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"Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31

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Prayer Instrumental Music with Scriptures | 24/7 DappyTKeys Piano Worship

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............................. Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved. .......................................................................................................................................................... You can support this ministry by donating here: PayPal:

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................................................................................ Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

John 8 - Questions & Answers (Continued) Q: Jesus spoke these words in the treasury as He taught, why was it that no man lay hands on Him? A: His hour was not yet come. Q: Then said _________ again unto them, I go my way, and ye shall _________ me and shall die in your _________: whither I go, ye _________ come. A: Jesus, seek, sins, cannot. Q: Why did the Jews question if Jesus was going to kill Himself? A: Because He said, Whither I go, ye cannot come. Q: And He said unto them, Ye are from beneath; I am from, where? A: Above. Q: ...Ye are of this world; I am, what? A: Not of this world. Q: Jesus clarifies what concerning why they shall in their sins? A: Because they believe not that Jesus is the Christ. Q: When Jesus spoke of He who had sent Jesus, did they understand who Jesus was speaking of? Yes or No. A: No. Q: Then said Jesus unto them, When ye have lifted up the Son of man, then shall ye know that I am, who? A: He. Q: ...And that I do nothing of myself; but as my, who hath taught me, I speak these things? A: Father. Q: Why does Jesus tell them that He is never alone? A: Because the Father is with Him. Q: What does Jesus say that He always does that please the Father? A; The things. Q: As Jesus spoke these words, who believed Him? A: Many of the Jews. Q: Then said Jesus to those _________ which believed on him, If ye continue in my _________, then are ye my _________ indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the _________ shall make you _________. A: Jews, word, disciples, truth, free. Q: When they spoke of being the seed of Abraham, what did they say concerning bondage? A: That they were never in bondage. Q: What does Jesus say concerning those who commit sin? A: They are a servant of sin. Q: And the servant abideth _________ in the house for ever: but the Son _________ ever. A: Not, abideth. Q: If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be, what? A: Free indeed. Q: Jesus explains to them that although they are Abraham's seed, they seek to kill Jesus, why? A: Because the word of Jesus has no place in them. Q: Jesus tells them that He speaks that which He has seen of His Father, and they do what they have seen of their, what? A: father. Q: Who did they claim as their father? A: Abraham. Q: Based on their works, does Jesus claim Abraham as their father? Yes or No. A: No. Q: Saying they have not been born of fornication; they claim to have one Father. Who are they speaking of? A: God. Q: Jesus tells them that if this were so, they would love, who? A: Jesus. Q: Jesus confirms that they do not understand, what? A: His speech. Q: What does Jesus say that cannot hear? A: His word. Q: Who does Jesus point out as being their father? A: The devil. Q: He that is of God, heareth God's, what? A: Words. Q: Jesus tells them that they hear God's words because of what reason? A: They are not of God. Q: Does Jesus seek His own glory? Yes or No. A: No. Q: Jesus tells them they will never see death if they do what? A: If a man keeps Jesus' saying. Q: The Jews claimed that they knew Jesus had a what? A: A devil. Q: Why? A: Because Abraham and the prophets are dead and Jesus said, If a man keep my saying, he shall never taste of death. Q: Jesus answered, If I honour myself, my honour is nothing: it is my Father that honoureth me; of whom ye say, that he is, what? A: Your God. Q: Jesus said He would be a liar like them if He said, what? A: He did not know the Father. Q: Who does Jesus mention rejoicing to see the day of Jesus, saw it, and was glad? A: Abraham. Q: Jesus said to them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, what? A: I am. Q: Then took they up _________ to cast at him: but Jesus _________ himself, and went out of the _________, going through the _________ of them, and so _________ by. Q: Stones, hid, temple, midst, passed.
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John 8 - Questions & Answers (Continued) Q: Jesus spoke these words in the treasury as He taught, why was it that no man lay hands on Him? A: His hour was not yet come. Q: Then said _________ again unto them, I go my way, and ye shall _________ me and shall die in your _________: whither I go, ye _________ come. A: Jesus, seek, sins, cannot. Q: Why did the Jews question if Jesus was going to kill Himself? A: Because He said, Whither I go, ye cannot come. Q: And He said unto them, Ye are from beneath; I am from, where? A: Above. Q: ...Ye are of this world; I am, what? A: Not of this world. Q: Jesus clarifies what concerning why they shall in their sins? A: Because they believe not that Jesus is the Christ. Q: When Jesus spoke of He who had sent Jesus, did they understand who Jesus was speaking of? Yes or No. A: No. Q: Then said Jesus unto them, When ye have lifted up the Son of man, then shall ye know that I am, who? A: He. Q: ...And that I do nothing of myself; but as my, who hath taught me, I speak these things? A: Father. Q: Why does Jesus tell them that He is never alone? A: Because the Father is with Him. Q: What does Jesus say that He always does that please the Father? A; The things. Q: As Jesus spoke these words, who believed Him? A: Many of the Jews. Q: Then said Jesus to those _________ which believed on him, If ye continue in my _________, then are ye my _________ indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the _________ shall make you _________. A: Jews, word, disciples, truth, free. Q: When they spoke of being the seed of Abraham, what did they say concerning bondage? A: That they were never in bondage. Q: What does Jesus say concerning those who commit sin? A: They are a servant of sin. Q: And the servant abideth _________ in the house for ever: but the Son _________ ever. A: Not, abideth. Q: If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be, what? A: Free indeed. Q: Jesus explains to them that although they are Abraham's seed, they seek to kill Jesus, why? A: Because the word of Jesus has no place in them. Q: Jesus tells them that He speaks that which He has seen of His Father, and they do what they have seen of their, what? A: father. Q: Who did they claim as their father? A: Abraham. Q: Based on their works, does Jesus claim Abraham as their father? Yes or No. A: No. Q: Saying they have not been born of fornication; they claim to have one Father. Who are they speaking of? A: God. Q: Jesus tells them that if this were so, they would love, who? A: Jesus. Q: Jesus confirms that they do not understand, what? A: His speech. Q: What does Jesus say that cannot hear? A: His word. Q: Who does Jesus point out as being their father? A: The devil. Q: He that is of God, heareth God's, what? A: Words. Q: Jesus tells them that they hear God's words because of what reason? A: They are not of God. Q: Does Jesus seek His own glory? Yes or No. A: No. Q: Jesus tells them they will never see death if they do what? A: If a man keeps Jesus' saying. Q: The Jews claimed that they knew Jesus had a what? A: A devil. Q: Why? A: Because Abraham and the prophets are dead and Jesus said, If a man keep my saying, he shall never taste of death. Q: Jesus answered, If I honour myself, my honour is nothing: it is my Father that honoureth me; of whom ye say, that he is, what? A: Your God. Q: Jesus said He would be a liar like them if He said, what? A: He did not know the Father. Q: Who does Jesus mention rejoicing to see the day of Jesus, saw it, and was glad? A: Abraham. Q: Jesus said to them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, what? A: I am. Q: Then took they up _________ to cast at him: but Jesus _________ himself, and went out of the _________, going through the _________ of them, and so _________ by. Q: Stones, hid, temple, midst, passed.
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John 8 - Questions & Answers Q: When Jesus went to the mount of Olives, and all of the people came unto Him, where did He go early in the morning to teach? A: The temple. Q: Who brought a woman to him, who had been taken in the act of adultery? A: The scribes and Pharisees. Q: What did they say to Jesus concerning Moses? A: Moses in the law commanded that such should be stoned. Q: When asking Jesus His opinion on this, tempting Jesus that they might have to accuse her, what did Jesus do? A: Jesus stooped down and wrote on the ground as if He had not heard them. Q: What did Jesus say to them as they persisted in asking Him? A: He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. Q: What did Jesus do? A: He stooped down and wrote on the ground. Q: Being convicted of their own conscience, what did they do? A: Left, one by one. Q: As the woman stood in front of Jesus, He asked her where her accusers were and if any man had, what? A: Condemned her. Q: Being left there in front of Jesus, how did the woman respond to Him when He said this to her? A: No man. Q: As a result, what did He say to her? A: Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more. Q: Then spake _________ again unto them, saying, I am the _________ of the world: he that _________ me shall not walk in _________, but shall have the light of _________. A: Jesus, light, followeth, darkness, life. Q: The Pharisees therefore said unto him, Thou bearest record of thyself; thy record is, what? A: Not true. Q: _________ answered and said unto them, Though I bear record of _________, yet my record is _________: for I know whence _________ came, and whither _________ go; but ye cannot tell whence _________ come, and whither _________ go. A: Jesus, Myself, true, I, I, I, I. Q: Ye judge after the flesh; I judge, what? A: No man. Q: What does Jesus say that His judgment is? A: True. Q: Who does Jesus say sent Him, therefore He is not alone? A: The Father. Q: It is also written in your law, that the testimony of, what is true? A: Two men. Q: Who does Jesus say, bears witness to Him? A: Himself, and the Father who sent Him. Q: When they asked Jesus where His Father was, did Jesus tell them that they knew Jesus and His Father or did not know either One? A: Did not know either One. Q: Jesus tells them that if they had known Jesus, then they would know who as well? A: His Father.
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Get a Move On BY OSWALD CHAMBERS "Remain in me, as I also remain in you." ~Jesus (John 15:4) The Spirit of Jesus has been put into me by the atonement. Now I must begin to construct, with patience and determination, a way of thinking that is exactly in line with my Lord’s. God will not make me think like Jesus; I have to do it myself, bringing every thought into captivity for him. “Remain in me” means to abide in Jesus in intellectual matters, in money matters—in everything that makes human life what it is. Am I preventing God from making changes to my circumstances because I think it will disrupt my communion with him? If so, I’m being impertinent. I don’t need to carefully guard my schedule in order to spend time alone with God; I need to learn to abide in Jesus no matter the circumstance. It’s as easy to commune in a kitchen as it is in a prayer meeting. Our Lord had an inner abiding that was never disturbed. He was at home with God wherever he found himself. He never chose his own circumstances but was obedient to his Father’s choices for him. Think of the amazing openness and acceptance with which our Lord met the events of his life! We come to the Father in a state of high excitement and anxiety, with none of the serenity of the life that is hid with Christ in God. Consider the things that take you out of Christ. Are you always promising to start abiding in him later—once this or that crisis is resolved, once this or that task is completed? Get a move on! Begin to abide now. In the early stages, abiding requires continual effort, but eventually it becomes an unconscious habit. Decide to abide in Jesus now, wherever you are placed.
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