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Restoring Consciousness

Exposing The Truth

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If we all knew how to heal ourselves and manifest what we wanted, THEY WOULD HAVE NO CONTROL OVER US. So they crucified Jesus in front of us to deter the human population from practicing his REAL TEACHINGS. And then slowly over time they took certain scriptures out of the bible and very slowly changed the story. Decade after Decade, Century after Century, they removed more and more truth from the scripture and replaced it. 2000 years have gone by since then, seriously sit back and realize how much time that is. The elite who rule the world today is the same group who ruled during the life of Christ and waaaayyy before that. You seriously think they wouldn’t manipulate the most powerful text to ever be created? Come on. You’re all smarter than that. Jesus said it himself, the kingdom of heaven is not another place. It’s not in the sky, it’s not in the ocean, IT IS IN YOU AND IT IS ALL AROUND YOU. WE ARE SUPPOSE TO BE LIVING IN HEAVEN. But this realm got high jacked long ago. That’s a topic we will discuss at another time but is a crucial piece to this story. But the intention of this realm was for humans to live “heaven on earth”. Imagine how beautiful this earth would be without the evil cabal in control and with ALL humans not only understanding what Jesus was teaching but also PRACTICING IT AND LIVING IT. This place literally would be heaven. I have a lot more to say on this topic but I think i through enough at you for one night. If you made it this far, I thank you. Much more to come.
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Okay let’s discuss the Lost Gospel of Thomas. To preface, in 1945 a local boy was exploring the outskirts of a small Egyptian town called “Nag Hammadi” when he stumbled upon a hidden cave/tomb. Inside this tomb he found artifacts and over 50 gnostic texts. These texts included direct dialogue from Jesus Christ himself, personal dialogue of the apostles, Liturgical and initiatory texts, more in depth gospels found in the Old Testament and many other topics we will discuss at another time. But I want to focus on the direct quotes from Jesus himself. And that’s all the Lost Gospel of Thomas is, it is a compilation of 114 direct quotes straight from Jesus’ mouth. No personal interpretation from a disciple, no personalized experience or subjective view… these words came out of Christs mouth and Thomas simply wrote them down. The first line in the Lost Gospel of Thomas reads “These are the secret words which the living Jesus spoke and which Didymos Judas Thomas wrote them down." The following line reads “"Whoever finds the interpretation of these sayings will not experience death”. Now this gospel is pretty lengthy but it only contains direct quotes from Christ himself. I will not go over the entire scripture but there are a few lines that I want to highlight and discuss. The first quote I would like to discuss goes as followed… “ Here Jesus says, "If those who lead you say to you, 'look, the Kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds will get there first. If they say 'it's in the ocean,' then the fish will get there first. But the Kingdom of God is within you and outside of you. Once you come to know yourselves, you will become known. And you will know that it is you who are the children of the living father." This ties into the second quote I would like to discuss… “If two make peace with each other in a single house, they will say to the mountain, Move from here! and it will move." followed by a similar quote found toward the end of this gospel, Jesus said “When you make the two one, you will become sons of man, and when you say “Mountain, move away” and it will move away.” Now refer to the Gospel of Luke 17:20 when he refers to the kingdom of God as an interior state “It is within you” and when this same topic is discussed in the Lost Gospel of Thomas it reads “It’s inside of you but also outside of you. Now let me unpack this and tie it all together for you. The first quote is Jesus telling you that the kingdom of Heaven is not in the sky, it is simultaneously inside of you and everywhere around you. Now this is extremely important to keep in mind when unpacking the second quote that I mentioned. Again Jesus says “If two make peace with each other in a single house…” what Jesus is referring to here is the Mind and the Heart, these are “the two” in this quote and the “single house” is your body. This is incredibly hard by the way, hence the reason why Jesus was the only one at the time who knew how to do this… but when there is no distortion/disconnection between the mind and the heart, you can manifest ANYTHING. Hence the reason why Jesus says “if you tell the mountain to move, it will move”. This is NOT a figure of speech. This is how Jesus was able to preform miracles. This is why you hear stories of him making the blind see, making the deaf hear, walking on water, turn 1 load of bread into thousands. Jesus wasn’t different than us, he just understood how this realm worked. Jesus understood and knew the power of connecting the mind and heart, because once that connection is made you’re capable of ANYTHING you put your mind too. You see, Jesus wasn’t preforming these miracles to show off.. he was show the human population WHAT WE ARE ALL CAPABLE OF. He was teaching the world how to heal on our own, how to manifest instantly on our own, how to preform miracles on our own. JESUS WAS SHOWING US THE WAY. And THIS is why they crucified him. The elite could not have the human population understanding the real teachings of Jesus.
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I’be been trying to figure out how to discuss the Lost Gospel of Thomas with you all because i know this will be a sensitive subject for some. It’s hard to admit that you’ve been lied to your entire life and accepting change is not easy. So my plan is to break this down into 2 parts. I’m going to post part 1 of my discussion tonight on this topic and I will let it sink in for a little while before I discuss and post part 2 Now I want to make myself clear. I’m not here to tell you what to think or how to think. And I’m not trying to be some guru who thinks they know everything or some cult leader who forces you to think one way. I’m simply offering you all a different perspective and providing you information that has been hidden from you. It is up to you what you do with this information
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Now that we got the wheels turning tomorrow I’m going to discuss the Lost Gospel of Thomas. This text was found in a hidden cave along the Nile River in 1945. When this cave was discovered they found over 50 Gnostic texts, many of which were Gospels that were removed from the bible and some that are still in the bible, just slightly altered. The Lost Gospel of Thomas is by far one of the most powerful texts on this plane of existence. There is a reason this was removed from the bible.
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Repost from Kab
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Does this verse describe God or Satan? Why do some scriptures say "No one has ever seen God" (John 4:12) while others describe God walking among people and interacting with them? Because they're not all the same God. Did you know Satan worshipers call Satan "God" and "Lord"? Believing holy books are unedited and perfect is how people got tricked. Satan not only disguised himself as an angel of light, but as God. How do you discern the difference? Their actions. Jesus said that his God is only love, while other verses describe God ordering murder and slavery. It's not the same God. Jesus didn't believe in human sacrifices yet the Church claims that at the time of Jesus, God needed blood? Aren't we also taught that it was Baal who needed blood? All Gods who walked the Earth were Anunnaki, or fallen angels, pretending to be Gods. The God of Jesus lives only within us. Psalm 18 describes a Storm God. Zeus was called Father God. The Storm God in mythology is Satan. This is who the elites worship above all. Who is Baal Hadad? Zeus, or Enlil. At what point do people wake up to this madness? The ultimate red pill for the religious is understanding that holy books are a test. These are stories of people following good and evil entities, which were combined together by elites to create a control system called religion.
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The group who is responsible for murdering Jesus is the same group who rewrote the bible and then told you not to question the text. The same tactics they used today, they used back then. Think.
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Do none of you find it odd that it the Romans who crucified Jesus… yet this same group of people were the ones who created the Roman Catholic Church? Oh yeah and what about the New Testament? Did you know that New Testament was written in Palestine… a region that was under control of the Roman Empire at the time. So let’s clear this up. The Romans murdered Jesus but then rewrote the Old Testament so they could creat their new religion “Catholicism” that they would then push on the entire world. The Romans murdered millions and millions of people all across the world in order to convert them to Catholicism… the bullshit religion that they created to manipulate the future of humanity and steer them away from the truth. So what did people believe in before the Roman Empire took control of the world? Look into it. These people are sick.
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THEY don’t care about Jesus. And they use your lack of discernment when it comes to religion to push their hidden agenda. Start asking yourself tough questions. It’s the only way to grow.
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