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ANTROPOLOGÍA DE LA SALUD. Medicina Sagrada del Dr. Hamer

Canal del grupo de estudio y divulgación: También estamos en Gracias por su interés y participación. Salud y ¡VIVA LA MEDICINA SAGRADA del Dr. Hamer!

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معدل نمو المشتركين

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Hay un 90% de pacientes "graves" que no tenían por qué estarlo, pero que pasan a estarlo por el pánico tras el diagnóstico y los nuevos DHS. Veo mas efectivo y eficaz que la gente aprenda a discernir todo eso y estudie como preventivo para el futuro.
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Gracias a un suscriptor por recordarnos que nos faltaba compartir el capítulo 10.3 de la revisión de la traducción del Dr. Javier: Herraez. Abajo lo recuerdo. Gracias. Seguimos. Salud y ¡Viva la Medicina Sagrada!
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FB y Zuckito siguen censurando el blog de Para más info: Pues Salud para Todos y STOP VACUNAS, TODAS...
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Discusión:Ryke Geerd Hamer

Sí existen médicos e incluso clínicas en parte basadas en las posibilidades terapéuticas asociadas a la mera comprensión de las leyes de Hamer, pero comprenderás que por muchos motivos parece difícil conseguir algo de un día para otro, en este aspecto, hasta que no haya la capacidad de cambiar la mentalidad de la medicina convencional —poco científica, por cierto— (cambio que depende en realidad del «trabajo» de todo el mundo). --ivn (discusión) 20:13 19 dic 2010 (UTC)Responder

LA MEDICINA NUEVA GERMÁNICA O GERMANISCHE HEILKUNDE Es el descubrimiento del Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, se conoce desde 1981. El asesor jurídico Schwarzkopf (Universidad de Tübingen) confirmó al Dr. Hamer que su descubrimiento fue examinado a puerta cerrada y se demostró que era correcto. En 1998, la Universidad de Trnava confirmó todas las Leyes Naturales Biológicas de la Germanische Heilkunde. En 2005 Joav Merrick (Universidad Ben Gurion, Beer-Sheva, Israel, miembro del gobierno israelí) admitió públicamente que la 1ª y la 2ª Leyes Naturales Biológicas están reconocidas por ellos.
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Repost from N/a
‼️A Prime Example of a ZWEISTEIN. ✍🏻 PART 4.1 Example from a book: Let's analyse the content of one page to see how lies and truth are mixed to create confusion: Quote: „For a long time, people have assumed that there is a connection between the psyche and the body. Conventional medicine has ignored this until now.“ 👉🏻 This is what psychosomatics is for in conventional medicine, when doctors cannot find answers when trying to make a diagnosis. Quote: „It is only recently that a specialisation has been established that applies this research approach: psychoneuroimmunology.“ 👉🏻 Wrong. Research in this field had been going on for decades before Dr Hamer's discovery. A causal relationship was even suspected in ancient cultures. Dr Hamer has also commented on this. Quote: „In 1981 or 1985 - scholars argue about the year - the first publication of this kind of approach in modern times was published by Robert Ader (USA) with his "Iron Cancer Rule", which reads:“ 👉🏻 Brazen fraud. Dr Hamer discovered the "Iron Rule of Cancer" and the "Dirk Hamer Syndrome" in 1981, submitted the discovery as a habilitation thesis to the University of Tübingen and it was rejected! It seems ridiculous, but it is dangerous, the way people talk shop here, that the "scholars" are not yet in complete agreement as to when the mister from the USA allegedly "discovered" this. Besides, the 1st Biological Natural Law was slightly changed to the term "Iron Cancer Rule". Quote: „All cancer or cancer-like diseases are caused by a (...) most severe, highly acute dramatic and isolative conflict experience shock (...)“. 👉🏻 This sentence is almost identical to Dr Hamer's original definition of a DHS but the very term DHS has disappeared and been replaced by parentheses (...). Are we dealing with stupid criminals who have remarkably little imagination to replace DHS (Dirk Hamer Syndrome) with, for example, RAS (Robert Ader Syndrome)? It really does seem to be pure lack of creativity, because criminal they are, and they have no conscience whatsoever about stealing Dr Hamer's "Iron Rule of Cancer". Quote: „What does this mean in plain language? Cancer always begins with a psychological shock experience." 👉🏻 Once again, they want to integrate psychological thinking into the GERMANIC, which is total nonsense. Dr Hamer's definition: "Every Significant Biological Special Program of Nature® (SBS) starts with a DHS, i.e. a very severe, highly acute dramatic and isolative conflict experience shock, simultaneously on the three levels: Psyche - Brain - Organ. The DHS is a severe, highly acute, dramatic and isolative conflict shock that catches the individual "on the wrong foot"..." You can read the actual detailed definition in Dr Hamer's more recent books. Quote: „As soon as the publication came out, mainstream medicine attacked Mr Ader and tore him apart." 👉🏻 In the German book "Einer gegen alle" you can read how Dr Hamer was torn apart. Please check also the Archive. This was pure criminal terror against Dr Hamer. Quote: „However, it seems that his theory has left its mark on their thinking, as working groups dealing with this topic have been organised at some clinics. Even at the Charité in Berlin…" 👉🏻 We are familiar with this. Pseudo-research everywhere, although Dr Hamer's discovery have been known since 1981. It was confirmed to Dr Hamer by the legal advisor Schwarzkopf (University of Tübingen) that his discovery was examined behind closed doors and proven to be correct. In 1998, the University of Trnava confirmed all the Biological Natural Laws of Germanische Heilkunde. In 2005 Joav Merrick (Ben Gurion University, Beer-Sheva, Israel, Member of the Israeli government) publicly admits that the 1st and 2nd Biological Natural Laws are recognised. (@Part 4) @Part 3 🇩🇰 DA 🇸🇮 SI @Germanische_Working_Group @Ref
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Ya desde 1981 cuando el Dr. Hamer encontró su "Regla de Hierro del Cáncer" y acuñó el término "DHS" (Síndrome de Dirk Hamer"), empezaron a copiar y tergiversar sus descubrimientos. Aquí abajo uno de los primeros ejemplos. Gracias. Salud y ¡Viva la Medicina Sagrada del Dr. Hamer!
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✨ Aquí tenéis un pequeño fragmento de la presentación de José Antonio Campoy, uno de los ponentes que participó en el 3er Congreso de Salud Censurada celebrado el pasado mes de Octubre de 2023 en Balaguer. 👉🏼 Para verlo al completo y saber quiénes más nos transmitieron sus conocimientos y experiencias, visita nuestra web: 🍃 Dulce Revolución
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