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Минобороны: Пандемия коронавируса развивалась по американскому сценарию :: Новости дня :: «ВЗГЛЯД.РУ»
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Минобороны: Пандемия коронавируса развивалась по американскому сценарию

Пандемия COVID-19 развивалась по сценарию американских учений Event 201, это ставит вопрос о причастности США к распространению коронавируса, заявил начальник войск радиационной, химической и биологической защиты (РХБЗ) Вооруженных сил России Игорь Кириллов.

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Мы – тираны для будущих поколений: им придется ходить по проторенным нами дорогам. Из-за их недостаточной бдительности мы позволим осквернить красивые места, их восстановление станет для них непосильной задачей.
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Repost from Сириус 888
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Даже до зрителей Дом-2 что то начало доходить... Сириус 888 канал👉 чат-группа👉
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Забавно? Помогали юридически людям. Отстаивать их права. И канал специально был для этого создан. А тут хуяксЪ и 2023 на носу )
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Khruangbin - Maria También (Live at The Current)

Let's get the big question answered right away. "The name means 'airplane' in Thai," says Khruangbin's Laura Lee. "We were listening to a lot of Thai music when we started the band, and I tried to learn Thai at the time, and khruangbin was one of the first words I learned, and it was really fun to say. And it seemed fitting — because we were listening to Thai music at the time — to name ourselves after what we were inspired by." Frequently mislabeled as a Thai-funk band, omnidirectionally influenced trio Khruangbin — comprising bassist Lee, along with guitarist Mark Speer and drummer Donald "DJ" Johnson — are actually from Houston, Texas. In St. Paul for a show at the Turf Club, Khruangbin stopped at The Current for a session hosted by David Safar. As evidence of their many inspirations, the new album from Khruangbin has a Spanish name, Con Todo El Mundo, and features the hit single, "Maria También," also in Spanish. Not that Khruangbin have lost any love for Thai music. "The first album was inspired by Thai music and the name was Thai, so I think it was an easy thing to write, to say that Khruangbin was Thai funk," Lee says. "But we pull from music from all over the world. "It's a disservice to those bands from Thailand who are doing really, really amazing work," Speer adds. "That's some of my favorite music in the world." Althought the members of Khruangbin say that Houston isn't home to a lot of record labels or other music-industry infrastructure, the city has launched the careers of many accomplished musicians. Lee notes that many, many Houston musicians have become highly regarded session players, and Speer and Johnson met one another playing music in the church where Beyoncé grew up. Plus, in the town of Burton, Texas, is where Khruangbin can find the space — and the barn — where they can record their music. "It's dirt floors, it's a big corrugated tin building; you can open up all the doors," Speer explains. "Usually to prepare for the rehearsals, we'll get all the bees out and make some noise so the little critters can know to find another place to be for the next couple days, and then we just bring in some gear and set it up and that's it." The space allows the band to be as loud or as quiet as they need to be. It's a farm-to-(turn)table approach to music that seems to be suiting Khruangbin very well. From Khruangbin's 2018 release, Con Todo El Mundo, available on Dead Oceans. Watch Khruangbin's "Lady and Man":

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