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“What I am about to say does not concern the ordinary man of our day. On the contrary, I have in mind the man who finds himself involved in today's world, even at its problematic and paroxysmal points; yet he does not belong inwardly to such a world, nor will he give in to it. He feels himself, in essence, as belonging to a different race from that of the overwhelming majority of his contemporaries. The natural place for such a man, the land in which he would not be a stranger, is the world of Tradition.” ― Julius Evola It can be overwhelming at how bad things have gotten at times but it's important to remember that all of this was predicted and is playing out just like other events in history.  I often go back to Evola's book "Ride the Tiger", a difficult read to be certain, but the message left for us can be applied to a way of survival moving forward.  I believe that homesteading and becoming self sufficient is an important foundation to accomplish what Evola talks about.  Evola’s idea of Riding the Tiger can be explained as the person who can survive the ride through the modern world without falling off and being consumed by it.  When the modern world has run its course, we will be there to deal the final blow and rebuild. The world asks that we reject our past and our ancestors, our religion, our lands, and our blood.  We should live on top of each other in cities, work for faceless corporations for just enough money to survive, worry only about ourselves and how we can be more comfortable, and happy ~ to worship ourselves as gods and to forsake everything needful for temporary pleasure.  An artificial, soulless existence far removed from the natural world. Starting a homestead is in my opinion the way to fight back against the world and everything it stands for.  Growing your own meat and vegetables ensures your family is healthy far beyond what any store can provide.  Homeschooling your children and grandchildren ensures your values and culture are promoted and carry on into the future.  You become the "warrior in the garden" of old always preparing and ready to put down the beast of modernity when the time finally comes.
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To the fathers: It’s a fine thing to be a young man, and free of responsibility! Let none tell you otherwise. Wildness and mayhem and the path of the heroic youth is not time wasted - many have missed out through choosing the soft life or the domestic life too early the iron and brutality that makes a man in his younger days someone his friends and children look up to later on. However - To be a father - this is a divine and holy ritual of completion; of totality - of immortality that no one who chooses another road will ever know or understand. Our task is clear: to not wait for our children to improve a world that we left worse than our fathers. We must remain heroic. To our sons or daughters. To our wives and families. Even our fathers and mothers; because our understanding of time is not linear! Our actions go cyclically forward and backward through time to strengthen or poison our lines to the beginning and to the ending. Be strong! Everything is counting on you. Happy Father’s Day.
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Being a Father requires an investment into the future, building the kind of world around your homes and communities that you want to raise your children in.  More times than not though, the present rules the day.  The larger the family, the more involved in the moment we must be.  All of the teaching and coaching moments, the "hey Dad watch me!", and especially the "Dad can you fix this?".  There are different stages of life a man goes through.  In his youth he looks to the future, as a young Father he lives in the present, and in his age he remembers all the fond memories of the little voices and the stampede of feet rushing to greet him.  Treasure the present now so you don't miss out on memories to smile at in the future. Happy Father's day!
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It’s been an age since we heard the song Of our blood’s call to be conquerors and kings Our heads hung down Upon hollow chests Nor pride nor fire Only loss’s sting We gaze numbly out O’er a world once ours Now ashes bitter And plague’s foul mark For brothers turned Against our own As foes looked on From the fearsome dark And struck fell blows Amongst our ranks While we fought on And killed ourselves Our high jeweled towers Came to the ground Our kingdom of heav’n Brought low into hell And slow, forgot Our shining crown That was “honor” called In days long gone We cast it off; We threw it down Then nightfall came And swallowed Dawn And yet - we still Can hear the call In hidden places Outside the walls Where men ensure The fire burns - To what once we were We shall return. - PW, 9.22
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Repost from Wandering SpΛrtan
"Every crossing of two breeds which are not, of equal standing results in a product which holds an intermediate place between the levels of the two parents. This means that the offspring will indeed be superior to that parent which belongs to a biologically lower order of beings, but not so high as the superior parent. For this reason, it must eventually succumb in any struggle against the higher species. Such mating contradicts the will of Nature towards the selective improvement of life in general. The favourable preliminary to this improvement is not to mate individuals of higher and lower orders of being, but rather to allow the complete triumph of the higher order. The stronger must dominate and not mate with the weaker, which would signify the sacrifice of its own higher nature. Only the born weakling can look upon this principle as cruel, and if he does so, it is merely because he is of a feebler nature and narrower mind, for if such a law did not direct the process of evolution then the higher development of organic life would not be conceivable at all." ― A.H, M.K, Nation and Race
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In my life I am the caretaker of many things.  This requires me to be a leader and steward in my family, farm, and career.    A Steward is someone who cares for something, protects it, and watches over it.  "We must pass the best things of our world to the next generations in a form as good or better than we found it."  This is stewardship, a character of leadership that created some of the greatest empires the world has ever seen. Throughout history, the leaders that were considered to be the greatest and most loved by their people were the ones who looked into the future and made decisions as guardians rather than possessors.  They viewed their people and their lands as a trust that they were to secure an existence for into the future.  First hand accounts of such leaders talk about how it was as if speaking to a nation through the person, that the individual needs of the person no longer existed.  These leaders couldn't be bought or swayed outside any goal but to the preservation and advancement of the nation under their care. This should be the standard by which we judge all our endeavors, professions, relationships, and our lives themselves.
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Repost from Wandering SpΛrtan
Waging war on weakness becomes the primary principle of those who seek to honor Life. Doing anything less would mean wasting oneself by turning down the gift of Life Embracing struggle and pushing through pain purifies the soul, that is, the process of overcoming, which propels it (the soul) to higher realms. And what else is the purpose of living if not the mastery and conquering of life's challenges? Leasure? How insulting and abominable to think that! He has done well, he who has stood against all odds, put himself to the harshest of tests and can say to his soul in his last breath, "I have lived!"
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Repost from N/a
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“In our society growing food ourselves has become the most radical of acts. It is truly the only effective protest, one that can ―and will ― overturn the corporate powers that be. By the process of directly working in harmony with nature, we do the one thing most essential to change the world ― we change ourselves.”
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The gym is barely even about muscles. The gym is about developing your character as much as it is about developing your body. A man who commits himself to the iron undergoes immense spiritual self-overcoming.
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