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Happy EID to everyone! May Almighty God accept our repentance, good deeds, and Salahs in the beautiful month of Ramadan! may Him show mercifulness in our rest of life!
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Task 2 model essay Coming to recent centuries the world has undergone significant advancements in medicine and major sciences and people are being offered to experience quality of life, leading to much higher life expectancy. However, there is a debate that the more people survive the more prolonged period of time they have to employ. From my own perspective, I believe that the working period should be in moderation, letting individuals have some rest at the end of their lives to enjoy fruits of their jobs due to inability to fulfil the expectations optimally as opposed to younger counterparts and disturbance of health-related issues. To commence, senior workers tend to be more experienced and well – qualified, with working extensive period of time, which equipped them with essential skills associated with their specific work. For that reason, they can perform their duties more skillfully and productively in most times compared to other freshmen and as they don’t normally come across work-related obstacles and employment gives them a sense of fulfilment, which can be catalyst for satisfying life at the end of their lives. In my opinion, however, employment always comes with significant demands which can mostly be tough to accomplish, putting elderly workers into further stress and health strains. In fact, some work involves physical hurdle and toil or sometimes the workers have to carry out dusty duties, all of which can pose extreme difficulties for the elderly workers. Brick producing companies can be taken as an example, such workplaces involve in working under variety of conditions which involve loading and unloading the bricks consistently and even some employee have to work under as high as 60-100 degree heat, this deliberate work would inevitably deteriorate the overall health of older employees. Apart from this, As people get older they become more susceptible to catch a mixed variety of diseases like blood pressure, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases. For this reason, the old have to follow specific routine, such as sleeping, exercising regimes, being under supervision of their doctors on a regular basis so as to remain healthy, as is the case, the disobedience of healthy routine and focusing on working may exacerbate their well-being. To conclude, despite being engaged in occupation in older age bring some ease for the employees, as they work in their comfort zone, when people are experience work-related challenges not only do they encounter stressful conditions and physical hardships but they also may loose their health, so it is better to be all in moderation and let the old to enjoy at the very end of their lives being free of any work.
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Repost from Grammar Notes
📖 Dars #164 Conjunctions (Bog'lovchilar) III qism 1️⃣ as payt bog'lovchisi sifatida qoʻllanilganda: ▪️Birinchidan, biror ish-harakat davomida boshqa bir ish-harakat boʻlib oʻtganini bildiradi. 🔸I watched her as she opened the envelope. (Men u konvertni ochayotganda qarab turdim) ▪️Ikkinchidan, vaqt oʻtgan sayin oʻzgarib borayotgan/borgan ish-harakatni tasvirlaydi. 🔸As the days went on, the weather kept getting worse. (Kunlar o'tgan sayin, ob-havo yomonlashib boraverdi 2️⃣ As sabab bog'lovchisi sifatida qoʻllanilganda sababli, tufayli degan ma'nolarda qoʻllanilib, oʻzidan keyin gap talab qiladi. 🔸As I was feeling very tired, I went to bed early. 3️⃣ as - -dek degan ma'noda bog'lovchi boʻlib ham qoʻllanishi mumkin. 🔸Please, do as I told you. (Iltimos, men aytgandek qiling) ⚠️ as soʻzi koʻmakchi bo'lib kelib, sifatida degan ma'noda ham qoʻllanishi mumkin va bunday vaziyatda oʻzidan keyin ot, otli birikma, olmosh yoki gerundiy talab qiladi. 🔸A few years ago Tom used to work as a taxi-driver. ⚠️Birikmalar: such as - misol uchun 🔸Some sports, such as moto-racing can be very dangerous. ➖ as usual - odatdagidek 🔸You are late, as usual. ➖as a rule - odatda, qoidaga ko'ra 🔸I go to bed early, as a rule. 4️⃣ as if/as though bog'lovchisi goʻyoki, huddi degan ma'nolarda look/smell/sound fe'llari bilan qoʻllaniladi. 🔸You look as if you haven't slept. (Huddi uxlamagan odamga o'xshaysiz) 🔸It looks as though it is going to rain. ⚠️ as if bog'lovchisi noreal gaplarda ham qoʻllana oladi. Bunday vaziyatlarda undan keyingi gapdagi voqea bir zamon oʻtmishga suriladi. 🔸I don't like Norman. He speaks as if he knew everything. 5️⃣ on the one hand … on the other handbir tomondan..., ikkinchi tomondan..., degan ma'noda qarama-qarshi fikrlarni ifodalash uchun qoʻllaniladi. 🔸On the one hand they'd love to have kids, but on the other, they don't want to give up their freedom. 6️⃣ whereas/whileqarama-qarshi fikrlarni qiyoslab ifodalash uchun qoʻllaniladigan bog’lovchilar hisoblanishadi. 🔸While Tom is very good at science, his brother is absolutely hopeless. (Tom ilmda zo'r bo'lsa ham, uning ukasi umuman hech narsani bilmaydi) 🔸Some of the studies show positive results, whereas others do not. 7️⃣ nevertheless/nonethelessshunga qaramasdan degan ma’noda bir-biriga qarama-qarshi boʻlgan fikrlarni bog’lab keladigan toʻsiqsiz bog’lovchilar hisoblanishadi. 🔸There is little chance that we will succeed in changing the law. Nevertheless, it is important that we try. 8️⃣ moreover/in addition/what is more/furthermorebundan tashqari degan ma’noda oldingi fikrga qoʻshimcha qilish uchun ishlatiladi. 🔸She saw that there was indeed a man immediately behind her. Moreover, he was observing her strangely. ⚠️ in addition to/besides/including/as well as - –ga qoʻshimcha (tarzda), shu jumladan degan ma’noda koʻmakchili birikma hisoblanadi. 🔸There's a postage and packing fee in addition to the repair charge. 🔸A number of international stars, including Joan Collins, are expected to attend. 9️⃣ otherwiseaks holda degan ma’noda qoʻllaniladi. 🔸I'm lucky that I'm interested in school work, otherwise I'd go mad. 🔟 consequently/as a result/accordingly/ergo/hence/subsequently/therefore/thusnatijada, oqibatda, shuning uchun degan ma’nolarda bog’lovchi hisoblanishadi. 🔸Grandfather Dingsdale had sustained a broken back while working in the mines. Consequently, he spent the rest of his life in a wheelchair. 🔸Some people may manage their finances badly and therefore have to go short of essentials. 🔸Neither side would have an incentive to start a war. Ergo, peace would reign. ⚠️ now thatendi, shu sababli degan ma’noda bog’lovchi hisoblanadi. 🔸Now (that) the kids have left home, we've got a lot of extra space. (Bolalar uyda ketgani sababli bizda qo'shimcha bo'sh joy bor) 🔸Now (that) they have children, they have less free time. ❤️If you want to do some good to your friends 👉 just share this post @grammarnotes #2024 #newlessons 🔗 Kanalga qo'shiling 👇
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📖 Dars #165 Ingliz tilida that bog'lovchisining ishlatilishi (that-clauses) ✳️ Ingliz tilida 'that' bog'lovchi hisoblansa-da, mustaqil ma'nosi yoq. that oddiy bog'lovchi bo'lib, bir gap ikkinchi gapning qismi ekanligini ko'rsatish uchun ishlatiladi. ▪️Qiyoslang: 🔸I understood. He was innocent. (ikkita alohida gap) 🔸I understood that he was innocent. (that bog'lovchisidan keyin kelgan 'he was innocent' gapi boshqa bir gapning (bo'lagi) qismiga aylandi) ✳️ that + gap gapning egasi bo'lib kelishi mumkin. 🔸That she should forget me so quickly was rather a shock. ✳️ that + gap to be fe'lida keyin kelib murakkab kesim hosil qilishi mumkin. 🔸The main thing is that you're happy. ✳️ Ko'pgina fe'llar that+gapni to'ldiruvchi sifatida ergashtirib kelishi mumkin. 🔸We knew that the next day would be difficult. 🔸I regretted that I was not going to be at the meeting. ✳️ Shuningdek, ot va sifatlar ham that+gap bilan ishlatilishi mumkin. 🔸 I admire your belief that you are always right. 🔸 The Minister is anxious that nothing should get into the papers. ✳️ that bilan kelgan gaplarning yolg'iz o'zi ega bo'lib kelishi g'alati bo'lgani sababli odatda the fact that+gap qurilmasi ishlatiladi. 🔸The fact that she was foreign made it difficult for her to get a job. 🔸The fact that Simon had disappeared didn't seem to worry anybody. ✳️ the fact that+gap qurilmasi ko'makchilardan keyin ham qo'llana oladi, chunki that+gap qurilmasi to'g'ridan-to'g'ri ko'makchi bilan kela olmaydi. 🔸 The judge paid no attention to the fact that she had just lost her husband. (paid no attention to that she had just emas) 🔸 He held her completely responsible for the fact that she took food without paying for it. (responsible for that she took emas) 🔸 In spite of the fact that she had three small children, he sent her to prison for six months.(In spite of that she had emas) ❤️If you want to do some good to your friends 👉 just share this post @grammarnotes #2024 #newlessons 🔗 Kanalga qo'shiling 👇
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📖 Dars #162 Conjunctions (Bog'lovchilar) I qism 1️⃣ and - va, bilan, hamda degan ma'nolarda teng munosabatdagi uyushiq boʻlaklar va gaplarni bir-biriga bog'laydi. 🔸He bought a few books and notebooks. 🔸He came and I had to leave home. ⚠️Birikmalar: and so on - va hakozo (etc.) 2️⃣ but - lekin, ammo, biroq bir-biriga qarama-qarshi boʻlgan gaplarni va birikmalarni bog'laydi. 🔸We have a blackboard but we can't write on it. ⚠️Birikmalar: ▪️nothing but… yoki anything but… -dan tashqari degan ma'noda ishlatiladi. 🔸Fozil drinks nothing but Coca-Cola. (Fozil Koka-Koladan tashqari hech narsa ichmaydi) ▪️but for + noun - agar … boʻlmaganda degan ma'noda shartli gap sifatida ishlatiladi. 🔸But for your help, I wouldn't have finished my work. 3️⃣ not only … but (also) - nafaqat … balki degan ma'noda qoʻsh bog'lovchi hisoblanadi. 🔸We learn not only English but (also) Chinese. (Biz nafaqat ingliz, balki xitoy tilini ham oʻrganamiz.) 4️⃣ so - shuning uchun degan ma'noda sababni bildirib beladi. 🔸It's very hot so let's open the window. 5️⃣ so as to/in order to+ infinitive - maqsadni bildiruvchi qurilma hisoblanadi. 🔸I got up early so as to catch my train. 🔸I got up early so as not to be late. 6️⃣ so that/in order that - shi uchun, -sin deb degan ma'nolarda maqsad bog'lovchisi hisoblanadi, oʻzidan keyin gap talab qiladi. 🔸The Englishman spoke slowly so that I could understand him. 7️⃣because - chunki degan ma'noda sabab bog'lovchisi hisoblanadi, oʻzidan keyin gap talab qiladi. 🔸It's very hot because the sun is shining brightly outside. ⚠️ Birikmalar: because of/on the account of/due to sababli, tufayli degan ma'noda koʻmakchili birikmalar hisoblanadi va oʻzidan keyin ot, otli birikma, gerundiy yoki olmosh talab qiladilar. 🔸There was a lot of traffic in the streets because of the holiday season. 🔸He doesn't drink alcohol on account of his health. 🔸A lot of her unhappiness is due to boredom. ⚠️because of koʻmakchisining sinonimlari sifatida as a result of, owing to birikmalarini keltirib oʻtish mumkin. 🔸The plane was late owing to bad weather. 8️⃣ although/even though/though - -ga qaramasdan, garchi degan ma'nolarda toʻsiqsiz bog'lovchi hisoblandilar va oʻzlaridan keyin har doim gap talab qiladilar. 🔸Although it rained a lot, we enjoyed our holiday immensely. ⚠️ -ga qaramasdan degan ma'nodagi in spite of/despite soʻzlari toʻsiqsiz koʻmakchilar hisoblanadi. Bu koʻmakchilar oʻzidan keyin ot, otli birikma, gerundiy yoki olmosh talab qiladi. 🔸In spite of the frequent rain, we enjoyed our holiday immensely. ⚠️ in spite of/despite the fact that birikmasidan keyin gap qoʻllaniladi. 🔸Despite the fact that we played better, the rival team won the game. ❤️If you want to do some good to your friends 👉 just share this post @grammarnotes #2024 #newlessons 🔗 Kanalga qo'shiling 👇
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📖 Dars #163 Conjunctions (Bog'lovchilar) II qism 1️⃣ in case - har ehtimolga qarshi, ehtiyot shart, hisobga olib degan ma'nolarda qoʻllanuvchi bog'lovchi hisoblanadi. 🔸I'll give you my address in case you need my help in the future. (Men sizga uy manzilimni beraman har ehtimolga qarshi sizga mening yordamim kerak bo'lib qolsa) ⚠️in case bog'lovchisini in case of, in the event of - sodir bo'lganda, holatida koʻmakchili birikmalaridan farqlay bilish lozim. 🔸In case of emergency, press red button. (Favqulodda holatda qizil tugmani bosing) 🔸In the event of a strike, the army will take over responsibility for firefighting 2️⃣ yet bog'lovchisi oʻzidan oldingi fikrga zid fikr bildirish uchun qoʻllaniladi. Oʻzbek tiliga lekin, shunga qaramay, vaholanki, binobarin deb tarjima qilinadi. 🔸The test was difficult yet we passed it. 3️⃣ for - chunki degan ma'noda bog'lovchi sifatida qoʻllanila oladi. Bu holat koʻpincha rasmiy va badiiy uslubda uchraydi. 🔸I believed him, for I knew that he was an honest man. (Men unga ishondim, chunki men uni halol inson deb bilardim) 🔸He walked quickly, for he was in a great hurry. 4️⃣ O'z navbatida tufayli, sababli degan ma'noda since soʻzi ham bog'lovchi sifatida qoʻllana oladi. 🔸 Since it was getting dark, we decided to stop. (Qorong'u tushayotganligi tufayli, biz to'xtashga qaror qildik) 5️⃣ lest - -masligi uchun degan ma'noda maqsad bog'lovchisi hisoblanadi. 🔸Lest anyone should doubt my story, I have brought documents to attest to its truth. (Mening gaplarimga kimdir shubha bildirmasligi uchun men uning haqiqat ekanligini isbotlovchi hujjatlarni olib keldim) 6️⃣ however bog'lovchisi oldingi fikrga zid fikr bildirish uchun lekin, biroq degan ma'noda qoʻllaniladi. 🔸We thought the figures were correct. However, we have now discovered some errors. 🔸Your test results are very high. However, your written work is very bad. ⚠️however bog’lovchisi oʻzidan keyin sifat yoki ravish bilan qoʻllanilganda qanchalik degan ma’noda qoʻllaniladi. 🔸She has the windows open, however cold it is outside. 🔸However carefully I explained, she still didn’t understand. (Qanchalik ehtiyotkorona tushuntirsam ham u baribir tushunmadi) 7️⃣ provided that/providing that/on condition that bog'lovchilari agar/ sharti bilan/-gan holdagina degan ma'nolarda shart bog'lovchisi sifatida qoʻllaniladi. 🔸Providing that she studies hard, she will pass the exam. 8️⃣ as long as/so long as bog'lovchilari toki/-gan holdagina ma'nolarida shart bog'lovchisi sifatida qoʻllaniladi. 🔸You can take my car as long as you drive carefully. 9️⃣ supposing that agar/mabodo/boringki degan ma'nolarda bog'lovchi sifatida qoʻllaniladi. 🔸Supposing (that) you are wrong, what will you do then? 🔟 unless - agar -masa degan ma'noda shart ergash gaplarni bog'lashda ishlatiladi. 🔸Unless she studies hard, she will fail the exam. ❤️If you want to do some good to your friends 👉 just share this post @grammarnotes #2024 #newlessons 🔗 Kanalga qo'shiling 👇
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