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Civil Society Pros

Opportunities' digest for NGO professionals & more / Дайджест возможностей для сотрудников НКО и не только

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We've got some nice opportunities for young leaders, human rights advocates and journalists in the areas of democracy, human rights and media, check them out: 1️⃣ World Forum for Democracy is inviting applications for the Youth Delegation. This year’s Forum is devoted to the topic of Democracy and Diversity and will take place in Strasbourg, France, 4-8 November. To participate in the youth delegation, applicants should be between 18 and 30 years old and involved in organisations working with young people on issues of democracy and diversity. Travel, accommodation and visa expenses will be covered by the organisers. The call for applications closes on 30 June. More information HERE. 2️⃣ Human Rights Watch is seeking a Kenneth Roth Practitioner-In-Residence. The opportunity aims to support emerging or established national leaders in the human rights movement. The successful candidate will be placed in the Programme or Advocacy departments and work closely on a project around a priority area of work. Required qualifications include three years of relevant experience and fluency in English. Applications are accepted until 3 July. More information HERE. 3️⃣ The Institute for the Study of Human Rights at Columbia University is accepting applications for the Human Rights Advocates Programme. The programme is based in New York City and includes academic coursework, faculty mentoring, skills-building workshops, networking and a trip to Washington, D.C. Ideal candidates should be human rights activists working with NGOs at the grassroots level. The deadline to apply is 12 July. More information HERE. 4️⃣ ILGA Europe is organising a series of webinars on security for LGBTI activists. The webinars will cover risk management, physical event security and data protection. They will start on 10 July and are targeted at groups and organisations in Europe and Central Asia at the beginning of their path or with limited resources for security expertise. More information HERE. 5️⃣ The Kari Howard Fund for Narrative Journalism and the International Women’s Media Foundation are offering grants for female and non-binary print journalists. To be eligible, applicants must have three years of professional journalism experience and publish in English. The deadline for applications is 14 July. More information HERE.
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В нашем последнем дайджесте июня — сразу несколько образовательных возможностей, а также группа психологической поддержки для журналистов и вакансия в Ночлежке. 1️⃣ Линор Горалик проводит бесплатную лекцию «"Вася, расшарь!.." Как просить людей и проекты о помощи в продвижении». Лекция пройдёт онлайн 3 июля в 19.00 (UTC+3) и посвящена тому, как предложить сотрудничество и сделать его выгодным для обеих сторон. Подробности и ссылка на Zoom ЗДЕСЬ. 2️⃣ Академия антикоррупции приглашает на образовательные программы. Участники программы «Активист» научатся проводить расследования, проанализируют лучшие общественные кампании и освоят методы общественного контроля. Программа «Реформатор» посвящена вопросам о том, с какими вызовами столкнется Россия в будущем и какие практики помогут в процессе демократизации. Подробности и анкета ЗДЕСЬ. 3️⃣ Проект «Нерусский мир» запускает отбор на медиаинкубатор для сотрудников медиа, пишущих о коренных народах России. Проект открыт для медиа любых форматов и готов оказать помощь в развитии медианавыков. Заявки принимаются до 5 июля. Подробности и анкета ЗДЕСЬ. 4️⃣ Команда Without Prejudice проводит набор в группу психологической поддержки для журналистов. Формат работы предполагает групповые еженедельные онлайн-встречи с психотерапевтом в составе закрытой группы. Всего планируется 10 встреч, по средам в 19.00 (UTC+3). Подробности и инструкция по записи в группу ЗДЕСЬ. 5️⃣ Ночлежка ищет руководителя отдела PR и фандрайзинга в Петербурге. Успешный кандидат будет отвечать за сбор запланированного бюджета, придумывать и запускать новые фандрайзинговые и просветительские мероприятия. Нужно иметь опыт в сфере привлечения средств или PR и в менеджменте процессов и команд. Подробности ЗДЕСЬ.
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This week’s digest includes several exciting opportunities for both experienced and early career civil society professionals in a number of different fields. Check them out below: 1️⃣ The Transparency International Secretariat is seeking an Advocacy and Campaigns Lead. The purpose of the role is to lead on the organisation’s advocacy campaigns on Climate Integrity. Key requirements for the role include a graduate degree in the social sciences or other relevant field and seven years of experience. Fluency in English is required with knowledge of other languages a plus. The organisation supports successful candidates in the process for applying for a work permit. The closing date for applications is June 23. More information and link to the application form HERE. 2️⃣ The Asia-Europe Foundation is inviting applications for the Journalists Seminar. The seminar will be devoted to the challenge of the advent of AI in journalism and will take place in Budapest on September 9-12. To be eligible, the applicants should be journalists with two years of experience under 35 years of age, with proficiency in English. The call for applications closes on June 23. More information and application form HERE. 3️⃣ OSCE is seeking an expert for drafting the following report: “The right to monitor peaceful assemblies in the OSCE region: experiences from the field”. Necessary qualifications include an advanced degree in law, the social sciences or a related field, plus six years of experience. Drafting skills in English are required, with knowledge of Russian a plus. The closing date for the vacancy is June 24. More information HERE. 4️⃣ ILGA Europe is looking for a Senior Programme Officer. The successful candidate will be implementing and developing the organisation’s work in support of LGBI organisations and movements in high-risk contexts. The role requires experience in strategising for political and social change, managing projects and budgets and developing funding and learning programmes and activities. Fluency in English and Russian is required. Non-EU citizens can apply and receive assistance with relocation. The deadline for applications is June 24. More information HERE. 5️⃣ UNODC is offering a UN Youth volunteering position. The role is for a Drug Policy Associate. Required qualifications include a master’s degree in the social science, law or related field (or a combination of first-level university degree and additional experience), one year of experience and fluency in English. The deadline to apply is June 28. More information and link to application form HERE.
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На этой неделе в дайджесте мы собрали несколько интересных возможностей как для опытных, так и для начинающих профессионалов из разных сфер гражданского общества. Читайте ниже: 1️⃣ «Теплица социальных технологий» проводит встречу «Безопасность мобильных устройств». Спикеры поделятся своими соображениями о безопасности смартфонов, участники также смогут обменяться опытом и советами друг с другом. Вебинар пройдёт 25 и 26 июня в 15.00 (UTC+3). Подробности и регистрация ЗДЕСЬ. 2️⃣ Фонд Бориса Немцова принимает заявки на программу исследовательских стажировок Ideas for Russia Labs. Программа включает девять лабораторий, каждая из которых будет состоять из ментора и двух-трёх стажёров. Работа лабораторий планируется в удалённом формате на протяжении полугода, с июля по декабрь 2024 года. По окончании программы стажёры получат стипендию. Участвовать в программе могут студенты, аспиранты и докторанты, которые не проживают в России (в связи с признанием фонда нежелательной организацией). Заявки принимаются до 23 июня. Подробности ЗДЕСЬ. 3️⃣ «Новая-Европа» ищет авторов, аналитиков и редакторов в дата-отдел. Нужно владеть табличными редакторами, ориентироваться в источниках данных и жить не в России. Подробности ЗДЕСЬ. 4️⃣ Независимое медиа «Люди Байкала» набирает стажёров. Авторы будут искать новости и писать заметки о социальных проблемах, политике, экономике и культуре. Подробности и контакт для отклика ЗДЕСЬ. 5️⃣ Фонд «Безопасный дом» ищет специалиста по фандрайзингу. Фонд занимается всеми направлениями предотвращения торговли людьми. Нужно иметь опыт работы в фандрайзинге, НКО, социальных проектах или активизме. Подробности и почта для отклика ЗДЕСЬ.
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We’ve gathered many opportunities for you this week spanning all types of civil society interests. Check them out below: 1️⃣ UNICEF is seeking a Planning and Monitoring Manager for its Europe and Central Asia regional office. The position aims to create synergies between development and humanitarian planning and monitoring. Necessary qualifications include a master’s degree in the social sciences or another relevant field, plus eight years of experience. Fluency in English is required with knowledge of other UN languages (including Russian) an asset. Applications are accepted until June 16. More information HERE. 2️⃣ European Endowment for Democracy is looking for a Programme Assistant Coordinator. The successful candidate will support the organisation’s democracy support work in Eastern Europe. The requirements for the role include a degree in the social sciences, two years of relevant experience, fluent English and knowledge of Russian. Experience working in Eastern Europe is an asset. The deadline to apply is June 20. More information and application form HERE. 3️⃣ The John Smith Trust is inviting applications for Leaders in Exile: ‘Future of Russia’ Fellowship. The programme spans from October 2024 to February 2025 and is comprised of a series of online workshops and a week-long residential programme in the UK. After completing the programme, participants will gain access to the community of John Smith Fellows with opportunities for networking and collaboration. Russian citizens living in exile are eligible to apply. The candidates need to propose an ‘Action Plan’ addressing a challenge in policy or practice in their field of expertise aimed at contributing to the development of a free and peaceful future for Russia. The deadline for applications is June 23. More information HERE. 4️⃣ The Boris Nemtsov Foundation for Freedom is accepting applications for research internships at the Ideas for Russia Labs. The program includes nine projects (laboratories), each comprised of a mentor and a group of 2-3 interns. The projects will be operating remotely from July to December 2024. Upon the completion of the programme, the interns will receive a scholarship. The programme is open to all undergraduate, graduateand doctoral students, with eligibility requirements specific to each project. The call for applications closes on June 23. More information HERE. 5️⃣ The Leibniz-Center for Literary and Cultural Research has an open call for a fellowship in the project “Adjustment and Radicalisation. Dynamics in Popular Culture(s) in Pre-War Eastern Europe”. The project traces the contradictory dynamics of popular culture in the region from a comparative and interdisciplinary perspective. The fellowship is expected to run for three consecutive months between October 2024 and December 2025 and will give a successful candidate an opportunity to work on their own research project. The requirements include a university degree in the relevant field and a research project in the field of popular culture studies. The application deadline is August 31. More information HERE.
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Грядет много интересных событий в сфере НКО! Собрали для вас несколько самых знаковых (и парочку вакансий). Читайте ниже: 1️⃣ «Теплица социальных технологий» организует онлайн-конференцию «Сетевой июнь». Тема конференции — состояния гражданского общества. Программа включает в себя сессии, посвящённые гражданской инфраструктуре, гражданским движениям и технологиям. Конференция пройдёт с 19 по 20 июня. Подробности ЗДЕСЬ. 2️⃣ проводит вебинар «Управление правозащитной организацией». Спикер — Леонид Драбкин, директор ОВД-Инфо. Леонид поделится опытом ОВД-Инфо в период потрясений последних лет, и в том числе расскажет о допущенных ошибках. Вебинар пройдёт 19 июня в 16:00 (UTC+3). Подробности и регистрация ЗДЕСЬ. 3️⃣ Проект «Лабиринт» приглашает на дискуссию «Этичность использования ИИ в активизме и НКО». Участницами дискуссии станут фемактивистка Ника Водвуд и сооснователь:ница беларуской инициативы «Тендер на гендер» тони лашден. Дискуссия пройдёт 17 июня в 19:00 (UTC+3). Подробности ЗДЕСЬ. 4️⃣ Глобальная сеть журналистов-расследователей ищет ассистент(ку) редактора. Должность предполагает частичную занятость. В обязанности ассистент(ки) будет входить ведение социальных сетей, управление сайтом, подготовка ответов на запросы журналистов. Нужно иметь три года релевантного опыта, владеть русским и английским. Дедлайн для откликов — 20 июня. Подробности ЗДЕСЬ. 5️⃣ НКО «Арктида» ищет аналитика. «Арктида» занимается анализом и расследованиями в области российской Арктики. Успешный кандидат будет готовить аналитические и исследовательские материалы, обновлять данные о стейкхолдерах и искать связи внутри экспертных групп. Нужно уметь работать с данными и статистикой, понимать особенности российской региональной и федеральной политики и знать английский. Подробности и почта для отклика ЗДЕСЬ.
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We’ve gathered many opportunities for you this week spanning all types of civil society interests. Check them out below: 1️⃣ UNICEF is seeking a Planning and Monitoring Manager for its Europe and Central Asia regional office. The position aims to create synergies between development and humanitarian planning and monitoring. Necessary qualifications include a master’s degree in the social sciences or another relevant field, plus eight years of experience. Fluency in English is required with knowledge of other UN languages (including Russian) an asset. Applications are accepted until June 16. More information HERE. 2️⃣ European Endowment for Democracy is looking for a Programme Assistant Coordinator. The successful candidate will support the organisation’s democracy support work in Eastern Europe. The requirements for the role include a degree in the social sciences, two years of relevant experience, fluent English and knowledge of Russian. Experience working in Eastern Europe is an asset. The deadline to apply is June 20. More information and application form HERE. 3️⃣ The John Smith Trust is inviting applications for Leaders in Exile: ‘Future of Russia’ Fellowship. The programme spans from October 2024 to February 2025 and is comprised of a series of online workshops and a week-long residential programme in the UK. After completing the programme, participants will gain access to the community of John Smith Fellows with opportunities for networking and collaboration. Russian citizens living in exile are eligible to apply. The candidates need to propose an ‘Action Plan’ addressing a challenge in policy or practice in their field of expertise aimed at contributing to the development of a free and peaceful future for Russia. The deadline for applications is June 23. More information HERE. 4️⃣ The Boris Nemtsov Foundation for Freedom is accepting applications for research internships at the Ideas for Russia Labs. The program includes nine projects (laboratories), each comprised of a mentor and a group of 2-3 interns. The projects will be operating remotely from July to December 2024. Upon the completion of the programme, the interns will receive a scholarship. The programme is open to all undergraduate, graduateand doctoral students, with eligibility requirements specific to each project. The call for applications closes on June 23. More information HERE. 5️⃣ The Leibniz-Center for Literary and Cultural Research has an open call for a fellowship in the project “Adjustment and Radicalisation. Dynamics in Popular Culture(s) in Pre-War Eastern Europe”. The project traces the contradictory dynamics of popular culture in the region from a comparative and interdisciplinary perspective. The fellowship is expected to run for three consecutive months between October 2024 and December 2025 and will give a successful candidate an opportunity to work on their own research project. The requirements include a university degree in the relevant field and a research project in the field of popular culture studies. The application deadline is August 31. More information HERE.
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Are you looking for a new challenge? Or just interested in seeing what’s out there in the civil society world? In any case, take a look at our digest of civil society opportunities below: 1️⃣ CIVICUS invites proposals from consultants or teams for the Digital Democracy Initiative. The goal is to create three detailed case studies focusing on the support ecosystems for civil society organisations in countries with constrained civic spaces. The research project spans from June to November 2024. The project is open to candidates with research experience and regional expertise. Fluency in English is required and knowledge of the languages of the chosen countries is a strong asset too. The call for applications is open until June 10. More information HERE. 2️⃣ The Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy is seeking a Project Manager. The role is based in the programme area of "Defending Women's and Human Rights". Necessary qualifications include a human rights or international law degree or a master’s degree in international relations or a similar field, plus four years of experience. Fluency in English is required with knowledge of German an asset. The deadline to apply is June 10. More information and application form HERE. 3️⃣ Front Line Defenders are looking for Protection Grants Officer. The successful candidate will manage grants documentation, provide reports and analysis and assess the overall impact of the grants programme. Requirements for the role include a degree, ideally in a relevant field, and three years of experience. Fluency in English and another working language of the organisation (including Russian) is essential, with knowledge of other languages a plus. The deadline for applications is June 14. More information HERE. 4️⃣ The UN SDG Action Awards are accepting applications. Initiatives and campaigns improving progress towards sustainable development goals can be submitted for awards, while there is the Changemaker award for outstanding individuals too. The winners will be celebrated at an awards ceremony in Rome, Italy. All Finalists (three for each award category) will be invited to a one-day induction programme with creative workshops, skills development sessions and networking events. Applications are accepted until June 17. More information HERE. 5️⃣ The International Foundation for Electoral Systems is looking for a Senior Program Officer with a focus on Europe and Eurasia. A bachelor’s degree, six years of experience and proficiency in English are required, while a master’s degree in the social sciences, experience working on projects in Europe and Eurasia and knowledge of one of the regional country languages is a plus. More information HERE.
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Если вы ещё не определились с планами на лето или на ближайшую неделю, смотрите наш новый дайджест. В нём — летняя школа в горах и вебинар о расследованиях в дезинформации в YouTube, а также, конечно, несколько вакансий. Читайте ниже: 1️⃣ и The Dialogue Büro for Civil Society Cooperation принимают заявки на участие в «Академии политического воображения». «Академия» пройдет в горах Австрии с 25 по 30 августа и предназначена в первую очередь для тех, кто находится на территории Евросоюза. Программа «Академии» посвящена вопросам колонизации и деколонизации и предполагает различные форматы, от дискуссий до поэтической лаборатории, рабочий язык — русский. Организаторы оплатят проживание, питание и проезд для 15 участвующих. Заявки принимаются до 10 июня. Подробности ЗДЕСЬ. 2️⃣ Сразу несколько вакансий открыты в исследовательском центре «Коллективное действие». Сейчас команда центра ищет людей в новый проект, который будет заниматься изучением законодательных инициатив и политических процессов в России. Требуются специалисты с разным опытом и компетенциями, от исследователя до продюсера YouTube-канала. Подробности ЗДЕСЬ. 3️⃣ Глобальная сеть журналистов-расследователей проводит вебинар «Расследование дезинформации на YouTube». Украинская дата-журналистка Юлия Дукач поделится своим опытом и расскажет о методах и инструментах сбора данных. Вебинар пройдёт 12 июня в 11:30 (UTC+3). Язык вебинара — украинский, с переводом на русский. Подробности и ссылка для регистрации ЗДЕСЬ. 4️⃣ «Ночлежка» ищет HR-менеджера в Петербурге. Успешный кандидат будет заниматься наймом на разнообразные позиции, обучением и развитием сотрудников. Нужно иметь два года опыта в рекрутменте. Подробности ЗДЕСЬ. 5️⃣ Дом культуры «ГЭС-2» ищет куратора доступности по работе с незрячими и слабовидящими посетителями. Нужно будет разработать и реализовать концепцию работы с незрячей аудиторией, вести проекты, работать над адаптацией выставок и событий фонда. Требуется высшее образование, опыт работы от трёх лет и владение английским. Подробности ЗДЕСЬ.
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Are you looking for a new challenge? Or just interested in seeing what’s out there in the civil society world? In any case, take a look at our digest of civil society opportunities below: 1️⃣ CIVICUS invites proposals from consultants or teams for the Digital Democracy Initiative. The goal is to create three detailed case studies focusing on the support ecosystems for civil society organisations in countries with constrained civic spaces. The research project spans from June to November 2024. The project is open to candidates with research experience and regional expertise. Fluency in English is required and knowledge of the languages of the chosen countries is a strong asset too. The call for applications is open until June 10. More information HERE. 2️⃣ The Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy is seeking a Project Manager. The role is based in the programme area of "Defending Women's and Human Rights". Necessary qualifications include a human rights or international law degree or a master’s degree in international relations or a similar field, plus four years of experience. Fluency in English is required with knowledge of German an asset. The deadline to apply is June 10. More information and application form HERE. 3️⃣ Front Line Defenders are looking for Protection Grants Officer. The successful candidate will manage grants documentation, provide reports and analysis and assess the overall impact of the grants programme. Requirements for the role include a degree, ideally in a relevant field, and three years of experience. Fluency in English and another working language of the organisation (including Russian) is essential, with knowledge of other languages a plus. The deadline for applications is June 14. More information HERE. 4️⃣ The UN SDG Action Awards are accepting applications. Initiatives and campaigns improving progress towards sustainable development goals can be submitted for awards, while there is the Changemaker award for outstanding individuals too. The winners will be celebrated at an awards ceremony in Rome, Italy. All Finalists (three for each award category) will be invited to a one-day induction programme with creative workshops, skills development sessions and networking events. Applications are accepted until June 17. More information HERE. 5️⃣ The International Foundation for Electoral Systems is looking for a Senior Program Officer with a focus on Europe and Eurasia. A bachelor’s degree, six years of experience and proficiency in English are required, while a master’s degree in the social sciences, experience working on projects in Europe and Eurasia and knowledge of one of the regional country languages is a plus. More information HERE.
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