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MudFlood und unsere verborgene Geschichte

Spuren der MudFlood, Reset (18Jh), alte Energiewaffen, Riesen, gigantische, weltweit gleiche Architektur, vergessene Technologie, leere Städte um 1850, Form der Erde, "Weltenall", Slaven Arische Weden, Deutsche und Russische Geschichte, Starforts, usw

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Star Fort Theory

This is an all encompassing history documentary on theory about star forts. In the Alternative history and old world history community there are many theories involving star fort buildings, the lost Tartarian empire, the mudflood, missing time, old world architecture, and ancient advanced technology. In this video on star fort theory we take a look at the different ideas around these old world buildings all the way back from the time of Atlantis to the modern day. Native Americans and indigenous people around the world have stories of these ancient civilizations and the advanced technology they possessed. The island of Atlantis was an advanced ancient civilization and they passed their knowledge down, after the great flood and sinking of Atlantis, to the various cradles of civilization. The Tartaria theory gets into lost civilizations and forgotten advanced ancient peoples. These star forts were a technology possibly having to do with cymatics, sound frequency technology, and ancient electricity. We'll get more into the Tartaria theory in future videos but this is a good intro to their story, their old world architecture, and the star fort buildings. EXCLUSIVE CONTENT AND RESEARCH ON PATREON:

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#tartaria #tartarianarchitecture #starfort #mudflood #historydocumentary Documentary, tartarian empire, mudflood tartaria, tartaria tartaria tartaria, tartaria tablets, tartarian truthers, old world, tartarian technology, mind unveiled, history documentary

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Die Kirche: Offen verborgen vor allen Augen!

Achtung das Seminar findet am 18/19.11.2023 in Lommatzsch/Meißen statt, im Video habe ich das flasche Datum angezeigt!!!! Feinstoffliche Wahrheiten! Es ist eine Kunst, etwas, das so offen vor uns liegt, vor aller Augen zu verbergen. Was hier gezeigt wird, ist ein Echo aus einer längst vergangenen Zeit - es ist an der Zeit, den Dingen ihre Bedeutung zurückzugeben, denn solange wir das nicht wissen, sind wir vom Wissen unserer Vorfahren abgeschnitten. Gerade heute scheint dieses Bewusstsein wichtiger denn je zu sein. Der BaumMentor demnächst live in Sachsen bei Meißen 📌Entdecke Dein Potenzial: Einladung zum unvergesslichen Seminar! 📌Was erwartet Euch auf den Seminaren, hier ein kleines Video vom BaumMentor!?👇👇👇

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THE SLAVERY TRADE WAS JEWISH AND THEY WERE THE BEST AT IT. ST. JUSTIN, martyr stated in 116 A. D. “The Jews were behind all the persecutions of the Christians. They wandered through the country everywhere hating and undermining the Christian faith.” GREGORY XIII. Declared that Jews “continue to plot horrible crimes” against Christians “with daily increasing audacity.” GREGORY VIII. Forbade Jews to have power over Christians, in a letter to Alfonso VI of Castile. GREGORY IX. Condemned the TALMUD as containing “every kind of vileness and blasphemy against Christian doctrine.” #Slavery Channel: @Flatearthandmore Chat: @FEAMCHAT2 Website:

Repost from Tarineras Infos
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Deutschland es kommt ganz dick: Niger hebt Anti-Migrations-Gesetz auf !!!!

ALARMSTUFE ROT! Die Schleusung irregulärer Migranten soll im westafrikanischen Niger künftig straffrei bleiben. Der Anführer der Militärjunta hob das entsprechende Gesetz auf, das auch die Migration nach Europa eindämmen sollte. #immigration #deutschland #europa #bürgergeld ............... Hier geht's zu MENTAL SURVIVAL -

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............... Thomas Gast hat in zwei Armeen gedient: 4 Jahre bei den deutschen Fallschirmjägern und 17 Jahre in der französischen Fremdenlegion. In beiden Armeen – vor allem in der Fremdenlegion – hatte er verantwortungsvolle Positionen, war u. a. Zugführer und maître de tir (Stab). Im Anschluss arbeitete er 15 Jahre in der Private Security; Klient: Die Delegationen der Europäischen Kommission der verschiedenen Länder: Saudi-Arabien (4 Jahre), Haiti, Israel und Jemen (4Jahre). Danach war er mit seinem Team als PCASP zur bewaffneten Bewachung von Tankern und Frachtschiffen im Golf von Aden, Indischen Ozean und im Persischen Golf abgestellt. Thomas Gast ist Autor zahlreicher Publikationen. Heute arbeitet er als unabhängiger Sicherheitsberater, schreibt weiter Bücher und diverse Artikel und kümmert sich vordergründig um seine Familie.

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"They Cloned Tyrone" handelt von Schwarzen, die weiß werden sollen: Geheime Eugenik & Mind Control

Spoiler-Warnung! Dies ist eine Aufschlüsselung von They Cloned Tyrone, aber aus einem esoterischen Blickwinkel, der die okkulten und realen Verschwörungen im Film aufschlüsselt. Lasst uns eure Gedanken wissen! Telegram:

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Invasion of the CABBAGES! Plant/Animal Hybrid Cloning - Parasites, "NPCs" & Resets - Lamb of Tartary

This video delves into the 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers' movies, exploring their fascinating symbolic elements. It also connects these themes to the historical concept of Plant-Animal Hybrids, particularly focusing on the Vegetable Lamb of Tartary. While mainstream explanations dismiss the Vegetable Lamb as merely a misidentified cotton plant, the detailed accounts of blood, flesh, and the consumption of these animal-plant hybrids suggest a deeper mystery. What is the connection between Cabbages, Aliens, Cloning, Parasites, and Mind control? If you want to support us, please consider checking out our first book!:

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The Nephilim Clown Connection In 15 Minutes

If you want to show someone what the Nephilim Clown theory is all about in a quick summary video...This should do the job for now. Full Interview:




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Little Rascals Unveiled - Orphans in Early Hollywood and Cabbage Patches

This dark theory tries to explain the lore behind the Little Rascals or Our Gang Series. Most summaries say they are "poor neighborhood children," but what if they were orphans? Also, is the gang a part of some secret club? What is the connection between orphans and cabbage patches?! If you would like to support us, please consider checking out our first book!:

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Distortion of History - The Controllers

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Has history been changed; did we have a 'reset' during the 1700-1800s? Why do buildings all over the world have the same architecture? Why is the nation of Tartaria excluded from our history when it is shown as a huge country on maps just a few hundred years ago? Why do we have unexplained structures all over the world with no viable explanation as to who built them or how? We find ourselves surrounded by the remnants of a previous civilization. A technically advanced civilisation that has been hidden from history. So we are left to ponder and try and figure out what is the truth about the worlds fairs, the incubator babies and orphans. Why were all the cities empty in the 1860s and was there are purposeful reset? What where cathedrals really built for? were the frequency healing machines, what about Star Forts...who built them all and why? Were they part of a Free Energy grid? Why do we have Giant buildings in all our cities, Were giants real? We all know history is written by the victors which means at best we only get half the story and at worst much less. What we have now is His-Story we need to find our story. #historyreset #alternativehistory #oldworld #previouscivilisationtory #mysteriousworl #anomalies #ooparts #ancienthistory #tartaria #mudflood #startfort #autodidactic #oldworld #antiquitech #history #reset #ancienthistory #anomalies #previouscivilisationtory #historyreset #ooparts #historydebuked #freeenergy #electroculture #pyramids #ancientsites #historyreset #alternativehistory #oldworld #previouscivilisationtory #mysteriousworld #ancienthistory #autodidactic #autodidacticchannel #autodidactichistory @tartarianshistory