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Golden Age Man

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Carga de datos en curso... So in a couple of weeks, this new bill goes through that supposedly requires Australian farmers to ask permission from an Aboriginal cultural committee and pay a fee every time they want to dig a hole on their own land. BAP called this sort of thing "Global Nigger Communism". It's when niggers are used as a sort of avatar or prop by leftist white/jewish bureaucrats who want to steal money. And most normal moral white people are too naiive, dumb and stupid to figure this out. If you ever get threatened by something like this you are morally and duty bound to completely ignore it, pay nothing and change nothing about your behaviour.
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LIVE: Abo Communism, Biopolitics & the Power of Intolerance

send a superchat: follow Blair on telegram: Joel's social media links: Graphics:

> More time in gym = more Right-Wing
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Repost from Thuletide
Studies: Feminization of men and political orientation Higher testosterone = stronger in-group preference and out-group discrimination Higher testosterone = more likely to adopt/endorse heterodox opinions and question consensus More time in gym = more Right-Wing More physically formidable = more Right-Wing Higher testosterone = more Right-Wing More masculine face = more likely to support explicitly prejudicial beliefs Testosterone promotes group coherence in the face of external threats Physical fitness is very important. If one of your close friends is a libtard, getting them physically fit will make them drift rightwards without even having to redpill them. Feminized they/thems post no threat to the regime, and they know it. This is exactly why they promote soy diets, pornography, demonize fitness etc.
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Endogenous testosterone correlates with parochial altruism in relation to costly punishment in different social settings

Testosterone plays a key role in shaping human social behavior. Recent findings have linked testosterone to altruistic behavior in economic decision tasks depending on group membership and intergroup competition. The preferential treatment of ingroup ...

Friend of mine knows two German citizens who had the state *revoke* their passports because they were publicly telling others not to vote at their church. They are now stateless. Can't travel. This should tell you all you need to know about the sham that is voting. It's the religious sacrament of democracy. They *need* you to participate in their system. Any vote in a general election is consent to be governed by inferior men. Don't participate.
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Repost from Golden Age Farm
New shed roof is finally completely finished
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So many people are under this spell. "Image veneration" was entirely condemned by the early church and only became popularized much later, for the good reason that it runs counter to both 1st and 2nd commandments. It's idol worship.
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Christianity has always been anti-parasitic, why else would the vampire recoil from the cross?
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There are species that respond to harsh environments, trauma or attacks by going into reproductive overdrive. The wolf that survives after most of its pack are killed off will immediately go into heat and have a huge litter of pups. This is happening right now with a certain demographic of White people.
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This is literally the complete opposite of what Christianity actually states Leviticus 20:13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
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Lev. 26:1 Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image, neither rear you up a standing image, neither shall ye set up any image of stone in your land, to bow down unto it: for I am the Lord your God.
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