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Letters To No One📃

Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before. 📜Edgar Allan Poe📜

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کشور مشخص نشده استزبان مشخص نشده استدسته بندی مشخص نشده است
پست‌های تبلیغاتی
اطلاعاتی وجود ندارد24 ساعت
اطلاعاتی وجود ندارد7 روز
اطلاعاتی وجود ندارد30 روز

در حال بارگیری داده...

معدل نمو المشتركين

در حال بارگیری داده...

Once upon a time Not long ago his heart was beating for someone. Not long ago he would've died for someone. Just awhile ago, he got his heart broken. Just awhile ago, he got over her. Now, he's happy or at least he claims he is. Now he smiles to the memories of him and her. Tomorrow, he'll still be thinking about her. Tomorrow, he might find his true love. But he was in love with her...once upon a time.
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Her eulogy, She was one of a kind, she was one of so many. She was so quiet but her thoughts were loud. She was running out of time, but it felt like forever. She felt alone, but loved ones, there were so many. She was silent, yet a fighter. She fought through the darkness with only a lighter. "There's always light at the end of the tunnel" he told her. But her tunnel was longer than he had expected. When the tunnel wouldn't end, she slowed down until she came to a stop. When the fight was over she was relieved. He tried to keep her, oh if she only believed. Believed his words, believed his theory, that things would get better and that she shouldn't worry.
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If she were to speak about how she is mute, if she were to see how she is blind, if she were to hear that she was deaf...she wouldn't like it
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When you find out the best thing that happened to you started with a lie, well it's like building a house on quick sand.
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As I lay on my death bed, barely alive. I will remember each day one at a time. An oozing break in the center of my heart, As I look at you one last time, oh how you are a work of art. I held onto you for too long, this is so hard, I want you to come with me, I want it so bad. But you shall stay and live on, I will be watching your success from above. Hear me loud as I tell you I love you, For this might be the last time i ever see you. Hold my hands tighter and whisper in my ear, Whisper in my ear, the words I want to hear. Slowly I dose off, my eyes shutting, The sounds and your voice shortly cutting. "Goodbye" you Whisper and then I am gone, I am saficed, my job here is done.
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For it is the worst, do not make your mother cry, She'll still tell you she loves you and another lie. When she is gone and you are on your own, You will regret not giving her the throne. She is a woman that makes sacrifices, You are a being that will impose offenses. Don't take her for granted as she is special, Special like that of the rock named diamond. Who shall love when not loved, Who will serve regardless, She is the woman you will least appreciate, yet the most important one in your life.
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Stop making yourself TOO available
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A world where a girl can walk alone in the streets without the fear of being raped or catcalled, a world where a guy can have feelings and emotions. ~tranquile
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Its just not the same anymore. ~change
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