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Brad Ingram 🩸 Truth Viking

1488 Blood & Honour

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White Boys Club Ukraine! Fuck the Lockdowns, Fuck the masks, and Fuck their vaccine! This is the objective! This is nationalism! @HardKnocksCombat @JazSearbyHardKnocks
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The man Adolf Hitler, he is more alive today, more loved, more admired, than the 56 years he walked the earth. His followers can be found on every patch of the earth. From every race and every nation. Each year, more and more people wake up to the truth about this monumental and blessed man. The man who changed the world -- FOREVER. And as much as they try to banish the real Adolf Hitler, as much as they pour their filthy lies upon his name, they cannot bury the truth for long. More and more people join us in celebrating his name every day.
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The system’s approach to pro-White groups is to ban them. The solution to pro-White fundraising? Close their accounts. How do they solve the question of pro-White internet posts? Censor everything. Statecraft in Australia has become so incredibly complex. The solution to every aspect of pro-White advocacy is to ban it. They just have that one trick. According to their logic, the more you ban them, the more the grievance against the system goes away!
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Esoteric Lindy

NSW police counter-terrorism’s statistic on the far-right differs significantly from their political police friends at ASIO, who claim the far-right is half of this country’s terror threat. Never let these scum fool you. These statistics reflect the institution’s attitudes and practice and have nothing to with reality or what’s actually happening on the ground.
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Police officers, politicians and journalists are the lowest form of life on this continent. Have you ever noticed that these witch hunt articles and prosecutions only show evidence of the person having dissident views? Have you ever noticed that these politically-motivated prosecutions from the police always take place when the ruling class is trying to put through anti-White laws that strip us of even more of our ever-diminishing rights? Mitchell Priest appears to be guilty of having views that the ruling class hates and little else, just like Thomas Sewell, Jacob Hersant, Simon Hickey and Tyler Jakovac. Literally nobody would know about so-called far-right “terrorism” without the lies and synthetic hysteria of system pigs in journalism, police, intelligence agencies and establishment politics. Who has been killed by the far-right? What has been damaged by the far-right? It’s totally artificial and solely aimed at the further disenfranchisement of the masses. It has been immensely encouraging to see the amount of people from various backgrounds speaking out against this tyranny and defending the countless innocents that are being persecuted by a hostile class of self-radicalised scum. The Australian state’s reputation has been flushed down the toilet in the eyes of the public and the whole world, and rightly so. All that remains is channeling that popular will against this state into concrete political action. White revolution is the only solution!
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Display of Nazi symbols will attract jail time under NSW Labor draft law

The opposition proposed a bill under which offenders could be punished for the public display of swastikas, with exemptions for its use by religious communities.

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Alleged right-wing extremist charged over blueprint to 3D-print a gun

Mitchell Priest, in whose property a Nazi flag was allegedly hanging, is also accused of making significant preparations to manufacture a firearm and was refused bail.