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Bullish Wave Rider

Our humble comments and analyses on potential stocks listed in Bursa Malaysia, global markets, cryptocurrency, and many others! Disclaimer: Please note that all charts posted are just opinion of admins for educational purposes, strictly not buy calls.

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Alhamdulillah, di kala some of our winners are resting, we have another one that started its move today above 10%. Syukur. Can you guess the stock and the setup?
So many new breakouts, that it is getting difficult to do stock prioritization, but I guess that is a good problem to have. haha Anyhow, we can test with as small as 5% - 10% per stock for new position, however the problem is the elimination round, where we need to sell some stocks later to concentrate to final 5 or final 4 positions. That will be difficult in super strong market and all of them are performing, but will be fairly easy to do if some of them are not performing. Apa pun, semoga market yang kuat ini berterusan dan memberi kebaikan pada kita semua. Aamiin ya rabb. #notetoself #stockprioritization
Possible base-on-base breakout, young stock. Good to see how this progresses as part of our case study, specifically for pre-closing entry for stocks that already up >20%, whether the momentum will continue or weaken. #stockselection #casestudy
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Another one. -Rally to ATH forming multi-year big base -Multi-week consolidation after rally to ATH -New Breakout with high vol Monitor for pre-closing session whether this breakout can sustain. This is also a strong setup. How to test so many stocks? Definitely prioritization system needs to be in place. Simplest way is to get rid / reduce the worst performer in portfolio, and test with probing position (definitively never go all in at once). But never sell your winners, especially the big ones. #stockselection
Another potential candidate to monitor closely. ATH Up gap from stage 1 to stage 2, and formed multi-month base Pending BO Will monitor the progress. This is another high priority for testing in our humble opinion. #stockselection
Jim Roppel’s brief comments about AAPL’s breakout yesterday, its impact to the economy and market outlook. A legendary investor / trader who made multi million dollars from the market.
Many stocks are currently pulling back after strong upsurge these few days. This is definitely normal, and we have to maintain and stick to our trading plan and not to be influenced by our emotions. Of course, to ensure that our emotions are in control, entry and positioning systems play important roles. It is hard to stay cool if we buy too high and too big. David Ryan used to say something like this "I won't go all in because I want to sleep well at night". Hence, he has his specific ways to do adding and positioning, starting with probing positions, and adding whenever the stock goes up with specific criteria. If we are not feeling okay with this pullback, please check our entry and positioning systems, usually this will heavily affect how will we react during the red days. Wallahualam. #notetoself
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12 A great motivation to all of us by pakya.
Another potential stock to closely monitor moving forward. 630day-base and strong rally to new high Currently forming mini base after testing the previous major R turned support Lets see how it goes. #stockselection
Kejap sangat consolidation beliau, 2 weeks at ma10 daily sahaja. Buat masa ni terlepas 😅😂 It's okay, lets focus on existing positions dulu, while keep monitoring on the next potential big winner. #casestudy
AAPL - Another New High We have been monitoring AAPL very closely for past months to gauge the health of the market. It has been in sideway and formed base for 328day (226 trading days), before finally breaking the major Resistance yesterday to create new high, with strong candle (+7.26%) and strong volume last seen only in 2020. As leaders like AAPL will have big impact on the market, a follow thru for this BO would likely bring up the whole market together. Hopefully, more to come from this bull market. #marketoutlook #aapl #casestudy
The hard work in trading comes in the preparation. The actual process of trading, however, should be effortless. Jack Schwager – Author of Market Wizards
Definitely a strong market, these are the daily changes of our positions today only! I am not sure whether this strength is healthy or otherwise, to be honest feel kinda scared because everyone is too optimistic about the market. But, rules are rules, we need to keep holding as long as there are no reasons to sell. Hopefully this powerful market will remain for longer duration and all of us can fully capitalise on the bull market and achieve as much profits as possible. Semoga rezeki kita semua melimpah ruah dan diberkatiNya. Aamiiin ya rabb. #notetoself
JCY - Mystery yet to be solved One example of a big winner, currently stands at 170% from base breakout, however probably one of the most hardest to detect, prior to its run. Other than major resistance breakout, sudden vol spike, we couldnt see anything else that could give us any reasons to prioritise this, we definitely would have bought other stocks. Among criteria that we need to prioritise 52WH / non-ATH setup are strong prior momentum before base formation, or up gap with volume followed by consolidation, this one, didnt have that. Again, another thing to unfold and to be included into our 52WH case study. #casestudy
Alhamdulilah. هَٰذَا مِن فَضْلِ رَبِّي
The key to spot high probability winning stocks, rely on identifying the common characteristics shared by them. We have repeatedly state the same things for the stocks that we buy, of course there are many moreee things for us to learn, and hopefully by more case studies, we are getting better at spotting these potential bull-runners and ride them as long as possible. Knowledge is very powerful, lets never stop learning. Alhamdulillah for everything. #notetoself
Alhamdulillah, one of our positions has progressed well since the day we shared here. We have shared the reasons why we bought it before, hopefully many of you can recognize the stock despite undisclosed in our post, even now. May Allah help us to always able to spot good winners like this, or even stronger. Aamiin ya rabb.
Baru nak buat #casestudy dengan paper trading function di tradingview, sekali dia tak auto adjust the entry price based on the split price. Jadi nya dalam papertrading nampak rugi 90% 😂 Anyhow, i will just use the SL dotted line as reference for our paper trading / testing entry. This is to test the potential climax run based on the characteristics below: a. strong rally prior to deep pullback to MA50 or lower b. multi-months consolidation c. strong sudden breakout (preferably with a gapup) d. strong multiple weekly gains with high spiking volumes (need to observe further) For this testing, we aim to achieve the following objectives: a. to firm up on the characteristics leading to climax run b. what are the criteria when climax run has exhausted and possibly ending? c. how do we adjust our stop based on "b", and maximise our gain during the climax run Lets observe and study the outcome later. #climaxrunstudy
MasyaAllah, our preclosing entry last week has resulted in >20% ROI within one day. Definitely a strong follow through day after triggering a strong entry setup last week. Our fastest ROI so far, definitely a strong market. Hopefully this market will continue its momentum. Alhamdulillah, we are truly grateful. I hope we can all catch the new big winners coming out from this market cycle. Aamiin ya rabb. #followthrough #notetoself
Daily / Weekly Chart One of the strong stocks that triggered today. Multiyear R broken, high volume, near ATH. As usual, progressive exposure is a must no matter how strong the setup is. #stockselection
ICON - #casestudy #stockselection We shared this before, we didnt enter as we prioritised other stocks. However ,today is a good follow thru day, congrats to those who entered this earlier. We will keep monitoring this as part of our non-ATH /52WH case studies.
Despite slightly red index, individual stocks have performed very well. There are few stocks triggered today from fairly strong setups (will share later, however we did not enter all since we also need more fund 😂) and one of our positions initiated on Friday (shared here last week), is showing a strong follow thru day with more than 15% up for today! With this kind of strength in the market, we plan to focus our funds on the strong stocks, adding according to our rules to existing positions showing good responses, and cut those worst performers and reallocate the funds into the strong stocks. We need to follow where the fund is flowing, do not be ego if we are wrong. Semoga Allah rezekikan kita untuk mendapat super strong stocks and ride the uptrend. Aamiinn ya rabb #marketoutlook #notetoself
We believe to be in top 10% or top 1% in the field that we choose, we have to be really serious and continuously improving ourselves. Just a glance of our notes related to our trading system that we keep studying and improving. Lets consistently improve ourselves, lets focus on the process and insyaAllah the results will take care of themselves. A reminder to myself to never be lazy. #notetoself
AMALAN UTAMA BULAN ZULHIJJAH Manakala amalan-amalan yang digalakkan sepanjang sepuluh awal Zulhijjah yang amat besar pahalanya. Khususnya bagi mereka yang tidak mendirikan Haji di Baitullah, ini antaranya :- a) Zikir : Iaitu dengan memperbanyakkan zikir Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah, La ilaha Illa Allah dan Allahu Akbar. Ia bersumber dari hadith riwayat At-Tabrani yang diakui sohih oleh Imam Al-Munziri. Allah SWT juga menyebut ertinya : "Supaya mereka menyaksikan berbagai perkara yang mendatangkan faedah kepada mereka serta memperingati dan menyebut nama Allah, pada hari-hari yang tertentu.." (Al-Hajj : 28). Ibn Abbas r.a mentafsirkan erti ‘hari-hari tertentu' adalah sepuluh hari Zulhijjah ini dan inilah pendapat majoriti ulama jua. b) Berpuasa : Amat digalakkan berpuasa pada satu hingga sembilan Zulhijjah bagi orang yang tidak menunaikan Haji. Hari Arafah (9 Zulhijjah ) pula adalah hari yang terbaik untuk berpuasa. Nabi SAW bersabda tentang kelebihan hari Arafah : "Tiada hari yang lebih banyak Allah membebaskan hambanya lebih dari hari Arafah" (Riwayat Muslim). Nabi SAW juga bila ditanya tentang kelebihan berpuasa pada hari Arafah ini menjawab, ia menghapuskan dosa yang lalu dan tahun kemudiannya. c) Melakukan lain-lain amalan seperti bersedeqah, membaca Al-Quran, solat sunat dan lain-lain. Ia semuanya termasuk di dalam umum hadith yang menunjukkan ianya amat disukai oleh Allah SWT. d) Menjauhi maksiat dan masa terbaik untuk memulakan tawbat bagi sesiapa yang masih berfikir-fikir dan menangguhnya. Amat biadap jika umat Islam bersukaria dengan melampaui batas haram di hari yang amat agung di sisi Allah SWT ini. Bertawbatlah dengan sebenar-benar tawbat dan sedarilah bahawa hidup ini sementara dan seluruh keseronokannya adalah tipu daya semata-mata. e) Bertakbir : Ibn Abi Shaibah menyebut bahawa `Ali KW menunjukkan bahawa permulaan takbir bermula sejurus selepas solat Subuh hari Arafah sehingga hujung waktu ‘Asar hari ketiga Tashriq. f) Berkorban dengan menyembelih binatang yang layak : Allah SWT berfirman : ertinya : "dan berdoalah dan berkorban". Allah SWT juga menyebut : وَمَنْ يُعَظِّمْ شَعَائِرَ اللَّهِ فَإِنَّهَا مِنْ تَقْوَى الْقُلُوب ( Ertinya : "Sesiapa yang membesarkan syiar Allah (berkorban) mala ia adalah dari tanda ketaqwaan hati" (Al-Hajj : 32 Sebuah hadis menyebut : ما عمل آدمي من عمل يوم النحر أحب إلى الله من إهراق الدم Ertinya : "Tiadalah amalan anak Adam yang lebih disukai oleh Allah SWT pada hari kurban kecuali berkorban ( dengan menyembelih binatang)" ( Riwayat At-Tirmidzi, Abu Daud ; Gharib, namun terdapat rawi yang dipertikaikan ) Laksanakan Qurban anda melalui Video rakaman akan diberikan sejurus Qurban selesai dilaksanakan. Dr Zaharuddin Abd Rahman
indah sekali syair Imam alSyafie rahimahullah ini, tentang rezeki yang sudah ditakdirkan Allah yang mustahil salah alamat. terj bait 1: "Singa di hutan mati kelaparan * Daging kambing dimakan anjing" Imam ingin jelaskan, bahawa singa akan mati kelaparan, meskipun hidup di hutan, yang penuh dengan segala asbab makanan, kenapa? Kerana makanan itu bukan rezekinya. Sementara ada kalanya, kambing yang dijaga anjing, menjadi rezeki makanan bagi si anjing. Itulah aturan rezeki daripada Allah. terj bait 2: "Seorang hamba boleh jadi tidur di atas sutera * Dan orang yang bernasab mulia boleh jadi tidur berlantaikan bumi." yakni, sesuai dengan hikmah Allah, Dia boleh kurniakan rezeki, dan menukar nasib sesiapa yang dikehendakiNya. *** Poin syair ini ialah kita menerima kurniaan Allah, dan bersyukur, serta berterima kasih atas rezekiNya, dan tidak risau akan aturanNya, kerana rezeki takkan salah alamat. Ustaz Syafiq
A good progress so far considering this is a bluechip stock. Since super strong candle in April, volume has been consistently high, especially during up days indicating potential accumulation by big players. We have around 20% position currently since the first day we initiated position as we shared here. We dont expect this to jump like penny stocks, but if it could repeat strong rally that it experienced many times before, probably good to give this a chance, worst case, we will slowly switch this out if it doesnt perform. But we hope it will rally, because it will pull up KLCI together, probably good for the market, maybe new high for KLCI if many of the index linked stocks start to rally? Aamiinn ya rabb.
SNS - #casestudy A potential Mega Winner? We would love to see further base formation and price actions to tigten from here, multi-weeks or months or as long as it takes. We will keep monitoring this, if it breakouts with high volume, strong closing above ATH after tight consolidation, definitely a must to test / initiate a probing position. Until then, biarkan ia berehat, and keep monitoring.
Candidate for climax run, also shared before, and we had a position, also good to add more. Good things: Ma20 consolidation Up gap Huge volume Recent pullback might reduced supply already Downside: Cant think of any, maybe risk of extended? Anyhow, an example of climax run is what happened to synergy and Pba (we had one of these before) Hopefully this will also replicate or gives us better return. May Allah help us. Aamiinn #stockselection
Now maybe this can be easily guesses despite covering the name. Good things: Super high volume since IPO. Up gap. Breaking out after bear trap from the first base breakout. Young stock (hence maybe less supply) Downside: Base might be bit short in terms of duration Nothing is guaranteed, practiced gradual exposure. Dont go all in at once. What seems too high today could be the next mega winner. We never know. #stockselection
Triggered today: One high potential young stock with strong volume, another one a potential for climax run(maybe). Not sure about klci index, we'll see later.
This is the reason why, refer stock 2, we used to enter during 52WH setup, and we still thought that it is below ATH even it is already nearing ATH. 😅 A reminder to myself. #notetoself
MAHSING - a strong setup that we overlooked Adui bad mistake, need to do proper screening after this. At the time of breakout we still assumed that this is a weak long-term setup, without paying more attention to bigger timeframe, which is actually a big base since 2013, and a proper consolidation prior to ATH breakout. Something to learn and never to be lazy again. #notetoself
MSM - #casestudy update - confirming downtrend Since the sell signal was triggered by our system (red triangle), MSM has failed to continue the uptrend. So far the system is working good for positional trading stye, enabling mechanical decision making process and reducing judgement. Lets continue testing this on many other samples. #tradehandling
Repost from Nota Saham
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Alhamdulillah, di kala some of our winners are resting, we have another one that started its move today above 10%. Syukur. Can you guess the stock and the setup?
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👍 2🤔 2
So many new breakouts, that it is getting difficult to do stock prioritization, but I guess that is a good problem to have. haha Anyhow, we can test with as small as 5% - 10% per stock for new position, however the problem is the elimination round, where we need to sell some stocks later to concentrate to final 5 or final 4 positions. That will be difficult in super strong market and all of them are performing, but will be fairly easy to do if some of them are not performing. Apa pun, semoga market yang kuat ini berterusan dan memberi kebaikan pada kita semua. Aamiin ya rabb. #notetoself #stockprioritization
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👍 6
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Possible base-on-base breakout, young stock. Good to see how this progresses as part of our case study, specifically for pre-closing entry for stocks that already up >20%, whether the momentum will continue or weaken. #stockselection #casestudy
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👍 3
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Another one. -Rally to ATH forming multi-year big base -Multi-week consolidation after rally to ATH -New Breakout with high vol Monitor for pre-closing session whether this breakout can sustain. This is also a strong setup. How to test so many stocks? Definitely prioritization system needs to be in place. Simplest way is to get rid / reduce the worst performer in portfolio, and test with probing position (definitively never go all in at once). But never sell your winners, especially the big ones. #stockselection
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Another potential candidate to monitor closely. ATH Up gap from stage 1 to stage 2, and formed multi-month base Pending BO Will monitor the progress. This is another high priority for testing in our humble opinion. #stockselection
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👍 4
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Learn how to hold stocks for Big Gains During Bull Markets.

👍 1
Jim Roppel’s brief comments about AAPL’s breakout yesterday, its impact to the economy and market outlook. A legendary investor / trader who made multi million dollars from the market.
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