something
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Liberalism = the worship of Liber, the patron God of Roman plebeians, asserter of plebeian rights to ecstatic release, self-expression and free speech against the morality of the patricians (aristocracy). His festival became fused with Bacchanalia (the Romanisation of the Dionysian cult), basically an intoxicated orgy. Liberalism is in its essence the upending of aristocratic rule through mass degeneracy.
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18.6.2024 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 England fans at #EURO24 in Frankfurt against invaders on boats. @ultrasnotreds2
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Evola makes the point in his 'Synthesis of the Doctrine of Race' that you need a spiritual concept of race in order to fully account for the acuteness of the Jewish Question. Jews being the most closely related non-European ethnicity to Europeans should from a purely zoological materialist standpoint predict that they would be the most sympathetic group to our Civilization. Yet they are the arche-subversives, no encounter with non-Europeans is more destructive than our encounter with the Jews. From a metabiological standpoint however this makes complete sense as Jews are Aryan-Semite cross-breeds. The Jewish unconscious is a field of spiritual warfare between the Semitic and Aryan archetypes - a field where the Aryan archetypes are attacked, debased and perverted by the Semitic archetypes. This is what makes them so uniquely subversive, they aren't merely an alien force, they are themselves debased and perverted Aryans with an innate spiritual determination to debase and pervert Aryanness. The macrocosm of the Jewish attack on Aryan Civilization emanates from the microcosm of the unconscious Semitism raping the remnants of the unconscious Aryanness deep within the Jewish psyche.
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New link, space crashed
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Starting now
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In just under 5hrs time I will be joined by Uberboyo for a twitter space on the notion of 'spiritual race' and its implications
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10/10 quote tweet 🤣
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According to the racist doctrine, humanity, the human race, is an abstract fiction — that is, the final phase, imaginable only as a limit, but never entirely achievable, of a process of involution, disintegration, collapse. In the normal way, human nature is instead differentiated, a differentiation that is reflected, among other things, precisely in the diversity of blood and races. This difference represents the primary element. It is not only the natural condition of beings, but also an ethical value, that is to say something which is innately good and which must be defended and protected. Racism, in this regard, presents itself as a will — which one could well call classical — of “form”, of “limit”, and of individuation. It exhorts us not to consider as essential everything that, representing the generic, the formless, the unidentified, actually counts as a “less”, as a residue of matter not yet formed. As mentioned above, everything common comes to the fore, it stands as a “value” and as “immortal principles”, only in periods of regression and ethnic-cultural decomposition, where precisely “form” is relegated to the formless. In this way, “universalism” — understood, in a rather abusive sense, that has unfortunately become current, as internationalism and cosmopolitanism — should not be judged as one opinion among many others, but as the echo and almost the barometric index of a precise climate of ethnic chaos and distortion of types. It is very evident that racism, in this respect, strengthens nationalism in its positive aspects. Both represent a healthy reaction against both the democratic and the collectivist myth, against the myth of the proletarian mass without homeland and without face; they have the meaning of affirmation of quality against quantity, of the “cosmos” against chaos and, as we have already said, of form against the formless. From a political point of view, then, the awakening of the feeling of the nation and of race is one of the essential preconditions for the task of resuming in a wellarticulated organism all those forces which, through the crisis of the modern world, were about to disperse and sink into the quagmire of a mechanical-collectivist and internationalist indifference. And this task is a matter of life or death for the future of the entire European civilisation. ~ Julius Evola
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Trump says all foreign US college graduates should automatically get a green card with their diploma. Democrat strategy: replace Whites with Mexicans Republican strategy: replace the Mexicans replacing Whites with Indians instead
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Biden's State Dept Official Admits Great Replacement is Real; ‘They Want to Change the Demographics of the United States’ “Traditional, standard Americans are not leftists. Latin Americans are all leftists. This is just to try and change the demographics [of the United States]." - U.S. Consular Officer “I wish people knew we were letting in criminals [to the United States] daily.” 🔗 Project Veritas
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If you haven't trained your Dad/Mum/Aunt/Uncle/mate at work to get their news from wtf are you doing seriously
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We'll be live shortly Rumble Odysee Cozy Send a superchat
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GBNews poll that just dropped has Nigel Farage's Reform Party at 24% of the primary vote, 9% ahead of the Tories for the upcoming 🇬🇧 election.
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The best rhetorical bridge from a general anti-leftist sentiment to a specifically pro-white sentiment is to explain that leftism is not simply a set of bad ideas the ruling class have come to believe for some bizarre reason - but that it is an ideological weapon used by the ruling class to break down the familial and ethnic bonds of loyalty from which resistance to their power could arise. Once they disconnect you from blood (family and folk), they disconnect you from the primary and perennial human inspiration to willingly accept sacrifice. Once you become a mere individual with ideas you like and dislike, politics becomes a mere opinion not a duty. Politics for me is not a debate and it's not an opinion, it is simply the field where I can either fight or submit to the forces that are destroying my people and stealing the birthright of my progeny. And if enough White men felt like I do with the same clarity, we would become ungovernable by any alien force.
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I will be attending this event this evening, if you're in Melbourne come say hi
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Blood memory is real
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Just found out it's legal for Australians, New Zealanders and Canadians to vote in British elections if we happen to be in the UK during the election So if any of you are over there, make sure you cast a vote for Nige 🇬🇧
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It's genuinely hilarious how easy it is to ratio the Prime Minister of Australia these days, it used to actually require a little effort
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My basic view of what is happening in Ukraine strategically is that the Russians are basically holding out to see if Trump wins the election, which I predict he will, in the hopes his administration is more willing to negotiate for peace. Ultimately Ukraine is dependent upon US protection so if Washington demands they accept a peace deal they have no choice but to accept it. I would anticipate they'd be willing to hand the 4 oblasts Russia has claimed + Crimea over to the Russians but will try to integrate what remains of Ukraine into NATO. I see the Russians taking that deal so long as Ukrainian territory east of the Dniper is demilitarised. Basically a really boring and anticlimactic end to a really boring and anticlimactic war. All that suffering and bloodshed for that. Absolutely tragic. But that's how I see it playing out strategically. I am quite excited to see how Ukrainian politics goes once they have peace though, I would anticipate that the level of militancy and patriotism their population is now used to will translate into political inclinations completely at odds with whatever gay libtard bullshit the West tries to impose upon them. I think radical Nationalists could be extremely successful under such conditions and that this will have quite a positive influence on European politics broadly. But yeah I just don't see it as in either the Russian or American strategic interest to escalate the conflict further or drag it out much longer. The Americans have a more important theatre of conflict to focus upon in East Asia, and the Russians only started this war because if they allowed Ukraine to be taken from them without a fight it would have delegitimised the credibility of their threats to react against NATO expansion for the foreseeable future. Boring take perhaps but I haven't commented on it in awhile so I figured I'd give you all my assessment.
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I have to say though, I don't think Braun's concerns with the Ukraine War being expanded to include Poland are all that justified. The fundamental difference between Ukraine and Poland is that Poland is in NATO and Ukraine isn't, a Russian-NATO direct war is not in the interest of either party especially considering the 14,000 nukes pointed in each direction. The United States is also committed to defending Taiwan, the US cannot afford to face a situation where it could be fighting Russia and China on two fronts. So yeah his fixation upon some conspiracy to "use Poland" to provoke war with Russia seems like kinda retarded sensationalism to me. His complaints about Judeo-American influence in Poland promoting "diversity" and "LGBT rights" however I obviously understand, and it's great to see him he putting forward his "Judeo-realist" perspective to electoral success. But yeah this fearmongering about a potential NATO-Russian war is somewhat goofy.
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Grzegorz Braun English interview with almost a million views on youtube in 2 days. He begins by qualifying that he prefers the term "judeo-realist" as opposed to "antisemitic" haha Well done to the Polish people electing this legend to European parliament ⚡️⚡️
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Don't get it twisted - I obviously advocate for the mass proliferation of antisemitic propaganda, and I wish everyone well who is churning it out to any success. But a political movement is more than just propaganda, it is a concrete friend/enemy distinction implemented as an organising principle. I support experimentation and a diversity of methods in propaganda, but when it comes to the organising principle of a political movement there needs to be a coherent strategic rationale. Basically what I'm saying is that we have are 3 different proposals for political movements (friend/enemy distinctions): 1. Ideologically pure White Identitarianism This is what I'm doing, it's the only formula that can produce the ultimate victory, but it's also the form with the lowest short term efficacy. 2. Anti-immigration populism This is currently able to win around a quarter of the vote in Western European countries, and is within the overton window of mainstream acceptable discourse. But it's ultimately too hamstrung by Jewish donors and its own ideological compromises to be long term sufficient despite being able to realistically deliver some more immediate political victories. 3. Multiracial antisemitism Compromises the development of both ideologically pure White Identitarianism and Anti-Immigration Populism for the sake of building a totally impractical political coalition around a niche social media subculture. In short, if you're going to make pragmatic compromises for short term political efficacy, you need to be actually capable of achieving short term political efficacy otherwise the compromises aren't justifiable. The fuck immigration coalition offers compromises that are simply a way better political cost/benefit ratio than associated compromises required by the fuck Jews coalition.
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My ideologically pure stance on White identitarianism often provokes criticism from people who say it's not politically pragmatic. Yes - I get that, I am deliberately sacrificing short term pragmatism for the long term objective. Whatever short term political gains are won, the ultimate conclusion must be the development of a robust White racial consciousness, that is the victory condition - and I am helping to lay the foundations for that. I think it will be a multi-decade process for it to fully come to fruition. In the meantime however I will nevertheless offer commentary on short term strategic machinations, and where it doesn't compromise my longer term vision I will even dabble in it myself - and it is from that perspective I have become critical of attempts at multiracial antisemitic alliance building and publicly sympathising with non-Western national-victimologies. As of right now, I think the most productive short term strategy for those of you who want to engage with current year politics is focusing almost single-mindedly upon anti-immigration populism and optical forms of White identitarian sentiment. This is already being mainstreamed on the Right across the Western world as we speak - it's demonstratively an approach which can be practically effective in the here and now. It is already being implemented towards the concrete pragmatic goals of defending the relative size of White demographics, all whilst providing an accessible entry point in political discourse for raising racial consciousness. As we have seen particularly in Europe, opticscuck anti-immigration populism is able to produce a cadre of clean cut, professional young White influencers and activists which are able to contest for control of the culture and institutions of the Right. Such actions will not be enough, it is compromised by Jewish money, still subject to anti-racist humanitarian moral codes, and therefore insufficiently radical. Nevertheless, it is a defensive action which could slow down demographic change and increase political and cultural polarisation, bringing the Right within touching distance of those of us working on developing the actual solution. However taking yourself out of this game to align yourself with non-White victimological discourses, simply because they are more open to antisemitism, imposes costs which are in excess of its benefits. Many have already taken this route and there's no turning back, so we will get to see it play out in real time. I hope my pessimism turns out to be unwarranted - but I just don't see what the benefits of the approach are beyond the curation of a (admittedly popular) social media niche that is largely incapable of translating itself into a practical political coalition capable of exercising any meaningful influence over institutional power. Now, I myself am an idealist - so I have nothing against curating social media niches for political viewpoints that lack obvious short term practical translatability. But the rationalisation conventionally given by advocates for aligning ourselves with non-White victimological discourses is almost never idealistic, but pragmatic. Getting a bunch of random non-White e-influencers to publicly agree that Jews run everything and that it sucks isn't the foundation for a political project that can translate electorally or institutionally. Moreover it isn't giving the White masses with patriotic/nativist sentiments a message that resonates. There is a reason why non-White victimological discourses are generally speaking only given a fuck about by White Leftists, because they are the ones sentimentally inclined to resonate with them. This provides weak competition for the Zionist-controlled right-wing media landscape to seem like the more authentic discourse to the White masses with nationalist sentiments.
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Pretty funny how easy it is to drop brutal ratios on Australian politicians because literally no one gives a fuck about their pathetic existence
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>The problem with Joel's hate everybody approach is, it's generally distasteful to Whites and stifles recruitment and online metapolitical virality. Islamic migrants are the most disliked migrant demographic in Europe and Australia according to all the opinion polling that has been done on the subject. The idea that anti-Muslim sentiment is distasteful to Whites is just plain bullshit. Meanwhile Zionists are using anti-Islam sentiment to their benefit to push their kosher populist movements that are actually successful at the ballot box, and you want to let them monopolise the fuck Islam market and alienate the patriotic masses who instinctively hate Islamic immigration. Genius! >It leaves a vacuum for Jews to lead the racial integration movement with their media power and Browns for hire, as they isolate Nationalism. So let me get this straight, you want to let the Jews have full control of the fuck Islam movement but instead you want White Nationalists to contest for control of the "racial integration movement" - fucking WHAT!? lmao >We should be making as many alliances with racial aliens as possible against Judaism, liberalism and capitalist imperialism, even promoting remigration and compensation paid for by Jews. There's a reason Jews are constantly trying to reach out to Black celebrities and Muslims to cultivate a grand alliance against Whites. Why give up that ground? There is absolutely no fucking way Muslims are going to ally with us to promote deporting themselves. Fucking delusional. As for making alliances with racial aliens against "liberalism and capitalist imperialism," how the fuck is this supposed to advance White racial consciousness? This is literally indistinguishable from how conservatives and socialists talk about building their multiracial political coalitions. The idea that we should align ourselves with non-Whites who agree with us ideologically is literally the exact notion we are trying to destroy in the minds of White people. What we are trying to teach them is that identity needs to be placed before ideology in the political equation, we have to practice what we preach otherwise we are demonstrating that we don't take our own ideas seriously - which means they won't either.
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Another point - when you hitch the wagon of White interests to pro-Islam sentiment what you are doing is vacating the anti-Islam propaganda market to allow it to be monopolised by Zionists who then co-opt it for their own ends. Islamic migration is wildly unpopular with Whites, especially right-wing/patriotic Whites - if we aren't relating a broader identitarianism to this already widespread inclination we are making a massive sacrifice. Now what's the supposed benefit? That some random Muslims online will like us and help boost our social media presence? Is this really worth it? Fuck no it isn't. Meanwhile it is perfectly possible to criticise Jewish subversion of our political process to benefit the state of Israel AND express derision for the presence of Islamic migrant 5th columns in Western nations. Nothing is forcing you to take a side between Jews and Muslims, the fuck both sides position is actually a sentiment you can rally a lot of people behind and more importantly its a pure pro-White sentiment. And this is exactly what we need to do, to teach White people to stop empathising with the perspective of other groups and start asserting our own.
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Now in Australia, and in North America, the Islam issue is far less prominent. We just aren't subject to the relative quantity of Muslims that Europe is suffering. Nevertheless the struggle for the survival of the White nations of the New World, being that it is racial, is therefore tied to the global racial struggle. We cannot neglect Europe, it is our ancestral homeland populated with our blood. Any movement in Australia or North America which cuts itself off from the race at large is a movement which puts national parochialism above racism - and such a movement therefore is not founded in genuine blood loyalty - which is the only form of loyalty that can save the White nations of the New World. The White nations of the New World are defined at their foundation by blood, to dishonour it is to abandon who we are. Moreover, we have as little reason to believe in the sincerity of any supposed friendship Muslims proclaim as we do to believe in the false friendship sometimes offered by Jews. Muslims are ultimately loyal to Islam first and foremost and Islam has already established itself in Europe and is rapidly expanding - why the fuck would they help us reverse the groundwork they've already well laid for our conquest and absorption? And so it is simple - we oppose Jewry and Islam simultaneously and totally. Both of these forces must be expelled in their entirety from our lands and never allowed back in. We have no luxury to pick and choose which enemy to focus upon, we have no choice but to oppose them all.
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The common refrain of Muslim alliancetards - "all we need to do is defeat the Jews and then dealing with the Muslims will be easy." The problem with this is that the only force capable of defeating the Jews is European racism. And any alliance with Islam, which is at its core a force of universal dysgenic mongrelisation, is incompatible with European racism. The European people simply must draw a racial line in the sand between us and them. Until and unless that line is drawn, the destruction of our race is inevitable.
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The main reason why Spain, Italy and Greece aren't dark blue in this map is Islamic invasions. It is so important to ruminate upon this fact. Based upon current trends it's inevitable that the European race will need to fight a war against Islamic forces for control of our homelands, and its quite conceivable that this war could take place before the end of this century. This is the main reason why I simply cannot co-sign the one struggle with Muslims against the Jews bullshit. Yes, the Jews are our primary enemy. But Islam is also an existential enemy, an enemy far in excess even of the threat posed by communism to Europe in the 20th Century due to the sheer racial destruction it threatens to ravage. Either we mass deport them or we end up fighting them in a war, that's the reality - there is simply no friendship with Islam. Absolutely zero friendship.
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Cool new youtube channel I recently discovered, clearly run by one of our guys
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I am not sure why any nationalist would laugh at Nick Fuentes having his event cancelled. This is not something to celebrate, this kind of situation is something every nationalist group faces and we should all stand together against this tyranny. It's an absolute scandal that every single vile anti-white or anti-family group can host an event in virtually any venue, but we as nationalists face this kind of blatant discrimination.
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If you're a racist White Australian and you haven't met me irl yet wtf are you doing? We need to nationally socialise. The distance between where we are right now and becoming a movement that can mobilise serious numbers behind our political goals is only going to be traversed by YOU making the effort to network with fellow racists. This is especially true if you live in Melbourne, but over the next 6 months or I will be visiting the other major cities at least once and organising pub meet ups which you will not be invited to unless you make the effort to connect. I will be making a big invite only group chat for Aussies ONLY to participate in, so your step 1 is DMing me @joeldavis and requesting to be added to it. Every city in Australia has thousands of White Nationalists in it. If you ever want there to be street marches against immigration with thousands of people attending, if you ever want to get White Nationalists elected to any form of office, if you ever want a network of WN-sympathetic business owners who will make sure WN activists who get doxed have secure employment to fall back on to feed their families - a precondition is forming large communities of White Nationalists who know each other personally, spend time together, trust each other and support each other. We won't be in a position to rebuild White society until we build White community. Or even better maybe you aren't interested in the pub but just want to come lift and box with a bunch of racists, get vetted and join EAM - @NSNcontactbot But if you're just passively consuming content at home without networking with fellow White Nationalists in some way, you're part of the problem.
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The Edmonton Swastikas, a Canadian girls' hockey team, 1916.
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Keith Woods somehow found a recent picture of Costin Alamariu aka Bronze Age Pervert which makes for a good laugh This clique of fat middle aged e-jews who larp as Nietzschean bodybuilders are a fucking joke
نمایش همه...
Keith Woods (@KeithWoodsYT)

The guy telling you to post physique 💖 295 🔁 34

🤣 179😁 11😭 11👍 7 3👎 3 3🌚 3💯 3👀 2🤮 1
Ever since Twitter made likes invisible I have noticed that racist memes are going more viral than ever. If you have a friend who is vaguely sympathetic to racism and they don't have a twitter account, you need to get them on there. It's become the internet's biggest radicalisation chamber.
نمایش همه...
👍 156 46💯 8 7🌚 3👀 3👎 2🤮 2😱 1
Video unavailableShow in Telegram
Apparently Australia needs "skilled migrants" to help the "economy" or something
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6.98 KB
🤮 148🌚 9🤬 6 1👍 1
Liberalism = the worship of Liber, the patron God of Roman plebeians, asserter of plebeian rights to ecstatic release, self-expression and free speech against the morality of the patricians (aristocracy). His festival became fused with Bacchanalia (the Romanisation of the Dionysian cult), basically an intoxicated orgy. Liberalism is in its essence the upending of aristocratic rule through mass degeneracy.
نمایش همه...

Roman god of wine and fertility

💯 140🤔 28 12👎 8🤯 6🥴 4👍 3💋 3👌 2🍾 2🆒 2
Repost from Ultras Not Reds
Photo unavailableShow in Telegram
18.6.2024 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 England fans at #EURO24 in Frankfurt against invaders on boats. @ultrasnotreds2
نمایش همه...
235 21👎 6😁 5🌚 3🤮 2🤬 1
Photo unavailableShow in Telegram
Evola makes the point in his 'Synthesis of the Doctrine of Race' that you need a spiritual concept of race in order to fully account for the acuteness of the Jewish Question. Jews being the most closely related non-European ethnicity to Europeans should from a purely zoological materialist standpoint predict that they would be the most sympathetic group to our Civilization. Yet they are the arche-subversives, no encounter with non-Europeans is more destructive than our encounter with the Jews. From a metabiological standpoint however this makes complete sense as Jews are Aryan-Semite cross-breeds. The Jewish unconscious is a field of spiritual warfare between the Semitic and Aryan archetypes - a field where the Aryan archetypes are attacked, debased and perverted by the Semitic archetypes. This is what makes them so uniquely subversive, they aren't merely an alien force, they are themselves debased and perverted Aryans with an innate spiritual determination to debase and pervert Aryanness. The macrocosm of the Jewish attack on Aryan Civilization emanates from the microcosm of the unconscious Semitism raping the remnants of the unconscious Aryanness deep within the Jewish psyche.
نمایش همه...
👍 182 40🤯 20🥴 15👎 10🤔 4🤣 4 3🤮 3🔥 2👀 2
New link, space crashed
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🫡 49 13🤣 3👎 2🤮 2🌚 1
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58🤮 8👎 6🫡 3👍 1
In just under 5hrs time I will be joined by Uberboyo for a twitter space on the notion of 'spiritual race' and its implications
نمایش همه...
106👍 14👎 9🫡 5🌚 1
نمایش همه...
Ghesss ❄️ (@3Sghess) on X


🤣 246 38👍 8😁 8💯 8🥴 3👎 1
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ما این گنجینه ها را پس از تأیید هویت به شما نشان خواهیم داد. ما وعده می‌دهیم که سریع است!