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BOOK TITLE: THE POWER OF PASSIVE INCOME AUTHOR: NIGHTINGALE CONANT ⏭️ Mindset Shift The book emphasizes changing your mindset from trading time for money to creating income streams that work for you. ⏭️Types of Passive Income It explores various passive income sources, including real estate investments, dividend stocks, royalties, and online businesses. ⏭️ Diversification The importance of diversifying your passive income streams to minimize risks and ensure a stable financial future. ⏭️ Initial Effort Building passive income requires significant effort upfront, whether it's researching investments or setting up an online business. ⏭️ Leverage Utilizing other people's time, money, and resources can accelerate the growth of your passive income streams. ⏭️ Continuous Learning Staying informed about market trends and investment strategies is crucial for adapting and optimizing your passive income over time. ⏭️Real Estate The book likely discusses how real estate can be a powerful vehicle for passive income, generating rental cash flow and potential appreciation. ⏭️Dividend Investing Exploring the benefits of investing in dividend-paying stocks and the potential for compounding returns. ⏭️ Creating Systems Designing automated systems for your online businesses or investments is key to reducing your active involvement while maintaining income flow. ⏭️ Long Term Vision Building passive income is a long term endeavor. Patience and discipline are necessary as results may take time to materialize. Follow Nikz Bennie
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#Gaaffii? Miindaan qacaramaa tokkoof kaffalamu gatii eenyuuti? Kan hojii sanaatimoo kana nama sanaati? Kan nama Sanaa yoo tahe gatiin nama waggaa 15 fi isaa ol dadhabee kanumaa? Yoo kan hojii Sanaa tahemmoo namni maaf gatii isaa barbaadachuu dhiisee gatii waan biraatti dadhabaa? Mindaan gatii eenyuuti jettu isin? @Tola_Abe_Jibrilo
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Repost from Godaannisa sammuu
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➕➕➕Positive Thinking➕➕➕ ➕Positive thinking has a profound impact on our well-being.                                                              Here are some benefits it can bring to your life: 👉Better stress management: Positive thinking helps you cope with stress more effectively during challenging moments. 👉Lower risk of depression: A positive outlook can reduce the likelihood of experiencing depression. 👉Stronger immune system: Optimism is associated with better resistance to illnesses, including the common cold. 👉Decreased risk of heart disease: Positive thinkers tend to have lower blood pressure and a reduced risk of heart attacks. 👉Enhanced problem-solving: A positive mindset fosters creativity and adaptability. 👉Improved quality of life: Positive thinking contributes to overall well-being and life satisfaction. 👌Remember, cultivating positive thoughts can lead to a healthier and happier life!
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Repost from Godaannisa sammuu
❏ Faayidaa guddina dhuunfaa(Benefits of personal development)! ✍️Waan gochuu barbaaddu adda baafatta ( You’ll figure out what you want to do). ✍️Galma ifa ta’e kaa’uu ni dandeessa(You’ll be able to make clear goals). ✍️Kaka’umsa ni qabaatta(You’ll be motivated). ✍️Madaallii hojii fi jireenyaa fooyya’aa ni argatta(You’ll get a better work-life balance). ✍️Abdii hojii kee ni fooyyessa(You’ll improve your career prospects). ✍️Dhiphina kee akka to'attu si gargaara(It helps you manage stress). ✍️Deeddebitee akka of haroomsitu si gargaara(It helps you re-energize yourself). ✍️Ilaalcha gaarii akka qabaattu si gargaara(It helps you develop a more positive outlook). ✍️Fayyaa akka qabaattu si gargaara(It helps you to become healthy). ✍️Qabeenya akka qabaattu si gargaara(It helps you become wealthy). ✍️Akka geggeessaatti akka guddattu si gargaara(It helps you grow as a leader). ✍️Humna sammuu kee fooyyessuuf si gargaara(It helps you improve your mental power). ✍️Carraa haaraa siif bana(It opens new opportunities for you) Ammuma seenuun dhangaalee achi irratti fe'aman dhamdhamaa! 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾 Click join👉🏽 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
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Godaannisa sammuu

Chaanaalii kana fayyadamnee 👉kitaabilee pdf tolan fi Cuunfaa kitaabilee 👉Barreeffamoota nama onnachiisan, Walaloo fi seenaawwan nama barsiisaniifi bohaarsan nama biraan geenya! Hub: Waan barbaaddani fi yaadaf 👉 @Tola_Abe_Jibrilo

Baay'een keenya, ni baranne malee hin hubanne; ni qoramne malee, hin qaramne. Kanatuu ‛#dheedhii’ nu taasise. Namni baayyeen jireenya mataa isaa dhiisee, waa’ee jireenya namaa cinqamaa oola Namoonni waa sadii keessaa waa tokkoof si jibbu. 👉💥1ffaan, uumamaan namoonni addunyaan keessoo isaanii dukkanaa'e si jaallachuu hin danda'an. Namoonni bilchinni miiraa isaanii gad aanaa ta'e keessoo dukkana'aa keessa jiraatu. Addunyaan keessa kee dukkanoofnaan ifa arguu tasuma hin dandeessu. Namoonni akkanaa ifa ati addunyaa irratti ibsaa jirtu arguu waan hin dandeenyeef, dukkana kee xiqqoo irratti xiyyeeffatu. Gaarummaa kee sagaltamii sagal arguuf ga'umsa waan hin qabneef, mudaa kee tokkittii ilaalu. Isheetti quba qabu. 👉💥2ffaa, namoonni tokko tokko bakka ofii ga'uuf yaalanii dadhaban gaafa ati geessu akka waan ati galma isaanii isaan saamteetti itti dhaga'ama. Abjuu isaan abjootanii bira qaqqabuu dadhabanitti gaafa milkooftu miirri gaariin itti hin dhaga'amu. Diinota kee ta'uu filatu. Kana irraa kan ka'e humna qaban hundaan ol ka'insa irra jirtu irraa gad si buusuuf asii ol dhagaa sitti darbatu. Hamilee kee cabsanii deemsa kee daangessuuf karaa isaaniif danda'ame hunda deemu. Jireenya kee keessatti namoota akkanaaf deebii deebisuuf jettee ol ka'insa kee irraa gad hin bu'iin. Gad buutee isaanii waliin taphachuu gaafa eegalte mo'amteetta jechuudha. 👉💥3ffaa immoo, namoonni tokko tokko uumamumaan hinaaftota waan ta'aniif si jibbu. Si jibbu garuu,waan si jibbaniif sababa hin qaban. 💥 Namoota si jibban keessaa hedduun hamma isaaniif danda'ametti jibba isaanii baasanii hin mul'isan. Gaafa ati waan gaarii hojjette galatoomi jedhanii kan hin beekne gaafa mudaa kee argan garuu saffisa ifaan maqaa kee balleessu. Namoonni akkanaa balaafamoodha. Kan garaa garaa kaa'atanii ilkaaniin si sobu; keessi isaanii ibidda hinaaffaan gubachaa fuula ifaan si gowwoomsu. Via Ebisa Bayissa #Namni mul'ata hin qabne mul'ata keetifis gufuudha! 👇👇👇 👇👇👇 @Naafiroom_HD_129
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📢𝐐𝐚𝐛𝐬𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐐𝐚𝐛𝐬𝐨𝐨 𝐂𝐚𝐚𝐥𝐮 𝐎𝐟 𝐈𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐢 𝐐𝐚𝐛𝐬𝐚𝐚𝐰𝐮𝐝𝐡𝐚.

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“Afriikaanotaaf gaafa namni tokko du'u maallaqa walitti  buusanii awwaaluun baay’ee salphataaf.Garuu utuu namni sun lubbuudhaan jiruu kaayyoo isaa akka milkeessuuf maallaqa  walitti buusanii nama sana   gargaaruun baay’ee itti ulfaata” #Robert_Mugabe.
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Gaggeessaa cimaa ta'uuf Wantoota armaan gadii kana qabaachuun dirqama. Kanneen kana yoo qabaatte ati dhuguma gaggeessaa cimaadha. ➊. Nama onnachiisuu yoo dandeessa ta'e. ➋. Hojiiwwan namoota hojjetanitti qoqqooduu yoo dandeessa ta'e. ➌. Haasaa waliigaltee uumuu danda'u yoo dandeessa ta'e. ➍. Si'a tokko tokko qoosaa nama kofalchiisan yoo dandeessa ta'e. ➎. Ofitti amanamummaa yoo qabaatte. ➏. Kutannoo yoo qabaatte. ➐. Yaada qajeelaa( Positive Attitude) yoo qabaatte. ➑. Mul'ata, Kaayyoo fi Galma ifaa yoo qabaatte. ➒. Rakkoo furuuf waa kalaquu yoo dandeesse. ➓. Amanamummaa yoo qabaachuu dandeesse. Dhuguma ati gaggeessaa cimaa [Gaggeessaa jijjiiramaa ta'uu dandeessa] 👇👇👇 👇👇👇 @Naafiroom_HD_129
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📢𝐐𝐚𝐛𝐬𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐐𝐚𝐛𝐬𝐨𝐨 𝐂𝐚𝐚𝐥𝐮 𝐎𝐟 𝐈𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐢 𝐐𝐚𝐛𝐬𝐚𝐚𝐰𝐮𝐝𝐡𝐚.

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