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Ron Watkins [CodeMonkeyZ]

Ron Watkins [ ]

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The "inflation reduction act" will do the exact opposite and increase inflation a lot. It will be the catalyst that sends us spiraling into a great recession. Hope you have been preparing your family's supplies. The days ahead are about to get rough.
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Do you want CMZ channel comments back? Remember, I will never DM you to ask for crypto or money.Anonymous voting
  • Bring back the chat channel.
  • Dont bring back the chat channel.
  • Dont care either way.
0 votes
Congratulations to Elijah Crane who bought "won" the Congressional primary in my race. Elijah Crane will be another RINO like Dan Craneshaw and John McCrane. As we all have learned, money seems to be the deciding factor in whether or not you win a Congressional race. Elijah Crane raised the most money in my race by using a highly paid DC consultant team. While Elijah Crane may be a bought and paid for RINO, he may yet be better than the Dirty Democrat Tom O’Halleran. Good luck.
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The primary race results will be published in about an hour. Please join us on the Tora3 live stream as we discuss the results:
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Voting in Arizona is today. Remember to vote RON WATKINS FOR CONGRESS. Thank you so much everyone for your wonderful support. God bless!
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It is now the eve of the primary election in Arizona. I never took any lobbyist money. I self-funded a large part of my campaign. The majority of my campaign donations came from you and our community. The RINOs in my race raised millions from lobbyists. Guess what? They are now bought and paid for by the establishment. Please help me today by telling all your friends and family to go to the polls tomorrow to vote for me. Its the final push and together we will rise up to take America back from the radical left communists who are hell bent on destroying our way of life. Lets pray tonight that our campaign message reverberates across Arizona and into the voting booths tomorrow. God bless you all and thank you so much for your continued support!
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Please share this video across social media and ask your friends and family to vote for Ron Watkins on August 2. Please also donate to the campaign here: Thank you and God bless!
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Much like JFK, I focused my campaign efforts on knocking on doors around the rural and remote communities across the district. The voice of rural Arizona will be brought to DC if I become the next Representative for CD2. Vote Ron Watkins on August 2.
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Vote for Ron Watkins on August 2. You will get a fearless Representative who is not owned by anybody except you. I pledge to be the tip of the spear as we work together to take our country back from the braindead wannabe dictator who stole the 2020 election. I will fight for you every day to investigate the traitors in DC to ensure they are put on trial for sedition and treason. You can donate to Ron Watkins for Congress here: Thank you everyone and God bless.
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Vote for Ron Watkins for Congress on August 2 if you want Congress to declare Biden's "victory" as fraudulent. You can donate to Ron Watkins for Congress here: God bless!
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County GOPs around the country need to all declare Biden's 2020 election as FRAUDULENT.
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275/3143 County GOPs (8.7%) have passed a resolution declaring the 2020 election fraudulent.
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Mobile Voting Vans are the next voting scam to replace the unmanned drop boxes. Once you drop your ballot into the black box, your vote will be delivered for you to city hall. Who knows what happens en route to city hall.... ? 🤔
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WTH is this!
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You know you are in a recession when online dictionaries start changing the definition of "recession".
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As you start your day, thank God that you have a new day to enjoy. Thank God for His blessings and ask Him to help you to be a blessing to others during the day.
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The meaning of life is to find out and fulfill the purpose and meaning of life.
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I am the only AZCD2 candidate who will defend you from the Deep State. They are coming after me because I am the only one in my race who can stop them. The Deep State is a clear and present danger to our democracy. I am the only one in my race who can stop them. The Deep State is a clear and present danger to our way of life. I am the only one in my race who can stop them. The Deep State is a clear and present danger to our economy. I am the only one in my race who can stop them. The Deep State is a clear and present danger to our security. I am the only one in my race who can stop them. When you vote on August 2, remember that Ron Watkins is the only Congressional candidate in AZCD2 who can stop the Deep State.
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Our country is under attack and the world’s financial system has been taken hostage by the WEF and their front company BlackRock. We need politicians to stand up to the tyranny and fight back against the Deep State. The Deep State is manipulating currency exchange rates (via Soros) to benefit themselves and harm entire countries. The Deep State is using influence (via the WEF) to get countries to adopt policies that are favorable to them and their interests, and to prevent countries from enacting policies that could harm their interests The Deep State is using financial clout (via companies like BlackRock) to buy up key industries and assets around the world, giving them even more power and influence.
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We need to get God back in our schools and government! Our country was founded on Christian principles, and we need to return to those roots. God has been removed from too many aspects of public life, and it's time to change that. Prayer and religious expression are vital parts of our society and should be encouraged, not discouraged. God should be recognized as a source of strength and guidance in our country, not pushed out. Schools and government institutions should be places where people of all faiths can come together and be respected. God is an important part of our history and our future, and we need to remember that.
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I am the only candidate who is really looking out for you. I am the only candidate who understands your needs. I am the only candidate who can keep our country safe. I am the only candidate who can create jobs and grow the economy. I am the only candidate who is fighting for you. Vote for Ron Watkins on August 2.
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Our country under God is extremely important. We cannot allow anyone to steal an election ever again.
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My fellow Americans, it is time for us to take control of our destiny and take back our country. We have allowed other countries to take advantage of us for far too long. It is time to put America first. We need to take care of our own first and foremost. We need to create jobs here at home and keep our money here in our own country. We need to strengthen our borders and protect our sovereignty. We need to be a nation that is respected and feared by our enemies. We can no longer afford to be the world’s policeman. We need to focus on taking care of our own. We need to put America first.
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Keep America safe and secure.
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The entire system is rigged against the American people. The Deep State controls the media, the voting machines, and the election itself. They will do whatever it takes to make sure their candidate wins, even if it means cheating. The only way to make sure your vote counts is to vote for the candidates who are not part of the Deep State. Candidates who have not been bought and paid for by the establishment. Candidates who will fight for the American people, not the special interests. It is time for the American people to take our country back. Donate to Ron Watkins for Congress here: Thank you and God bless.
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We are on the brink of an energy crisis. We have been relying on foreign oil for too long. It's time to start drilling for our own oil again. We have the resources. We have the manpower. We have the technology. We can do this. We will do this. We must do this. This is our chance to secure our future.
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The Arizona border wall is a critical part of our national security. The men and women who serve our country deserve our support!
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Inflation is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. We can't keep spending money we don't have. Inflation is a real problem and the fake president is hiding it.
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This is my promise to the American people. I will help save America if elected to Congress. I will expose the Deep State and their evil ways. I will help make America great again. I will stand up to the globalists and the elites. I will fight for the American people. I will take on the establishment. I will never let you down. I will never back down.
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Inflation is a real problem in our country. It's time for the government to get serious about it. The cost of living is rising, and wages are not keeping up. This is hurting our families and our economy. The government needs to take action to get inflation under control. We need to invest in our economy and create jobs. We also need to make sure that our businesses are competitive. We can't allow them to pass their costs on to us in the form of higher prices. We need to stand up for our families and our economy.
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Guns are a God-given right, and they keep us safe. Our country needs more guns, not less. The Second Amendment to the Constitution guarantees our right to bear arms, and that right shall not be infringed. The Founders knew that the only way to keep a government in check is to ensure that the people are armed. Guns are how we protect our families, our homes, and our country. They are a vital part of our self-defense. The government has no business telling us how many guns we can own, or what kind of guns we can own. The only thing that gun control does is make it harder for law-abiding citizens to defend themselves. Criminals will always find a way to get their hands on guns, no matter what laws are passed. The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. We need more guns in the hands of good guys, not less.
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Biden knows Trump is about to officially launch a 2024 campaign. Biden is going to use the DOJ to help campaign against Trump. This is not ok.
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The illegitimate Biden Regime is now using the DOJ to investigate Trump for his role in the peaceful January 6 First Amendment protests. Biden is no better than a third-world despot using the government to attack his predecessor's admin.
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Did Abe Hamadeh receive the same offer that was given to my campaign? Abe Hamadeh put a million dollar loan into his campaign, and paid the loan back a few days later. Abe Hamadeh was endorsed by Trump. Thanks @KyleAZ for bringing this to my attention. source:
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It is time for the truth. Trump's endorsement of my congressional opponent at the Prescott Valley rally was quite disappointing for many people; Trump was BOOED by the crowd loudly for endorsing my opponent. When Trump announced his candidacy in 2015, I began getting the word out for him online, and the website I ran was one of the top sites to bring traffic to Trump's campaign site during his primary and general elections. When Trump won the presidency, Q started posting on the site I ran, and I kept my mouth shut about all of that. For many years, I was attacked left, right, and center over allegations that I was Q while I literally had nothing to do with the project besides being the admin of the site that Q posted on. During the 2020 election, I fought day and night against the steal to help save the integrity of the vote and prove that Trump won the election. We all know he won, and that's why we must have many poll watchers and ballot box sentries this time around while staying vigilant about protecting our rights. I was not paid for any work I did to fight the steal. As anybody should do, I was fighting for my country and President. It is no surprise to me that Trump did not endorse me. Last October, I asked a prominent person close to Trump about what it would take to get the President's endorsement. The person I asked told me that I needed to put a million dollars of my own money into the campaign, hire a specific person into my campaign for $10,000 a month, give that person a win bonus, and then the endorsement would probably come. I declined the offer. Sadly I have learned that politics is all about big donors, PACs, and lobbyists. I have taken no lobbyist money, have very scant big donor money, and as far as I know, there are no pacs putting money in to help my campaign. The biggest donors to my campaign were from a certain great doctor's family (someone you all know), a few of my family friends, and an awesome guy who makes cell phone cases. The majority of the contributions to my campaign were small donations directly from the people. I had to consistently ask for donations on social media in order to fundraise for the campaign. When my opponents put up fundraising numbers showing millions of dollars raised without having any significant online presence, you really start to wonder where exactly that money is coming from... it certainly didn't come from you and in all likelihood they won't be representing you or your values. Thank you everybody who contributed and donated time, effort, and heart into this campaign. I may or may not win, the voters in AZCD2 will decide that on August 2, but I certainly did the best I could with the resources that I had available to me. God bless.
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Trump Rally in Prescott Valley today! If you see me, or anybody from my campaign, please say hi and we will give you some cool campaign merch while supplies last. If you can't make it to the rally, please support our campaign here: God bless!
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An exchange between me and Elijah at the CD2 Debate. Note: Individual contribution limit is $2,900, not $2,800.
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Save America Rally in Prescott Valley on July 22! If you see me or someone from my campaign team, please say hi and we will give you campaign merchandise while supplies last. You can donate to Ron Watkins for Congress here: Have a great day and God bless!
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