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Cases of Ukraine institutionalizing nazism-fascism ideology. Подборка свидетельств о нацистах и\или фашистах во власти на Украине. 乌克兰纳粹法西斯主义

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Repost from Бэнди/Bandy
France uncovers a vast Russian disinformation campaign in Europe🫠 In the French media, Nazis are shown as heroes. 🤡 In Ukraine mass murderers of Poles are heroes...
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🤬 16😱 1🤡 1
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Mediapart (France): French army trains Ukrainian neo-Nazis in combat, 2024 quote: A number of Western countries train Ukrainian soldiers to handle weapons. One of the groups that arrived in France at the end of 2023 included real neo-Nazis. ... Given that it is estimated that the number of currently serving Ukrainians is several hundred thousand, if not a million, training the fighters of this unit [Azov], of which there are only a few thousand, is inevitably a choice that the French army has made.
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🤬 17
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After reading numerous articles in the Western media, it is clear that there should be no more conscious individuals left who doesn't see the Azov regiment for what they are — literal Nazis. But, as it turns out, consciousness is a not a main feature of the Ukraine's Chief Rabbi ... 🤔 Moshe Reuven Azman openly champions the Nazi Azov regiment. A Jew, chief rabbi, openly champions those who are in love with perpetrators of the Holocaust. 🤦‍ He is very worried about "the courageous defenders of Ukraine who courageously defended Azov-steel" of which 900 are still in Russian captivity. Rabbi also voices the Jewish divine blessing to the fascists of the regiment. He promises to make every effort to bring these them home. P.S. Now you have seen everything! By the way the rabbi was downplaying the Nazis in Ukraine since 2014, see: ◽️ NBC News: Ukrainian Rabbi Plays Down Neo-Nazi Threat From Nationalists, 2014
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🤬 15🤡 2
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Daily Mail: Ukraine’s Nazi of the 3rd Assault Brigade help their comrades evacuate from Avdiivka, 2024 The Nazi's Black Sun (wiki) is right there, in the center of the screen! quote: Ukraine’s feared 3rd Assault Brigade* fought fierce battles in the besieged city of Avdiivka to help their comrades escape being encircled by Russia and destroyed. Video taken by the brigade shows vicious street-to-street fighting at close quarters with the Russians, with the aim of breaking through the Russian lines and helping their brothers-in-arms get to safety. [[end of quote]] *The 3rd Assault Brigade is the former AZOV. See, they have changed their ways and "the president is a Jew".. How on Earth the Daily Mail editors couldn't have seen it? Or... maybe they did... maybe they left us a small shred of truth for us to see... For this, I salute you, my Daily Mail comrades! P.S. Ukraine banderites have insatiable affection to the Nazi symbolism, they just love the Black Sun (also, also and here, in Kiev, and here).
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👍 12🤬 3🥱 1
Istpravda (Ukraine): Ukraine officials awarded Waffen SS Nazi a badge "For services to the Ukraine" named after another Nazi, 2024 Do you remember the scandal in the Canadian parliament when Justin Trudeau and Zelensky honored the aging Ukrainian SS Nazi with standing ovation? The world has gone crazy from the insult to the memory of all the victims of Nazism. Prime Minister Trudeau said, "This is a mistake that deeply embarrassed parliament and Canada" 😥 and apologized to President Z And so the heads rolled, careers collapsed, etc. But not in Ukraine, no, sir! 😀 The regional parliament of the Ternopil region of Western Ukraine, has awarded the same Nazi — Yaroslav Hunka the badge “For services to the Ternopil region” which is named after another Nazi — Yaroslava Stetsko whose wife was the first to start indoctrination of the Ukrainian youth in the ways of nazism just as the USSR collapsed. So a Nazi (Hunka) was awarded a badge of honor named after a Nazi (Stetsko) on the occasion of the 112th anniversary of a Nazi birthday (Stetsko again) (see the order). That's a jackpot right here, folks. 🤣 Source: the regional parliament website. Scroll below for the Order No. 22 (07.02.2024). For the lazy the direct link. P.S. So why did Trudeau apologized to Zelenskyy? It was a deep embarrassed to Canadian nation to honor a Nazi, but not to Zelensky it wasn't, thus the awarding Yaroslav Hunka by the Ukranian officials. It is honor to Ukrainian government to pay tributes to their Nazis, it's part of their pride.
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Ярослава Гуньку нагородили відзнакою "За заслуги перед Тернопільщиною" імені Ярослава Стецька

Тернопільська обласна рада нагородила ветерана Другої світової війни, вояка дивізії “Галичина” Ярослава Гуньку почесною відзнакою Тернопільської обласної ради “За заслуги перед Тернопільщиною” імені Ярослава Стецька.

🤬 17🤯 4💩 2😁 1
The Sun: Ukrainian troops with ISIS patches evacuating a wounded Ukrainian soldier, 2023 From the video's description: This footage reportedly shows Ukrainian troops for the 241st Separate Territorial Defence Brigade rescuing and evacuating a wounded Ukrainian soldier form the battlefield in a unknown location. Another coincidence, nothing to see here, move along folks...
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🔥 9🤬 9🤔 1🤨 1
◽️The Independent (UK): How Ukraine became the unlikely home for Isis leaders escaping the caliphate, 2019 ◽️Reuters: Islamic State official in Ukraine, 2019 Quote: Ukrainian authorities announced last week they had arrested a top Isis commander in Kiev in a joint operation with the CIA. He appears to be one of many to have made Ukraine their home. ... Dramatic reappearance of Al Bara Shishani (the man the Pentagon described as Islamic State's "minister of war") in the dock of a court room in central Kiev of was shocking not only for the fact of how alive he was. As details emerged about his miraculous resurrection ... a number of questions came begging about Kiev’s capacity and willingness to deal with terrorists taking shelter within. According to the SBU, Ukraine’s admittedly unreliable security agency, Al Bara Shishani even continued to coordinate Isis terror operations from Kiev. P.S. It's all a coincidence, I'm sure...
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🤬 20
Ekstra Bladet (Danmark): The ISIS patch on the sleeve of the Ukrainian military, 2023 Readers of the Danish edition of Ekstra Bladet are shocked by the material about the need to supply Ukraine with long-range missiles and fighters. However, the indignation of the audience was caused not by the information about the need of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in these types of weapons, but by the photographs of the Ukrainian military. The fact is that on the sleeve of a serviceman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, attentive Danes found a chevron with the flag of the terrorist group ISIS. The Ekstra Bladet edition specifies that the video was taken in the vicinity of Artemovsk. P.S. ◾️A second photo showing commander "Kurt" (the same guy the video) can be traced to the Associated Press Image DB. Photo's metadata: A Ukrainian commander of a unit aka Kurt(right) speaks to his comrades during planing morning operation at the frontline in Donetsk region, Ukraine, Monday, Feb. 13, 2023. (AP Photo/Evgeniy Maloletka)
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🔥 15👍 2
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Washington Post: Miscalculations of Ukraine, 2023 Quote: “There should be no Russian who goes to sleep without wondering if they’re going to get their throat slit in the middle of the night,” Milley said, according to an official with knowledge of the event. “You gotta get back there, and create a campaign behind the lines.” — Mark Milley, the USA Army general, the Joint Chiefs of Staff indoctrinates Ukraine special ops officers during his visit to Wiesbaden.
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🤬 21🤮 3👍 2🖕 1
USSR Central News: Nazi collaborators gather in Ukraine for the first time since the WW2, 1991 Anchorman: A congress for the organization of Ukrainian nationalists was held in Lviv today. Details in the report. Reporter: For the first time after almost half a century veterans of the Ukrainian nationalist movement gathered in [Lviv,Ukraine]. All the people in the audience are the delegates representing today's nationalist organizations have resumed their work here in western Ukraine and among the Ukrainians abroad. The head of the ""Yaroslav Stetsko's (nazi) Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations"" addressed the audience (by the way, the said head is the wife of the prime minister of the government of the Ukrainian state created by the Nazis and Ukrainian nationalists in Lviv, Ukraine on June 1941). In all her speeches, she stressed the idea that the veterans of the Ukrainian nationalist movement need to unite again and convey the spirit of the struggle for a "united independent Ukrainian state" to the younger generation. Reporter: Now, there are generally a few of your supporters here in the hall today, let's be honest. Yaroslava Stetsko(nazi): "There are few supporters. I think we have all the sympathy on our side. In Ukraine, I was near Berestechka, I saw how many blue and yellow flags (national flags) there were. I saw the red and black flags, which are the flags of the Ukrainian Nationalists." Reporter to the citizens: You are now passing by the Zankovetska Theater. Do you know what's going on there now? Passers-by: No. Anchorman: Well, this is possible today. However, I think that the nationalists of any kind will have no future. P.S. 1️⃣ In 2 months after this news report Ukraine exited the USSR, 2️⃣ in 4 more months USSR disintegrated, 3️⃣ in 25 more years Ukraine use Nazi collaborators as role models and the Ukrainian president-Jew thinks it's alright. So, the anchorman was wrong after all: the Ukraine nazi-granny did convey "the spirit of struggle to the young generation".
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Время. Эфир 24.06.1991

Время. Эфир 24.06.1991 ▶Подписаться на канал "Советское телевидение":

Год производства: 1991 Ежедневная информационная программа ЦТ. Ведущие – диктор ЦТ Галина Зименкова, журналист Сергей Ломакин. О прибытии в Москву с официальным визитом президента Финляндии Мауно Койвисто; встреча в Кремле М.Гоббрачева и М.Койвисто; О совместном заседании палат Верховного Совета СССР по вопросу обсуждения законопроекта «Об основах разгосударствления и приватизации предприятий» Об обсуждении проекта Союзного договора на сессии Верховного Совета Казахской ССР О подготовке к уборке зерновых в совхозе «Новонадеждинский» Городищенского района Волгоградской области Об открытии в Ереване нового домостроительного комбината О съезде организации украинских националистов во Львове О создании Сибирским отделением Академии наук благотворительного фонда помощи народам Сибири и Дальнего Востока О первом российском фестивале пьес на историческую тему «Голоса истории великой» в Вологде О проблемах отдыха жителей Магадана в Нагаевской бухте Охотского моря Гл.ред.информации 1991 Оператор - Галым Шалабаев Оператор - Виктор Ильинец Оператор - Мелис Нерсесян Оператор - Владимир Ляшко Оператор - Ярослав Малышев Оператор - Александр Матюшкин Оператор - Владимир Гусев Оператор - Владимир Трофимов Оператор - Юлий Чернятин Оператор - Николай Чесноков Оператор - Ф. Белик Ведущий - Галина Зименкова Ведущий - Сергей Ломакин Ведущий - Дарья Червоненко Автор сюжета - Геннадий Свищенков Автор сюжета - Дукеш Баимбетов Автор сюжета - Евгений Орлов Автор сюжета - Владимир Назарян Автор сюжета - Валерий Голубев Автор сюжета - С. Лысенко Автор сюжета - Леонид Кричевский Автор сюжета - Фарид Сейфуль-Мулюков Автор сюжета - Вячеслав Лаврентьев Автор сюжета - Юрий Богатурия Автор сюжета - В. Герасимов Автор сюжета - Кира Григорьева #новости #программавремя #информация #новостипрошедшеговремени Мы в соцсетях: Яндекс. Дзен -

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