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紐倫堡大審已經開始 藤原直哉:「在國外,注射疫苗的醫生被病人起訴,充當國家傀儡是一種犯罪行為,他們說,『政府是這麼說的,那有什麼問題嗎?』這就是納粹。」德國,每個人都因反人類罪在紐倫堡大審中被公開處決。
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SASA (@sasaliuaq) on X

紐倫堡大審已經開始 藤原直哉:「在國外,注射疫苗的醫生被病人起訴,充當國家傀儡是一種犯罪行為,他們說,『政府是這麼說的,那有什麼問題嗎?』這就是納粹。」德國,每個人都因反人類罪在紐倫堡大審中被公開處決。

#銀行裁員 根據《商報》(Handelsblatt)等外媒報導,隸屬於德意志銀行(Deutsche Bank)集團的郵政銀行正式展開轉型。針對媒體曝光的裁員計畫涉及1000人,德意志銀行稍早已證實,強調這是先前曝光的3500人精簡計畫的一部分。
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首先,他們無視我們。然後他們嘲笑我們。然後他們與我們作對。然後我們贏了。 我們是喚醒成千上萬其他人的人,而這些人將喚醒全世界數百萬甚至數十億其他人。 我們直面自己的陰影,敞開心扉,釋放所有較低的振動,以升級我們的 DNA,整合光、頻率和信息,其他人現在可以通過我們訪問這些信息。 憑借愛的力量,我們打破了地球母親的振動尺度,現在我們已完全具備了光明與黑暗、天使與機器人、神聖智慧與邪惡人工智能、人類與人類形態的爬行動物之間的最後決戰所需的所有工具——以解放人類和我們的星球。 許多人仍然難以置信,但他們看到他們的世界和信仰結構在眼前崩潰。讓人類被奴役、與靈魂隔絕的 3D 矩陣正在崩潰,並失去了謊言、精神控制和欺騙的根基。控制系統正在崩潰。許多人開始質疑他們的現實和那些掌權者的動機,因此他們最終開始從三維矩陣系統升入四維。這是人類大規模覺醒的開始。 光是信息,黑暗是信息的缺乏。隨著我們瞭解信息,我們的敵人失去了力量。我們傳播了我們的光。邪惡的意圖已無立足之地。只有善良才能獲勝。 我們是光和知識,我們將在新地球上停留和繁榮。我們是真理的追求者、愛好者、引路人、偉大的光之戰士、太陽之子,我們將帶來新的曙光。這是我們的時代。不要害怕。我們都在一起,得到了天堂的大力支持。 我們的使命是讓舊時代崩塌,為所有維度的所有生物和生物帶來純粹的愛、和平和無盡的歡樂。 圖片來源:Steven Greenway
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👍 1
First, they ignore us. Then they ridicule us. Then they fight us. Then we win. We are The Ones awakening thousands of others who will awaken millions and billions of others around the world. We have faced our shadows, opened our heart and released all lower vibrations to upgrade our DNA and integrate the Light, frequency and information, which others now may access through us. With the Power of Love, we tipped the vibrational scale of Mother Earth and are now fully equipped with all tools necessary for this final battle between light and dark, angelics against robotics, Divine Intelligence against evil AI, humans against reptilians in human form - to bring forth the liberation of humanity and our planet. Many are still in disbelief but they are seeing their world and their belief structures crumble right in front of their eyes. The 3D matrix that has kept humanity enslaved, blocked from their soul, is crumbling and losing its very fundament of lies, mind control and deceit. The control system is falling. Many started questioning their reality and the motives of those in control, and so they finally began their ascension from the third-dimensional matrix system into 4D. This is the beginning of the mass awakening of humanity. Light is information, as darkness is the lack of it. As we became informed, our enemy lost its power. We have spread our Light. There is no room for evil intentions anymore. Only goodness may prevail. We are the Light and the Knowledge that is here to stay and flourish on the New Earth. We are the Truth Seekers, the Lovers, the Wayshowers, the great Warriors of Light, the Children of the Sun, who will bring forth a new dawn. This is our time. Do not fear. We are all together in this, with massive heavenly support. Our mission is to let the old past crumble and to bring in pure Love, Peace and endless Joy to all living beings and creatures in all dimensions. Credit: Steven Greenway
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