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Repost from 荔枝木
联合国快讯 第十届紧急特别会议今天以 143 票赞成、9 票反对、25 票弃权通过决议,认定巴勒斯坦国符合《联合国宪章》规定的联合国会员国资格,应被接纳为联合国会员国,并建议联合国安理会重新审议巴勒斯坦以会员国身份加入联合国的申请。 中国、法国、俄罗斯等 143 国投了赞成票,美国、以色列等 9 国投了反对票,英国、德国、乌克兰等 25 国弃权。 巴勒斯坦目前为联合国观察员国。安理会上个月再次审议了巴勒斯坦入联申请,由于常任理事国美国行使了否决权,草案未获通过。此次通过的决议指出,大会深信巴勒斯坦国完全符合《宪章》第四条规定的联合国会员国资格,而且联合国会员国普遍申明支持接纳巴勒斯坦国为联合国会员国。 决议对安理会一个常任理事国一票否决巴勒斯坦入联申请表示遗憾和关切,建议安理会根据联大的认定以及 1948 年 5 月 28 日国际法院的咨询意见,并严格按照《宪章》第四条,重新从有利角度审议巴勒斯坦入联申请。决议还赋予巴勒斯坦从今年 9 月联大第 79 届会议开幕以后,在参加联合国会议时的一系列权利和特权,包括其坐席安排和在发言名单上的顺序。
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Repost from Solidot
G5 地磁风暴来袭 2024-05-11 10:03 by 奇岛 直径为 17 倍于地球的太阳黑子区域 AR3664 向地球方向喷射了 6 个日冕物质抛射 (CME),首个 CME 于 5 月 10 日 1645 UT 抵达并影响地球,产生极端强度的电磁风暴。地磁风暴强度范围从 G1 到 G5,其中 G5 为最高等级。随着后续 CME 的到来,地磁风暴将持续到周日。这是自 2003 年 10 月以来首次观测到 G5 地磁风暴,太阳活动目前处于活跃期。G5 地磁风暴将会在北方产生壮观的极光,可能会影响近地轨道和地球表面的基础设施,扰乱通信、电网、导航、无线电和卫星运行。 #地球
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Repost from 咕 Billchen 咕 |
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FFmpeg (@FFmpeg) on X

We would like to thank @TencentGlobal for the high quality patches they send to FFmpeg

via 匿名
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Repost from Hacker News
Apple Joins the SeL4 Foundation
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News about seL4 and the seL4 Foundation | seL4

Score: 75+
Comments: 13+ Lazy preserve and restore Make kernel_neon_begin() and kernel_neon_end() only available to GPL kmods => zfs cannot use NEON on Linux
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🤔 1
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年轻人第一次打 3A 游戏(底特律),也是我这个几乎不玩游戏的人最近十年内玩的首个 Minecraft 之外的 3D 游戏( 评价为牛逼,被当代图形学深深折服,感到了自己非常地跟不上时代(
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Received: from (HELO broadcastwebp02) ([]) by with ESMTP/TLS/ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384; 07 May 2024 12:16:52 -0700 Date: Tue, 7 May 2024 12:16:51 -0700 To: <REDACTED> From: UBC Broadcast <[email protected]> Reply-To: UBC Broadcast <[email protected]> Subject: Message from the President: Campus protest Message-ID: <fef6a912d637497e714172203c3b11fc@broadcastwebp02> UBC Broadcast | May 7, 2024: Message from the President: Campus protest Dear members of the UBC community, The violence unfolding in Israel and Palestine continues to evoke complex emotions around the world, and many in our diverse community are deeply affected. The grief and suffering we all witness and feel is heartbreaking. As you are aware, about a week ago a protest began at MacInnes Field on the Vancouver campus and is ongoing. There are currently about 75 tents and 100 people at the site. This protest is part of a broader movement that started in the United States and has now spread to Canada. Students are looking at a world in crisis and at their core, the campus protests are seeking the end of violence in Israel and Palestine. UBC deeply values freedom of expression and respects its corollary of peaceful protest. We are actively monitoring the situation and prioritizing the safety of all our community members and visitors to campus. We have made clear the university’s expectations of the protestors at MacInnes Field. I want to stress again that protest actions must be conducted with respect for others and within the boundaries of UBC policy and the law and any action that contravenes this will be taken very seriously. At this time of heightened tensions, we ask that anyone engaging in expressing views about the conflict be exceptionally careful in the way in which their views are articulated. We encourage everyone to maintain respectful dialogue when discussing these complex issues. It is absolutely essential that the university remains a place of reasoned debate where conflicting views can peacefully co-exist. Our academic and social mission depends on it. One issue that has been raised across North America is the call for divestments. At UBC, the Endowment Fund does not directly own any stocks in the companies identified by the movement. Capital is held in pooled funds and managed by external investment managers, with the identified companies accounting for about 0.28% of the Endowment Fund. As signatories to the United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), the university’s investment managers are continuously adjusting their strategies based on the integration of environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations. We would welcome a respectful and robust discussion with student representatives from UBC on this issue. Benoit-Antoine Bacon President and Vice-Chancellor Below you can read earlier messages related to the protest: This message was sent to faculty, staff and students in Vancouver and the Okanagan.
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Protest at the Vancouver Campus - Campus Security

A demonstration began last week at the Vancouver campus on MacInnes Field and is ongoing. During this time, campus remains open for students, faculty, staff and visitors.

Repost from iBug Thought �
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