
ما از کوکی‌ها برای بهبود تجربه مرور شما استفاده می‌کنیم. با کلیک کردن بر روی «پذیرش همه»، شما با استفاده از کوکی‌ها موافقت می‌کنید.


رزان محمد💙🦋

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کشور مشخص نشده استزبان مشخص نشده استدسته بندی مشخص نشده است
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معدل نمو المشتركين

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اللّٰـهُـمَ صـَݪِ ؏ مـُحـَمـَّد ۉآݪِ مـُحـَمـَّدْ 🧿🕯…
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5.47 KB
Remadan is areligious Month Itis a thirty day fasting Starts from dawn to sunset There are on eating drinking or smoking all through the day Peolte should pray More and be more Patient with each other They Must be Kind and generous to people who are less fortun ate than them then After Prayers we have an evening meal The main Course is a stew with meat and chickens served with rice
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Remadan is areligious Month Itis a thirty day fasting Starts from dawn to sunset There are on eating drinking or smoking all through the day Peolte should pray More and be more Patient with each other They Must be Kind and generous to people who are less fortun ate than them then After Prayers we have an evening meal The main Course is a stew with meat and chickens served with rice
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Remadan is are ligious Month It is a thirty day fasting Starts from dawn to sunset There are on eating drinking or smoking all through the day PeoPte should pray More and be more Patient with each other They Must be Kind and generous to people who are less fortun ate than them then After Prayers we have an evening meal The main Course is a stew with meat and chickens served with rice
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رمضان شهر ديني هو ثلاثون صيامًا يبدأ من الفجر حتى غروب الشمس هناك تناول الطعام والشراب أو التدخين طوال اليوم يجب على الناس أن يقولوا المزيد ويكونوا أكثر صبرًا يجب أن يكونوا أكثر صبرًا وأن يكونوا أكثر صبرًا مع بعضهم البعض.صلوات عندنا وجبة مسائية الطبق الرئيسي عبارة عن يخنة باللحم والدجاج تقدم مع الأرز
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Remadan is a religious Month It is thirty doy fasting Starts from dawn to sunset There are on eating drinking or smoking all through the day PeoPte should ray More and be more Patient with each ohter They Must be Kind and generous to feoPle who are less fartun ate than them then After Prayers we have an evening meal The main Course is a stew with meat and chickens served with rice
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رمضان هو شهر ديني هو ثلاثون صيامًا يبدأ من الفجر حتى غروب الشمس. ثم بعد الصلاة. لدينا وجبة p
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الأحضان مَنـطقة الإنهيارات المُقدسة
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