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KRAJ ČOVEČANSTVA (The End of Humanity)

David Sorensen / Stop World Control:

🤬 41😢 17👍 7🔥 2
🇷🇸 Kažu da se istorija uvek ponavlja, a to je verovatno zato što ljudi ne znaju pravu istoriju. Istoriju uvek piše pobednik... zapravo onaj koji kontroliše pobednike! Kada znate ovo, onda ne treba nikoga da čudi zašto je Gaza sravnjena sa zemljom: Tako smo mi u to vreme zadobili sve varoši i poubijali sve ljude i nikog nismo ostavili u životu (Tora, 5 Mojs. 34-35). Dozvoljeno je nejevreju oduzeti telo i život (Talmud, Sefer i Кorim). Кao što je sin od očevog tela tako je Jevrej od Božijeg tela, te zato svaki nejevrej, koji bi se usudio da udari Jevreja mora glavom platiti (Talmud, San Hedrin 146). Stoji napisano nemoj ubiti! To znači da se ne sme ubiti Jevrejin, nejevreji međutim nisu Izrailjci i zato se oni mogu ubiti (Talmud, Geneba 57a).
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🤬 118🔥 12👍 9👎 8😱 7🤯 4 1👏 1
🇬🇧 What is falling from the sky and what are we inhaling? Everyone who was in Serbia and the wider Balkans last week could see the massive very low dusting like never before. After that the temperature was close to 30 degrees celsius even though no one could see the Sun from that nano-technological "cobweb"! Are there still those who think that these were just normal contrails that are not harmful to health? Only blind people can't see something like this! 🇷🇸 Šta nam to pada sa neba i šta mi to udišemo? Svi koji su protekle nedelje bili u Srbiji i šire na Balkanu mogli su da vide masivno zaprašivanje i to veoma nisko, kao nikada do sada. Nakon toga temperatura je bila blizu 30 stepeni iako niko od te nano-tehnološke "paučine" nije mogao da vidi Sunce! Da li još ima onih koji misle da su ovo bili samo obični contrails-i koji nisu štetni po zdravlje? Ovako nešto samo slepi ljudi ne vide!
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🤬 175👍 52😢 12🔥 5 2
🇷🇸 Šta nas čeka ako usvoje amandmane na sporazum država članica sa Svetskom Zdravstvenom Organizacijom u maju mesecu 2024. godine? Biće gore od diktature iz Covid-19 plandemije! To je ono što nas čeka: ukidanje svih ljudskih prava pod izgovorom mišljenja SZO o tome da postoji vanredna opasnost po zdravlje ljudi, a tada ide i prisilno odvođenje u karantin, kao i prisilna "vakcinacija" tj. nano-čipovanje smrtonosnom nano-tehologijom! 🇬🇧 What awaits us if they adopt amendments to the agreement of the member states with the World Health Organization in May 2024? It will be worse than a dictatorship from the Covid-19 plandemic! This is what awaits us: the abolition of all human rights under the pretext of the WHO's opinion that there is an extraordinary danger to people's health, and then forced quarantine, as well as forced "vaccination", i.e. nano-chipping with deadly nano-technology!
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🤬 123😢 26👍 17🔥 13🤯 3👎 1
🇷🇸 Da se nikada ne zaboravi da nema razlike između tvrdog i mekog govneta, jer govna su govna, bilo da se zovu Tramp ili Bajden! Amerikanci koji imaju iluziju da biraju nekoga na izborima su samo naivne ovce koje ove marionete vode u klanicu! Nije loše iritirati Trampove pristalice, jer ovaj kanal nije za ovce već samo za misleće ljude, zato molim sve one koji su i dalje naivni i veruju u Trampa da se odjave sa ovog kanala. Hvala! 🇬🇧 Never forget that there is no difference between hard and soft shit, because shit is shit, whether they are called Trump or Biden! Americans who have the illusion of electing someone in the elections are just naive sheep that these puppets are leading to the slaughterhouse! It is not bad to irritate Trump's supporters, because this channel is not for sheep, but only for thinking people, so I ask all those who are still naive and believe in Trump to unsubscribe from this channel. Thank you!
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👍 217👏 29🔥 10👎 9😁 8 7🤔 6🤬 2
🇷🇸 Za sve ljubitelje Donalda Trampa koji su slepi pored očiju i gluvi pored ušiju pa ne vide da su on i Džo Bajden samo dve strane istog novčića kojeg u ruci drže pripadnici jevrejske sekte možda im ova judeofilija otvori oči mada je verovatnoća za tako nešto ipak ravna nuli. Ne zaboravite da je Tramp jedini američki predsednik koji nije pokrenuo ni jedan rat osim onog rata prema američkim građanima uvođenjem 5G mreže i vakcinama koje su pobile milione amerikanaca do sada! 🇬🇧 For all the fans of Donald Trump who are blind next to their eyes and deaf next to their ears and do not see that he and Joe Biden are only two sides of the same coin held by members of the Jewish sect, maybe this Judeophilia will open their eyes although the probability of such a thing is still equal zero. Don't forget that Trump is the only American president who hasn't started a single war except for the war against American citizens with the introduction of the 5G network and jabs that have killed millions of Americans so far!
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👍 143👏 26👎 8🔥 6 2😁 2
🇷🇸 A ljudi i dalje ne veruju u postojanje DEW-a (Oružja direktnog energetskog usmeravajućeg dejstva) jer misle da je to još uvek samo naučna fantastika iako ga sada i studenti mogu napraviti za zabavu u svom dvorištu. Šta tek države imaju možete zamisliti. Pa vi sada vidite ko pali sve te požare širom sveta... ovaj klinac sigurno nije, ili kako bi rekli "student nije zapalio žito". 🇬🇧 And people still don't believe in the existence of DEW (Directed Energy Weapons) because they think it's still just science fiction even though now students can make one for fun in their backyard. You can only imagine what the states have. So now you see who starts all those fires around the world... this kid certainly didn't, but someone did!
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👍 92😱 21🤬 14 4🔥 4
🇬🇧 Greg Resse on the discovery of Dr. Anna Maihalcea in a nutshell. While people worry about being microchipped in the future, billions of people have already been nano-chipped under the pretext of some pandemic and a "vaccine" against a fictional and non-existent virus! We are dusted with the same nano-technology from airplanes and it is also found in all "vaccines" that are included in the regular "vaccination" program for children! So nano-chipping is in progress from a young age now! 🇷🇸 Greg Ris o otkriću dr Ane Mihalče ukratko. Dok ljudi brinu o tome da će u budućnosti biti mikročipovani milijarde ljudi su već nano-čipovane pod izgovorom neke pLandemije i "vakcine" protiv izmišljenog i nepostojećeg virusa! Istom nano-tehnologijom nas zaprašuju i iz aviona, a ona se nalazi i u svim "vakcinama" koje se nalazi u redovnom programu "vakcinacije" dece! Znači nano-čipovanje od malih nogu je u toku sada!
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😢 76👍 25🤬 25🤔 2👎 1🤯 1
🇬🇧 When we compare the discovery of Dr. Pablo Campra two years ago and the recent discovery of Dr. Ana Mihalcea, it becomes much clearer that under the pretext of some kind of C-19 "vaccine" people have been injected with nano polyethylene-glycol spheres, coated balls, which are only a means for the delivery of nano technology from which, under the effect of EMF radiation, nano-robots are released (after the rupture of the wrapper) that create nano graphene sheets (blue, yellow and red colors) as transceivers, i.e. nano-chips in human bodies. The side effect of that is the creation of those white rubbery clots, because the injected biotechnology (BIONTECH) had them as a byproduct during multiplication!
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👍 33😱 7🔥 6
🇷🇸 Kada uporedimo otkriće dr Pabla Campra-e od pre dve godine i od skoro otkriće dr Ane Mihalcea-e, postaje mnogo jasnije da su ljudima pod izgovorom nekakve C-19 "vakcine" ubrizgane nano polietilen-glikol sfere, loptice sa omotačem, koje su samo sredstvo za isporuku nano tehnologije iz kojih se pod dejstvom EMG zračenja oslobađaju (posle pucanja opne) nano-roboti koji stvaraju nano grafenske listove (plave, žute i crvene boje) kao primopredajnike odnosno nano-čipove u ljudskim telima. Nuspojava toga je stvaranje tih belih gumenastih ugrušaka, jer ubrizgana biotohnologija (BIONTECH) njih prilikom umnožavanja imao kao nusprodukt!
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👏 34👍 12😱 6🔥 5 3