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Нехватка времени🕑 - отговорка универсальная. Не хватает времени на самообразование. Не хватает времени на спорт. Не хватает времени на активный отдых. 🤷‍♂️ Но я еще не встречал человека, который сказал бы мне, что ему не хватает времени на ничегонеделание. То есть, нехватка времени - это просто отговорка. 👎Если правильно распоряжаться своим временем, то его хватит на все. Но говорить о правильном тайм-менеджменте мы сегодня не будем. Об этом уже сотни книг написаны. Я хочу предложить трехдневный план взрывной "экспресс-тренировки" 💪специально для тех атлетов, у которых вечная нехватка времени. И сегодня я расскажу как за 3 тренировки в неделю длительностью не более 45 минут можно проработать все группы мышц, отлично их нагрузить🏋️‍♀️, и при этом полностью восстановиться. 👇 #тренировки #масса
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Трехдневная экспресс-тренировка на массу для суперзанятых атлетов

Допустим, я немного перегнул палку в предисловии к посту, и ты действительно занятой человек, выделяющий по часу времени для любимого вида…

Hey there, fiends! Research indicates humans are bad at pedicting what will make them happy Read on: 💬 @the_telegramer
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🇷🇺 Russians Today 🇷🇺 👉 Russian memes👈 👉in English 👈 🔗 @russianstoday
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Hello, fiends! You Don't Just Need a Daily Routine. You Need a Seasonal Routine Too Read on: 💬 @the_telegramer
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Love Makes You Dumb, Sex Makes You Smart These associations among love, sex, and intellect are fascinating. As we look forward to more research on these intriguing topics, I hope we will all become both smarter and dumber.
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Love Makes You Dumb, Sex Makes You Smart

Love Makes You Dumb Bruce Springsteen got it right: Love makes us dumb. In his song "Crush on You" from The River album, he sings “my brain takes a vacation just to give my heart more room.” As I have discussed in a previous post, when we are in love, our single-minded obsession with our lovers can impair other aspects of our intellectual lives such as studying or working (van Steenbergen et al., 2014). Passionate love in particular is associated with reduced cognitive control—the ability to focus…

Human Perversity: Guess What? It’s Normal Though it might be difficult to admit, there are times when we’ve all acted in ways hurtful to ourselves. And for multiple reasons, and in situations where we really knew better. This post—taking a more compassionate than critical stance toward this regrettably widespread tendency—will examine why it’s only human for us to act in self-defeating, “perverse” ways.
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Human Perversity: Guess What? It’s Normal

Consider the expression: “You’re cutting off your nose to spite your face.” What this proverb suggests is that we can harbor a (supposedly) abnormal tendency to engage in acts of self-sabotage blatantly contrary to our best interest. Yet that’s actually no more than half true. For in every instance, if we more closely examine different circumstances in which we display such “orneriness,” we’ll discover that there’s more than a single interest at play. So, for instance, say we’re enraged by another’s behavior…

Why Smoking in Films Harms Children We want to believe we’re raising our kids to think for themselves, and not to do dumb or unhealthy things just because the cool kids are doing them. But research shows that when it comes to #smoking, children are heavily influenced by some of the folks they consider the coolest of the cool: actors in movies. #health
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Why Smoking in Films Harms Children

“There’s a dose-response relationship: The more smoking kids see onscreen, the more likely they are to smoke,” said Dr. Stanton Glantz, a professor and director of the University of California, San Francisco, Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education. He is one of the authors of a new study that found that popular movies are showing more tobacco useonscreen.

Debunking 10 Common Concussion Myths A deluge of concussion information pours into the media every day, which makes it hard to know who, or what to believe. Since concussions emerged onto the national scene, the general awareness level of concussions have gone up. However, the general understanding of concussions across all sectors of our society is still extremely low. #DebunkingMyths #psychology
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Debunking 10 Common Concussion Myths

With Fall season comes football, and the annual concussion testing and education for all student-athletes and parents. Yet, common myths persist. Ask the average American how long does it take to recover from a concussion, and the answer will be anything but “it varies.” While new research points to revelations about diagnosis, recovery and long-term behavioral effects of concussions, as well as trailblazing science about recovering from concussions and traumatic brain injury, it’s surprising to see how many…

How to Manage Your Emotions/ We all suffer from emotional overreactions. In the heat of the moment we say something to a person we love without stopping to consider the shockwaves. Or we blast off an email and wonder why we didn’t sleep on it before pressing ‘Send’. Our #emotions spill over and, by the time they recede, the damage is done. #psychology
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How to Manage Your Emotions

There’s no denying that this kind of behavior is on the rise. In the public domain, barely a day passes without newspapers splashing the story that a comment, tweet or email has caused an uproar. Demands are made for heads to roll, and responses range from retractions (‘I apologise unreservedly for my lack of judgement …’) to defiance (‘This is a ridiculous case of political correctness…’). And then the next story breaks. The converse situation is that we feel gripped by fear or anxiety and fail to seize the…

What A Psychiatrist Eats For Breakfast For Optimal Mental Health Breakfast has long been hailed as the meal that will start your day off right, with the best breakfasts energizing you and leave you feeling physically set to take on your day. But being a psychiatrist, I tend to view things through a mental health lens: Did you know that the right kind of breakfast can also help to start off the day with the healthiest possible mood and mindset? #food #mentalhealth
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What A Psychiatrist Eats For Breakfast For Optimal Mental Health

My breakfast changes each day, but generally it consists of a few different variations of three staple meals. I try to plan out my breakfasts at the beginning of the month so that I can grocery shop efficiently. I also try my best to buy local and organic whenever possible. And although I love pastries as much as the next person, I make a concerted effort to avoid anything with refined sugar—especially in the mornings. I am often asked about the benefits and risks of coffee for mental health. And my answer…

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