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Нехватка времени🕑 - отговорка универсальная. Не хватает времени на самообразование. Не хватает времени на спорт. Не хватает времени на активный отдых. 🤷‍♂️ Но я еще не встречал человека, который сказал бы мне, что ему не хватает времени на ничегонеделание. То есть, нехватка времени - это просто отговорка. 👎Если правильно распоряжаться своим временем, то его хватит на все. Но говорить о правильном тайм-менеджменте мы сегодня не будем. Об этом уже сотни книг написаны. Я хочу предложить трехдневный план взрывной "экспресс-тренировки" 💪специально для тех атлетов, у которых вечная нехватка времени. И сегодня я расскажу как за 3 тренировки в неделю длительностью не более 45 минут можно проработать все группы мышц, отлично их нагрузить🏋️‍♀️, и при этом полностью восстановиться. 👇 #тренировки #масса
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Трехдневная экспресс-тренировка на массу для суперзанятых атлетов

Допустим, я немного перегнул палку в предисловии к посту, и ты действительно занятой человек, выделяющий по часу времени для любимого вида…

Hey there, fiends! Research indicates humans are bad at pedicting what will make them happy Read on: 💬 @the_telegramer
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🇷🇺 Russians Today 🇷🇺 👉 Russian memes👈 👉in English 👈 🔗 @russianstoday
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💬The Telegramer💬 Your daily guide for happy and successful life! Get your tips: 🔗 @the_telegramer
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Time Management: Master Your Time, Master Your Life There’s this huge lie we tell ourselves that “we don’t have enough time”. There is some truth to do that because eventually one day we won’t have any more time, but right now (right this moment) we have time. There are 24 hours in a day, if you can’t make the most of those hours then time isn’t the problem, you are! Way too many people suffer from a disease called procrastination. Procrastination usually arises when people fear or dread, or have anxiety about, the important task awaiting them. To rid themselves of this negative feeling, people procrastinate. Whatever the reason, below are some tips to get you to stop wasting time and help you start making the most of the time you have. STOP wasting time on unimportant things Make a detailed time list of your entire day from the minute you wake up till the time you go to bed. You have to really see what your time is being spent on in order to see where you can cut back and reallocate. Assign the amount of time you spend on each of those activities (include time spent watching TV, on Social Media, and any extracurricular activities). Then start eliminating any activities that do not add value to your life or contribute to your goals. Add up the total time then re-allocate that time to your goal(s). Cut your lunch hour in half or use your break time to work on your projects/goals (every minute counts) Not having a time is an excuse. There is always time we can use if we’re willing to sacrifice areas or activities that do not require all the time we’ve allotted to them. Cut your time spent on social media if it isn’t directly related to promoting yourself, brand, business, etc Unless you’re using social media to increase your business/brand reach the time you spend scrolling and liking should be limited. Social media is a huge a time killer and provides no real substantial benefits. Cut your time spent on the internet and redirect to activities directly related to your goals. Use time spent commuting (on the bus/subway) to work on your goals We live in a world where we’re constantly waiting. So whether we’re waiting on line at the bank or the supermarket all of those 5–10 minutes spent waiting eventually add up. Start using that time! Wake up an hour to 30 minutes earlier or go to bed 30 minutes to an hour later Sometimes in order to accomplish those goals you have to be willing to put in a little more time and sometimes that means getting up earlier. Don’t make excuses It’s always easy to list the reasons for not doing something. For every excuse you give yourself, find an equally compelling reason to push forward. Chances are that you will come up with more reasons to do it than excuses not to. Ask for help You don’t have to do it all alone. Whether it’s your spouse, partner, or other family member, let your loved ones know what your goals are and what you’re trying to accomplish. Most times they will be willing to help if it’s something productive. Make a daily “to do” list Don’t beat yourself up if you don’t complete everything on your list. You’re human and sometimes you’re not going to get to everything. And that’s fine. Tomorrow is another day and let what you didn’t finish the day before be the first thing you work on the next day. Don’t make a “to do” list that has 20 things to do Be realistic. Two to three things is perfectly fine. In fact, experts say to keep your daily to do lists short and focus on the activities that will have the greatest impact. Doing one thing can have a greater impact than doing five. It’s important to work hard, but it’s also important to work smart. Focus on each day, one day at a time. Then you won’t feel so overwhelmed. 🗞 @must_reads by HuffPost #TimeManagment #productivity
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Have a great weekend, dear friends! Time Management: Master Your Time, Master Your Life Read on: 🗞 @must_reads
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6 Ways to Build Wealth In Your 20s (Without Resorting to 'Get Rich Quick' Schemes) No one becomes a millionaire overnight. It takes a lot of hard work, dedication, and most importantly, a clear sense of financial responsibility. Although it may surprise you, a lot of people with over $1 million in their net worth started working toward that goal well before they had a high-paying job. The trick isn't necessarily just saving or investing money, but setting a foundation that will provide for you for years to come. And although it won't be easy, following through on it will be one of the best decisions you make toward building wealth in your 20s. Here's how: 1. Up your savings While I know it's something not everyone wants to hear, building up your savings account is an excellent tool to have in your arsenal. A study by Bankrate showed that 69 percent of Americans currently don't have enough in savings to cover a $500-$1000 surprise bill. This means that the majority of Americans aren't prepared for a rainy day and don't have savings set aside for future endeavors. I'll admit it can be hard to save when you live paycheck-to-paycheck, but even setting aside a few bucks a week can take you a long ways. 2. Use technology Perhaps one of the greatest advantages of the times we live in is the access to technology that not only helps us handle our finances, but potentially helps us earn more. According to a survey conducted by Ernst and Young, 48 percent of current financial technology users are between 18-34. The youth is dictating how these technologies are implemented. In short, whether you're looking to save, invest, or even just keep track, there's a ton of great digital products out right now for you to gain better leverage on your finances. 3. Look out for the rise in cryptocurrency Even though to most it's widely considered unchartered territory, Cryptocurrencies have rapidly been adopted as a great way of earning extra income. Just this past week Bitcoin surpassed the $4,000 mark, and it's not the only cryptocurrency making noise. Numerous coins are going from pennies on the dollar to double digits in short runs, which has investors collecting some serious cash. Don't be afraid of checking a few out, especially if you're looking to get into trading. 4. Curb going out to eat Older generations love knocking the youth for their love of going out to eat. It kills me to say this, but they're right about one thing: It can seriously be a great way to save money. Since going out to eat can be a nice treat, try to limit your times to only those instances versus going because you don't want to cook. While it might not seem like much, it'll save you tremendously in the long-run. 5. Invest in long-term stocks Believe it or not, younger generations have been getting more into the stock market. As CNBC notes, Millennials have been making a lot of long-term investments in big-ticket tech stocks. This a smart way to save and can be an excellent way to increase your earning potential down the road. Study up on relatively safe bets and in a few years, you'll see some nice returns. 6. Come up with a strategy to knock out student loans Student loans are an absolutely terrible burden, crippling your financial decisions tremendously. Paying these off will give you much more freedom and a better peace of mind. Look into some strategies such as paying off the highest interest or lowest balances first, as well as extended payment plans. Trust me, you don't want these hanging over your head when you're trying to make a major purchase like a car or house. 🗞 @must_reads by Inc #money
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Hello, dear friends! 6 Ways to Build Wealth In Your 20s (Without Resorting to 'Get Rich Quick' Schemes) Read on: 🗞 @must_reads
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5 Important Lessons People Usually Learn Too Late in Life No one lives a life free of regret. As humans, we will always consider the past and find something we wish we'd done differently. But a truly self-aware person will have substantially fewer regrets in life. Our journeys are a series of successes and failures, experiences that build us up and challenges that knock us down. We make friends and find soulmates and lose some, too. And we never stop learning. But some lessons in life we often learn too late. Don't let these be on that list. 1. Live Life For You Life has different meanings to different people--different priorities, different thoughts on what matters and what is expected. Live your life for you. Be your own person. What matters to you? It might be a lot different than what matters to your dad, or to your grandparents. If your family has a 3-generation history of practicing medicine, that doesn't mean you have to become a doctor. It means that it might be harder for you to gain your parents' approval, or feel validated. But giving in and doing something you don't love is a much deeper pain in the long run. Do what is important to you. 2. Work Hard For Tomorrow, But Enjoy Yourself Today, Too Here's the thing--and you've heard this before: we never know when our time on Earth is up. Work relentlessly toward achieving your goals in life, define what you want, work backwards, and execute your plan to get there--but don't forget to enjoy today, too. Hard work is hard work, and of course there are plenty of things you'll have to do that you don't enjoy. But build in time today for things (and people) you love. Pause and enjoy the present. Take a walk with a friend. Play the guitar outside. Have lunch with your mother. Talk about things you care about. Live for future you, but never neglect present you. 3. Spend Quality Time How much of the time you spend with friends and family is your phone in your hand or in front of your face? Look up. Listen to people you are hanging out with. Talk about real things. Learn together. Go places. Do things! Go on adventures with people you enjoy. No one remembers time spent in silence watching TV, laptop on lap, phone in hand, on a couch with some friends. Make memories. Do new things. 4. Take Care Of Your Body Your body is the only one you get, and it's your only vessel for exploring the world. Take care of it. Exercise and eat healthy foods. Take the stairs instead of the escalator. Choose the salad a few more times each week. Take care of your body so you have more time on Earth to do what matters. 5. Manage Money Wisely Live below your means. Start saving the moment you start earning, even if you can only part with one dollar each month--start forming the habit. Invest. Grow your wealth. Don't increase spending as soon as you get a raise. Save and spend your money on things you actually care about. If travel is important to you, save and research how you can travel cheaply--see Google Flights, Airbnb,, etc. Use your money on what (and who) is important to you, but never stop saving. -- Everyone has regrets, but through self-examination you can actively work to reduce how many things you wish you did differently in your life. Take a solo trip. Understand exactly who you are and what you care about. 🗞 @must_reads by Inc #grow
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Hello, friends! 5 Important Lessons People Usually Learn Too Late in Life Read on: 🗞 @must_reads
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