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Women of Paradize 💎

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معدل نمو المشتركين

در حال بارگیری داده...

Jahannam: The Abode for Melting the Hardened Hearts Just as a Muslim is commanded to purify their body and soul in this world through the actions of the limbs and heart that Allah has obligated, a person will be punished on the Day of Judgment if they turn away from this purification and fall short, by being admitted to the fire of Jahannam. Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allah have mercy on him) said, "The fire was only made to melt hardened hearts." This means that if a person from the people of Tawheed falls short in their duty to Allah and their heart remains hardened in this world, and they leave this world without purifying their heart's impurities and their shortcomings in their duty to their Lord, they will be placed in the fire of Hell until they are purified from this impurity. And once they are purified and made like the rest of the believers, they will be transferred to their abode in the dwellings of bliss. وكما أن المسلم مأمور بتطهير بدنه وباطنه في الدنيا بما أوجب الله عز وجل أعمال الجوارح وأعمال القلوب، فإنه يعاقب يوم القيامة إذا صد عن هذه الطهارة وقصر فيها بأن يدخل نار جهنم. قال ابن القيم رحمه الله تعالى: "إنما جُعلت النار لإذابة القلوب القاسية." انتهى كلامه. ومعناه أن من قصر في حق الله عز وجل من أهل التوحيد، وكان قلبه قاسيًا في الدنيا وخرج منها ولم يتطهر من نجاسات قلبه وتقصيره في جناب ربه، فإنه يُجعل في نار جهنم حتى يطهر من هذه الرديئة، فإذا تطهر وصار كبقية المؤمنين، حُوِّل إلى دارهم دار النعيم. 📝 تعليق على كتاب التوحيد للحافظ ابن رجب
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When Umm Salamah lost her husband, one of the early converts to Islam and a most beloved companion, she mourned him bitterly. But she turned to Allah (swt) with patience (sabr) and Dua: “Allahuma ajirni fi museebati wakhlifli khayran minha - O Allah, compensate me for my hardship and replace it with something which is better.” Even as she was saying the Dua she thought “Who could be better than Abu Salamah?” The Prophet (peace be upon him) was the man better than Abu Salamah, and Allah (swt) blessed her with marriage to the noble Prophet. No matter what you’ve lost in this world, Allah (swt) can ALWAYS substitute it with something better.
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The most tiring, skillful and intelligent job is the Job of Tarbiyah and Housekeeping. Don't let Shaytan deceive you O' Homestaying Mother that you are insignificant in any way. You are building a strong Ummah bi'iznillaah. Perhaps the weak Ummah we are seeing today is also the result of some mothers who left their main responsibilities and went to the outside world.
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*Aapke Pass Sab Se Azeem Daulat Kiya Hai...?!* || Abdul-Azeem Madni Hafizahullah •┈┈┈•✿•┈┈┈•
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Have more patience. Verily! Your patience is only by the tawfeeq of Allah Subhanu wa taala. Your time will definitely come in sha Allah. Only the losers lose hope in the mercy of Allah.
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In today’s shameless and attention-seeking society, where women’s clothes are becoming more revealing, a woman who doesn’t feel the need to show her skin and beauty to strange men for attention, is truly gifted by Allāh.
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One of the pitfalls to avoid is the slip of wishful thinking, preoccupying the mind with desires without putting in the effort to achieve them. The impoverished person amuses himself with wishes and indulges in them, allowing his imagination to sail while he remains ensnared by the shackles of illusions. His soul does not rise to greatness, nor does he attain his lofty objectives. من المحذور المحظورِ زَلَّةُ التَّمنِّي، بتحديث النفسِ بالمطلوب دون بذل الجُهدِ في تحصيله، فإنَّ المفلسَ يتسلَّى بالأماني، ويسترسلُ معها، فيبحرُ خيالُه وهو محبوسٌ في قَيد الأوهامِ، لم تترقَّ نفسُه للمعالي، ولا بلغ مقصودَه من العوالي.
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یک طرح متفاوت انتخاب کنید

طرح فعلی شما تنها برای 5 کانال تجزیه و تحلیل را مجاز می کند. برای بیشتر، لطفا یک طرح دیگر انتخاب کنید.