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WHAT HAPPENED TO NANA YAA? Written By: MAAME ARABA (@sassyyy_ara) SEASON 3 EPISODE 13 Previouslyā€¦ Nana and Sally opened up to each other about how they got involved in the situation they were in. ************ Sally called Andrea three times but to no avail. She tried a fourth time and Andrea finally answered. Sally: Andrea itā€™s me Sally Andrea: Sally! Where are you? Thank God youā€™re safe šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜… Sally: Well Iā€™m not exactly safe šŸ™‚. Iā€™m stuck in the woods. I tried to run away and now Iā€™m lost. Can you please ask Mr John to send help? Andrea: Yes yes of course but where is Agnes? Sally: Sheā€™s right here with me. She was bitten by a snake šŸ, we are running out of time āŒ›ļø . Please send help as soon as you can. Iā€™ll use my friends phone to send you the live location. Andrea: Okay but what happened? How did you get there? Sally: We were kidnapped by Mr Mensah, Mrs Opoku and the Chief of police šŸ‘®ā€ā™‚ļø. Andrea: Talking about Mrs Opoku, she has been arrested. There are journalists a lot of journalists and police in the school as Iā€™m speaking šŸ«. Even the headmistress has been detained. I already told the police you went missing and they said theyā€™ll send their men to find you. Mr Mensah has not yet been arrested because he is nowhere to be found. I heard the authorities have forced Mrs Opoku to tell them where he might be hiding. So they might find him soon šŸ”œ. Sally: What about the Chief of Police šŸ‘®ā€ā™‚ļø? Andrea: Oh that manĀæ He was the first to be arrested. He and all his other men that were involved in this. Sally: If Mr Mensah is still out there then he might find us first šŸ˜°šŸ˜°šŸ˜°. Please send help immediately. We are losing Agnes. Andrea: I will ********* When the police got to the apartment where Sally and Agnes were kept they did not find anyone there. So they set out into the bushes to find Mr Mensah and the girls. *********** Sally: Agnes I just spoke to Andrea, she said Mrs Opoku and the Chief of police have been arrested. At least all our efforts have not been in vain. Very soon the police will find us and we will all be safe again. They are going to send you to the hospital and you will be healed. You are going to be fine okay? Agnes? Why isnā€™t she responding? (Sally asked Nana) Nana: I think she has fallen asleep šŸ™‚ Sally: AGNES!! Sally touched her hand and she was really cold and rigid but her eyes were still open. She tried waking her up but Agnes was not responding. Sally knew she was dead but she did not want to accept that. She kept trying to wake her up until Nana closed her eyes and pulled Sally away from the body. To be continued Join @bigggstepper for more Ā©What Happened To Nana Yaa?
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WHAT HAPPENED TO NANA YAA? WRITTEN BY MAAME ARABA (@sassyyy_ara) SEASON 3 EPISODE 12 Previouslyā€¦ Nana could not find any help when he went looking so he went back to where he left the girls. ************* Sally: So you did not like what you were doing? Nana: Of course not! Iā€™m really sorry that they made me hit you and your friend. I never thought this was what my friend was getting me into. We are childhood friends so heā€™s like a brother to me. He asked me to come and live with him in the city so I could find a better job. My family worked really hard to put me through school but I could not continue with my university education because things got really hard for us and my parents couldnā€™t pay my fees. I had already taken students loan so I couldnā€™t ask for another one. Thatā€™s why I deferred so I could work for a year, save some money and go back to school. I did not have anyone to stay with in Accra so I went back to my hometown. I didnā€™t get a well paid job over there and just went round doing whatever I could find but Michael, who you might know as Yaro asked me to come and stay with him in Accra and I did. I still didnā€™t get a job when I was with him until he told me about this one. He never really told me the details and what exactly we had to do he just told me we will get a lot of money, because I was so desperate to go back to school I didnā€™t ask too many questions about the job. I just did as he said and now look where that has landed me. Sally: Iā€™m so sorry to hear all that, when we get out of this alive I know things will get better for you. Nana: What about you? How did you get involved in all this? Sally: My story is quite similar to yours. I come from a poor family too and I was not raised in Accra. I was an excellent student šŸ‘©ā€šŸŽ“ and my parents did everything to put me through school šŸ«. Mrs Opoku is my motherā€™s distant cousin, she came to our town one day and told my mom about a scholarship for "brilliant but needy students" šŸ‘©ā€šŸŽ“. She asked my mom to let me go and stay with her so she helps with my SHS (senior high school) education and my mom agreed. We all trusted her because sheā€™s a teacher šŸ‘©ā€šŸ« and we thought she was an honorable woman. When she brought me to Accra I stayed home for a while but she did help me get admitted into the school she works at and I moved with her to the boardinghouse. At first every time we went back to Accra for vacation she would let me visit my parents, everything was fine until she started introducing me to "clients". Later on she forced me to recruit more girls into her business and made sure she assigned all of us to very rich men who paid her for our services. Initially I thought šŸ’­ she was the only one in the business but I was wrong. Even the authorities know about this and they share the profit amongst themselves. Iā€™ve been repeated several times because of this. Sheā€™s not allowing me to write my final exam so she can keep using me and she threatened to have my parents killed if I ran away. Nana: So how did you get the help you told me you had? Sally: One of the clients she assigned me to turned out to be an investigative journalist. He was on a mission to uncover the truth after two of the girls (Andreaā€™s sister and Nana Yaa) involved in the trafficking died. Apparently even the IGP was sponsoring him. So heā€™s the one helping us and Andrea too. Andrea is our school nurse but she only came to work there after her little sister died. She is on a quest to get justice for her sister, so I introduced her to my Journalist friend. Talking about Andrea where is your phone? Nana: Itā€™s here Sally: Oh my days why didnā€™t I think of this earlier!?šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø let me call Andrea and ask her for help. To be continuedā€¦ Join @bigggstepper for more Ā©What Happened To Nana Yaa?
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WHAT HAPPENED TO NANA YAA? Written By: MAAME ARABA (@sassyyy_ara) SEASON 3 Episode 11 Previouslyā€¦ The IGP arrested the COP. *********** Nana carried Agnes at his back and they continued their journey out of the woods. After a while he was getting weak and wanted to rest so they sat under a palm tree šŸŒ“ nearby. ***** Agnes: Go on please šŸ˜­. They are probably looking for us by now. The two of you should go, Iā€™m already good as dead šŸ’€ donā€™t waste your time here with me. Sally: Why would you say that? Do you really think Iā€™ll leave you here? I got you into all this in the first place and youā€™re not going to die stop saying all that. Nana I think you should go. When they find us they will surely kill you first so please go. Nana: I canā€™t leave you girls here. Sally: You have already done enough! Go okay! Nana: You canā€™t tell me what to do! Sally: Why do you always want to argue with me? I said go, so just do that. Nana: What makes you think you are the boss around here? Agnes: What is wrong with the two of you? Why are you behaving like kids!? Is everything a joke to you? The possibility that we will make it out of here as a group is very low. But the two of you are still strong. Just go on without me šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø. Nana: I will go and look for help. Hopefully I get back in time before we lose you. Sally will stay here with you. Sally: Okay. Do as you said but please be fast. ***************** He went looking for help but didnā€™t find any so he returned to where he left the girls. Agnes looked very pale by the time he returned and Sally was crying. He hugged šŸ«‚her and tried to console her. Nana: Iā€™m so sorry I couldnā€™t find any help, I did not want to go too far because I wanted to make sure you girls were okay. Sally: Itā€™s all my fault šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­. I shouldā€™ve never got her involved in this. I donā€™t want her to die. Nana: She will not die! Sally: Maybe it would have been better if we stayed where we were. She wouldnā€™t have been bitten by a snake šŸ if we stayed there and I dragged you into this too. Iā€™m so sorry, please forgive me. Nana: You didnā€™t do anything wrong. I already wanted to run away but I didnā€™t have the courage to. To be continued Join @bigggstepper For more. Ā©What Happened To Nana Yaa?
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WHAT HAPPENED TO NANA YAA? Written by: MAAME ARABA SEASON 3 EPISODE 10 Previouslyā€¦ Agnes got bitten by a snake. ******* Nana carried her to a clearing in the woods šŸŒ³ laid her down flat. He washed the bite (it was on her ankle) with water and tied the bite with a piece of his shirt that he had torn. Sally: Is that it? What else can we do? Nana: Donā€™t ask me I donā€™t know Sally: We need to get her to the hospital šŸ„ Nana: Do you see any around? Sally: šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ itā€™s all my fault šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø! This was all my idea. Nana: Calm down okay Agnes: I donā€™t think Iā€™ll make it Sally: Donā€™t say that please šŸ„¹ Agnes: Iā€™m serious, we are in the middle of nowhere. The bite has started swelling andā€¦ Nana: Iā€™ll go and find help. Iā€™ll try and get into town Sally: And leave us here? No please donā€™t do that. Nana: I will come back Sally: No Nana: Do you want your friend to die? Agnes: Then take me along. Nana: Itā€™s not a good idea. I donā€™t know about snake bites but I think you should be lying down. Agnes: They are out to get us, they will soon find us and Iā€™m going to die anyway. You go on without me. Nana: No! ********* Mr Mensah got to the house and met Yaro outside. Mr Mensah: What happened? Yaro: They escaped Mr Mensah: Come on get in, they couldnā€™t have gotten far they donā€™t know this place. He drove as far as he could and then they continued the journey on foot šŸ¦¶. They split so they could find them easier. **************** That morning the Inspector General of police went to the town to arrest the chief of police and his allyā€™s himself. The Chief of police was shocked šŸ˜® upon seeing the IGP. He got up and saluted šŸ«” and wanted to exchange pleasantries but the IGP cut him short. IGP šŸ‘®ā€ā™‚ļø: You are a disgrace to this noble profession! COP šŸ‘®ā€ā™‚ļø: Sirā€¦!? IGP: Be quiet šŸ¤! I have seen it all. Gentlemen play him the videos. The two police Inspectorā€™s who entered the COPā€™s office with the IGP played some videos from a tablet they were holding for the COP šŸ‘®ā€ā™‚ļø. IGP: So this is what you have been engaging in? You have been trafficking young girls! Oh and as for the regional minister he is being arrested as we speak šŸ—£. I had to come here and see to your arrest myself. You are a disgraceā€¦ you are here to protect the people and this is what you engage in? How could you stoop so low? The COP was too flabbergasted šŸ˜® to say anything. IGP: Gentlemen arrest him! To be continued Join @bigggstepper for more.
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WHAT HAPPENED TO NANA YAA? Written By: MAAME ARABA (@sassyyy_ara) SEASON 3 EPISODE 9 Previouslyā€¦ Nana led the girls out of the house into the woods but they kept going round in circles because he did not know the way and Sally complained. ************** They walked on without speaking to each other and the clouds cleared. It was almost day time and they knew Yaro was out to get them. They had to get to town fast and seek help. Meanwhile back at the house Yaro had just woken up. He looked round the house and did not find them there. He was fuming šŸ˜¤ with anger and ended up scattering the things in the house. He yelled Nanaā€™s name several times but to no avail. Yaro: That son of a bitchšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬, I shouldā€™ve known. He was acting too suspicious for me not to have figured things out. Who knows he was probably sleeping the girls. They seduced him to do it. Iā€™ll kill him when I find him! I have to finish him. Yaro called The COP to tell him about what had happened. Yaro: Sir Iā€™m sorry to call you so earlyšŸ˜• COP šŸ‘®ā€ā™‚ļø: What happened? Yaro: They run away COP: HUH!!!! Whoā€™s they? Yaro: The girls and that bastard COP šŸ‘®ā€ā™‚ļø: And you let them? I put you in charge because I knew I couldnā€™t trust that other guy, so where were you? How come you couldnā€™t stop them? Yaro: Sir please I wasā€¦ COP: You know what forget it! I shouldnā€™t have trusted you in the first place . Wait there for Mr Mensah heā€™ll be there soon. ********* While Andrea was twisting and turning in bed her phone šŸ“± rung and she picked it up immediately. Andrea: Hello!? The voice on the other side of the line: "It is done, everything has come to an end, Watch the news in the morning. I did just as I promised" Andrea: Thank God, I was beginning to get scared. And what about the girls? "A search party will go out and find them tomorrow". ************* "Ughhhhhhhhhh" Agnes screamed. Nana: Why? Are you okay? Agnes: šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ it bit me, it bit me, ahhhhh it hurts! (She started wailing šŸ˜­) Sally: What bit you? Agnes: The snake šŸ Nana looked where she pointed and saw something wiggling in the bushes. Agnes: What are you doing just standing there!? HELP ME! To be continued Join @bigggstepper for more Ā©ļøWhat Happened To Nana Yaa?
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WHAT HAPPENED TO NANA YAA? Written by: MAAME ARABA (@sassyyy_ara) SEASON 3 EPISODE 8 Previouslyā€¦ Sally made Nana send her to the bathroom šŸš½ and she asked him to let them run away. ******* Nana: You know what? Iā€™m going to die anyway šŸ™‚ letā€™s do this. Sally: Good They tiptoed back to the living area where they all slept šŸ›Œ. Sally woke Agnes up and whispered the plan to her while Nana went to pack some things he thought theyā€™ll need. While Sally was talking to Agnes, Yaro woke up so she and Agnes pretended to be asleep. Yaro went round the house šŸ” and asked Nana some few questions then went back to sleep. Yaro: What are you doing still up? Nana: Keeping watch, I donā€™t trust those girls Yaro: Yeah me neither, Iā€™m going back to rest bro. Keep an eye on them, Iā€™ll rest for a bit. Will you be able to keep watch till I wake up? Nana: Yes sure. Yaro: Good so when I wake up then you take your rest. Iā€™m really tired šŸ˜“ ********** They waited until they were sure Yaro was asleep and then then they tiptoed silently out of the house into the woods. ********* After walking šŸš¶ā€ā™€ļø in circles for a while Sally finally broke the silence. Sally: Havenā€™t we already been here? Nana: No we havenā€™t Sally: Yeah we have, this is the third time Iā€™m seeing that big Nim tree šŸŒ³ over there. Nana: No itā€™s not Sally: Yes it is! Nana: Well if you know the place so well why donā€™t you lead the way? Sally: So youā€™re saying you donā€™t know where we are going? Nana: No! Are you happy now? Sally: Why did you bring us here if you didnā€™t know the way? Nana: HELLO šŸ‘‹? It was your idea miss maā€™am Sally: My name is Sally! Nana: I donā€™t care šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø! Sally: Youā€™re the bad guy here havenā€™t you been doing this job for a while? You should know this place! Nana: Hahaha šŸ¤£. You must be out of your mind. Sally: Oh really? Nana: Yes! Why did I allow a little girl like you to convince me to do such a thing? Look where you got us? And all of a sudden itā€™s my fault šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø? Sally: If you didnā€™t kidnap me we wouldnā€™t be here Nana: And if you didnā€™t get involved with those people you wouldnā€™t be kidnapped. Agnes: Guys! Enough! Whatā€™s wrong with both of you? Youā€™re acting like kidsšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø. This is not a joke, our lives are at risk here. Who knows, Yaro might have figured out that we are not there and theyā€™re probably looking for us by now. Theyā€™ll soon find us and youā€™re here arguing like kidsšŸ’”. Sally: Well heā€™s the one making us go in circles Nana: Lead the way then! You know what letā€™s go our separate ways! Nana went his way and Agnes followed him. Sally stood there for some minutes and then yelled. "So what? Youā€™re just gonna leave me here?" Nana: You can come if you want! To be continued Join @bigggstepper for more. Ā©ļøWhat Happened To Nana Yaa?
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WHAT HAPPENED TO NANA YAA? Written by: MAAME ARABA (@sassyyy_ara) SEASON 3 Episode 7 Previouslyā€¦ Sally tried to talk one of the guards into setting them free. ************** Later that day the guard (Nana) read about the disappearance of Sally and Agnes and everything that was happening in the school online. He got really scared and tried to discuss it with his colleague. While they gave Sally and Agnes food šŸ±. Nana: Have you seen it? Yaro: Seen what? Nana: The news šŸ—ž Yaro: I donā€™t pay attention to those things Nana: Boyā€¦ itā€™s bigger than we think it and Iā€™m sure very soon they will.. Yaro: Enough okay šŸ‘Œ. Youā€™re just a scaredy-cat. Nothing will happen. Weā€™ll soon kill these girls, weā€™ll get our money and be out of here. Nana: We will kill them? Yaro: Of course! Did you think we were going to let them go free? Weā€™re going to kill them Iā€™m just waiting for the bossā€™s orders. Nana: That was not the agreement I had with you Yaro: You want the money right? Look youā€™re already in this. There is no turning back. ********** About 2:00 šŸ•‘ AM when Agnes and Yaro were sleeping šŸ˜“. Sally was waiting to get the opportunity to talk to Nana once again. She saw him twist and turn and knew immediately that he couldnā€™t sleep just like her. Sally used her feet to kick a cup that was by her side on the floor and got his attention. He got up and walked to where Sally and Agnes were sleeping. Nana: What do you want?šŸ˜” sleep okay! Sally: mmm mmm mmm (she was trying to speak but she couldnā€™t because of the tape that sealed her lips.) Nana: What is it? Sally: mmm mm mm (she kept twisting and turning in all directions) Nana: Fine! He removed the tape from her mouth. Sally: I want to pee šŸ„¹ Nana: Tsw šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø this better not be one of your games He helped her get up (since her hands and legs were still tied) and carried her to the bathroom. Immediately they got there Sally continued with her mission. Sally: You didnā€™t answer my question Nana: You donā€™t really want to urinate do you? Sally: The truth is going to come out soon, I gathered enough proof, there is someone who was helping me. Even if they donā€™t kill you, you are going to go to jail. Let us go and I wonā€™t turn you in I promise. Nana: Why should I be listening to you? Sally: I know youā€™re as scared as I am. Nana: Thereā€™s nothing I can do, Iā€™ll die anyway. Sally: Not if we run away together. Your friend is fast asleep he wouldnā€™t know. I know youā€™re not a bad person. I know you donā€™t want things this way, letā€™s run away before itā€™s too late. Nana: And why should I trust you? Sally: Because I understand what youā€™re going through. Look they deceived me too, all these years they used me šŸ„¹ and now they want to kill me. They are dangerous. Youā€™re so young is this what you want for yourself? Please help me, help my friend and I to get out of here please. To be continuedā€¦ Join @bigggstepper for more.
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WHAT HAPPENED TO NANA YAA? Written by: MAAME ARABA (@sassyyy_ara) SEASON 3 EPISODE 6 Previouslyā€¦ Andrea called the person who was helping them to report to him that Sally and Agnes were kidnapped and that he or she should make a move immediately. ******************* Days later the school was shaken yet again by the disappearance of Sally and Agnes and this time the Headmistress was really worried and wanted to turn the whole town upside down to find the girls. Journalists and parents flooded the school again. The parents wanted to take their wards home even though the Headmistress would not allow it. Everyone in the country heard about what was happening in the school and the government got involved. Police went in and out of the school to manage the situation. ************ Back at the house outside of town Sally tried to talk the guards into agreeing to set them free. Sally: So how much are they paying you for this Nana? (Upon staying there she had learnt their names and figured out that one of them was a bit scared of getting into trouble so she decided to convince him to let them go) Nana: Shut up! šŸ˜” Sally: I know you donā€™t want to this. Tell me! Whatā€™s the situation at home? What pushed you to get involved with these people? Nana: I told you to keep quiet! Sally: You seem like a nice guy, is this what you really want to do with your life? Nana: Can you keep quiet already! Sally: You speak so well. Youā€™re educated arenā€™t you? So what is it couldnā€™t you find a job? Nana: Leave me alone! šŸ˜” Sally: I really like you and I can help you Nana: You canā€™t even help yourself Sally: I know these people more than you do, theyā€™ll not spare you! Theyā€™re going to kill you right after they kill us. Theyā€™ll silence everyone who knows about this to keep their secret safe. Nana: Just shut up! Sally: How old are you? You look young, you must be in your 20ā€™s. Do you really want to die young? Nana: SHUT UP! šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜” Sally: Or else what? Are you going to hit me? Iā€™m not scared of getting beaten, youā€™ve already done that. Nana: Iā€™m going to shoot you if you donā€™t stop bugging me (he pulled out a pistol šŸ”«) Sally: Go ahead then! Iā€™m not afraid to die. Kill me! Kill me now! Do it! What are you waiting for? Nana: Just stop okay! Keep your mouth shut or Iā€™ll silence you! Sally: Go ahead and do that. Whatā€™s stopping you? You canā€™t do it! Youā€™re not a killer, I know you donā€™t have it in you. Nana: Oooohh shut up! šŸ˜” The other guard entered the house (he had been on the lookout outside) and asked. Yaro: Whatā€™s going on here? Were you talking king to her? Didnā€™t they warn us not to talk to them? Nana: I was not talking to her Yaro: You were I heard you. Nana: I wasnā€™t Yaro: Then tape her mouth, make her shut up! These girls are smart, they just want to escape. To be continued Join @bigggstepper for more Ā©ļø What Happened To Nana Yaa?
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WHAT HAPPENED TO NANA YAA? Written by: MAAME ARABA (@sassyyy_ara) SEASON 3 EPISODE 5 Previouslyā€¦ Sally told Mr Mensah and the Chief of police that she did not know where Keke was and this infuriated the COP even more and he threatened to kill her. ************** Mr Mensah: Who is helping you? Sally: No one Mr Mensah: Iā€™m trying to help you, if you keep lying youā€™re just going to die, Sally speak up šŸ—£! Sally: I donā€™t know where she is šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­. I was going to get her to a hotel or some guest house so she could hide there for a while then go home to her family later but she ran away before I could help her. I donā€™t know where she is I swear šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­. Mr. Mensah: Alright! But who were you and Agnes sending those videos to? Why did you give Agnes a phone šŸ“± to record everything that goes on at the apartment? Who is helping you? Sally: Iā€™ll tell the truth šŸ˜­. Iā€™m really tired of this šŸ˜­. I just wanted it all to end. I was planning to post those videos on the internet so we could be free at last. If you want to kill me just kill me already! I had enough. The Chief of Police: She is lying! Itā€™s all lies! šŸ˜” listen when I find out the whole truth Iā€™m not going to spare you and whoever is involved in this. Boys tie both of them up and make sure they donā€™t run away. Iā€™ll be back! The Chief of police and Mr Mensah left the house. ****************** St Patrickā€™s Senior high school: Female staff washroom: Andrea (the school nurse): Hello (she said in a whisper, she was speaking so undertone even she couldnā€™t hear herself clearly) "Hello"ā€¦ the voice at the other side of the line spoke. Andrea: Sally has been kidnappedā€¦ I donā€™t know where she is but she could be dead by now. If you have something to do, do it now. Iā€™m sending you the last videos I received from Agnes. Please take action as soon as possible. Agnes has been kidnapped too. Heaven knows where those two girls are! šŸ„¹ we canā€™t afford to lose more girls please do something now. Even my life is in danger āš ļø. I could be their next target šŸŽÆ. So before they attack letā€™s attack first, we already have enough evidence what are you waiting for? " Andrea calm down, I have everything under control. We will find Sally and the other girl. Iā€™m going to bring all this to an end. Donā€™t panic. I am going to take action sooner that you expect okay just hang in there. I have already spoken to some big people just give me time" Andrea: Time? We donā€™t have time šŸ˜­šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø please I beg you, do something now! And who are these big people? Look we can not trust anyone at this point. We can not put the lives of these young girls in danger. Do something now, do it or else Iā€™ll be forced to take matters into my own hands. To be continuedā€¦ Join @bigggstepper for more Ā©ļø What Happened To Nana Yaa?
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WHAT HAPPENED TO NANA YAA? WRITTEN BY MAAME ARABA (@sassyyy_ara) SEASON 3 EPISODE 4 Previouslyā€¦ Mr Mensah, the COP šŸ‘®ā€ā™‚ļø and Mrs Opoku left Sally at the mercy of the two men. Mr Mensah and the COP šŸ‘®ā€ā™‚ļø came back the next day to force her to tell the truth. *********** The Cop: BOYS! The bodyguards: Yes sir The COP: I have some girl at the boot of the car bring her in maybe thatā€™ll get her to talk. While the men went to get the girl Mr Mensah tried to talk Sally into telling the truth. Mr Mensah: Sally look I know youā€™re scared but we are not going to kill you! Just tell the truth! Where is Keke? You know if we go down youā€™re going down with us right? Yes so we are in this together. Trying to protect Keke will only cause you harm and do you think Keke will do the same for you? Open your eyes, we are your only friends in this game not Keke, so speak up! Sally still didnā€™t say a word. The Chief of police kept pacing back and forth in the room while waiting for the men to bring the other girl in. Some seconds later the men brought the girl in. Her hands and legs were tied and her lips were sealed with a tape. The COP: Sit her down? Yes right there on the floor. ( he ordered the two men) The two men sat the girl down on the floor and the Chief of police proceeded to ask Sally questions. The COP: Do you know this girl? (He asked Sally but Sally did not say a word) HEY!!! Iā€™m taking to you? DO YOUā€¦ KNOW THIS GIRL? Iā€™m talking to you answer me! Donā€™t get on my nerves. She still didnā€™t say a word, he was so exasperated he started laughing šŸ˜‚šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”. The COP: If she doesnā€™t start talking Iā€™ll kill her! Itā€™s useless having her here. (He pulled out a pistol šŸ”«) Mr Mensah: Hey hey hey, calm down šŸ˜Š. It has not gotten to that okay. She will talk! COP: Sheā€™d better because Iā€™m running out of patience but my gun is fully loaded, all I need is one bullet! Mr Mensah: Relax! Let me talk to her. Mr Mensah: Sally thereā€™s no time, I know you know Agnes, I know sheā€™s one of your accompliceā€™s. She already told us everything, now please tell us where Keke is. Sally: I donā€™t know šŸ˜­! I swear to God I donā€™t know! I told her to hide in the bushes after I spared her life, I told her I would come back and get her, but when I went back she was gone! She ran awayšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­. I promise on my life I donā€™t where she is. I really donā€™t know. The Chief of police: She is lying šŸ¤„, she still has the guts to lie in my face. Let me just finish her once and for all! Damn it! šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜” Mr Mensah: Calm down! Iā€™m handling it canā€™t you see? Let me cook.. To be continuedā€¦ Join @bigggstepper for more Ā©ļø WHAT HAPPENED TO NANA YAA?
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