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FORUM | Allt fler utplacerade kärnvapen i världen ●●● Antalet kärnvapenarsenaler ökar i världen, precis som mängden nya kärnvapentyper under utveckling. Geopolitiska spänningar har lett till att kärnvapen som avskräckningsmetod har fått ökad betydelse, bedömer fredsforskningsinstitutet Sipri. Världens kärnvapenstater fortsätter att modernisera sina arsenaler. Länderna har under 2023 också placerat ut nya vapensystem som antingen är kärnvapenbestyckade eller som kan bära kärnvapen, visar en rapport från Sipri. Enligt analysen var det totala antalet stridsspetsar i världen i januari i år 12 121, varav 9 585 i militära lager klara att användas av kärnvapenstaterna USA, Ryssland, Storbritannien, Frankrike, Kina, Indien, Pakistan, Nordkorea och Israel. Ryssland och USA har sammanlagt nästan 90 procent av alla världens kärnvapen. 2 100 av de utplacerade stridsspetsarna hålls i högsta beredskap monterade på robotar. Främst gäller det ryska och amerikanska stridsspetsar, men även Kina tros ha några stridsspetsar i högsta beredskap. ”Trots att det totala antalet stridsspetsar fortsätter minska genom att vapen från det kalla kriget gradvis demonteras, kan vi tyvärr för varje år se ökningar av antalet operativa kärnstridsspetsar”, säger Siprichefen Dan Smith i ett pressmeddelande. ”Trenden kommer troligen fortsätta och sannolikt eskalera under de närmaste åren och det är utomordentligt oroande.” Kristin Groth/TT
OPEN HEAVENS DAILY DEVOTIONAL DATE: SUNDAY JUNE 16TH 2024 TOPIC: THE FATHER'S BLESSINGS MEMORISE: “The blessings of thy father have prevailed above the blessings of my progenitors unto the utmost bound of the everlasting hills: they shall be on the head of Joseph, and on the crown of the head of him that was separate from his brethren.” - (Genesis 49:26) READ: GENESIS 27:27-40 (KJV) 27 And he came near, and kissed him: and he smelled the smell of his raiment, and blessed him, and said, See, the smell of my son is as the smell of a field which the LORD hath blessed: 28 Therefore God give thee of the dew of heaven, and the fatness of the earth, and plenty of corn and wine: 29 Let people serve thee, and nations bow down to thee: be lord over thy brethren, and let thy mother's sons bow down to thee: cursed be every one that curseth thee, and blessed be he that blesseth thee. 30 And it came to pass, as soon as Isaac had made an end of blessing Jacob, and Jacob was yet scarce gone out from the presence of Isaac his father, that Esau his brother came in from his hunting. 31 And he also had made savoury meat, and brought it unto his father, and said unto his father, Let my father arise, and eat of his son's venison, that thy soul may bless me. 32 And Isaac his father said unto him, Who art thou? And he said, I am thy son, thy firstborn Esau. 33 And Isaac trembled very exceedingly, and said, Who? where is he that hath taken venison, and brought it me, and I have eaten of all before thou camest, and have blessed him? yea, and he shall be blessed. 34 And when Esau heard the words of his father, he cried with a great and exceeding bitter cry, and said unto his father, Bless me, even me also, O my father. 35 And he said, Thy brother came with subtilty, and hath taken away thy blessing. 36 And he said, Is not he rightly named Jacob? for he hath supplanted me these two times: he took away my birthright; and, behold, now he hath taken away my blessing. And he said, Hast thou not reserved a blessing for me? 37 And Isaac answered and said unto Esau, Behold, I have made him thy lord, and all his brethren have I given to him for servants; and with corn and wine have I sustained him: and what shall I do now unto thee, my son? 38 And Esau said unto his father, Hast thou but one blessing, my father? bless me, even me also, O my father. And Esau lifted up his voice, and wept. 39 And Isaac his father answered and said unto him, Behold, thy dwelling shall be the fatness of the earth, and of the dew of heaven from above; 40 And by thy sword shalt thou live, and shalt serve thy brother; and it shall come to pass when thou shalt have the dominion, that thou shalt break his yoke from off thy neck. MESSAGE: A father has tremendous power over the lives and destinies of his children. Any wise child will always seek his or her father’s (biological or spiritual) blessings. This is why you must always think of ways to provoke your father to bless you. Unfortunately, these days, most people are after getting material things from their fathers and hardly think of what they can do to make their fathers bless them. One day, I had just returned from a journey, and two of my spiritual children came to welcome me. The one who got to me first merely greeted me, the other followed suit when he joined us and then proceeded to collect my bags. Immediately he did that, I said to him, “God bless you.” The first son said, “Daddy, you did not say ‘God bless you’ to me.” I responded, “What did you do for me? You saw me carrying these bags, but you didn’t help me.” If you want your father to bless you, you must be ready to do something that will provoke him to do so. One very important thing about a father’s blessing is that it is irreversible. Even though Isaac realised that he had blessed Jacob instead of Esau, he could not reverse it (Genesis 27:33). This is why you must seek your father’s blessing in every way you can.
Once your father blesses you, you are blessed forever. Nevertheless, blessings are different. Some blessings come from the soul, some from the heart and some from the mouth. When Isaac wanted to bless Esau, he told him to prepare his favourite meal so that after he had eaten it, he could bless him from deep within his soul (Genesis 27:4). A father can bless three of his children, but one will still be greater than the rest because the father loves that one in a special way. How well does your father love you? Do you often provoke him to pray for you or are you the type that provokes him to anger regularly? Some people hardly send money to their old parents, some hardly call them, while some others don’t even visit them. They may be old and frail now, but their blessings and curses remain very powerful. Whatever you do, ensure that you get as many blessings as possible from your father before he dies. ACTION POINT: Do something for your father today that will provoke him to bless you. If you are a father, call your children and bless them from your soul. BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: PSALMS 69-72 AUTHOR PASTOR E A ADEBOYE
FORUM | Globalism Hungary Threatens EU Over ‘Insane’ Migrant Fine – Media ●●● by RT June 15th 2024, 5:30 am The bloc’s top court has imposed a €200 million penalty on Budapest for “deliberately” violating refugee laws. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has threatened Brussels with retaliation after an EU court slapped Budapest with a €200 million ($216 million) fine over its asylum policy, according to national media. The European Court of Justice (ICJ) imposed the penalty on the Orban government on Thursday, accusing it of “deliberately avoiding” compliance with the bloc’s refugee laws. The ICJ also ruled that Budapest must pay an extra fine of €1 million a day until it changes its policies. Shortly after the ruling was announced, Orban took to social media to describe it as “outrageous and unacceptable.”  “It seems that illegal #migrants are more important to the Brussels bureaucrats than their own European citizens,” the prime minister said in a post on X (formerly Twitter). Orban also reportedly threatened retaliation in an interview with Radio Kossuth on Friday. “We’ll figure out a way, so it hurts Brussels more than it hurts us,” the leader said, without elaborating, according to Hungarian news outlet and Bloomberg. Obran described the fine as “a huge amount” and claimed that it was unprecedented. “It’s just insane,” quoted the prime minister as saying. The ICJ ruling relates to a 2020 judgement that found that Hungary had restricted access to international protection procedures, unlawfully detained asylum seekers in transit, and illegally removed third-country nationals. Hungary has since closed transit zones but otherwise has not complied with the ruling, which “constitutes a serious threat to the unity of EU law,” the court said in a statement. Hungary has taken a hard stance on migrants from outside the EU since the number of daily arrivals more than quadrupled during the migrant crisis of 2015, which saw over a million people arrive on the continent, mostly from Syria and Afghanistan. In September and October of that year, Hungary put up fences at its southern borders with Serbia and Croatia. The standoff comes as Hungary is set to take over the EU presidency on July 1. Orban’s government has also consistently criticized the Western approach to the Ukraine conflict. Budapest has opposed NATO’s funding and arming of Ukraine, as well as the sweeping sanctions on Russia, instead calling for a ceasefire and diplomatic solution.
Försoning för fred Välkommen, lilla barnet som föds just nu. Du har en hel planet som ditt andra moderliv Du är min påminnelse om hur ren jag också var vid den jordiska resans avstamp, och såsom jag, kommer inte heller du att lämnas växa i fred i ditt medfödda ljus. Krig, vet du inget om, lille barn. Det drar sina frontlinjer långa över sinnen, idéer och land. Du tilldelas en trosuppfattning, en ideologi, en skyttegrav. Du piskas att jaga hägringen av pengar, status, trasiga relationer, nationer. Du kommer att känna dig vilsen i vuxnas djungel av vilsenhet, politikerna sitter fast i trötta cirkusupptåg, ideologerna är papegojor med teatraliska följetong, andliga barrikaderar i sina lusthus av neonljus, generalerna jonglerar med domedagens eld. Det är faktiskt oturligt att födas i dessa blinda tider, vi står ju mitt i historiens första slag som kan bli det sista. Varje dag är ett roulettespel med vapnens atomer. “Kommer de att avfyras idag?” frågar vårt tysta, uppgivna djup. Du tillhör ett släkte som har lärt sig spendera gränslöst med pengar, tid och kraft på att ögonblickligen förgöra sina egna livsverk och allt på att röka landmassor och supa sig i berusningsfloder, på att surfa dag och natt på ettors och nollors osynliga moln. Likgiltighet är folkets egna oreflekterande kött och blod som gåva till kriget Men fred, fred inombords, fred mellan oss, fred för planeten, har släktet vårt inte lärt sig ägna ens en miljondels tid på. Du, nyfödde barn, välkommen till denna vackra världs motstridiga dröm. Såsom vi gör, kommer du att tycka att “allt är mitt fel”. ”Tack för din varning, du som har kommit längre än mig på livets vandring. Med hjärtat och handen som bundsförvant Förlåter jag mig själv för att jag föddes i denna värld bönande för hjälp. Förlåter jag mig själv för att jag föddes i denna förlorade tidsanda. Förlåter jag mig själv för att jag föddes bland er vackra förvirrade människor. Jag försonas med mig själv för att jag föddes på denna missförstådda jord. Jag försonas med mig själv för att jag föddes i denna ofredens tid. Jag försonas med mig själv för att jag föddes bland människor främmande för sig själva. Jag förlåter er allihopa, för ni har tappat bort barnhjärtat och det lilla ljuset i lek och skratt. Jag försonas med er allihopa, trotts att ni har tappat bort barnhjärtat och det lilla ljuset i lek och skratt." Och jag håller fast vid mina av Moder Jord givna rättigheter: Min rätt att aldrig ge order till krig och mord. Min rätt att aldrig lyda order till krig och mord. Min rätt att aldrig kliva ner i en skyttegrav, vare sig med vapen eller ord. Min rätt att avskaffa krig, militär och vuxnas segerillusion. Min rätt till en värld av fred, byggd på hjärtats lagar. Min rätt att odla fred i varenda hjärta, varenda öga, varenda hand. Min rätt att be er att sprida detta fredens brev, över från hjärta till hjärta planeten runt. PS: Kära medmänniska, jag vädjar till dig om hjälp. Militarism och krig har stulit sex år av min ungdom. Detta krig i Europa kan bli slutet på alla våra liv. För att stoppa kriget nu behöver vi gå samman, ägna tillräckligt med tid och hjärta för att tillsammans åstadkomma fred 🌿💜 Pêl Rostam
Indeed, LifeSiteNews recently reported on how Trudeau’s Liberal government has spent over $30 million DEI affiliated contracts amongst many federal ministries since January 2019.    When it comes to DEI, Musk has been a formidable opponent to the discriminatory hiring practices. In Canada, the only main party speaking out against it is the People’s Party of Canada, under its leader Maxime Bernier. He has been outspoken against radical gender ideology repeatedly over the last few years as well as the COVID jabs and mandates.  In April, he announced a new party policy officially denouncing the so-called DEI agenda, saying it is nothing more than a “fundamentally racist, sexist, and discriminatory ideology” that “divides Canadians.”  Bernier told LifeSiteNews recently that the only way to stop the “radical policies” of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) agenda – which he calls a combination of “official discrimination against white heterosexual males” and the “promotion of weird mental illnesses” – is for people to fight back against those seeking to undermine “traditional norms and values.” “Candidates from these groups must self-identify as belonging to one or more of the designated equity groups to be considered for the position,” notes UBC. 
FORUM | World News Top Canadian University Posts Job Listing that Excludes White Heterosexual Men ●●● by Anthony Murdoch | Lifesite June 10th 2024, 7:42 am The University of British Columbia says the new job is 'restricted to members of the following federally designated groups: people with disabilities, indigenous people, racialized people, women, and people from minoritized gender identity groups.' VANCOUVER, British Columbia (LifeSiteNews) –– One of Canada’s most well-known universities has posted a job opening for a new research chair position but has essentially barred non-homosexual white men from applying for the job. A recent job posting for the position of “Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Oral Cancer Research” at the University of British Columbia (UBC) Vancouver campus has explicitly mentioned that those who don’t meet its so-called diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) requirements need not apply. The UBC job posting was published on May 21, and notes that the seven-year contract for the chair role has with it certain “eligibility requirements,” such as candidates having to demonstrate a track record of “supporting equity, diversity, and inclusion.”   According to UBC, the selection for the role will be “restricted to members of the following federally designated groups: people with disabilities, indigenous people, racialized people, women, and people from minoritized gender identity groups.”  This rules out straight white men from applying for the role. UBC uses its Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Action Plan as well as the B.C. Human Rights Code as validation for its job requirements. The UBC claims that its current faculty is underrepresented by those who “self-identify” as having a disability, thus it notes that a person from this category is “preferential.”  To ensure that straight white men do not apply for the job, the UBC is also mandating that anyone who applies for the role must first conduct what it calls an “equity survey.” According to the UBC, “Equity and diversity are essential to academic excellence.”  “We encourage applications from members of groups that have been marginalized on any grounds enumerated under the BC Human Rights Code, including sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, racialization, disability, political belief, religion, marital or family status, age, and/or status as a First Nation, Metis, Inuit, or indigenous person.”  Musk: Is the even legal?   As news of the UBC job posting spread on social media, X owner Elon Musk chimed into comment on the matter, writing on June 3, “Is this legal in Canada?” in reply to a sarcastic post from Quebec-based academic Gad Saad mocking the job posting.   “Yes! Oral cancer research has long been dominated by white heterosexual males. Imagine the progress that can be made if the relevant research were conducted by Trans People of Color. Thank you @UBC for your epistemological courage in fighting against the scourge of White Heterosexual Science,” sarcastically wrote Saad on June 3 on X.   In recent years, there has been a notable increase in the promotion of so-called DEI requirements on employers, because of a push for it from the federal government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. 
FORUM | World at War Ukrainian Air Force Hits First Target on Russian Territory as War Continues to Escalate ●●● by Dénes Albert | Remix June 10th 2024, 7:26 am This was the first attack against Russia carried out by a Ukrainian aircraft. A Ukrainian military aircraft has hit a target on Russian territory for the first time, a Kyiv military source announced, in the latest sign that Ukraine and the West are willing to bring the war to Russian soil. According to the Ukrainian source, a “Russian command center” was reportedly attacked on Sunday, June 9, near Belgorod in western Russia. It is not yet clear what type of ammunition was used in the attack, including whether it was a Western weapon. Speaking on condition of anonymity, the military source told Sky News, “The Ukrainian air force hit a Russian command center in Belgorod. Although damage assessment is still ongoing, the attack resulted in a direct hit. This is the first Ukrainian airstrike on a target on Russian territory.” The strike comes after a number of Western countries, namely Germany, France, and the U.S., approved the use of Western-supplied missile systems against military targets on Russian territory. Ukraine already regularly carries out drone strikes deep into Russian territory, but this is the first time a military aircraft has been used to strike targets inside Russia. The day before, the Russian Defense Ministry announced that Russian armed forces had shot down several Ukrainian drones in the Belgorod region. The United States and France recently said that Ukrainian armed forces are allowed to use their weapons to strike military targets in Russia, from where Russian troops launch attacks on Ukraine. Under new guidelines approved by President Joe Biden, U.S. munitions could be used on Russian territory to defend the northeastern Ukrainian city of Kharkov. David Cameron, the British foreign secretary, was less specific, saying simply that Ukraine has yet to decide how it will use British weapons, such as Storm Shadow cruise missiles, which could be launched from Ukrainian aircraft. A Ukrainian military source also said that on Saturday, June 8, they carried out a “coordinated attack” on a Russian landing ship that had recently passed into the Sea of Azov from the Black Sea. The ship was the fifth of seven Ropucha-class amphibious assault ships that were sunk as a result of Ukrainian attacks, the source said.  “This successful strike shows the Russians that they cannot operate freely either in the Black Sea or in the east,” the source added. According to him, the Russian military uses such ships to transport ammunition and cargo to the occupied city of Mariupol for further transport to the frontline.
FORUM | Occult & Globalists Austrian Defense Minster: Western Permission to Strike Targets in Russia Crosses Red Line ●●● by Sputnik June 9th 2024, 6:29 am Western countries have also been discussing sending troops or military instructors to Ukraine Austrian Defense Minister Klaudia Tanner said that allowing Ukraine to strike targets in Russia using Western-donated weapons crossed a red line. “The red line was crossed. That is why I am very happy about the clarification from NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg that NATO will not send troops to Ukraine,” Tanner said on Saturday in an interview with Austrian newspaper Die Presse. The comment came after recent decisions by the US and some of its allies to allow Ukraine to use US- or Europe-supplied weapons to strike targets across the internationally recognized borders of Russia for counter-fire purposes. Western countries have also been discussing sending troops or military instructors to Ukraine. Western countries have been providing massive military and financial aid to Kiev since the start of Russia’s military operation in Ukraine in February 2022. The Kremlin has consistently warned against continued arms deliveries to Kiev, saying it will lead to an escalation of the conflict.
FORUM | Good News Bannon Vows To ‘Hunt Down’ Deep Staters Who Flee Country if Trump Wins: ‘We’re Going to Come & Get You’ ●●● by Jamie White June 8th 2024, 2:08 pm Ex-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe claimed intelligence officials under Obama may flee the U.S. if Trump wins in November. "He's damn scared because he understands the end is near," says former White House strategist. War Room host Steve Bannon called out disgraced ex-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe’s panicked calls for Deep Staters to flee the country should President Trump retake the White House, warning that they can run but they can’t hide. McCabe this week on CNN fretted that he and fellow intelligence officials from the Obama administration will be likely be prosecuted and jailed if Trump is elected in November. It’s terrifying. It’s frightening. I have a lot of conversations with former colleagues, people who are or were in the intelligence and law enforcement community and may have worked in the Obama administration and other places. People are really trying to assess, ‘What is life going to be like if Donald Trump wins a second term?’ On a very personal level, I mean these are torturous discussions with their family members about whether or not they have to leave the country to avoid being unconstitutionally and illegally detained. I mean people are actually worried about being thrown in jail or grabbed in some sort of extrajudicial detention. Bannon said McCabe has every reason to be worried. “Andrew McCabe, Mr. FBI tough guy…why is he wetting himself on National TV? He’s DAMN scared because he understands the end is near,” the former White House strategist under Trump said on War Room Saturday. “Get your passport, get the hell out the country because hey, we’re gonna use the long arm of the law…we’re going to grab you back, bro. Totally constitutional and inside the rule of law, which you didn’t do in trying to destroy this Republic,” he said, referring to the FBI’s trumped up and unlawful Russia collusion witch hunt against Trump. “You’re going to get a taste of American justice by the rule of law based on English Common Law,” Bannon continued. “And guess what bro? You ain’t gonna like it one bit. Your crimes and your treason…[ex-FBI Director James] Comey, all of you. Go ahead, go to the ends of the Earth. We will hunt you down and bring you back and you will stand accountable before the American people.” Bannon reminded McCabe that he “should be very worried” because no matter how far he runs, America has extradition treaties with “virtually every country in the world.” “You can go ahead and run and run as far as you want. We’re going to come and get you. And it’s gonna be totally constitutional and totally by the rule of law,” he said. “It’s not going to be extrajudicial at all. You know the crimes you’ve committed. You know what you’ve done. And that’s [Deputy Attorney General] Lisa Monaco, [Attorney General] Merrick Garland, all of them. FBI, DOJ, the intelligence agencies, CIA,” he added. McCabe was fired by the FBI in 2018 after Inspector General Michael Horowitz concluded he repeatedly lied to the bureau — including under oath — over self-serving leaks to the media about the Crossfire Hurricane investigation and Clinton Foundation investigation.
OPEN HEAVENS DAILY DEVOTIONAL DATE: SATURDAY JUNE 8TH 2024 TOPIC: THE BELT OF TRUTH MEMORISE: “Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness.” - (Ephesians 6:14) READ: EPHESIANS 6:10-17 (KJV) 10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. 11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. 13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. 14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; 15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. 17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: MESSAGE: Over the next few days, I will like to discuss the importance of the full armour of God listed in Ephesians 6:10-17. The first piece of armour listed is the belt of truth because it is the most important. John 17:17 tells us that the word of God is truth. Jesus Christ is the Truth (John 14:6). You are to tie the truth around your waist and have it hold everything else you wear and own together. Those who live by the truth win the battles of life because the truth makes it impossible for them to be captives of anything the world has to offer (John 8:32). The truth will give you a perspective far greater than that of the world (Psalm 119:100). This is why you should live your life according to God’s word. When you do this, everyone will see you as wise because you will excel in everything that you do and be above your peers who do not know the truth. The devil is the father of lies (John 8:44); he will try to lie to you and twist the truth every now and then. This is why you must know the truth so you won’t fall for his tricks. In Genesis 3:5, he suggested to Eve that she was not yet like God even though Genesis 1:27 says that she was made in His image and likeness. Eve ate the forbidden fruit because she did not really know the truth. In Matthew 4:3, the devil told Jesus to turn stone into bread if He was really the Son of God. Jesus did not fall for that because He was sure that He is the Son of God. If you don’t really know the truth, the devil will deceive you, and once he does that, your belt of truth, which holds all your other armour in place, will be gone, making you vulnerable to attacks from the enemy. Don’t expect the devil to come with a black cloth and horns on his head; sometimes, he disguises himself like an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14). He can tell you that the grace of God covers all sins and that you can keep sinning and still go to heaven. He can come up with logical reasons to tell you that God doesn’t exist or that He is wicked and doesn’t love you. These are lies that the devil has used to strip people of their belt of truth in the past. Don’t fall for his tricks. KEY POINT: The word of God is the truth, anything outside it is a lie - don't fall for it! BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: PSALMS 22-27 AUTHOR PASTOR E A ADEBOYE
FORUM | Joe Rogan DESTROYS Fauci After Blaming Unvaxed for 300K Deaths ●●● Who is to blame again? THE VIGILANT FOX JUN 6 Tony Fauci recently said the unvaccinated were “responsible” for an “additional 200,000 to 300,000 deaths” in America. Well, Joe Rogan now has some words for Mr. Fauci. “Hey, man, you made it, first of all. Don’t blame us. First of all, you made it. You f*cking made it. You funded it. You were a part of the research.” This is what psychopaths like Fauci do. They always point the finger of blame at someone else. So it comes as no surprise that Fauci also threw his senior adviser, Dr. David Morens, under the bus after damning emails surfaced. “Tony doesn’t want his fingerprints on origin stories.” “I will delete anything I don’t want to see in the New York Times.” “I try to always communicate on Gmail because my NIH email is FOIA’d constantly.” Watch the Full Video:
FORUM | World at War Kremlin Calls US ‘An Enemy’ for First Time ●●● by RT June 5th 2024, 6:57 am Dmitry Peskov previously referred to Washington and its allies as “unfriendly states” or “opponents”. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov referred to the United States as an “enemy” while speaking to reporters on Tuesday, in an apparent hardening of rhetoric between the two countries. It remains unclear if the use of the word signals an official policy change, as the spokesman had previously argued that only President Vladimir Putin can make such decisions. Washington’s refusal to allow former US marine, UN weapons inspector and RT contributor Scott Ritter to travel to St. Petersburg was “the latest manifestation of the rabid campaign to prevent US citizens from interacting with the Russian Federation” – which would only be “understandable” if it was somehow related to his former intelligence status, Peskov told journalists on Tuesday. “We are now an enemy country for them – much like they are for us,” Peskov said, while acknowledging that restrictions applying to former intelligence officers, especially on travel “to a hostile country,” are common across the world. READ MORE: Moscow comments on Scott Ritter passport seizure The Kremlin previously called the United States and other Western countries that have supported and armed Ukraine and imposed sanctions on Moscow as “unfriendly states” or “opponents.” The shift in language follows Washington’s decision to let Kiev use American-supplied weapons against targets inside Russia, beyond what the US considers Ukrainian territory. READ MORE: Putin names Russia’s real enemies In March, Peskov noted that Moscow objects to US officials who insult President Putin, but that in general there is “no anti-American sentiment” in Russia. He expressed hope that “sooner or later the realization that the peoples of America and Russia are not enemies will eventually come.” Putin said in January that the elites of Western countries were the true enemy of Russia, while Ukraine is a mere tool in their hands.  “The point is not that they are helping our enemy, but that they are our enemy,” the Russian president said, arguing that the conflict between Moscow and Kiev was orchestrated by Western elites who seek to inflict a “strategic defeat” on Russia. READ MORE: Biden calls Putin ‘a butcher’ Last month, Putin reiterated that “the entire Western community is working for our enemy, dreaming about Russia ceasing to exist in its current form,” but stopped short of branding any particular Western state an ‘enemy’. Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, who now serves as deputy chair of Russia’s Security Council, and several other hawkish officials, have repeatedly branded Moscow’s adversaries as “enemies”over the past two years – but Peskov previously said that only President Putin can “formulate and state Russia’s official foreign policy position.”
FORUM | Featured Dr. Phil Calls on Biden to ‘Do Right Thing,’ Dismiss Charges Against Trump: ‘We Are Not Some Banana Republic, For God’s Sake’ ●●● I n f o w a r s . c o m June 4th 2024, 6:23 pm Dr. Phil McGraw calls on Biden admin to 'end craziness,' 'save soul and sanity of our country.' “We need our Justice Department to return to the business of meting out justice and not running the political agendas of those currently in power blindly seeking convictions, warranted or otherwise, and attacking political opponents.” The former daytime talkshow host said it would require “forgiveness” from the ruling class because “We are not some banana republic for God’s sakes.” “What are we going to do next, have a Putin Poisoning Posse? And start finding political opponents foaming at the mouth at home not so mysteriously dying in their Lazy Boy recliners. We’re better than that. We must be better than that,” McGraw said on his program Dr. Phil Primetime. He went on to say the temperature needs to be turned down on both sides of the political divide. “This is so not just about Trump. If you let your hatred for Donald Trump compromise your ability to find true North on your moral compass, shame on you. If you let your disgust for Biden make you blind to the inevitable consequences of pursuing revenge, then God help the children who will inherit the dystopian nightmare we create.” Dr. Phil concluded by saying, “I don’t advocate voting for one candidate over another. I stay in my lane addressing human behavior collectively, culturally, and am focused on how we can have maximum control in our lives and turn this ship of State called America in the right direction, and get her back on track so we can be proud. That’s my mission.” “The current Administration could and should do the right thing: dismiss now – even now, post-conviction of a political opponent, all such lawfare – and pledge to return to the normal functioning of a government rightly run.”
FORUM | World News Vatican Official Says 77% of Cases Sent to Discipline Office are About Child Abuse ●●● by Michael Haynes | Lifesite June 3rd 2024, 6:07 am Monsignor John Joseph Kennedy, the head of the CDF's Disciplinary Section, stated earlier this week that 77 percent of all cases his office receives involve the abuse of children. VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews) –– The Vatican official responsible for overseeing the Catholic Church’s response to abuse has said that 77 percent of cases he receives involve child abuse. According to Reuters, Kennedy stated that around 77 percent of cases he receives in the Disciplinary office involve abuse of children. The CDF is now divided into two sections, the Doctrinal and the Disciplinary sections. Via the February 2022 motu proprio Fidem servare, Pope Francis consolidated the operations of the CDF into the two different departments, giving each a secretary to lead operations.  READ: Pope Francis restructures major Vatican office tasked with defending the faith The Disciplinary Section attends to “crimes reserved to the Congregation and dealt with by it through the jurisdiction of the Supreme Apostolic Tribunal established there,” including things such as false mysticism, abuse of the sacraments, and “grave” crimes such as sexual abuse.  The Disciplinary Section is also directed to provide “appropriate formation initiatives” to be offered to local bishops and canon law practitioners “in order to foster a correct understanding and application of the canonical norms relating to its own sphere of competence.”  Falling under the Disciplinary Section’s purview are all “Cardinal Fathers, Patriarchs, Legates of the Apostolic See, Bishops, as well as other individuals in accordance with canonical provisions.” Ordained in Dublin in 1993, Kennedy has been an official in the CDF since 2003, and has led the CDF’s disciplinary office since 2017, before being appointed by the pontiff to be the Disciplinary section’s secretary in April 2022.  As such, he has been in charge of dealing with reports of clerical sex abuse from across the world, and told the Associated Press in 2019 that the case load was four times as large as it had been in 2009, with 1,000 cases of abuse reported to the CDF in 2019 alone.  “We’re effectively seeing a tsunami of cases at the moment, particularly from countries where we never heard from,” Kennedy said in 2019, of the numbers of sex abuse reports.  During a rare public speech that same year, Kennedy stated that “I can honestly tell you that, when reading cases involving sexual abuse by clerics, you never get used to it, and you can feel your heart and soul hurting.”  “There are times when I am pouring over cases that I want to get up and scream, that I want to pack up my things and leave the office and not come back,” he said.  He has also highlighted the plight of families affected by sexual abuse, stating in 2019:  What of the father, mother or siblings of the child who have to look at that child and live through this? What can they say? Everything has been taken from them. You believe me when I am telling you these things. Can you imagine what it might be like not to be believed by church authorities? What would it be like to remain silent because a person did not have the courage to come forward and name their abuser? Speaking to the AP, Kennedy previously added that “I suppose if I weren’t a priest and if I had a child who were abused, I’d probably stop going to Mass. I’d probably stop having anything to do with the church because I’d say, ‘Well, if you can’t look after children, well, why should I believe you?”
Kennedy urged journalists to keep exposing sex abuse, saying the “topic of the clergy abuse crisis is front and center in our culture.” Indeed, it is Kennedy’s Disciplinary Section which is now tasked with the Vatican investigation into alleged serial abuser Father Marko Rupnik – an investigation which he said was “delicate” but at a “fairly advanced stage.” Following an intense media furor over revelations Rupnik was incardinated into a Slovenian diocese last October, Pope Francis swiftly announced that he had tasked the CDF to “review” the case.  Francis’ decision was also taken after the “Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors brought to the Pope’s attention that there were serious problems in the handling of the Fr. Marko Rupnik case and lack of outreach to victims.” READ: Pope Francis asks Vatican to review case of alleged serial abuser Fr. Rupnik A former Jesuit, Rupnik was automatically excommunicated by the Vatican in 2020 after the CDF unanimously ruled he was guilty of absolving one of his sexual accomplices. He subsequently had the penalty swiftly revoked – with much speculation over whether Pope Francis personally intervened to swiftly lift the excommunication.  Separately, Rupnik has been accused of psychologically and sexually abusing religious sisters in the Loyola Community, an order that he himself was a co-founder. The abuse is alleged to have taken place against at least 21 of the 40-strong Loyola Community of religious women, which he co-founded in his native Slovenia. A further 15 alleged victims have come forward in following months.  The Jesuits compiled a 150-page dossier of reported instances of abuse that Rupnik is said to have committed. These date from 1985 to 2018, and Rupnik’s former superior, Father Johan Verschueren, S.J., stated that the credibility of the allegations against Rupnik is “very high.” Yet, in October 2022, the CDF dropped the case against Rupnik, referencing time limitations. According to Messa in Latino, this was directly because of Pope Francis: “Despite this, it seems that, due to the Holy Father’s intervention, the process did not take place precisely because it was ‘time-barred’ [bound by the statute of limitations.]” Speaking to the AP in January, Francis stated that he “always” waived the statute of limitations in cases that deal only with minors or “vulnerable adults,” but the AP reported Francis said he otherwise would not change the normal legal proceedings. Speaking on the sidelines of a safeguarding conference organized by the Italian Bishops Conference (CEI) in Rome on May 29, Monsignor John Joseph Kennedy provided comment about the work carried out by the Disciplinary office of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), which he leads.
FORUM | Politics Trump: I’m ‘Okay With’ Going to Jail After Conviction, But ‘Would be Tough for Public to Take’ ●●● June 2nd 2024, 12:22 pm “I think it would be tough for the public to take, you know, at a certain point, there’s a breaking point,” says former president. Former President Donald Trump said he’d be “okay with” going to jail after being charged with 34 felonies in New York City and said the sentencing date set just before the Republican National Convention was “part of the game” the Democrats are playing. Fox and Friends co-host Pete Hegseth in an interview with Trump that aired Sunday asked, “The judge could decide to say, hey, house arrest or even jail. How do you face what that could be?” “I’m okay with it,” Trump replied. “I saw one of my lawyers the other day on television saying, ‘Oh no, you don’t want to do that to the president.’ I said: You don’t beg for anything. It’s just the way it is.” Co-host Rachel Campos-Duffy pointed out the feds never targeted the Clinton Foundation despite compelling evidence of criminal activity. “They never looked into the Clinton Foundation,” she said. “They never went all the way with the Clinton Foundation,” Trump agreed. “They never went all the way with the Clinton Foundation, which is sort of interesting, isn’t it? But — so, that could happen. I don’t know that the public would stand it. You know, I don’t — I’m not sure the public would stand for it …” “I think it would be tough for the public to take, you know, at a certain point, there’s a breaking point,” Trump added. Hegseth also noted the court set Trump’s sentencing date just before the Republican National Convention on July 15. “Yes, well, that’s part of the game,” Trump said. Watch Trump’s full interview:
The boy’s father had pledged to give to God, and in turn, God rewarded him by saving his son from death. God rewards us bountifully whenever we give Him anything from the depth of our hearts. In our Bible reading for today, you will understand that God sees all you do for Him in secret and will reward you in the open. He will never forget anything that you do for Him. Have you done things for God that will make Him determined to give you a great reward? KEY POINT: Never hesitate to do anything for God because He will surely reward you for it. BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: JOB 31-34 AUTHOR PASTOR E A ADEBOYE
OPEN HEAVENS DAILY DEVOTIONAL DATE: SUNDAY JUNE 2ND 2024 TOPIC: GOD REWARDS MEMORISE: “Knowing that whatsoever good thing any man doeth, the same shall he receive of the Lord, whether he be bond or free.” - (Ephesians 6:8) READ: MATTHEW 6:1-18 (KJV) 1 Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven. 2 Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. 3 But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth: 4 That thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly. 5 And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. 6 But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly. 7 But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. 8 Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him. 9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. 10 Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. 11 Give us this day our daily bread. 12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. 13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. 14 For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: 15 But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. 16 Moreover when ye fast, be not, as the hypocrites, of a sad countenance: for they disfigure their faces, that they may appear unto men to fast. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. 17 But thou, when thou fastest, anoint thine head, and wash thy face; 18 That thou appear not unto men to fast, but unto thy Father which is in secret: and thy Father, which seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly. MESSAGE: In over 50 years that I have been serving God, I have observed that He always rewards those who give to Him and work for Him. As long as you live a holy life as His child, He will thank you for whatever you do for Him. Some years ago, I was going to Port-Harcourt, a city in Southern Nigeria for a crusade. God told me about a man that I met at the Full Gospel Business Men Fellowship International Conference and said that I should stay in his house. I had only met this man once. I called him and told him what God said, and he shouted and cried in joy. I stayed at his house and grew very fond of his firstborn, who was a very small boy. One day, I was getting ready to go for the crusade when the children arrived from school. I didn’t see my little friend, so I asked his father about him, and he told me that he was at the hospital battling for his life. He had ingested some poison while at school. Immediately, I heard God say, “That was why I asked you to stay here.” God had seen in advance that danger was coming to this man’s house and that was why He told me to stay there. I later discovered that this man had told all his colleagues in The Full Gospel Business Men Fellowship that he would pay for all their outreaches for one year. With such a sacrifice, it was not surprising that God decided to protect his home from danger. I went to pray for the boy in the hospital on my way to the crusade that evening. When I got there, the Doctor signaled to me that there was no hope, but I prayed, and by the time I returned, I met him at home because he had been discharged.
FORUM | Politics Megyn Kelly: Political Retribution Coming Against Biden, Obama, Hillary Clinton After Trump Conviction ●●● by Jamie White May 31st 2024, 2:58 pm "These Dems will rue the day they decided to use lawfare to stop a presidential candidate," she says. "The only way to save the Republic now is to give them a taste of their own medicine." A reckoning is coming for Democrat leaders now that former President Donald Trump has been convicted in New York City, according to political commentator Megyn Kelly. Kelly on Thursday predicted that Joe Biden, former President Barack Obama, and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton are now vulnerable to prosecution for their own respective crimes in the future now that Trump has been convicted on 34 felony counts of falsifying business documents. “What just happened today is a line we can’t uncross. And these Dems will rue the day they decided to use lawfare to stop a presidential candidate,” Kelly said on her podcast. “You just wait, and it won’t be Hunter Biden the next time. It’s going to be Joe Biden. It could potentially still be Barack Obama. It could still potentially be Hillary Clinton.” “We’re going to have to look at what the statutes of limitations are on the various crimes they surely committed. We’re going to have to look at passing laws to revive those dead crimes, felonies, or misdemeanors so that those cases can be brought out of time.” “The only way to save the Republic now is to give them a taste of their own medicine,” she added. Kelly compared the Democrats to a wolf that just “tasted blood” and suggested the only way to stop a wolf from “coming back for more” is “if he loses a limb of his own.” “Who’s getting indicted next?” she asked. “Joe Biden? Maybe Jill Biden? How low can we go? You may not want to see it. That ship has already left port. That horse has left the barn. That’s where we’re going.” “So before you celebrate too much over at MSNBC and CNN, who are positively gleeful, gleeful over this absurd conviction, you wait and ask yourself, ask yourself what kind of Pandora’s box has been opened here?” she added. Watch Kelly’s full remarks:
FORUM | Featured Watch: French DJs Remix Popular German Anti-Migrant Dance Hit ‘Foreigners Out’ ●●● by Adan Salazar May 27th 2024, 3:15 pm Young people in Europe embracing dance hit 'Ausländer Raus' ('Foreigners Out') amid flood of illegal migrants into their nations. Videos circulating on social media show youths in Germany have embraced the “forbidden” song “Ausländer Raus” as an anthem expressing their political opposition to their nation being flooded with illegal immigrants. Footage out of Stuttgart, Germany, following the Turkish Galatasaray soccer team’s victory over the weekend showed several fans chanting the popular anthem following a championship game. Breitbart has more on the German police’s reaction to the social media sensation sweeping Europe and getting more young people to recognize their countries’ cultures and national sovereignty are being erased. The social media video that spread across German social media this week shows a group of young men and women jumping up and down, singing, laughing, and throwing their arms in the air. Given the context, whether the gestures are dance moves or ‘Hitler salutes’ is obviously a matter of discussion in German media. Germany’s federal security police, which normally concerns itself with terrorism and international crime gangs is investigating the young people singing, reports Die Welt. German journalist and “diversity consultant” Ferda Ataman who was appointed the government’s Federal Commissioner for Anti-Discrimination in 2022 said the song being sung showed “people are being discriminated against and degraded”. The song, Ataman said, is “pure racism, which is increasingly ingraining itself in all social groups and age groups and is being openly expressed.” Welt also cited Green Party state government Integration Minister Aminata Touré who expressed her opinion that singing the song could not be dismissed as a “boyish prank”, but that it had to be seen as “Nazi yelling… They should be ashamed of themselves! Criminal investigations must now follow.” The Sylt video is not by far the first time the Auslander Raus song has emerged among young people in Germany of late. As noted by German broadcaster Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR), clips of it being sung have been released “again and again” at “discos and festivals all over Germany”.,video-190634.html,UCeKq7s The dance hit’s massive popularity shows its message of restricting foreigners from European countries is indeed resonating with younger generations who seek to preserve their cultural heritage. The globalists are increasing their attacks on Infowars and the stakes have never been higher! Please consider donating and visit for merch, nutraceuticals and survival gear.
FORUM | Occult & Globalists Watch: Actress Scolds Security Guards Trying to Hide Jesus Face on Her Dress at Cannes Film Festival ●●● by Jamie White May 27th 2024, 11:49 am Users on social media chalk the incident up to demonic Hollywood elites hostile to Christianity. In a separate incident, a Ukrainian model was also seen being prevented from escaping the event. An actress was seen arguing with security guards at the Cannes Film Festival over her dress which features a large image of Jesus Christ’s face on the train. Massiel Taveras, who was attending the premiere of the French film The Count of Monte Cristo over the weekend, was seen scolding security guards who repeatedly tried to fold up her white dress train to apparently hide Jesus’ face. The dress train didn’t appear to obstruct any nearby attendees ascending the red carpet stairs. After she appeared to tell them to leave her dress alone, the guards kept picking up the dress train to fold it up, only to be lambasted by Taveras again. The guard then appeared to place her arm over Taveras’ head and chest as she attempted to usher her inside. Taveras then turned around and seemingly placed her hand over the guard’s face in retaliation. Taveras later shared pictures of her stunning dress on Instagram where she thanked Christ and the designers who made the outfit. Users on social media shared their theories about the incident, chalking it up to the Hollywood elites’ demonic hostility to Christianity. Religious freedom and tolerance appears to be a thing of the past at this event. Taveras also addressed the incident on her Instagram page, praising former Destiny’s Child singer Kelly Rowland, who was seen heatedly scolding the same Cannes security guard in an earlier exchange. I want to thank all of you for this incredible support, today more than ever we need to stay together , suport eachether protect our souls , have strong boundaries and stand for our rights, let’s show some love and respect to the extraordinary @kellyrowland a pure soul , a talented, classy , educated woman of color that represents with respect all of US🤎🙌 I’m impressed how you handled sister , I didn’t now that happened to you first I was very impressed how calm and genteel you wr because in my case I was tired of the abuse , —BLACK WOMAN MATTERS- we are not going to be in silence on situations like that , we need respect ,it’s enough. I hug you queen #kellyrowland , thanks for giving us sooo much god bless your heart In a separate bizarre incident, a frightened Ukrainian model appeared to try to escape the Cannes festival but was blocked by a line of security guards. Why was this woman prevented from leaving the event of her own free will? Strange things are happening in France.
25 | Died Suddenly is the most censored film in history. When it debuted on X, it was shadow banned, it was community noted, and at one point the entire world was blocked from playing the video. Join us tonight to experience it again, with a never before seen interview from a whistleblower. Share with your family and friends!
FORUM | Editors Choice Watch: British MP Says West ‘Actually at War with Russia Now — They Just Haven’t Told You Yet’ ●●● by Jamie White May 25th 2024, 11:32 am Comes as NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg calls on alliance to allow Ukraine to hit Russian territory with Western-supplied missiles. The West is already effectively engaged in a direct war with Russia in Ukraine right now despite media reporting the contrary, according to British Member of Parliament Andrew Bridgen. Bridgen made the remarks in an appearance on the “Doc Malik” podcast earlier this month, explaining that Western leaders haven’t broke the news yet to their citizens. “We’re actually at war with Russia now. They just haven’t yet told you,” Bridgen said. “I actually met with Andrei Kelin, the Russian ambassador in London, a couple of months ago,” he continued. “And he said, ‘We know your people are firing those Storm Shadow missiles at us out of Ukraine, because you couldn’t train the Ukrainians to do it. We know you’re doing it.'” “And I think everybody knows there are lots of U.S., UK, French — the French are in there — “ Host Doc Malik interrupted to ask why Western forces are instigating Russia. “I thought Brits were down on the ground as training advisers. Teaching sessions and showing them– but apparently, that’s how we started with the Vietnam War,” he said. “What the fuck are we doing poking the bear? That’s really stupid.” Bridgen replied that despite the West’s efforts to trigger open war with Russia, its President Vladimir Putin has demonstrated restraint. “They’re determined to get us into war with Russia. And thank God we got someone in Putin who at least has got brains,” he said. “At the end of the day, if you look at the facts, since 1991 we’ve moved NATO 1,000 miles nearer to Moscow. They haven’t moved nearer to us,” he noted. “And if you think about what we were trying to do, the EU wanted to bring in Ukraine for whatever reason and NATO wanted to put missiles on the border of Russia. Well I mean, what did America do when the old Soviet Union tried to put missiles in Cuba 90 miles off the Florida coast. They weren’t having it were they?” This comes as NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg on Friday urged Western leaders to allow Ukraine to use their weapons systems to freely strike within Russia. “The time has come for allies to consider whether they should lift some of the restrictions they have put on the use of weapons they have donated to Ukraine,” Stoltenberg told The Economist. Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova condemned Stoltenberg’s call for the alliance to let Ukraine hit Russian territory with Western-supplied missiles. “It is useful to know this for everyone who is invited to the so-called ‘peace conference’ in Switzerland,” Zakharova wrote on her Telegram channel.
OPEN HEAVENS DAILY DEVOTIONAL DATE: SATURDAY MAY 25TH 2024 TOPIC: THE BENEFITS OF KNOWING JESUS MEMORISE: “And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.” - (Daniel 11:32) READ: PHILIPPIANS 3:7-11 (KJV) 7 But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ. 8 Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ, 9 And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith: 10 That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death; 11 If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead. MESSAGE: The joy that comes from knowing God is immeasurable. However, joy is just one of the many benefits enjoyed by those who know Him. From our memory verse, you will understand that those who know their God will be strong and do exploits. As a Christian, you do not have to be fearful about the challenges that come with everyday life. God has empowered you to overcome whatever obstacles you might encounter. The Bible says in Romans 8:37: ...we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. Furthermore, knowing Jesus empowers you to walk in victory every day and to be bold in the face of trials (Proverbs 28:1). Fear can paralyse a fellow, but God has not given you the spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). Knowing God and understanding His perfect love for you enables you to live above fear. The Bible says in (1 John 4:18): There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. After his encounter with the Lord, Paul was so full of joy from knowing the true God that he penned the words of today’s Bible reading, in which he confessed wholeheartedly that Jesus was everything to him. Even after he had attained great heights in the Lord, he still longed to know Him better because he discovered that the more of Jesus he knew, the more joyful, fulfilled, satisfied and hopeful of eternal life he became. I pray that you will experience this type of joy, in Jesus’ name. Beloved, knowing Jesus increases your faith in Him, and as you increase in faith, you please God more. The Bible says in Hebrews 11:6 that without faith, it is impossible to please God. The joy of having eternal life is drawn from knowing Jesus. John 17:3 says: And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent. To know Jesus is to know peace because He is the Prince of peace (Isaiah 9:6). Knowing Jesus is knowing prosperity and abundance (Matthew 14:14-21), (2 Corinthians 8:9). Knowing Him is knowing divine healing and, better still, divine health (1 Peter 2:24). All these and more are the benefits of knowing our Saviour. Beloved, do you truly know Jesus? PRAYER POINT: Father, please reveal more of Your Son to me daily. BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: ESTHER 6-10 AUTHOR PASTOR E A ADEBOYE
FORUM | News mRNA Vaccines Permanently Alter DNA of the Vaxxed & Their Offspring — Censored Study ●●● Sean Miller | Infowars May 23rd 2024, 10:03 am The Covid injection has permanently mutated the human race and the proof is being censored, according to esteemed doctor and researcher. Dr. Peter McCullough posted a video to X (formerly Twitter) on Thursday which focused on censorship by LinkedIn of a study which documented how mRNA gene therapy ‘vaccines’ such as the Covid shots permanently alter the genetics of the vaccinated and their progeny via insertion of mRNA into the human DNA. “The Pfizer and Moderna genetic code is permanently installed into the human genome,” McCullough said. “So as we sit here today we have to reconcile that Pfizer and Moderna potentially could have permanently changed the human genome.” The doctor went on to say that conclusive research has not yet been conduct to confirm if the entire mRNA sequence is permanently incorporated into DNA, as he hopes the body will edit it out, yet it’s a strong possibility that mankind has forever been fundamentally altered, something he referred to as ‘very disturbing’. McCullough also discussed the concern that the Pfizer and Moderna genetic code has imbedded itself within sex cells, causing permanent mutations for all offspring of the vaccinated lineage. “What if eggs and sperm took up the Pfizer and Moderna Covid [vaccines] and it’s permanently installed, then they would pass it on to the baby,” he said. “That’s the great concern.” The study discovered that a certain part of the Covid mRNA genetic code (BNT162b2) from the gene therapy ‘vaccines’ did indeed transcribe (insert) itself into human liver cells. “In this study we present evidence that COVID-19 mRNA vaccine BNT162b2 is able to enter the human liver cell line Huh7 in vitro. BNT162b2 mRNA is reverse transcribed intracellularly into DNA as fast as 6 h after BNT162b2 exposure. A possible mechanism for reverse transcription is through endogenous reverse transcriptase LINE-1, and the nucleus protein distribution of LINE-1 is elevated by BNT162b2,” the study said in the ‘Discussion’ section. The Covid shots are known to increase in lethality after repeated doses, increase Covid infection rates, result in turbo cancers, reproductive destruction, cause miscarriages, autoimmune disorders in the thyroid, as well as deadly headaches, seizures and heart inflammation in addition to a multitude of serious ailments seen in massive population studies and contain hundreds of times the allowable levels of DNA contamination, leading to mutagenic effects. The CDC recommends all Americans receive their Covid shot, and that young children receive extra.
VMAT2 deletion also causes fearfulness, psychiatric disorders, cardiac arrhythmia, cancer, and accelerated aging. While it’s unlikely that these sadistic mad scientists can cut us off from God, they are definitely doing their best to murder us.
FORUM | Special Reports Destroying Our Connection to God with Gene Editing Injections ●●● Greg Reese | May 21st 2024, 9:03 am Evidence of VMAT2 Deletion in the clot shots A viral video which claims to be a leaked 2005 presentation to the DOD by American geneticist Dean Hamer shows a man briefing a room of men about the VMAT2 gene, the God gene, and how it can be suppressed with the use of vaccines. Evidence of VMAT2 Deletion in the shots More than a hundred years ago, Rudolf Steiner wrote that. “In the future, we will eliminate the soul with medicine. Under the pretext of a ‘healthy point of view’, there will be a vaccine by which the human body will be treated... so that the human being cannot develop the thought of the existence of soul and Spirit… He would be extremely smart, but he would not develop a conscience, and that is the true goal of some materialistic circles.” A viral video which claims to be a leaked 2005 presentation to the DOD by American geneticist, Dean Hamer, shows a man briefing a room of men about the VMAT2 gene, the God gene, and how it can be suppressed with the use of vaccines. “Excuse me, on the left over here, we have individuals who are religious fundamentalists, religious fanatics. And this is the expression, RTPCR, real time PCR, expression of the VMAT2 gene. Our hypothesis is that these are fanatical people, that they have overexpression of the VMAT2 gene and that by vaccinating them against this, we’ll eliminate this behavior.” ~ Dean Hamer (Fake) In 2021, former NEWS anchor, Ryan Harper, claimed in the San Francisco Chronicle that he created this video as a short film. But has provided no clear evidence to substantiate this claim. And if it is a hoax, then it appears to be disinformation, False information deliberately spread to employ strategic deceptions to advance political, military, or commercial goals. Because in 2009, Dean Hamer lectured at Marlboro College about this same subject. “Well, it turns out at least one gene that’s involved in spirituality has now been identified. It's one of many different players. The next slide shows it. It's something called The Vesicular Monoamine Transporter number 2.” ~ Dean Hamer (Real) And in 2004, Hamer published the book, “The God Gene: How Faith Is Hardwired into our Genes,” where in he argues that a variation in the VMAT2 gene dictates one's openness to spiritual experiences, and without it, we can not feel God. Not only is this information accurate, but it appears to have been deployed. In a recent article by Dr Ariyana Love, it is shown that this technology has existed for years. The VMAT2 gene is a protein that carries several vital neurotransmitters to synapses in the brain. It basically controls the central nervous system. Deleting it, known as a knockout, would greatly reduce these neurotransmitters creating an endless list of chronic health issues. VMAT2 deletion is accomplished using the “SLC18A2 cDNA ORF clone” where “cDNA” is “Complimentary DNA.” Which is used in human cloning and genetically modifying an organism. In 2013, Supreme Court judges ruled that cDNA added to target cells in the human genome, makes a person patent eligible. And there are patents for using this to genetically edit the human VMAT2 gene and delete it. This can easily be done using simple CRISPR technology and is even sold online. In a 2020 study on mice, VMAT2 gene deletion caused schizophrenia. In a 2022 study it caused Parkinson’s disease. In the American Journal of Human Genetics, a study on deleting the VMAT2 induces an “Intellectual Disability Syndrome” in humans. It causes autoimmune disorders, cerebral palsy, type 1 diabetes, and several other illnesses. Begging the question, as Dr. Love asks, “How long have pharma and the government been reducing our humanity through VMAT2 knockouts?”
FORUM | Globalism Congo Coup? African Nation Says 3 Americans Involved In Thwarted Takeover Attempt ●●● by Kelen McBreen May 20th 2024, 8:58 am DRC President may be third world leader targeted by assassins this week Reports out of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) allege three U.S. citizens participated in a plot to attack the nation’s presidential palace and eventually take over the country. The footage below is being shared online, reportedly showing some of the Americans being arrested by the Congolese Army. CBS News reports, “The Democratic Republic of Congo’s army said it foiled a coup attempt early Sunday and arrested the perpetrators, including several foreigners, following attacks on the presidential palace and the residence of a close ally of Congo’s president that left three people dead in the capital, Kinshasa. Officials said three U.S. nationals were among those behind the alleged plot, but their identities and whereabouts remained unclear Monday morning.” In total, fifty people were arrested for taking part in the failed coup d’ etat that was initiated by opposition leader Christian Malanga. According to the New York Post, Malanga was shot and killed during the attack on government buildings. At least two police officers also died after being shot in the melee. One of the American men being arrested in the footage above is said to be Malanga’s son. President Felix Tshisekedi was being targeted in the assault, with Christian Malanga saying in a social media video just before he was killed, “Felix, you’re out. We are coming for you.” The American ambassador to the DRC issued a message about the incident on X, writing, “I am shocked by the events of this morning and very concerned by reports of American citizens allegedly involved. Please be assured that we will cooperate with the DRC authorities to the fullest extent as they investigate these criminal acts and hold accountable any U.S. citizen involved in criminal acts.” This appears to be the third hit on a world leader this week as the President of Iran was killed in a helicopter crash over the weekend and the Prime Minister of Slovakia was shot by an attempted assassin last Wednesday.
FORUM | World News Belgium and Hungary Launch Controversial Digital IDs, Vaccine Passport, Ahead of EU Regulations ●●● by Didi Rankovic | Reclaim The Net May 20th 2024, 5:51 am Hungary’s digital identity scheme uses biometric data obtained through facial recognition to match a user’s face “against a government database.” Belgium and Hungary are leading the way in launching digital ID wallets ahead of EU’s eIDAS (“electronic identification and trust services”) 2.0 regulation and EUDI Wallet coming into force later this month. In Belgium, the app, covering all of the country’s federal public services, was launched on Tuesday, with the government promoting the digital identity as “simplifying” the use of its services, and “making life easier.” In other words, the authorities there are playing the convenience card – while downplaying the risks that come with this type of centralization of people’s identities. Related: EU Approves Digital ID Regulation That Forces Big Tech Companies To Support an EU Digital ID App The wallet, via “eBox” mailbox, gives access to government-issued documents, as well as 683 services, identity data, Covid vaccination records, and more. However, the success of the scheme is by no means guaranteed – on the one hand it is not mandatory, so people are free to decide not to use it. Judging by an opinion poll Deloitte carried out last year, “71 percent of Belgians do not want a digital ID on their phone,” reports say, adding that the same survey showed that 79 percent “do not want a mobile driver’s license, while half refuse to fully digitize their IDs.” “Ease of use” is also how digital ID is pushed in Hungary, where the appropriate app will be made available for download as soon as this week, while the service will be fully operational from September. Enthusiastic reports about this development describe the digital ID program as “innovative,” “handy” and “saving costs.” At the same time, putting all of a person’s data in one place and storing it in the cloud is advertised as something positive, instead of what opponents consider as scary – from the security standpoint alone. The operation is centralized via Hungary’s Digital Citizenship Program. Wallet users will have all their administrative, etc., documents in that one place, plus a digital mailbox, their vaccine passport, and can rely on a pan-EU electronic signature, while electric payments will be “fully integrated.” Hungary’s digital identity scheme uses biometric data obtained through facial recognition to match a user’s face “against a government database.” Meanwhile, some security researchers in other EU countries are warning that as many as 75 percent of what are described as high-risk organizations (healthcare, banking, air travel…) “do not use the strongest verification method.”
FORUM | Globalism Congo Coup? African Nation Says 3 Americans Involved In Thwarted Takeover Attempt ●●● by Kelen McBreen May 20th 2024, 8:58 am DRC President may be third world leader targeted by assassins this week Reports out of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) allege three U.S. citizens participated in a plot to attack the nation’s presidential palace and eventually take over the country. The footage below is being shared online, reportedly showing some of the Americans being arrested by the Congolese Army. CBS News reports, “The Democratic Republic of Congo’s army said it foiled a coup attempt early Sunday and arrested the perpetrators, including several foreigners, following attacks on the presidential palace and the residence of a close ally of Congo’s president that left three people dead in the capital, Kinshasa. Officials said three U.S. nationals were among those behind the alleged plot, but their identities and whereabouts remained unclear Monday morning.” In total, fifty people were arrested for taking part in the failed coup d’ etat that was initiated by opposition leader Christian Malanga. According to the New York Post, Malanga was shot and killed during the attack on government buildings. At least two police officers also died after being shot in the melee. One of the American men being arrested in the footage above is said to be Malanga’s son. President Felix Tshisekedi was being targeted in the assault, with Christian Malanga saying in a social media video just before he was killed, “Felix, you’re out. We are coming for you.” The American ambassador to the DRC issued a message about the incident on X, writing, “I am shocked by the events of this morning and very concerned by reports of American citizens allegedly involved. Please be assured that we will cooperate with the DRC authorities to the fullest extent as they investigate these criminal acts and hold accountable any U.S. citizen involved in criminal acts.” This appears to be the third hit on a world leader this week as the President of Iran was killed in a helicopter crash over the weekend and the Prime Minister of Slovakia was shot by an attempted assassin last Wednesday.
OPEN HEAVENS DAILY DEVOTIONAL DATE: SUNDAY MAY 19TH 2024 TOPIC: BE A DOER MEMORISE: “But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.” - (James 1:22) READ: MATTHEW 7:24-27 (KJV) 24 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: 25 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. 26 And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: 27 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it. MESSAGE: James 1:22-25 tells us that we must not be hearers only, but doers of the word of God. It says that people who are not doers of the word are deceiving themselves and are qualified to be called fools. According to our Bible reading for today, a fool is someone who hears the word and will not act on it. Such a person is like someone who is building a house on sand. Some of the people God called fools according to Psalm 14:1 are those who say that there is no God. If I were to ask many Christians if they believe there is God, they are likely to say ‘Sure’. The question is, why then are they careless with His words? Those He calls fools are those who do not take His words seriously. Those who don’t obey the word of God do not have the fear of God. Proverbs 1:7 says that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. If we all fear the Almighty God, we will not disobey His words. Those who disobey God are fools. For some people, their ideology is, “I obey when I want, the way I want, and only the part of the word that is convenient for me.” Such people have lost the fear of God. In Matthew 21:28-32, Jesus told the story of a father who said to his son, “Go and work on my farm.” The son replied, “I am not going.” He later repented and went. How can your father give you an instruction, and you tell him to his face, “I am not going?” If you were raised the way I was, some lashes will definitely follow such effrontery. As for the second son, the father also gave him an instruction, and he said he will obey, but he did not obey. Proverbs 25:19 says that such a son is like a broken tooth and a foot out of joint; someone who lets you down at a critical moment. However, there was a third son that you may not easily notice in that passage; He was the one telling the story. Jesus Christ Himself was the Son who said, “I will go,” and went (Isaiah 6:8). In Matthew 26:39, this same Son said, “...not as I will, but as thou wilt.” Let your disposition to God’s word always be, “Not as I will, but as thou wilt.” My prayer is that you will always do the will of God, just like Jesus Christ. KEY POINT: Obey the word of God promptly and completely at all times, whether it is convenient or not. BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: EZRA 8-10 AUTHOR PASTOR E A ADEBOYE
FORUM | Special Reports Shock Footage: P Diddy Beats & Slams Girlfriend Inside California Hotel ●●● I n f o w a r s . c o m May 17th 2024, 1:25 pm Disturbing video shows violent attack CNN has obtained March 2016 footage of rapper Sean “Puff Daddy” Combs assaulting his then-girlfriend Cassie Ventura inside a Los Angeles hotel. BREAKING: Surveillance footage released showing Sean “Diddy” Combs beating his then-girlfriend Cassie Ventura. The footage was obtained by CNN. The incident occurred at the InterContinental Hotel in Century City, Los Angeles in 2016. Ventura reached a settlement with Combs… — Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) May 17, 2024 Ventura claimed in a legal complaint that an intoxicated Combs punched her in the face and fell asleep, at which point she tried to leave the hotel room. Combs then woke up, chased her down the hall and threw her down by the back of the neck. After kicking her while on the floor, Combs dragged her and eventually started throwing glass vases at Ventura. According to Ventura’s 2023 lawsuit against Combs, the rapper paid the hotel where the assault took place $50,000 for the footage. Since she launched her lawsuit against Combs, five other lawsuits have been filed, with people accusing the rapper of rape, sexual misconduct, and other crimes. The Department of Homeland Security raided two of Combs’ mansions last month in part of a human trafficking investigation. Many people have suggested Puff Daddy was operating a sexual blackmail scheme similar to deceased pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.
Repost from @Sthlmeko|
FORUM | Allt fler utplacerade kärnvapen i världen ●●● Antalet kärnvapenarsenaler ökar i världen, precis som mängden nya kärnvapentyper under utveckling. Geopolitiska spänningar har lett till att kärnvapen som avskräckningsmetod har fått ökad betydelse, bedömer fredsforskningsinstitutet Sipri. Världens kärnvapenstater fortsätter att modernisera sina arsenaler. Länderna har under 2023 också placerat ut nya vapensystem som antingen är kärnvapenbestyckade eller som kan bära kärnvapen, visar en rapport från Sipri. Enligt analysen var det totala antalet stridsspetsar i världen i januari i år 12 121, varav 9 585 i militära lager klara att användas av kärnvapenstaterna USA, Ryssland, Storbritannien, Frankrike, Kina, Indien, Pakistan, Nordkorea och Israel. Ryssland och USA har sammanlagt nästan 90 procent av alla världens kärnvapen. 2 100 av de utplacerade stridsspetsarna hålls i högsta beredskap monterade på robotar. Främst gäller det ryska och amerikanska stridsspetsar, men även Kina tros ha några stridsspetsar i högsta beredskap. ”Trots att det totala antalet stridsspetsar fortsätter minska genom att vapen från det kalla kriget gradvis demonteras, kan vi tyvärr för varje år se ökningar av antalet operativa kärnstridsspetsar”, säger Siprichefen Dan Smith i ett pressmeddelande. ”Trenden kommer troligen fortsätta och sannolikt eskalera under de närmaste åren och det är utomordentligt oroande.” Kristin Groth/TT
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Allt fler utplacerade kärnvapen i världen | SvD

Antalet kärnvapenarsenaler ökar i världen, precis som mängden nya kärnvapentyper under utveckling. Geopolitiska spänningar har lett till att kärnvapen som avskräckningsmetod har fått ökad betydelse, bedömer fredsforskningsinstitutet Sipri.

OPEN HEAVENS DAILY DEVOTIONAL DATE: SUNDAY JUNE 16TH 2024 TOPIC: THE FATHER'S BLESSINGS MEMORISE: “The blessings of thy father have prevailed above the blessings of my progenitors unto the utmost bound of the everlasting hills: they shall be on the head of Joseph, and on the crown of the head of him that was separate from his brethren.” - (Genesis 49:26) READ: GENESIS 27:27-40 (KJV) 27 And he came near, and kissed him: and he smelled the smell of his raiment, and blessed him, and said, See, the smell of my son is as the smell of a field which the LORD hath blessed: 28 Therefore God give thee of the dew of heaven, and the fatness of the earth, and plenty of corn and wine: 29 Let people serve thee, and nations bow down to thee: be lord over thy brethren, and let thy mother's sons bow down to thee: cursed be every one that curseth thee, and blessed be he that blesseth thee. 30 And it came to pass, as soon as Isaac had made an end of blessing Jacob, and Jacob was yet scarce gone out from the presence of Isaac his father, that Esau his brother came in from his hunting. 31 And he also had made savoury meat, and brought it unto his father, and said unto his father, Let my father arise, and eat of his son's venison, that thy soul may bless me. 32 And Isaac his father said unto him, Who art thou? And he said, I am thy son, thy firstborn Esau. 33 And Isaac trembled very exceedingly, and said, Who? where is he that hath taken venison, and brought it me, and I have eaten of all before thou camest, and have blessed him? yea, and he shall be blessed. 34 And when Esau heard the words of his father, he cried with a great and exceeding bitter cry, and said unto his father, Bless me, even me also, O my father. 35 And he said, Thy brother came with subtilty, and hath taken away thy blessing. 36 And he said, Is not he rightly named Jacob? for he hath supplanted me these two times: he took away my birthright; and, behold, now he hath taken away my blessing. And he said, Hast thou not reserved a blessing for me? 37 And Isaac answered and said unto Esau, Behold, I have made him thy lord, and all his brethren have I given to him for servants; and with corn and wine have I sustained him: and what shall I do now unto thee, my son? 38 And Esau said unto his father, Hast thou but one blessing, my father? bless me, even me also, O my father. And Esau lifted up his voice, and wept. 39 And Isaac his father answered and said unto him, Behold, thy dwelling shall be the fatness of the earth, and of the dew of heaven from above; 40 And by thy sword shalt thou live, and shalt serve thy brother; and it shall come to pass when thou shalt have the dominion, that thou shalt break his yoke from off thy neck. MESSAGE: A father has tremendous power over the lives and destinies of his children. Any wise child will always seek his or her father’s (biological or spiritual) blessings. This is why you must always think of ways to provoke your father to bless you. Unfortunately, these days, most people are after getting material things from their fathers and hardly think of what they can do to make their fathers bless them. One day, I had just returned from a journey, and two of my spiritual children came to welcome me. The one who got to me first merely greeted me, the other followed suit when he joined us and then proceeded to collect my bags. Immediately he did that, I said to him, “God bless you.” The first son said, “Daddy, you did not say ‘God bless you’ to me.” I responded, “What did you do for me? You saw me carrying these bags, but you didn’t help me.” If you want your father to bless you, you must be ready to do something that will provoke him to do so. One very important thing about a father’s blessing is that it is irreversible. Even though Isaac realised that he had blessed Jacob instead of Esau, he could not reverse it (Genesis 27:33). This is why you must seek your father’s blessing in every way you can.
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Once your father blesses you, you are blessed forever. Nevertheless, blessings are different. Some blessings come from the soul, some from the heart and some from the mouth. When Isaac wanted to bless Esau, he told him to prepare his favourite meal so that after he had eaten it, he could bless him from deep within his soul (Genesis 27:4). A father can bless three of his children, but one will still be greater than the rest because the father loves that one in a special way. How well does your father love you? Do you often provoke him to pray for you or are you the type that provokes him to anger regularly? Some people hardly send money to their old parents, some hardly call them, while some others don’t even visit them. They may be old and frail now, but their blessings and curses remain very powerful. Whatever you do, ensure that you get as many blessings as possible from your father before he dies. ACTION POINT: Do something for your father today that will provoke him to bless you. If you are a father, call your children and bless them from your soul. BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: PSALMS 69-72 AUTHOR PASTOR E A ADEBOYE
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Repost from N/a
FORUM | Globalism Hungary Threatens EU Over ‘Insane’ Migrant Fine – Media ●●● by RT June 15th 2024, 5:30 am The bloc’s top court has imposed a €200 million penalty on Budapest for “deliberately” violating refugee laws. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has threatened Brussels with retaliation after an EU court slapped Budapest with a €200 million ($216 million) fine over its asylum policy, according to national media. The European Court of Justice (ICJ) imposed the penalty on the Orban government on Thursday, accusing it of “deliberately avoiding” compliance with the bloc’s refugee laws. The ICJ also ruled that Budapest must pay an extra fine of €1 million a day until it changes its policies. Shortly after the ruling was announced, Orban took to social media to describe it as “outrageous and unacceptable.”  “It seems that illegal #migrants are more important to the Brussels bureaucrats than their own European citizens,” the prime minister said in a post on X (formerly Twitter). Orban also reportedly threatened retaliation in an interview with Radio Kossuth on Friday. “We’ll figure out a way, so it hurts Brussels more than it hurts us,” the leader said, without elaborating, according to Hungarian news outlet and Bloomberg. Obran described the fine as “a huge amount” and claimed that it was unprecedented. “It’s just insane,” quoted the prime minister as saying. The ICJ ruling relates to a 2020 judgement that found that Hungary had restricted access to international protection procedures, unlawfully detained asylum seekers in transit, and illegally removed third-country nationals. Hungary has since closed transit zones but otherwise has not complied with the ruling, which “constitutes a serious threat to the unity of EU law,” the court said in a statement. Hungary has taken a hard stance on migrants from outside the EU since the number of daily arrivals more than quadrupled during the migrant crisis of 2015, which saw over a million people arrive on the continent, mostly from Syria and Afghanistan. In September and October of that year, Hungary put up fences at its southern borders with Serbia and Croatia. The standoff comes as Hungary is set to take over the EU presidency on July 1. Orban’s government has also consistently criticized the Western approach to the Ukraine conflict. Budapest has opposed NATO’s funding and arming of Ukraine, as well as the sweeping sanctions on Russia, instead calling for a ceasefire and diplomatic solution.
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Hungary threatens EU over ‘insane’ migrant fine – media

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has reportedly threatened Brussels with retaliation over an asylum policy fine

Försoning för fred Välkommen, lilla barnet som föds just nu. Du har en hel planet som ditt andra moderliv Du är min påminnelse om hur ren jag också var vid den jordiska resans avstamp, och såsom jag, kommer inte heller du att lämnas växa i fred i ditt medfödda ljus. Krig, vet du inget om, lille barn. Det drar sina frontlinjer långa över sinnen, idéer och land. Du tilldelas en trosuppfattning, en ideologi, en skyttegrav. Du piskas att jaga hägringen av pengar, status, trasiga relationer, nationer. Du kommer att känna dig vilsen i vuxnas djungel av vilsenhet, politikerna sitter fast i trötta cirkusupptåg, ideologerna är papegojor med teatraliska följetong, andliga barrikaderar i sina lusthus av neonljus, generalerna jonglerar med domedagens eld. Det är faktiskt oturligt att födas i dessa blinda tider, vi står ju mitt i historiens första slag som kan bli det sista. Varje dag är ett roulettespel med vapnens atomer. “Kommer de att avfyras idag?” frågar vårt tysta, uppgivna djup. Du tillhör ett släkte som har lärt sig spendera gränslöst med pengar, tid och kraft på att ögonblickligen förgöra sina egna livsverk och allt på att röka landmassor och supa sig i berusningsfloder, på att surfa dag och natt på ettors och nollors osynliga moln. Likgiltighet är folkets egna oreflekterande kött och blod som gåva till kriget Men fred, fred inombords, fred mellan oss, fred för planeten, har släktet vårt inte lärt sig ägna ens en miljondels tid på. Du, nyfödde barn, välkommen till denna vackra världs motstridiga dröm. Såsom vi gör, kommer du att tycka att “allt är mitt fel”. ”Tack för din varning, du som har kommit längre än mig på livets vandring. Med hjärtat och handen som bundsförvant Förlåter jag mig själv för att jag föddes i denna värld bönande för hjälp. Förlåter jag mig själv för att jag föddes i denna förlorade tidsanda. Förlåter jag mig själv för att jag föddes bland er vackra förvirrade människor. Jag försonas med mig själv för att jag föddes på denna missförstådda jord. Jag försonas med mig själv för att jag föddes i denna ofredens tid. Jag försonas med mig själv för att jag föddes bland människor främmande för sig själva. Jag förlåter er allihopa, för ni har tappat bort barnhjärtat och det lilla ljuset i lek och skratt. Jag försonas med er allihopa, trotts att ni har tappat bort barnhjärtat och det lilla ljuset i lek och skratt." Och jag håller fast vid mina av Moder Jord givna rättigheter: Min rätt att aldrig ge order till krig och mord. Min rätt att aldrig lyda order till krig och mord. Min rätt att aldrig kliva ner i en skyttegrav, vare sig med vapen eller ord. Min rätt att avskaffa krig, militär och vuxnas segerillusion. Min rätt till en värld av fred, byggd på hjärtats lagar. Min rätt att odla fred i varenda hjärta, varenda öga, varenda hand. Min rätt att be er att sprida detta fredens brev, över från hjärta till hjärta planeten runt. PS: Kära medmänniska, jag vädjar till dig om hjälp. Militarism och krig har stulit sex år av min ungdom. Detta krig i Europa kan bli slutet på alla våra liv. För att stoppa kriget nu behöver vi gå samman, ägna tillräckligt med tid och hjärta för att tillsammans åstadkomma fred 🌿💜 Pêl Rostam
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Hamster Kombat

Just for you, we have developed an unrealistically cool application in the clicker genre, and no hamster was harmed! Perform simple tasks that take very little time and get the opportunity to earn money!

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FOLKOMRÖSTNING om DCA-avtalet, USA-baser, vapenlager och kärnvapen...

Det här DCA-avtalet som ger USA rätt till egna baser och vapenlager och möjlighet att placera kärnvapen på 17 orter i vårt land innebär att vi överlåter mycket av vårt självbestämmande till USA....

Indeed, LifeSiteNews recently reported on how Trudeau’s Liberal government has spent over $30 million DEI affiliated contracts amongst many federal ministries since January 2019.    When it comes to DEI, Musk has been a formidable opponent to the discriminatory hiring practices. In Canada, the only main party speaking out against it is the People’s Party of Canada, under its leader Maxime Bernier. He has been outspoken against radical gender ideology repeatedly over the last few years as well as the COVID jabs and mandates.  In April, he announced a new party policy officially denouncing the so-called DEI agenda, saying it is nothing more than a “fundamentally racist, sexist, and discriminatory ideology” that “divides Canadians.”  Bernier told LifeSiteNews recently that the only way to stop the “radical policies” of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) agenda – which he calls a combination of “official discrimination against white heterosexual males” and the “promotion of weird mental illnesses” – is for people to fight back against those seeking to undermine “traditional norms and values.” “Candidates from these groups must self-identify as belonging to one or more of the designated equity groups to be considered for the position,” notes UBC. 
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Trudeau Liberals spent over $30 million to push LGBT ideology in federal departments: report - LifeSite

According to a report by True North, The Trudeau government effectively paid a 'cabal of consultants trafficking in the dark arts of gender ideology, systemic racism theory and other ideological demagoguery.'

FORUM | World News Top Canadian University Posts Job Listing that Excludes White Heterosexual Men ●●● by Anthony Murdoch | Lifesite June 10th 2024, 7:42 am The University of British Columbia says the new job is 'restricted to members of the following federally designated groups: people with disabilities, indigenous people, racialized people, women, and people from minoritized gender identity groups.' VANCOUVER, British Columbia (LifeSiteNews) –– One of Canada’s most well-known universities has posted a job opening for a new research chair position but has essentially barred non-homosexual white men from applying for the job. A recent job posting for the position of “Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Oral Cancer Research” at the University of British Columbia (UBC) Vancouver campus has explicitly mentioned that those who don’t meet its so-called diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) requirements need not apply. The UBC job posting was published on May 21, and notes that the seven-year contract for the chair role has with it certain “eligibility requirements,” such as candidates having to demonstrate a track record of “supporting equity, diversity, and inclusion.”   According to UBC, the selection for the role will be “restricted to members of the following federally designated groups: people with disabilities, indigenous people, racialized people, women, and people from minoritized gender identity groups.”  This rules out straight white men from applying for the role. UBC uses its Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Action Plan as well as the B.C. Human Rights Code as validation for its job requirements. The UBC claims that its current faculty is underrepresented by those who “self-identify” as having a disability, thus it notes that a person from this category is “preferential.”  To ensure that straight white men do not apply for the job, the UBC is also mandating that anyone who applies for the role must first conduct what it calls an “equity survey.” According to the UBC, “Equity and diversity are essential to academic excellence.”  “We encourage applications from members of groups that have been marginalized on any grounds enumerated under the BC Human Rights Code, including sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, racialization, disability, political belief, religion, marital or family status, age, and/or status as a First Nation, Metis, Inuit, or indigenous person.”  Musk: Is the even legal?   As news of the UBC job posting spread on social media, X owner Elon Musk chimed into comment on the matter, writing on June 3, “Is this legal in Canada?” in reply to a sarcastic post from Quebec-based academic Gad Saad mocking the job posting.   “Yes! Oral cancer research has long been dominated by white heterosexual males. Imagine the progress that can be made if the relevant research were conducted by Trans People of Color. Thank you @UBC for your epistemological courage in fighting against the scourge of White Heterosexual Science,” sarcastically wrote Saad on June 3 on X.   In recent years, there has been a notable increase in the promotion of so-called DEI requirements on employers, because of a push for it from the federal government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. 
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Top Canadian university posts job listing that excludes white heterosexual men - LifeSite

The University of British Columbia says the new job is 'restricted to members of the following federally designated groups: people with disabilities, indigenous people, racialized people, women, and people from minoritized gender identity groups.'

Repost from @Sthlmeko|
FORUM | World at War Ukrainian Air Force Hits First Target on Russian Territory as War Continues to Escalate ●●● by Dénes Albert | Remix June 10th 2024, 7:26 am This was the first attack against Russia carried out by a Ukrainian aircraft. A Ukrainian military aircraft has hit a target on Russian territory for the first time, a Kyiv military source announced, in the latest sign that Ukraine and the West are willing to bring the war to Russian soil. According to the Ukrainian source, a “Russian command center” was reportedly attacked on Sunday, June 9, near Belgorod in western Russia. It is not yet clear what type of ammunition was used in the attack, including whether it was a Western weapon. Speaking on condition of anonymity, the military source told Sky News, “The Ukrainian air force hit a Russian command center in Belgorod. Although damage assessment is still ongoing, the attack resulted in a direct hit. This is the first Ukrainian airstrike on a target on Russian territory.” The strike comes after a number of Western countries, namely Germany, France, and the U.S., approved the use of Western-supplied missile systems against military targets on Russian territory. Ukraine already regularly carries out drone strikes deep into Russian territory, but this is the first time a military aircraft has been used to strike targets inside Russia. The day before, the Russian Defense Ministry announced that Russian armed forces had shot down several Ukrainian drones in the Belgorod region. The United States and France recently said that Ukrainian armed forces are allowed to use their weapons to strike military targets in Russia, from where Russian troops launch attacks on Ukraine. Under new guidelines approved by President Joe Biden, U.S. munitions could be used on Russian territory to defend the northeastern Ukrainian city of Kharkov. David Cameron, the British foreign secretary, was less specific, saying simply that Ukraine has yet to decide how it will use British weapons, such as Storm Shadow cruise missiles, which could be launched from Ukrainian aircraft. A Ukrainian military source also said that on Saturday, June 8, they carried out a “coordinated attack” on a Russian landing ship that had recently passed into the Sea of Azov from the Black Sea. The ship was the fifth of seven Ropucha-class amphibious assault ships that were sunk as a result of Ukrainian attacks, the source said.  “This successful strike shows the Russians that they cannot operate freely either in the Black Sea or in the east,” the source added. According to him, the Russian military uses such ships to transport ammunition and cargo to the occupied city of Mariupol for further transport to the frontline.
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Ukrainian air force hits first target on Russian territory as war continues to escalate

A Ukrainian military aircraft has hit a target on Russian territory for the first time, a Kyiv military source announced, in the latest sign that Ukraine and the West are willing to bring the war to Russian soil. According to the Ukrainian source, a “Russian command center” was reportedly attacked on Sunday, June 9, near […]