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Carga de datos en curso... 被人人肉的很多前提条件是自己不小心...
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Could We Copy the Key to Yanet Garcia's New Apartment? 🔑

Yanet's original Instagram post is (or was) here...

For those who are bound and determined to see this video in a negative light, I doubt I can convince you that you're wrong... I'll simply state that this is n academic discussion of the risks that can be associated with publicly-posting information like keys or other sensitive details. Is Yanet at risk right now because of her Instagram post? Probably not. Her building has round-the-clock staff and New York is a very safe city. But if you are not an uber-rich celebrity and you live in a normal house without a private security detail, you may wish to consider whether it's wise for you, personally, to post photos of your keys like she did. In the end, knowing your neighbors and being connected to your local community does far more to improve your security posture than your choice of locks or the installation of cameras, etc. Look out for one another and together we can all keep each other safe. Enjoy! 👍😁👍 - -- ----- ---------- I'm on the Fediverse. That's a great place to find me...

I'm also on Instagram. I mostly use it for liking my friends' photos...

Bluesky may still be in beta, but I'm over there...

I'm also on Discord, but mostly only because my daughter uses it, lol...

I post dumb questions to Reddit and sometimes answer folks' questions there, too...

This is my GitHub. I post my design files there...

I still have my Twitter account. I don't use it anymore and neither should you...

This is my personal web site. Most things i create wind up online...

This is my company. We're good at stuff...

This is where I train. Come and learn badass skills...

- -- ----- ---------- 听说这个还挺不错的? 你们可有人玩过...
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The Hungry Lamb: Traveling in the Late Ming Dynasty on Steam

Trek across ancient China in a dark, boundary-pushing visual novel inspired by traditional Chinese art with modern animation. Escort four girls to the prosperous city of Luoyang in a branching narrative with themes of revenge, cannibalism, involuntary servitude, and more on a redemptive journey.

👍 2
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S11 E15: Trump’s Second Term, MLK & Red Lobster Update: 6/16/24: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

John Oliver discusses the plans for Donald Trump’s second term, an interesting campaign choice from a conservative congressional candidate in Michigan, and the bakery that has very successfully turned John into a cake bear. Connect with Last Week Tonight online... Subscribe to the Last Week Tonight YouTube channel for more almost news as it almost happens: Find Last Week Tonight on Facebook like your mom would: Follow us on Twitter for news about jokes and jokes about news: Visit our official site for all that other stuff at once:

Photo unavailableShow in Telegram
The problem of "Responsible AI", in truth, come from the problem of "responsible human being". Think about it, who want to be responsible of anything, if not forced to?
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👍 3🤔 1
很多人说人随着成家会产生责任感,会少很多闲心。我觉得不是。 我第一次觉得有“责任”的时候,是我扳手腕第一次赢过家父的时候。 父亲通常是家中的顶梁柱,靠山,last resort。作为孩子,每一次的“赢过父亲”给我带来的感觉是从欣喜,到丧失感,到无力感的转变。 确切的说是从“赢了!”到“哦…”到“爸越来越老了,我却什么也帮不上忙”的转变。 祝世上每一位父亲节日快乐。
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👏 9😢 7😁 1
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横槍メンゴ‎🐰🎀 (@Yorimen) on X

全てのオタク情報が周回遅れの夫「米津玄師のキックバックって曲いいな!チェンソーマンの主題歌らしい」 私「どういう原理で私の夫なの?!きがくるいそう」 まったく私のSNSに興味ないところは相変わらず推せる

😁 1
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巳皓捷儚@漫画家志望 (@supermishiro)

4だとFireFoxくん頑張らなきゃ #そういう生き物ちゃん Quoting ひっつー (@hituiti_1220715) みんなはどれだと思う? ①棒 ②円盤状 ③楕円形 ④球体 #そういう生き物ちゃん #そういう生き物

🥰 1
最近这一年narou的排行榜上好多女性向的异世界恋爱小说啊… 我怎么记得narou一直是男性读者居多呢…
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🥰 2👍 1