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Jag's House of Wews 2

Once more, with feeling

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For those feeling like they need a challenge here is a 90 day reading plan
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🔥 6🤡 1
Repost from NIFB Sermons
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There's NO Foreclosure in Salvation Pastor Steven Anderson
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Imagine being an unsaved guy who doesn't read the Bible and thinks reading it is unimportant posting 🤡 reacts to these questions because they are perishing ...wew. Pray for them that they aren't made reprobate
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🙏 7🤡 1
If you died today do you know for certain you are going to Heaven and have everlasting life?Anonymous voting
  • No
  • Yes because I belong to a denomination and go to church/sacraments/turn from sin
  • Yes because I received the free gift of salvation in Christ given by grace through faith
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3🤡 1
If you do not read the Bible daily, what is the thing you do in the morning instead?Anonymous voting
  • Watch TV/videos
  • Check social media
  • Read news/cares of the world
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Do you have a plan to read the entire Bible cover to coverAnonymous voting
  • Yes and I am/have done so
  • Not really but I'd like to
  • No it isn't that important to me
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🤡 1
Do you read the chapters or verses posted here as part of the daily Bible studyAnonymous voting
  • Yes
  • Sometimes kinda
  • No I scroll past the word of God
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🤡 1
Do you read the Bible daily?Anonymous voting
  • No
  • Sometimes/randomly or devotional
  • Yes with a plan
  • Yes just the posts here
  • Yes both on my own and other studies such as the ones offered here
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🙏 3🤡 1
Of course, David takes Bathsheba as his wife, one of many. He lives with his son and the poor decisions he has made. But the Lord is displeased and David's actions won't remain hidden for long. Hebrews 12:6-7 For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not? Hebrews 10:26-27 For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries. That fearful looking for judgment, the guilt we feel when we disobey God's word, the pangs of our conscience, is a powerful motivation to get right with the Lord. To call out to Christ our redeemer for forgiveness, to repent of our actions and seek to do the right thing. Especially knowing that, as adopted children, our Father will not spare the rod, and the sins we do in secret will be revealed in the light. Psalms 90:8 Thou hast set our iniquities before thee, our secret sins in the light of thy countenance. Proverbs 28:13 He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy. Luke 8:17 For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.
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👏 2
The famous story of David and Bathsheba, and the King's gravest sins. Coveting, adultery, lying and murder. David not being with his men in battle during the time for war left him opportunity for sin. Idle hands are the devil's tools. His gaze falling on another man's wife and her nakedness, compounded by the covetous nature of the lust it stirred in him. His use of his station to bring her in unto him to lay with her. All stemming from that initial dereliction to his duty. A Christian who sins often finds themselves in that situation by a similar set of circumstances. We are to crucify our flesh daily and walk in the Spirit. The Bible tells us that we should wake in the morning in prayer. Beginning the day getting right with the Lord. But David tarried in bed, rather than in battle. And rather than refresh himself in the Spirit, thinking of the things of the Lord, he wandered. When we do that, blow off our commitments, "take a day off" from prayer or study, we often wander, too. Temptations that we would not normally experience present themselves, and with our minds not on the spiritual things of God, we can give in to them. Of course David's actions have consequences. Our Father often lets those consequences of our willful sin have repercussions that are for our admonition and instruction. A chance to make it right. And yet often our sinful nature leaves us making it worse. David seeks to cover up Bathsheba's pregnancy by sending for her husband, Uriah. Hoping the Hittite would take the opportunity of coming from the front lines to Jerusalem to visit his wife and lay with her, covering up the pregnancy. But Uriah has more honor than that, and refuses the comfort of home while his fellows are encamped for war. His commitment to his duty contrasting with David's initial dereliction. David tries again, all but ordering Uriah to his home, sending a feast from his own royal kitchen, and still Uriah stays with the guards and servants. David's attempts to get Uriah to do the wrong thing fail, so the King takes more desperate measures to cover for his sin. He orders his general, Joab, to send Uriah into the hottest of battles, that he may be smitten dead. David goes from a momentary lapse in duty and honor to premeditated murder. This is how Christians backslide. This is how sin compounds.
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