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#Sammuu_Kee: Qabeenya Kee Isa Guddaa Gaafa dhalatte qabeenyi guddaan ati qabattee gara addunyaa kana dhufte tokkichi sammuu keeti. Yeroo kee fi namoota kee itti dhalatte malee qabattee hin dhalanne. Uumaan kee gaafa addunyaa kana irratti akka dhalattu si taasise kaayyoo inni siif kenne hunda galmaan ga'uu akka dandeessu dhibbaa fi dhibba ni beeka ture. Akkamitti? Kennaa guddaa waan barbaade hunda raawwachuu danda'u tokko gurraa kee lamaan gidduu siif kaa'eera. Kennaa guddaa kana qabattee wanti ati milkeessuu hin dandeenye akka hin jirre waan beekuuf, dhalattee booda rakkoon hammamuu yoo si mudate sana akka injifattu shakkii hin qabu. Sammuun ati qabattee dhalatte meeshaa salphaa miti. Dhugaa dubbachuuf, wantota hawaa keessa jiran hunda keessaa wal-xaxaa fi gad fagoon hamma sammuu keetii ga'u hin jiru. Kompiyuutaroota har'a addunyaan kun itti fayyadamtu hunda kan caalu sammuun kee, haga ammaatti waa'een isaa beekumsa namootaaf qoratamee hin dhumne. Niwuroonota biliyoona 100 tti tilmaamaman of keessaa qabda. Seelonni kunniin yeroo walitti dabalaman kan uumaman saayinaapsota tiriiliyoona 100 qabda. Sammuun kee ajaa'ibsiisaan odeeffannoowwan peentaa baayitii 2.5 kuusuu danda'a. Kana jechuun, daataa 2,500,000,000,000,000,000 ol kuusuu danda'a jechuudha. Dhugaa dubbanna yoo jenne, wantota Uumaan uumes ta'e wantota nam-tolchee keessa uumamni hamma sammuu keetii ajaa'ibsiisaan eessayyuu hin jiru! Mataan ati qabattee dhalatte kun guyyaa tokkotti qofa yaadota adda addaa giddu galeessaan haga kuma 70 ta'an yaada jedhu qorattoonni saayikoloojii. Dandeettiin kun dandeettii salphaa miti. Nama guddaa ta'uuf carraa guddaan ati qabdu dandeettii yaaduu keeti! #Guddinni_Akkana_kitaaba_jedhu_irraa_kan_fudhatame! Via (Eebbisaa Baayisaa) #namabiyyaoromoo #deemsiittifufa
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Every morning brings you new hopes and new opportunities. Make it worth it.
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Waanti bu'aa siif hin daballe ba'aa siif dabala.
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Building Healthy Habits to Improve Listening Skills Good listening skills are important for effective communication, strong relationships, and success at work. Improving these skills takes practice and some good habits. Also, some lifestyle choices, like sleeping right after eating, can hurt your overall health, including your hearing. Let's look at simple ways to get better at listening and the surprising connection between post-meal naps and hearing health.
Listening is a key part of being a good leader; it builds trust, helps understand others, and leads to better decisions.Listening is the cornerstone of effective leadership.
1. Active Listening Techniques Active listening means fully concentrating, understanding, responding, and remembering what someone is saying. Here’s how to do it: - Maintain Eye Contact: This shows you are paying attention and helps you notice body language. - Avoid Interrupting: Let the speaker finish before you talk. This shows respect and helps you understand better. - Provide Feedback: Nodding, summarizing what they said, and asking questions shows you are engaged. - Empathize: Try to understand the speaker's feelings and perspective. This makes the conversation deeper. 2. Improve Your Environment Your surroundings can help you listen better. Here’s how to make your environment more listening-friendly: - Reduce Distractions: Minimize background noise and interruptions. Turn off phone notifications. - Choose the Right Place: Have important conversations in quiet, comfortable places. - Face the Speaker: Sit so you can see the speaker’s face and lips, which helps especially if it’s noisy. 3. Practice Mindfulness Being mindful helps you focus on listening. Here’s how to practice mindfulness: - Meditation: Regular meditation improves focus and reduces stress. - Deep Breathing: Take deep breaths before a conversation to clear your mind. - Mindful Listening Exercises: Spend a few minutes each day just listening to surrounding sounds and identifying them. This sharpens your hearing. 4. Develop Healthy Lifestyle Habits Good overall health supports better listening. Here are some healthy habits: - Balanced Diet: Nutrients like omega-3s, vitamins A, C, and E, and minerals like magnesium and zinc support ear health. - Regular Exercise: Exercise improves blood flow, which is good for your ears. - Hydration: Staying hydrated keeps your ears' delicate structures working well. ❌ 5. The Impact of Sleeping After Eating on Hearing Sleeping right after eating can affect your hearing. Research shows that it can lead to acid reflux, where stomach acid goes back into the esophagus and sometimes into the Eustachian tubes. This can cause inflammation and damage in the ears, leading to hearing problems. ❌ To avoid this: - Wait Before Sleeping: Wait at least 2-3 hours after eating before lying down. This allows your body to digest food and reduces the risk of acid reflux. - Elevate Your Head: If you need to rest soon after eating, use pillows to keep your head up, reducing the chances of acid reflux. ✅ Here are some proven ways to improve your listening skills: - Auditory Training Programs: These programs help improve how you process sounds, which can enhance listening skills. - Cognitive Behavioral Techniques: These can help you deal with negative thoughts that interfere with listening. - Hearing Aids and Devices: For those with hearing loss, modern hearing aids and other devices can greatly improve listening. Improving listening skills involves practice and healthy habits. By practicing active listening, creating a good listening environment, being mindful, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, you can become a better listener. Also, avoid sleeping right after eating to protect your hearing. Use these simple strategies to connect better with others and succeed in your personal and professional life. Follow #personalitydevelopment
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𝗠𝗔𝗔𝗟𝗟𝗔𝗤𝗡𝗜 𝗡𝗔𝗠𝗔 𝗛𝗜𝗡 𝗗𝗨𝗥𝗢𝗢𝗠𝗦𝗨𝗨 ❶. Maallaqni meeshaadha malee galma miti. Maallaqni mala kaayyoo tokkoof malee mataa isaatiin kaayyoo miti. Wantoota gurguddoo galmaan ga’uuf itti fayyadamuu ni danda’ama, garuu furtuu gammachuu ykn guutummaa hin ta’u. ❷.Qabeenyi dhugaan qarshii qofa miti. Qabeenyi dhugaan wantoota akka fayyaa, hariiroo fi miira kaayyoo of keessatti qabata. Wantoonni dhuguma gammachuu fi guutummaa si taasisan kana. ❸. Furtuun milkaa’ina maallaqaa beekumsaa fi hojii cimaa dha. Maallaqni sitti dhufa jettee teessee qofa eeguu hin dandeessu. Waa’ee faayinaansii barachuuf fedhii qabaachuu fi kaayyoo kee galmaan ga’uuf cimtee hojjechuu qabda. ❹. Yaadni kee barbaachisaa dha. Akkaataan ati waa’ee maallaqaa itti yaaddu milkaa’ina maallaqaa kee irratti dhiibbaa guddaa qabaata. Yoo yaada gadhee qabaatte carraan kufaatii kee guddaadha. ➎. Karoora qabaachuu qabda. Yeroo faayinaansii kee ilaaltu qofa baallee hin godhin. Taa'ii akkaataa kaayyoo kee galmaan ga'uuf itti deemtu karoora baafadhu. ➏. Naamusa qabaachuu. Maallaqa yoo ilaalle karaa irraa maquun salphaadha. Milkaa’uu yoo barbaadde garuu naamusa qabaachuu fi karoora kee irratti cichuu qabda. ➐. Deebisii kenni. Milkaa’ina maallaqaa argachuuf karaaleen gaariin tokko namoota biroof deebisanii kennuudha. Yeroo nama gargaartu ofis gargaaraa jirta. ➑. Balaa fudhachuu hin sodaatinaa. Wantoota gurguddoo galmaan gahuu yoo barbaadde balaa fudhachuuf fedhii qabaachuu qabda. Garuu of eeggannoo hin godhinaa jechuu miti. Balaa shallagame kan ati itti amantu fudhadhu. ➒. Obsa qabaadhu. Milkaa’ina maallaqaa argachuuf yeroo fudhata. Hatattamaan bu'aa yoo hin argiin abdii hin kutatin. Cimtee hojjechuu qofa itti fufi dhumarratti galma kee bira ni geessa. ➓. Waaqayyoon amanadhu. Waaqayyo akka ati milkaa'u barbaada. Yoo Isa amanattee fi seera bu’uuraa isaa hordofte, Inni galma maallaqaa kee galmaan ga’uuf si gargaara. 𝑀𝐴𝐷𝐷𝐼𝐼 𝐾𝐼𝑇𝐴𝐴𝐵𝐴 "𝑀𝑂𝑁𝐸𝑌 𝑊𝑂𝑁'𝑇 𝑀𝐴𝐾𝐸 𝑌𝑂𝑈 𝑅𝐼𝐶𝐻" Waan dubbiftaniif galatoomaa
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Yeroon qabeenya qabeenyaan oliiti! Namni yeroo isaaf kennametti fayyadamu nama hubataadha. ❍ Yerootti fayyadamuun dandeettii xiyyeeffannoo namaa guddisa. ❍ Xiyyeeffannoon fiixaan bahuumsa karoora keenyaaf humna jalqabaati. Namoonni GATII YEROO (times value) beekan yommuu dubbatan: ❍ "Yakki guddaan akka yeroo balleessuu, addunyaa kana irra hin jiru." jedhu. "Yeroon kan akeekaati, akeeknis kan yerooti." ❍ Ogeeyyiin fayyaa maaliif "time is life" yookiin yeroon jireenya jedhu beektaa?? Sababni isaa lubbuu namaa darbuuf daqiiqaa muraasni hafe du’a oolchu waan ta’eef. ❍ Atileetiin yookiin warri fiigan "Time is gold" yookiin yeroon warqiidha maaliif jedhu itti yaaddee jirtaa? Sababni isaa yeroo isaaniif kenname sana keessatti fiiganii maayikiroo sekondiidhaan dursanii mo'achuun warqii argatu waan ta’eef. QAJEELFAMOOTA YEROO (PRINCIPLE OF TIME) ➊. Yeroon ni darba: ❍ Yeroo har’aaf siif kenname deebitee boru argachuu hin dandeessu. Boru waan haaraa baatee dhufa. ➋. Yeroon akeekaaf namaaf kennama: ❍ Karooraan yoo itti fayyadamne waan haaraa hojjachuu dandeessisa. ➌. Yeroon siif gaddee dhaabatee si hin eegu: ❍ Wanti har’a utuu hin xumuramin hafe, yeroo itti aanutti darba. Wanta har’a hojjachuu dandeessu har’uma xumuri malee boriif hin olkaa’in! ❏ Moo'attoonni hojii boru hojjetan har'a hojjetu! ❏ Giddu-galeessonni hojii har'a hojjetan har'uma hojjetu! ❏ Namoonni kufan hojii kaleessaa har'a hojjetu! ➲ Kanaafuu, yeroo hundumaa MOO'ATAA ta'i! ➍. Yerootti fayyadamuuf ogummaa cimaa gaafata. ❍ Uumamni xixiqqoon kan akka mixii yoo ilaalle halkanii fi guyyaa; wanta guddaa hojjatu. "Until you value yourself, you won't value your time! Until you value your time, you will not fit anything with it" (M. Scott Pek) ⁃ "Hanga bu'aa jireenyaa kee hubattutti bu'aa yeroo hin hubattu, hanga bu'aa yeroo hubattutti waan tokkollee hojjechuu hin dandeessu" jedha. ❍ Yeroon jireenya, jireenyi yeroo dhaan murtaa'a. Yeroon akkaataa jireenyi keenya bu'a qabeessa ta'u murteessa. Yeroo qusachuun nama hundatti ulfaachuu ni danda'a. Garuu ammoo hamma danda'ameen yeroo qusachuun gaariidha. Yeroon qabeenya qabeenya caaluudha. Yeroo qusachuu jechuun ofiif yaaduu jechuudha. Ammas yeroo qusachuun jireenya keenya gaggeessuuf murtoo jalqabaati. Join now Telegram channel and add your friends
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