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SQL INTERVIEW PREPARATION PART-4 What is the difference between INNER JOIN and OUTER JOIN? - INNER JOIN: Returns only the rows where there is a match in both tables. - OUTER JOIN: Returns the matched rows as well as unmatched rows from one or both tables. There are three types of OUTER JOIN: - LEFT OUTER JOIN (or LEFT JOIN): Returns all rows from the left table, and the matched rows from the right table. If no match is found, the result is NULL on the right side. - RIGHT OUTER JOIN (or RIGHT JOIN): Returns all rows from the right table, and the matched rows from the left table. If no match is found, the result is NULL on the left side. - FULL OUTER JOIN: Returns rows when there is a match in one of the tables. This means it returns all rows from the left table and the right table, filling in NULLs when there is no match. Examples: - INNER JOIN:
     SELECT, departments.department_name
     FROM employees
     INNER JOIN departments ON employees.department_id =;
     SELECT, departments.department_name
     FROM employees
     LEFT JOIN departments ON employees.department_id =;
     SELECT, departments.department_name
     FROM employees
     RIGHT JOIN departments ON employees.department_id =;
     SELECT, departments.department_name
     FROM employees
     FULL OUTER JOIN departments ON employees.department_id =;
Go though SQL Learning Series to refresh your basics Share with credits: Like this post if you want me to continue SQL Interview Preparation Series 👍❤️ Hope it helps :)
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SQL INTERVIEW PREPARATION PART-3 What are the different types of SQL commands? SQL commands can be categorized into several types based on their functionality: - DDL (Data Definition Language): These commands are used to define and modify database structures, such as tables and indexes. - Examples: CREATE, ALTER, DROP - Example:
         CREATE TABLE employees (
             id INT PRIMARY KEY,
             name VARCHAR(100),
             position VARCHAR(50)
- DML (Data Manipulation Language): These commands are used to manipulate the data within the database. - Examples: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE - Example:
         INSERT INTO employees (id, name, position) VALUES (1, 'John Doe', 'Manager');
- DCL (Data Control Language): These commands are used to control access to data within the database. - Examples: GRANT, REVOKE - Example:
         GRANT SELECT ON employees TO user_name;
- TCL (Transaction Control Language): These commands are used to manage transactions in the database. - Examples: COMMIT, ROLLBACK, SAVEPOINT - Example:
         UPDATE employees SET position = 'Senior Manager' WHERE id = 1;
Share with credits: Like this post if you want me to continue SQL Interview Preparation Series 👍❤️ Hope it helps :)
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👍 35 9
SQL Interview Preparation Part-2 How to use window functions and CTEs to solve SQL interview questions? 1. Common Table Expressions (CTEs): CTEs are temporary result sets that you can reference within a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement. They help break down complex queries and improve readability. Syntax:
WITH cte_name AS (
    SELECT column1, column2
    FROM table_name
    WHERE condition
SELECT column1, column2
FROM cte_name
WHERE another_condition;
Example Problem: Find the top 3 highest-paid employees in each department. Solution Using CTE:
WITH RankedSalaries AS (
        ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY department_id ORDER BY salary DESC) AS rank
    FROM employees
FROM RankedSalaries
WHERE rank <= 3;
2. Window Functions: Window functions perform calculations across a set of table rows related to the current row. They do not reduce the number of rows returned. Common Window Functions: - ROW_NUMBER(): Assigns a unique number to each row within the partition. - RANK(): Assigns a rank to each row within the partition, with gaps in ranking for ties. - DENSE_RANK(): Similar to RANK(), but without gaps. - SUM(), AVG(), COUNT(), etc., over a partition. Syntax:
SELECT column1, 
       window_function() OVER (PARTITION BY column1 ORDER BY column2) AS window_column
FROM table_name;
Example Problem: Calculate the running total of sales for each salesperson. Solution Using Window Function:
    SUM(amount) OVER (PARTITION BY salesperson_id ORDER BY sale_date) AS running_total
FROM sales;
Combining CTEs and Window Functions: Example Problem: Find the cumulative sales per department and the rank of each employee within their department based on their sales. Solution:
WITH DepartmentSales AS (
        SUM(sales_amount) AS total_sales
    FROM sales
    GROUP BY department_id, employee_id
RankedSales AS (
        RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY department_id ORDER BY total_sales DESC) AS sales_rank
    FROM DepartmentSales
    SUM(total_sales) OVER (PARTITION BY department_id ORDER BY sales_rank) AS cumulative_sales
FROM RankedSales;
For those of you who are new to this channel read SQL Basics before going through advanced concepts 😄 Part-1: Share with credits: Like this post if you want me to continue SQL Interview Preparation Series 👍❤️ Hope it helps :)
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👍 48 11🔥 4
Requirements for data analyst role based on some jobs from @jobs_sql 👉 Must be proficient in writing complex SQL Queries. 👉 Understand business requirements in BI context and design data models to transform raw data into meaningful insights. 👉 Connecting data sources, importing data, and transforming data for Business intelligence. 👉 Strong working knowledge in Excel and visualization tools like PowerBI, Tableau or QlikView 👉 Developing visual reports, KPI scorecards, and dashboards using Power BI desktop. Nowadays, recruiters primary focus on SQL & BI skills for data analyst roles. So try practicing SQL & create some BI projects using Tableau or Power BI. You can refer our Power BI & SQL Series to understand the essential concepts. Here are some essential telegram channels with important resources: ❯ SQL ➟ ❯ Power BI ➟ ❯ Resources ➟ @learndataanalysis I am planning to come up with interview series as well to share some essential questions based on my experience in data analytics field. Like this post if you want me to start the interview series 👍❤️ Hope it helps :)
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Tableau Learning Series Part-4 Complete Tableau Topics for Data Analysis: Today, let's learn about Building Basic Visualizations Bar Charts Bar charts are useful for comparing data across categories. 1. Creating a Simple Bar Chart: - Drag a dimension (e.g., Category) to the Columns shelf. - Drag a measure (e.g., Sales) to the Rows shelf. - Tableau automatically creates a bar chart. 2. Customizing the Bar Chart: - Use the Color shelf to color bars by another dimension (e.g., Sub-Category). - Adjust the Size shelf to change bar thickness. - Add labels by dragging a measure to the Label shelf. Line Charts Line charts are ideal for showing trends over time. 1. Creating a Simple Line Chart: - Drag a date field (e.g., Order Date) to the Columns shelf. - Drag a measure (e.g., Sales) to the Rows shelf. - Tableau creates a line chart automatically if the date field is continuous. 2. Customizing the Line Chart: - Use the Color shelf to distinguish lines by category (e.g., Region). - Add markers by checking the "Show Markers" option in the Marks card. - Adjust the date granularity (e.g., year, quarter, month) by clicking on the date field in the Columns shelf and selecting the desired granularity. Pie Charts Pie charts show proportions and percentages of a whole. 1. Creating a Simple Pie Chart: - Drag a dimension (e.g., Category) to the Columns shelf. - Drag a measure (e.g., Sales) to the Rows shelf. - Click on the Show Me panel and select the pie chart icon. - Move Category to the Color shelf and Sales to the Angle shelf. 2. Customizing the Pie Chart: - Add labels by dragging the dimension or measure to the Label shelf. - Adjust the Size shelf to change the size of the pie chart. - Use the Color shelf to adjust colors for better distinction. Scatter Plots Scatter plots show relationships between two measures. 1. Creating a Simple Scatter Plot: - Drag one measure (e.g., Sales) to the Columns shelf. - Drag another measure (e.g., Profit) to the Rows shelf. - Tableau creates a scatter plot automatically. 2. Customizing the Scatter Plot: - Add a dimension (e.g., Region) to the Color shelf to color code the points. - Add another dimension to the Detail shelf to distinguish between data points. - Adjust the Size shelf to change the size of the points. Histograms Histograms display the distribution of a single measure. 1. Creating a Histogram: - Drag a measure (e.g., Sales) to the Columns shelf. - Right-click the measure in the Columns shelf, select "Create Bins," and set the bin size. - Drag the newly created bin field to the Columns shelf. - Drag another measure (e.g., Number of Records) to the Rows shelf. - Tableau creates a histogram. 2. Customizing the Histogram: - Adjust bin size by editing the bin field. - Use the Color shelf to color bins by another dimension. - Add labels by dragging a measure to the Label shelf. Geographic Maps Geographic maps are used to visualize data geographically. 1. Creating a Simple Map: - Drag a geographic dimension (e.g., State) to the Columns shelf. - Drag a measure (e.g., Sales) to the Rows shelf. - Tableau creates a map with filled areas. 2. Customizing the Map: - Use the Color shelf to color the regions by the measure. - Add labels by dragging the dimension or measure to the Label shelf. - Adjust the map style and layers through the Map menu. ## Building Dashboards Once you have individual visualizations, you can combine them into a dashboard. 1. Creating a Dashboard: - Click the New Dashboard icon at the bottom of the Tableau workspace. - Drag sheets from the Sheets pane to the dashboard workspace. - Arrange and resize the visualizations as needed. 2. Adding Interactivity: - Use filters, actions, and parameters to make your dashboard interactive. - Add text boxes, images, and web content for additional context. Share with credits: Like for more such content 👍❤️ Hope it helps :)
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Tableau Learning Series Part-3 Complete Tableau Topics for Data Analysis: Today, let's learn about Data Transformation and Preparation Effective data transformation and preparation are crucial steps in ensuring that your data is clean, well-structured, and ready for analysis. Tableau provides several tools and features to help with this process. #### Data Cleaning and Shaping 1. Renaming Fields: Double-click on a field name in the Data pane and give it a meaningful name. 2. Changing Data Types: Right-click on a field, select "Change Data Type," and choose the appropriate data type (e.g., string, number, date). 3. Splitting Fields: Split a field into multiple fields based on a delimiter. Right-click on a field and select "Split" or "Custom Split." 4. Pivoting Data: Convert columns into rows to reshape your data. This is useful for transforming wide data into a long format. - Select the columns you want to pivot, right-click, and choose "Pivot." #### Calculated Fields Calculated fields allow you to create new data from existing data using formulas. Here’s how to create one: 1. Create a Calculated Field: - Right-click in the Data pane and select "Create Calculated Field." - Name your field and enter a formula. For example, to calculate a profit margin, you might use:
     [Profit] / [Sales] 
2. Common Functions: - String Functions: E.g., LEFT(), RIGHT(), MID(), CONCAT(). - Date Functions: E.g., DATEPART(), DATETRUNC(), DATEDIFF(). - Logical Functions: E.g., IF, THEN, ELSEIF, ELSE, END. - Aggregate Functions: E.g., SUM(), AVG(), MIN(), MAX(). #### Level of Detail (LOD) Expressions LOD expressions allow you to control the granularity of your calculations. They are useful for performing complex aggregations and analyses. 1. Types of LOD Expressions: - Fixed: Calculates the value using the specified dimensions, ignoring other dimensions in the view.
     { FIXED [Region] : SUM([Sales]) }
- Include: Adds dimensions to the view’s level of detail.
     { INCLUDE [Category] : SUM([Sales]) }
- Exclude: Removes dimensions from the view’s level of detail.
     { EXCLUDE [Segment] : SUM([Sales]) }
#### Using Tableau Prep for Data Preparation Tableau Prep is a tool specifically designed for data preparation, offering an intuitive interface to clean and shape your data. 1. Connecting to Data: Similar to Tableau Desktop, connect to your data sources. 2. Flows: Tableau Prep uses flows, which are sequences of steps (clean, shape, combine, etc.) that you apply to your data. 3. Cleaning Steps: - Cleaning and Shaping: Perform tasks like renaming fields, changing data types, splitting fields, and pivoting data. - Union and Join: Combine multiple tables using unions and joins. - Aggregate and Group: Aggregate data to create summary statistics and group similar values. 4. Output: Once the data is prepared, you can output it to a file or publish it to Tableau Server/Tableau Online for use in Tableau Desktop. #### Example of Data Preparation in Tableau Prep 1. Start Tableau Prep and connect to your data source (e.g., an Excel file). 2. Add Steps: - Drag a "Clean Step" to rename fields, split columns, and fix data types. - Drag a "Join Step" to combine multiple tables. - Add a "Pivot Step" to reshape data if needed. 3. Output Data: - Add an "Output Step" and choose the output location and format. - Run the flow to generate the cleaned data. Share with credits: Like for more such content 👍❤️ Hope it helps :)
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Tableau Learning Series Part-2 Complete Tableau Topics for Data Analysis: Today, let's learn about: Connecting to Data. #### Types of Data Connections Tableau can connect to a wide variety of data sources, including: 1. File-based Sources: - Excel: Connects to .xlsx and .xls files. - Text Files: Includes CSV, TSV, and other delimited text files. - JSON Files: Connects to .json files for hierarchical data. - PDF Files: Extracts tables from PDF documents. - Spatial Files: Includes .shp, .kml, .geojson, etc. 2. Server-based Sources: - Relational Databases: Such as SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and more. - Cloud Databases: Such as Amazon Redshift, Google BigQuery, Snowflake, and others. - Web Data Connectors: Allows connection to data available on the web via APIs (e.g., Google Sheets, Salesforce). 3. Extracts: A Tableau Data Extract (.hyper) is a snapshot of your data optimized for performance. #### Connecting to Live Data vs. Extracts 1. Live Connection: Directly connects to the data source and queries it in real-time. This ensures that the data is always up-to-date but can be slower depending on the data source's performance and network latency. 2. Extracts: A static snapshot of the data that is stored locally. Extracts improve performance and allow for offline access. They need to be refreshed periodically to stay up-to-date with the source data. #### Data Source Page and Data Preparation Once you connect to a data source, Tableau takes you to the Data Source page where you can manage and prepare your data before starting your analysis. 1. Data Source Page Layout: - Connections Pane: Lists all the data sources you are connected to. - Canvas: Where you can drag and drop tables to create relationships and joins. - Data Grid: Displays a preview of the data. 2. Data Preparation Tools: - Joins: Combine tables based on common fields. Types of joins include inner, left, right, and full outer joins. - Blends: Combine data from different data sources. This is useful when you cannot join tables directly due to different data sources. - Unions: Stack tables with the same structure on top of each other. - Pivoting: Reshape your data by pivoting columns into rows, useful for transforming wide data sets into long formats. - Splitting: Split a single column into multiple columns based on a delimiter. - Data Interpreter: Helps clean and prepare Excel or CSV data by interpreting the structure and cleaning up the data automatically. Example: Steps for Connecting to an Excel File 1. Open Tableau Desktop. 2. Connect to Data: On the start page, click "Microsoft Excel" under the Connect pane. 3. Select the File: Browse and select an Excel file (e.g., "Sample - Superstore.xlsx"). 4. Data Source Page: - The sheets in the Excel file will be listed on the left side. - Drag a sheet (e.g., "Orders") to the canvas. - Tableau displays a preview of the data in the Data Grid. - Perform any necessary data preparation steps (e.g., pivoting, splitting). 5. Go to Sheet: Click on the "Sheet 1" tab at the bottom to start building your visualization with the connected data. Share with credits: Like for more such content 👍❤️ Hope it helps :)
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Glad to see the amazing response for Tableau Learning Series 😄❤️ Let's start with the first topic today: Introduction to Tableau. ### 1. Introduction to Tableau #### Overview of Tableau Products Tableau offers several products tailored for different aspects of data visualization and analysis. Here's a quick rundown: 1. Tableau Desktop: This is the primary tool for creating visualizations, dashboards, and stories. It allows users to connect to various data sources, perform data analysis, and design interactive reports.    2. Tableau Server: A platform for sharing and collaboration, Tableau Server enables users to publish dashboards and share them within an organization. It also offers data governance and security features.    3. Tableau Online: A cloud-based version of Tableau Server, Tableau Online provides similar sharing and collaboration capabilities without the need for on-premise infrastructure.    4. Tableau Public: A free version of Tableau Desktop with limited capabilities. It requires all workbooks to be saved to the Tableau Public server, making them accessible to anyone.    5. Tableau Reader: A free tool that allows users to view and interact with Tableau visualizations created with Tableau Desktop but does not allow for editing or creation of new visualizations.    6. Tableau Prep: A tool designed for data preparation and cleaning. It helps users to combine, shape, and clean their data for analysis in Tableau Desktop. #### Installing and Setting Up Tableau System Requirements: - Ensure your system meets the minimum hardware and software requirements for running Tableau Desktop. Installation Steps: 1. Download Tableau Desktop: Visit the [Tableau website]( and download the latest version of Tableau Desktop.    2. Run the Installer: Open the downloaded file and follow the on-screen instructions to install Tableau Desktop. This typically involves accepting the license agreement and choosing an installation directory.    3. Activate the Product: Upon first launch, you will need to activate Tableau using a product key provided when you purchase Tableau. Alternatively, you can start a trial period if you're evaluating the software. Initial Setup: 1. Start Tableau: Open Tableau Desktop from your applications menu.    2. Explore the Workspace: Familiarize yourself with the Tableau interface, which includes:    - The Data Pane: Where you connect to and manage your data sources.    - The Sheets and Dashboards Pane: Where you create new sheets for visualizations and dashboards.    - The Toolbar: Providing access to common functions and tools.    - The Shelves (Rows, Columns, Marks, Filters, Pages): Where you drag and drop fields to build your visualizations. 3. Connect to a Sample Data Source: Tableau provides several sample data sources such as "Superstore" for practice. You can find these under the "Sample - Superstore" option in the Connect pane. 4. Explore Sample Workbooks: Tableau comes with sample workbooks that demonstrate various visualization techniques and best practices. These are a great resource for learning and inspiration. By understanding the different Tableau products and getting your environment set up, you're ready to start working with data and creating impactful visualizations. Share with credits: Stay tuned for the next topics ☺️ Hope it helps :)
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