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Verbs with Dative and Accusative 📖 Today, let's review verbs that use mixed prepositions and help determine which case follows them: 1️⃣ stehen (to stand) 🔸 Dative 🖇 Das Buch steht im Regal. - The book is standing on the shelf. stellen (to put) 🔸 Accusative 🖇 Ich stelle das Buch ins Regal. - I am putting the book on the shelf. 2️⃣ liegen (to lie) 🔸 Dative 🖇 Das Handy liegt auf dem Tisch. - The phone is lying on the table. legen (to lay) 🔸 Accusative 🖇 Ich lege das Handy auf den Tisch. - I am laying the phone on the table. 3️⃣ sitzen (to sit) 🔸 Dative 🖇 Ich sitze auf dem Stuhl. - I am sitting on the chair. setzen (to seat) 🔸 Accusative 🖇 Ich setze mein Kind auf den Stuhl. - I am seating my child on the chair. 4️⃣ hängen (to hang) 🔸 Dative 🖇 Das Bild hängt an der Wand. - The picture is hanging on the wall. hängen (to hang) 🔸 Accusative 🖇 Ich hänge das Bild an die Wand. - I am hanging the picture on the wall. 5️⃣ stecken (to insert, to be inserted) 🔸 Dative 🖇 Der Schlüssel steckt im Schloss. - The key is in the lock. stecken (to insert) 🔸 Accusative 🖇 Ich stecke den Schlüssel ins Schloss. - I am inserting the key into the lock. 👉 Get your German Grammar freebies
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👍 11 3
Competitions 🏆 Today, we are learning vocabulary related to "competitions": 📍der Wettbewerb (-e) - competition 📍das Turnier (-e) - tournament 📍die Weltmeisterschaft (-en) - world championship 📍die Europameisterschaft (-en) - European championship 📍die Olympiade - Olympics 📍an (Dat.) teilnehmen (nahm teil, hat teilgenommen) - to participate in something 📍das Spiel (-e) - match 📍der Sieg (-e) - victory 📍die Niederlage (-n) - defeat 📍der Schiedsrichter (-) - referee 📍der Trainer (-) - coach 👉 Get your German Grammar freebies
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👍 16💯 5 4
Preposition “in” 📖 Today, we are exploring the uses of the preposition "in": 📍In a place / to a place (the case depends on the question asked): 🧷 Die Kleidung hängt im Schrank. - The clothes are hanging in the wardrobe. 🧷 Ich lege die Bücher in den Kasten. - I am putting the books in the box. 🧷 Ich muss ins Geschäft gehen. - I need to go to the store. 📍To / in a place (with geographical names - exceptions) 🧷 Ihre Freunde wohnen in der Schweiz. - Their friends live in Switzerland. 🧷 Klaus und Erika fahren morgen in den Senegal. - Klaus and Erika are going to Senegal tomorrow. 📍Meaning "in" (with time): 🧷 Er kommt erst in einer Woche zurück. - He will come back in a week. 🧷 In zwei Monaten findet die Konferenz statt. - The conference will take place in two months. 📍With seasons and months: 🧷 Im Sommer ist es nicht immer sehr heiß. - It's not always very hot in summer. 🧷 Haben deine Eltern im Mai Geburtstag? - Do your parents have a birthday in May? ❗️ Get the 137 German Prepositions and accelerate your learning 👉 Get your German Grammar freebies
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👍 14 6
🔥 You will definitely hear this in Germany! 🔥 💥 Here are the top 10 German slang words 🔺 Geil The German version of "cool." Also translates to "awesome." Die sah voll geil aus – She looked really cool. 🔻 Fett Literally translates to "fat." In German slang, fett means the same as geil. Die party war so fett – The party was so cool. 🔺 Abhotten "To party" or "to rave." Derived from the English adjective "hot." Apparently, that's how Germans feel when they're partying hard. Geil. Wir gehen abhotten – Cool. We're going to party. 🔻 Nix The colloquial version of "nicht." Equivalent to "nothin'." Ich sehe nix – I see nothin'. 🔺 Super/mega/ultra Prefixes to intensify the meaning, used instead of "very." Wow, das ist super geil! – Wow, that’s super cool! 🔻 Hä/hö? Another phrase for surprise or confusion. Translates to "huh?" or "what?" 🔺 Ne / nö Everyone knows the popular German negation "nein." In reality, Germans often forget it and use the informal "ne" or "nö." 🔻 Krass This word can be heard as a reaction to something amazing or even shocking. A great English equivalent is "crazy." Das war ja krass gestern! – Yesterday was just crazy! - Combine "voll" and "krass," and you get another useful expression "voll krass," meaning "totally crazy." 🔺 Quasi Inserted when you can’t find the right word or want to express uncertainty. Ich muss… quasi… nach Hause – I have to… kind of… go home. 🔻 Dingsbums In a situation when you can’t remember a word and snap your fingers saying “What’s it… you know…”, Germans say “Dingsbums.” Wie heißt die Dingsbums da nochmal? – What’s it called again? Want to learn more phrases? Check out my slang ebook here.
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Slangtastisches Deutsch

Struggling with Textbook German in Real Conversations? 🗣️ Unlock the Vibrant World of German Slang with "Slangtastisches Deutsch"! 📘💬Feeling lost and disconnected in conversations with native Germa...

👍 22 8🔥 2🥰 2💯 2🙏 1
📝 Reflexive Verbs Today we're looking at some reflexive verbs: 📌 sich an (Akk.) gewöhnen (gewöhnte, hat gewöhnt) - to get used to something 📎 Es ist hier sehr dunkel, meine Augen müssen sich erst an die Dunkelheit gewöhnen. - It's very dark here; my eyes need to get used to the darkness first. 📌 sich an (Akk.) erinnern (erinnerte, hat erinnert) - to remember something/someone 📎 Ich erinnere mich oft an meine Kindheit. - I often remember my childhood. 📌 sich bei (Dat.) nach (Dat.) erkundigen (erkundigte, hat erkundigt) - to inquire from someone about something 📎 Wir wollen uns beim Reiseveranstalter nach den Preisen erkundigen. - We want to inquire about the prices from the travel agent. 📌 sich auf (Akk.) entscheiden (entschied, hat entschieden) - to decide on something 📎 Endlich hat sich Klaus auf den Fallschirmsprung entschieden. - Finally, Klaus decided to go skydiving. 📌 sich (Dat.) etwas ansehen (sah an, hat angesehen) - to watch something 📎 Jeden Abend sehe ich mir im Wohnzimmer meine Lieblingsserie an. - Every evening I watch my favorite series in the living room. 👉 Get your German Grammar freebies
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👍 16 10
💫 Speak Beautifully 💫 Let's go through some popular German idioms: 🔸kalte Füße bekommen - to get cold feet (to get scared) Example: 🖇Meine kleine Schwester hat so laut geschrien, dass ich kalte Füße bekommen habe. - My little sister screamed so loudly that I got scared. 🔸ein Brett vor dem Kopf haben - to have a mental block (to be slow-witted) Example: 🖇Ich glaube, dass viele Menschen nach der Arbeit ein Brett vor dem Kopf haben. - I think that many people have a mental block after work. 🔸es ist alles in Butter - everything is going smoothly Example: 🖇Wie verläuft Ihre Arbeit an diesem Projekt? - Danke, es ist alles in Butter. - How is your work on this project going? - Thanks, everything is going smoothly. 🔸eine weiße Weste haben - to have a spotless reputation Example: 🖇Alle Kunden mögen mit unserem Chef arbeiten, weil er eine weiße Weste hat. - All clients like to work with our boss because he has a spotless reputation. 🔸das Gelbe vom Ei - the best of the best Example: 🖇Ich liebe dich, du bist für mich das Gelbe vom Ei. - I love you, you are the best of the best for me. 👉 Get your German Grammar freebies
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28👍 11🥰 1
🤝 Important Antonyms in German 🤝 ✔️schwach - weak 🔹 stark - strong Examples: 🖇ein starker Spieler - a strong player 🖇schwache Aktivität - weak activity ✔️hell - light 🔹 dunkel - dark Examples: 🖇ein dunkler Anzug - a dark suit 🖇ein helles Zimmer - a bright room ✔️günstig - cheap 🔹 teuer - expensive Examples: 🖇günstige Waren - cheap goods 🖇ein teures Wagen - an expensive car ✔️gekocht - cooked 🔹 roh - raw Examples: 🖇gekochte Eier - boiled eggs 🖇roher Asphalt - raw asphalt ✔️sauber - clean 🔹 schmutzig - dirty Examples: 🖇saubere Kleidung - clean clothes 🖇schmutzige Schuhe - dirty shoes 👉 Get your German Grammar freebies
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👍 15 6💯 2
🌤 What's the weather like outside? 🌤 Today, let's review some adverbs describing the weather: 📍windig - windy 🔗 Es ist heute sehr windig, ich glaube wir müssen das Boot nicht fahren. - It’s very windy today; I think we shouldn't take the boat out. 📍kühl - cool 🔗 Nimm bitte die Jacke mit! Es ist schon ziemlich kühl. - Please take your jacket! It's already quite cool. 📍bewölkt - cloudy 🔗 Es ist heute so bewölkt, dass ich keine Flugzeuge im Himmel sehe. - It's so cloudy today that I can't see any planes in the sky. 📍nebelig - foggy 🔗 Ich fahre das Auto sehr vorsichtig, weil es nebelig ist. - I'm driving the car very carefully because it's foggy. 📍regnerisch - rainy 🔗 Die Kinder wollten gestern im Hof spielen, aber es war sehr regnerisch. - The children wanted to play in the yard yesterday, but it was very rainy. 👉 Get your German Grammar freebies
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👍 14 6
🧞‍♂️ Summer Wishes Today, let's remember the things we usually really want to do in the summer. Ich will … - I want to … 📍im Meer schwimmen - swim in the sea 📍viel Eis essen - eat a lot of ice cream 📍im See baden - bathe in the lake 📍viel Obst und Beeren essen - eat lots of fruits and berries 📍mich sonnen - sunbathe 📍die Sonne genießen - enjoy the sun 📍aufs Land fahren - go to the countryside 📍mit den Freunden spazieren - walk with friends 📍ausschlafen - sleep in 📍Bücher lesen - read books 📍Deutsch lernen - learn German 🙏🏻 Don't lose your knowledge over the summer! To help you start systematic learning, I have something that has already helped over 2000 students in 2023. 👀 Where? How? ✓ In the German Grammar Superstar Pack ✓ Over 2000 pages of exercises and theoretical materials ✓ Includes 10 unique eBooks covering all aspects of grammar 👉 Get your copy
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👍 25 9🔥 2💯 1
⛔️ KEEP CHILDREN AWAY FROM THE SCREEN Want to learn some German curse words? These words are good to know (not necessarily to use 🫢) der Arsch — ass die Scheiße / der Scheiß — shit, crap das Arschloch — asshole, bastard die Verarsche — bullshit das Miststück — bitch die Fotze — cunt der Schwanz — dick der Pimmel — dick, jerk Scheiß drauf! — Fck it! Fick dich! — Fck you! Fahr zur Hölle! — Go to hell! Halt die Fotze! — Shut the fck up! Leck mich am Arsch! — Kiss my ass! Du gehst mir auf den Sack! — You're pissing me off! Ein Scheißdreck werde ich tun! — Not a damn thing! Verpiss dich! — Piss off! And this is just the beginning. The German language is rich in colorful expressions! If you want more, show some love ❤️ Want to learn more phrases? Check out my slang ebook here.
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Slangtastisches Deutsch

Struggling with Textbook German in Real Conversations? 🗣️ Unlock the Vibrant World of German Slang with "Slangtastisches Deutsch"! 📘💬Feeling lost and disconnected in conversations with native Germa...

40👍 15🔥 8💯 1
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