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English Speaking Grammar SSC

◾️Vocabulary ◾️English Grammar ◾️Learn Speak English. ◾️Speak English Fluently. ◾️Improve Your English Daily.

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📘 सीखिये माफ़ी माँगना English में - ◾️ Sorry! (माफ़ी मांगने के बेहतर तरीके) 1. Pardon. 2. I beg your pardon. 3. I am terribly sorry. 4. I am sorry. 5. I am really sorry. 6. I am awfully sorry. 7. Excuse me. 8. Excuse me, please. ◾️ I didn't mean that (मेरा यह मतलब नहीं था, कहने के बेहतर तरीके) 1. My mistake. 2. I was mistaken. 3. I messed up. 4. I made an error. ◾️ Just a moment, please. (जब आपको किसी का थोड़ा सा वक्त चहिये हो, तब इन phrases का इस्तेमाल करें) 1. Wait one minute. 2. This will take a second. 3. This will take a minute. 4. Please wait for a second. 5. Hold on for a second. 6. Excuse me a moment. ◾️ Am I disturbing you? (क्या मैं आपको परेशान कर रहा हूँ, कहने के बेहतर तरीके) 1. Is this a good time? 2. Are you busy? 3. Am I intruding? 4. Am I bothering you? ◾️That's my fault (यह मेरी गलती है, कहने के बेहतर तरीके) 1. Sorry, I wasn't paying attention. 2. Sorry, I was negligent. 3. It's my fault. 4. It was careless of me. 5. I'm to blame. 6. I did that, sorry. 7. I did it, sorry.
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👍 39 8🥰 2👌 2
✅ 1000 Important Words ( 1 - 25 ) 1.Roiled - उत्तेजित 2.Gird - बाँधना 3.Run up - जल्दी से बनाना, पहुंच जाना 4.Retribution – प्रतिकार, बदला 5.Wielding - उपयोग करना 6.Band - टोली बनाना या झुण्ड 7.Unprecedented - अभूतपूर्व 8.In the midst of  - के बीच में 9.Rush out –बिकने के लिए तेजी से उपलब्ध करना  10.Subside – कम होना 11.Stout  - बहादुर 12.Endurance - सहनशीलता 13.Firmness - दृढ़ता 14.Horizon – क्षितिज, सीमा 15.Marred- दाग धब्बेदार, बिगड़ा रूप 16.Backlash- प्रतिघात 17.Get away- निकलना 18.Carry down – नीचे लाना 19.Equipped- हथियारों से लैस 20.Nudge- कुहनी से छूना, कोंचना 21.Claw back- कर लगाकर वसूली करना 22.Narrative- विवरणात्मक 23.Steep- सीधी ढाल, अत्यधिक 24.Mortuary- मुर्दाघर 25.Bludgeon- लाठी से अंधाधुंध मारना
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👍 63 4💯 3😁 2
🔰रोजाना बोलचाल🔰Part - 1 1. Believe me. - मेरा यकीन करो । 2. Call me back. मुझे वापिस कॉल करो । 3. Do me a favour.  - मेरी मदद करो। 4 I donot mean it - मेरा यह मतलब नहीं है। 5. As soon as possible. -  जितना जल्दी मुमकिन हो 6. I don't understand. मुझे समझ नहीं आता। 7.Absolutely not. - बिल्कुल नहीं 8. How much? - कितने पैसे हुए? 9. Don't loose hope. - हिम्मत मत हारो। 10. What is the time?  क्या समय हुआ है? 11.I can't say. - मैं नहीं कह सकता। 12. No idea! - कोई अंदाजा नहीं 13. It's too late. - बहुत देर हो गई। 14. Hurry up! - जल्दी करो । 15. Why not ? - क्यों नहीं 16. Don't worry. - परेशान मत हो। 17. Pray to God. भगवान से दुआ करो 18. Help others.- दूसरों की मदद करो। 19. How stupid! - क्या बेवकूफी है। 20. Wake up - जग जाओ। 21. Get ready. - तैयार हो जाओ। 22.Don't abuse. - गाली मत दो। 23. You are wrong. - तुम ग़लत हो । 24. He is kind. - वो दयालु है। 25. Not you. - तुम नहीं । ◆ ▬▬▬▬▬▬ ❴✪❵ ▬▬▬▬▬▬ ◆ ✅ Part - 2 1. Well done! - शाबाश! 2. Who knows? - कौन जाने?,किसको पता है?, किसे पता है?, किसे मालूम है? 3. Wonderful! - अद्भुत 4. Birds sing. - पंछी गाते हैं। 5. Come on in. - अंदर आ जाओ। 6. Definitely! - निश्चित ही 7. Don't move. - हिलो मत। 8. Fire burns. - आग जलाती है। 9. Follow him. - उसका पीछा करो। 10. I can swim. - मुझे तैरना आता है।, मैं तैर सकता हूँ। 11. I love you. - मैं तुमसे प्यार करती हूँ।, मैं तुमसे प्यार करता हूँ। मैं आपसे प्यार करता हूँ। मैं आपसे प्यार करती हूँ। 12. I will try. - मैं कोशिश करूँगा। 13. I'm coming. - मैं आ रहा हूँ। 14. I'm hungry! - मुझे भूख लगी है! , मुझे भूख लगी है। 15. Let him in. - उसे अंदर भेजो।, उसे अंगर आने दो। | 16. Let me out! - मुझे बाहर जाने दो! ◆ ▬▬▬▬▬▬ ❴✪❵ ▬▬▬▬▬▬ ◆ ✅Part -3 ▪️ध्यान दो - Pay attention [पे अटेंशन] ▪️आराम से - Take it easy [टेक इट ईज़ी] ▪️पानी पियो - Drink water [ड्रिंक वॉटर] ▪️धीरे पढ़ो - Read slowly [रीड स्लोली] ▪️कुछ लीजिए - Have something [हैव समथिंग] ▪️अच्छे के लिए - For good [फॉर गुड] ▪️कुछ मत करो - Do nothing [डू नथिंग] ▪️कुछ करो - Do something [डू समथिंग] ▪️छोड़ दो - Leave it [लीव इट] ▪️जाने दो - Let it go [लेट इट गो] ▪️ऊपर जाओ - Go upstairs [गो अप स्टेयर्ज़ ] ▪️मुझे सोचने दो। Let me think [लेट मी थिंक] ▪️हिम्मत करो। Take heart [टेक हार्ट] ▪️तेज दौड़ो - Run fast [रन फास्ट] ▪️सांस लो - Breathe [ब्रीद] ▪️बैठ जाओ - Sit down [सिट डाउन] ▪️बनाओ इसे - Make it [मेक इट] ▪️बंद करो - Stop it [स्टॉप इट]
نمایش همه...
👍 78🥰 5🤩 2 1
🔴 Some Sentences of Daily Use... 1. बिस्तर बिछा दो - Make the bed please. 2. समान खोल दो  - Unpack the luggage. 3. सुई में धागा डाल दो - Thread the needle. 4. नाक साफ कर लो  - Blow out the candle. 5. जाओ मजे करो - Go and enjoy yourself. 6. अपने जूते उतार लो - Take off your shoes. 7. नींबू निचोड़ दो - Squeeze the lemon. 8. उसी टेलीफोन करो - Ring him up. 9. 5:00 बजे का अलार्म लगा दो - Set the alarm at five. 10. जेबकतरों से बचो - Beware of pick - pockets. 11. अपने काम से काम रखो - Mind your own business. 12. अपने नाखून काट लो - pare your nails. 13. पेंसिल से मत लिखो - Do not write with pencil. 14. नंगे पांव मत चलो - do not walk barefooted. ✅ Sort English sentences 1. Tell me - मुझे बताओ। 2. That's enough - काफ़ी है। 3. Don't cry - रो मत । 4. Enjoy yourself - मज़े करो। 5. Let me go - मुझे जाने दो। 6. Have patience - धैर्य रखो। 7. Shut the door - दरवाज़ा बंद करो। 8. Open the windows - खिड़कियां खोल दो। 9. Come with me - मेरे साथ आओ। 10. Switch on the fan - पंखा चालू करो। 11. It's terribly hot - बहुत ज़्यादा गर्मी है। 12. That's true - सच है। 13. He is asleep - वह सो रहा है। 14. I'm leaving - मै जा रहा हूं। 15. Not enough - काफ़ी नहीं है। 16. It's obvious - ज़ाहिर सी बात है। 17. Sure! - ज़रुर । 18. I'am tired -  मैं थक गया हूं। 19. I know - मुझे पता है। 20. Let her speak - उसे बोलने दो। 21. Boil the eggs - अंडे ऊबाल दो। 22. Not again - दोबारा नहीं।
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👍 32 14🎉 7🔥 5
📚 Top 35 IDIOM AND PHRASES 1. A big draw Meaning - To get attraction/attention/success Hindi Meaning- ध्यान खींचना, या सफलता पाना 2. A black sheep Meaning - An unlucky person, Bad characters Hindi Meaning- अषुभ व्यक्ति 3. A bolt from the blue Meaning - An unexpected piece of news or event Hindi Meaning- आकस्मिक घटना 4. A close shave Meaning - Something achieved (or escape) by a narrow margin Hindi Meaning- किसी चीज को बहुत कम रूप से प्राप्त करना 5. A closed book Meaning - The subject or person that you Hindi Meaning- अपरिचित बिषय या इंसान 6. A far cry Meaning - Notably different Hindi Meaning- काफी अलग 7. A hard nut  to crack Meaning - A difficult problem Hindi Meaning- गंभीर समस्या 8. A laughingstock Meaning - A person or thing that is regarded as very foolish or ridiculous strange person Hindi Meaning- मजाक का पात्र 9. A live wire Meaning - Energetic Hindi Meaning- उर्जावान 10. A man of God Meaning - A male priest Hindi Meaning- पुजारी 11. A man of straw Meaning - A man with no voice or will of his own/ (a man of no substance Hindi Meaning- मामूली या अभावग्रस्त आदमी 12. A match made in heaven Meaning - A happy and harmonious marriage or partnership Hindi Meaning- खुषी देने वाली षादी या साथी 13. A penelope’s web Meaning - An endless job Hindi Meaning- कभी खत्म न होने वाली नौकरी 14. A shot in the arm Meaning - To encourage Hindi Meaning- प्रौत्साहित करना 15. A shot in the dark Meaning - A guess; without knowing what the result will be Hindi Meaning- अँधेरे में तीर चलाना 16. A sore point with Meaning - A subject that makes you feel angry or upset Hindi Meaning- कोई पीड़ादायक बिषय 17. A thorn in the flesh Meaning - A constant source of annoyance Hindi Meaning- काम में हमेषा होने वाली बाधा 18. A white elephant Meaning - An expensive but useless possession Hindi Meaning- महॅगा लेकिन बेकार 19. A wild goose chase Meaning - To try to impossible Hindi Meaning- व्यर्थ का प्रयत्न 20. Achilles’ heels Meaning - A small but fatal weakness Hindi Meaning- कमजोर पक्ष, दुखती रग 21. Add fuel to fire Meaning - To make a matter worse Hindi Meaning- आग में घी डालना 22. Against all odds Meaning - Despite many difficulties Hindi Meaning- कई समस्याओं के बावजूद 23. All at sea Meaning - Completely confused Hindi Meaning- पूर्णरूपेण भ्रमित 24. All eye for an eye Meaning - Tit for tat Hindi Meaning- जैसे को तैसा 25. All eyes Meaning - Watching very closely Hindi Meaning- बहुत बारीक नजर रखना 26. All in all Meaning - Most important Hindi Meaning- सबसे महत्वपूर्ण 27. An acid test Meaning - A critical test Hindi Meaning- गंभीर परीक्षण 28. An arm chair job Meaning - Good income job with high comfort Hindi Meaning- आसान एवं अच्छी आय वाली नौकरी 29. An axe to grind Meaning - Something done for selfish reasons Hindi Meaning- स्वार्थ से भरा उद्देष्य 30. An iron will Meaning - Strong will power Hindi Meaning- दृढ़ इच्छा षक्ति 31. An old flame Meaning - A person, one had a romantic relationship with, in the past. Hindi Meaning- पुराना प्यार 32. An old head on young shoulders Meaning - A child or young person who thinks and talks like an older and experienced person Hindi Meaning- अपनी उम्र से ज्यादा समझदार होना 33. An olive branch Meaning - Peace request/peace treaty Hindi Meaning- शांति निवेदन 34. An open book Meaning - To have no secret Hindi Meaning- खुली किताब 35. Apple of discord Meaning - Matter of dispute Hindi Meaning- झगड़े का कारण
نمایش همه...
👍 41 5
📚 Human Body Parts Name 1. Hair – बाल 2. Eyes – आंखें 3. Mouth – मुंह 4. Arm – बांह, भुजा 5. Tooth, Teeth – दांत 6. Back, Waist – पीठ, कमर 7. Shoulder – कन्धा 8. Stomach – पेट 9. Knee – घुटना 10. Throat – गला 11. Leg – टांग 12. Hand – हाथ 13. Nose – नाक 14. Ear – कान 15. Eye – आंख 16. Foot – पैर 17. Head – सिर 18. Face – चेहरा 19. Smiley Face – हंसमुख 20. Neck – गरदन 21. Beard – दाढ़ी 22. Moustache – मूंछ 23. Hip – कूल्हा 24. Nail – नाखून 25. Skin – त्वचा, खाल 26. Fist – मुठ्ठी 27. Lip – होंठ 28. Blood – रक्त 29. Brow – भौंह 30. Breast – स्तन 31. Elbow – कोहनी 32. Nipple – स्तन का अगला भाग, चूची 33. Navel – नाभि 34. Armpit, Womb – बगल, कांख 35. Chin – ठुड्डी 36. Forehead – माथा 37. Cheek – गाल 38. Ankle – टखना 39. Brain – दिमाग 40. Face – चेहरा 41. Eyebrow – भौं 42. Eyelid – पलक 43. Tongue – जीभ 44. Heart – ह्रदय 45. Toe – पैर की उंगली 46. Body – शरीर 47. Fingers – अंगुलियाँ 48. Thumb – अंगूठा 49. Intestine – आंत 50. Heel – एढ़ी 51. Larynx – कंठ 52. Temple – कनपटी 53. Wrist – कलाई 54. Skull – खोपड़ी 55. Kidney – गुर्दा 56. Knee – घुटना 57. Chest – छाती 58. Jaw – जबड़ा 59. Thigh – जाँघ 60. Liver – जिगर 61. Joint – जोड़ 62. Nostril – नथुना 63. Nerve, Vein – नस 64. Paw – पंजा 65. Rib – पसली 66. Lung – फेफड़ा 67. Muscles – माँसपेशी 68. Spine – रीढ़ 69. Bone – हड्डी 70. Palm – हथेली 71. Belly – पेट 72. Calf – पिंडली 73. Ring Finger – अनामिका 74. Eardrum – कान का परदा 75. Little Finger – छोटी उंगली 76. Uterus – गर्भाशय 78. Rump – दुम / कुल्हे 79. Bun – बालों का जूडा 80. Index Finger – तर्जनी 81. Palate – तालु 82. Snout – थूथना 83. Molar Theeth – दाढ़ 84. Artery – धमनी 85. Pulse – नाड़ी 86. Spleen – तिल्ली 87. Bile – पित्त 88. Eyeball – नेत्रगोलक, आँख की पुतली 89. Eyelash – बरौनी 92. Embryo – भ्रूण 93. Middle-Finger – बीच की ऊँगली 94. Urinary Bladder – मूत्राशय 95. Saliva – लार 96. Trachea – स्वास नली, कंठनाल ━━━━━━━━━━✧❂✧━━━━━━━━━━ ▪️
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👍 68 11🥰 2😁 2🎉 2
🔴 Phrases on secrets: 1. Keep it under wraps. (कोई बात किसी को ना बताना) 2. My lips are sealed (चुप रहना) 3. Don't spill the beans (राज़ छिपा कर रखना) 4. Don't let the cat out of the bag (पहले के राज़ ना बताना) 5. Behind closed doors (रहस्यमयी जगह पर काम करना) 6. Give the game away (रहस्य बता देना) 7. Keep it under your hat (राज़ छिपा कर रखना) 8. Mum's the word (चुप्पी साधना) 9. On the quiet (गुप्त रूप से) 10. In strict confidence (व्यक्तिगत जानकारी छिपाए रखना) 11. Be as quiet as a mouse (चुप रहना) 12. On the sly (छिपकर) 13. Don't dish the dirt (चुगली ना करना) 14. Take the lid off (किसी के राज़ बता देना) 15. To be a dark horse (अपने विचारों को रहस्यमय रखना) 16. Off the record (रहस्य जो अनौपचारिक रूप से निश्चित ना हो) 17. Poker face (भावनाओ को छिपाना) 18. To bite/hold your tongue (चुप रहना)
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👍 48 2
📚 Active & Passive voice MCQs Q.1 The loan will be sanctioned by the bank. (1) The bank sanctioned the loan. (2) The bank is going to sanction the loan. (3) The bank would sanction the loan. (4) The bank will sanction the loan. ﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏ Q.2 My father has promised me a bicycle. (1) I have promising a bicycle by my father. (2) I have been promised by my father a bicycle. (3) I promised a bicycle by my father. (4) I have been promised a bicycle by my father. ﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏ Q.3 The teacher may punish you. (1) You should be punished by the teacher (2) You shall have been punished by the teacher (3) You will be punished by the teacher (4) You may be punished by the teacher ﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏ Q.4 Who tore the curtains yesterday ? (1) By whom were the curtains teared yesterday ? (2) By whom were the curtains torn yesterday ?  (3) By whom are the curtains torn yesterday ? (4) By whom were the curtains tore yesterday ? ﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏ Q.5 I shall have written the letter. (1) The letter is being written by me.  (2) The letter will have been written by me.  (3) The letter will be written by me.  (4) The letter has been written by me. ﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏ Q.6 A lion does not eat grass, however hungry he may be. (1) Grass is not eaten by a lion, however hungry he may be. (2) Grass is not being eaten by a lion, however, hungry he may be. (3) Grass is eaten not by a lion, however hungry he may be. (4) Grass is being not eaten by a lion, however, hungry he may be. ﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏ Q.7 All his friends laughed at him. (1) He was laughed at by all his friends (2) He was laughed by all his friends (3) He was being laughed by all his friends (4) He was being laughed at by all his friends ﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏ Q.8 Has the postman not delivered the letter ? (1) Has the letter not been delivered by the postman ? (2) Is the letter delivered by the postman ? (3) The postman hasn’t delivered the letter, (4) Has the letter been delivered by the postman ? ﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏ Q.9 Please give me your pen and take your seat. (1) Let your pen given me and take your seat. (2) You are requested to give me your pen and take your seat. (3) You are warned to give me your pen and take your seat. (4) You are ordered to give me your pen and take your seat. ﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏ Q.10 The poet, Blake, wrote many poems for children. (1) Many poems were written for children by the poet, Blake. (2) Many poems were written by children for the poet, Blake. (3) Many are the poems written by children for the poet Blake. (4) Children wrote many poems by the poet Blake. ﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏ Answers Q.1- (4)   Q.2- (4)   Q.3- (4)   Q.4- (2) Q.5- (2)   Q.6- (1)   Q.7- (1)   Q.8- (1) Q.9- (2)   Q.10- (1)
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👍 40🥰 1
◾12 Types of doctors: 1. Dermatologist yani skin specialist - त्वचा विशेषज्ञ 2. Cardiologist yani heart specialist - हृदय रोग विशेषज्ञ 3. Gynecologist yani female disease specialist - स्त्री रोग विशेषज्ञ 4. Dentist yani teeth & jaw bones specialist - दांत और जबड़े की हड्डियों के डॉक्टर 5. Ophthalmologist yani eye specialist - नेत्र-विशेषज्ञ 6. Orthopedist yani Muscle and bones specialist - मांसपेशियों और हड्डियों का विशेषज्ञ 7. Gastroenterologist is a doctor who treats diseases of the digestive system. - पेट का डॉक्टर 8. Neonatologist is a doctor who treats premature and ill newborns - नवजात शिशुओं का डॉक्टर 9. Neurologist - मस्तिष्क रोग विशेषज्ञ 10. Pediatrician treats children - बाल रोग चिकित्सक 11. Oncologist is a doctor who treats cancer - कैंसर का डॉक्टर 12. ENT specialist yani ear nose and throat specialist - कान, नाक, गले का डॉक्टर
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👍 44 6🔥 3
📚 Wh - Family 1. Since when :- कब से  2. From when :- कब से 3. For how long :- कितनी देर से/ कब से 4. Until when :- कब तक 5. With whom :- किसके साथ 6. For whom :- किस लिए 7. About whom :- किसके बारे में 8. Towards whom :- किसकी तरफ 9. By whom :- किसके द्वारा 10. From where - कहां से / जहां से 11. For what - किसलिए / जिसलिए 12. How far - कितनी दूर 13. How long - कितना लंबा 14. How soon - कितनी जल्दी 15. Why so - ऐसा सो 16. How often - कितनी बार 17. Whence - जबकि 18. Whereas - जबकि 19. Wherein - जिसमे 20. In whom - किसमें  21. Somehow - किसी तरह से 22. Go at once - तुरंत जाओ 23. Not that much - इतना नही 24. In what way - किस तरह से  25. At what way - किस से 26. What else - और क्या  27. How else - और कैसे  28. Whatever - जो कुछ भी 29. Whenever - जब कभी भी 30. Wherever - जहां कही भी 31. Whomever - जिसको भी 32. Whichever - इसमें से जो भी 33. Whosever - जिस किसी का भी 34. Whoever - जो कोई भी 35. However - जितना भी 36. Then when - फिर कब 37. What -क्या, जो 38. Why -क्यों 39. When -कब, जब 40. Where -कहाँ, जहाँ  41. How -कैसे 42. Who -कौन, जो (किसी व्यक्ति के लिए) 43. Which -कौन सा, जो (किसी चीज़ के लिए) 44. Whose -किसका, जिसका 45. Whom -किसे, किससे, किसको 46. How many -कितने (जिन्हें गिना जा सकता है) 47. How much -कितना (जिन्हें गिना नहीं जा सकता) 48. Until when -कब तक 49. Since when -कब से 50. From when -कब से  51. For how long -कब से 52. With whom -किसके साथ 53. For whom -किसके लिए 54. About whom -किसके बारे में 55. Towards whom- किसकी तरफ़ 56. By whom -किसके द्वारा 57. From where -कहाँ से, जहाँ से 58. For what -किसलिए, जिसलिए 59. What for -किसलिए , जिसलिए 60. How beautiful -कितनी सुन्दर  61. How far - कितना दूर 62. How good -कितना अच्छा 63. How long -कितना लम्बा 64. How old -बड़ा (उम्र में) कितना पुराना या कितना 65. How soon -कितनी जल्दी 66. In what way -तरह किस तरह से 67. At what way -किस से 68. What else -और क्या 69. Whatever -जो कुछ भी 70. Whatsoever -जो कुछ भी 71. What then -क्या, तब क्या, फिर क्या 72. What type of -किस तरह का 73. Whenever -जब कभी 74. When so ever -जब कभी
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👍 74 6😁 4
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