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13 mei 2024 BBB wil spoeddebat met Demissionair minister Dijkstra over instemmen pandemieverdrag BBB heeft met verbazing kennisgenomen van het bericht van demissionair minister Dijkstra dat het kabinet, tegen de uitdrukkelijke wens van een Kamermeerderheid in, toch zal instemmen met het pandemieverdrag van de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie (WHO). Hiermee legt de minister de aangenomen motie van BBB-Kamerlid Mona Keijzer naast zich neer. Een schoffering van de Kamer. BBB heeft daarom zojuist een spoeddebat met de minister aangevraagd.
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BBB wil spoeddebat met Demissionair minister Dijkstra over instemmen pandemieverdrag | BBB

BBB heeft met verbazing kennisgenomen van het bericht van demissionair minister Dijkstra dat het kabinet, tegen de uitdrukkelijke wens van een

13 mei 2024 OverNu @OverNunl De grootste meta-analyse van observationele studies naar de bijwerkingen van de c-prik is verschenen. Hij schetst een alarmerend beeld - maar dat beeld is toch nog te rooskleurig, vreest Vinay Prasad.
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OverNu (@OverNunl) on X

De grootste meta-analyse van observationele studies naar de bijwerkingen van de c-prik is verschenen. Hij schetst een alarmerend beeld - maar dat beeld is toch nog te rooskleurig, vreest Vinay Prasad.

13 mei 2024 X Els van Veen @veen_els De Duitse arts Christian Haffner @Aufdecker daagt de Duitse regering voor de rechter om alle Corona-protocollen zonder zwartgelakte gedeeltes vrij te krijgen. Lockdown, 2G, herstelbewijs, vaccinatiedruk. Vrijwel elk besluit dat na 14 december 2021 in Duitsland werd genomen, was gebaseerd op de aanbevelingen en suggesties van de Corona Expert Council. Dokter Christian Haffner wil ervoor zorgen dat de notulen van de vergaderingen worden vrijgegeven – zonder zwartlakken. Maandag/ vandaag daagt hij de regering opnieuw voor de rechter. De hoorzitting vindt plaats bij de administratieve rechtbank van Berlijn.
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Els van Veen (@veen_els) on X

De Duitse arts Christian Haffner @Aufdecker daagt de Duitse regering voor de rechter om alle Corona-protocollen zonder zwartgelakte gedeeltes vrij te krijgen. Lockdown, 2G, herstelbewijs, vaccinatiedruk. Vrijwel elk besluit dat na 14 december 2021 in Duitsland werd genomen, was…

5 mei 2024 The Vaccine Reaction Autism Treatment Market Set to More Than Double by 2030 by Marco Cáceres As the rates of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) continue rising in the United States and around the world, so does the market for treating the immune and brain dysfunction associated with the neurological and developmental disorder that affects one in 36 eight-year-old children in the U.S., with one in six suffering with a developmental disability. The global market for ASD treatment, currently estimated to be worth about $7.5 billion by market research firm Fortune Business Insights of Pune, India, is projected to more than double by 2030 to just over $13 billion. The market is broken down by three segments: autistic disorder, Asperger’s syndrome, and Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD).1 2 3 Note that these estimates are extremely conservative compared to those provided by Allied Market Research of Portland, Oregon, which peg the ASD treatment market at closer to $30 billion today and forecast it may grow to $43.2 billion by 2031. Some market researchers speculate this market could be a “next industry giant.”1 4
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Autism Treatment Market Set to More Than Double by 2030

As the rates of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) continue rising in the United States and around the world, so does the market for treating the immune and brain dysfunction associated with the...

12 mei 2024 The truth about Covid’s origins is finally coming out Two of the key figures in the story of Covid’s origins gave away vital new information last week before the US Congress. One of these figures is Ralph Baric, the University of North Carolina professor who invented ingenious techniques for genetically altering coronaviruses. He effectively taught scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China how to do ‘gain of function’ experiments with bat-derived sarbecoviruses to make them more infectious or lethal in humanised mice. The other figure is Peter Daszak, the highly paid president of the non-profit, EcoHealth Alliance. Over many years, EcoHealth Alliance has channelled large sums of US taxpayer money to the Wuhan Institute of Virology for ‘gain of function’ experimentation, and for finding new sarbecoviruses in bats. Up until now, Baric and Daszak have taken slightly different approaches to (hardly) helping the world understand what went on in Wuhan before the Covid-19 outbreak in November 2019. Baric has remained largely silent, refusing to do interviews or sign up to articles in the scientific press. He remained silent last week, too, but the Congressional Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic released the transcript of a lengthy closed-door session it held with him in January. Under questioning from Congress, two key figures have unwittingly strengthened the lab-leak theory.
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The truth about Covid’s origins is finally coming out

Under questioning from Congress, two key figures have unwittingly strengthened the lab-leak theory.

12 mei 2024 X Criticaster1960 @IkNet Bevangen door de hitte? Echt? Het was in Leiden gisteren 26/27 graden. Zo heet is dat toch niet? Ik vind de verklaring van @P_McCulloughMD een stuk aannemelijker. Zie 2/2 Zeker 25 deelnemers onwel, marathon Leiden gestaakt.
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Blijf altijd op de hoogte van het laatste nieuws via de snelste en leukste nieuwssite van Nederland, 24 uur per dag en 7 dagen in de week |

24 maart 2024 The Vaccine Reaction Oral Polio Vaccine Causes Nearly All Cases of Paralytic Polio Despite the introduction in March 2021 of a reportedly more stable and safer oral polio vaccine (OPV) called the novel oral polio vaccine type 2 (nOPV2), cases of circulating vaccine-derived polio (cVDPV) paralysis continue to be reported around the world, Ironically, continuing OPV vaccine campaigns in underdeveloped countries appears to be the main reason the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) repeatedly keeps failing to meet its goal of polio eradication.1 2 3
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Oral Polio Vaccine Causes Nearly All Cases of Paralytic Polio

Despite the introduction in March 2021 of a reportedly more stable and safer oral polio vaccine (OPV) called the novel oral polio vaccine type 2 (nOPV2), cases of circulating vaccine-derived polio...

9 mei 2024 Alex Berenson Yep, they're still trying to make H5N1 a thing ...and squandering what's left of their credibility along the way. The H5N1 story is only interesting for one reason (one they don't get) - it shows how unlikely Covid is to have natural origins. H5N1, we can’t quit you! Yes, with Covid firmly in the rearview mirror, Team Apocalypse has gone back to its old standby, the granddaddy of ‘em all, influenza. Covid needed a refresh. Even long Covid is now a punchline. And from Team Apocalypse’s point of view, the flu has the great virtue of occasionally taking out someone who isn’t already terminally ill, 400 pounds, or 85 years old. The problem in hyping the influenza threat is that those cases are quite rare, at least since the Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918-19. The strains that have circulated ever since have either been far milder, or essentially unable to transmit between humans. Still, the public health bureaucrats are trying. For months now, they have talked up the H5N1 “bird flu” strain (the numbers refer to the shapes of two crucial proteins on the influenza virus).
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Yep, they're still trying to make H5N1 a thing

...and squandering what's left of their credibility along the way. The H5N1 story is only interesting for one reason (one they don't get) - it shows how unlikely Covid is to have natural origins.

12 mei 2024 Ninefornews Slowakije gooit roet in het eten van WHO-pandemieverdrag: ‘Dit is fantastisch nieuws’ Deze week werd bekend dat Groot-Brittannië weigert het pandemieverdrag van de WHO in zijn huidige vorm te ondertekenen. De 194 lidstaten van de WHO onderhandelen over dit verdrag, dat werd aangekondigd in mei 2021. Groot-Brittannië zal geen versie van het verdrag ondertekenen die de Britse soevereiniteit ondermijnt, schrijft The Telegraph.
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Slowakije gooit roet in het eten van WHO-pandemieverdrag: 'Dit is fantastisch nieuws'

“Door het WHO-plan te verwerpen, leiden jullie de wereld naar vrijheid.”

11 mei 2024 X Jessica Rose @JesslovesMJK There's been another internal email leak from a Pfizer person to top off the testimony from Pfizer reps to Senator Malcolm Roberts at a recent Senate hearing in Australia. Let's repeat this really clearly. Separate shots for 'employees'. This necessarily means one of two things: that there were batches that were less harmful than others, or that there were known placebo batches (saline injections - and I mean, true saline injections that would be harmless). ...
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Jessica Rose 🤙 (@JesslovesMJK) on X

There's been another internal email leak from a Pfizer person to top off the testimony from Pfizer reps to Senator Malcolm Roberts at a recent Senate hearing in Australia. Let's repeat this really clearly. Separate shots for 'employees'. This necessarily means one of two…