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Aziz obunachilar tez bu kanalimga õtvolamiz @ieltsoholics.Endi u kanalga sizga kerakli ma'lumotlar tashlab boriladi.Bu kanalning xuddi õzi faqat endi bu kanalga ma'lumotlar tashlanmaydi. 👉@ieltsoholics 👉@ieltsoholics 👉@ieltsoholics Improve your IELTS with us Join this channel and learn IELTS secrets.
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Fouder @ms_Lilly IELTS 7 Aptis C Cefr c1 linguaskill Salary bonus 1- chi toifali oqituvchi

👩‍🏫Azizlar men o'zimning telegram yopiq guruhda otkaziladigan online IELTS kursimni boshladim 📍Darslar haftada 3 kun 📍1,5 soatdan 📍Kechki vaqtlarda 📍Davomiyligi 3 oy 💥Uydan chiqmagan holda 💥Tez va oson Oyiga atigi 150 ming(birinchi 5 ta oquvchiga 120 ming)😱😱😱 Agar qiziqish bildirsangiz Probniy dars bu yerda 👇 @ielts_demo_lessonn @ielts_demo_lessonn @ielts_demo_lessonn 📌Bizga natija muhim🏆🏆🏆 📌Zoom va tg yopiq guruhlarda Kanalimiz 👉 @listening_strategiess Murojat uchun 👇 📩 @Ieltsoholic_me ☎️ +998909154084
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Davom ettiramizmi????Anonymous voting
  • Yeapppppp💃💃💃💃
  • Nope🧐🧐🧐
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5 kishi lichkamga @ms_Lilly ishlagan varyantini tashasa javoblarini kanalga tawiman😊 Qani ketdik danagasalar💃💃💃💃 Ha aytgancha ingliz tili va IELTS ga qiziqadigan dostingizga jonatib qoying😉 sharing is caring
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Listening qilamizmi?Anonymous voting
  • Exactly 😊
  • Qoysangchi🤣
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#tramscript✍️ Short Story: ‘Doctor Heidegger’s Experiment’ by Nathaniel Hawthorne Subscribe me 👉 @Ieltsoholic Reaction and comment ♻️ share&care
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#Podcast_time🎧 Short Story: ‘Doctor Heidegger’s Experiment’ by Nathaniel Hawthorne Subscribe me @Ieltsoholic Reaction and comment ♻️ share&care
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