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This weeks episode is the 14 words and 88 show. all songs are titled 14 or 88 bands this week include the max resist,mistreat,landser,Das Reich,We Want War and many more enjoy 88!
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It’s Mudshark Monday
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Repost from Nordic Sun Records
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Repost from Tinnitus Records
As we have seen over the last few years more and more young artists decided to put their words into music. This young artist choose the piano as his weapon of choice and is playing the Songs of his favorite Band. We are happy he asked us to help him to release his Art and we think he did a great job to make this album his own. He already works on new material so we are looking forward to hear more of this young artist! Support those who support you. One Front united! Tinnitus Records
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Reméljük, okoztunk a magunk fajtáknak néhány kellemes, a nem magunk fajtáknak pedig néhány kellemetlen szájízű percet a klippel. Nekik az fáj, ha mi boldogok vagyunk. BOLDOGAN GYŰLÖLÜNK TITEKET! István: Én inkább a zenei részével foglalkoztam, amíg Roli díjnyertes rendezőket megszégyenítő módon ontotta az ötleteket. Persze egy percbe nem lehet belegyúrni mindent, de abszolút örülök a végeredménynek, hangulatos lett a klip, na meg az is fontos, hogy jó barátságok szövődtek a másik két zenekarral és esélyes, hogy lesz még közös munka. 4. Köszönjük a válaszokat! Mint a kivégzés előtt állók előtt, az utolsó szó jogán mit mondanátok el? Roli: Az eszme és mozgalmi élet mellett keressétek azokat a mozzanatokat az életben, amikből töltődtök és boldoggá tesz titeket, mert a boldog embert nem tudja megkörnyékezni a romlás csábítása a sátáni csápjaival. De kérlek, keressétek azt is, hogy mivel tudtok ti személyesen hozzátenni az eszméhez és a mozgalom, aktivizmus felrázásához, mert a mi oldalunkon az van, amit megteremtünk magunknak, sose várhatjuk, hogy itt a másiktól vagy körön kívülről kapjuk készen, megteremtve a dolgokat. Lássátok meg ennek is a szépségét! Ha tényleg kivégzés előtt állnék, csak idézni tudnék egy rövidet: „Nem bántam meg semmit.” majd valószínűleg leköpném őket, miután sikertelenül keresném a késem, hogy szúrjak István: Nagyon szépen köszönjük a lehetőséget, a munkásságod példaértékű! Küzdeni mindig, feladni soha! Kitartás!
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Repost from Nordic Sun Records
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Repost from Nordic Sun Records
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Achtung, Achtung Moonshiners❗️ After the long wait, here is the Country rock/Bluegrass punk 💿 from Chris&Josh! Here is an album teaser from Chris, enjoy!
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Repost from Nordic Sun Records
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Nordic Sun Fest vol 2
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The blacks who shot 8 antifas, 1 dead, will probably get away with it. To be in the antifa cult you have to let non whites rape, rob and murder you. Somebody should make a list of antifa hangouts and events around America and upload it to spaces blacks use online. Rich white people who don't call the police = time for reperations.
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Hitler was right. @TheWesternChauvinist2
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Repost from SVA STONE
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💥Це ХаммерTime!💥 У великій світовій драмі наших днів ми стаємо до вибору: або бути творцями, або жертвами історії. Євген Коновалець ⠀ У 29й день вересня в братському колі вшануємо легендарного Воїна, Героя України Тараса "Хаммера" Бобанича, а також пам’ять усіх полеглих за свободу України, всіх тих, хто поклав життя на вівтар нашої Перемоги! Найкращі капели салютують найдостойнішим! Допоки світ толерує нашу присутність поміж живих, усі невиправні ідеалісти цієї країни будуть оспівувати широкодушного Хаммера. 🏷️ ПРИДБАТИ КВИТКИ ⠀ ❗️ Всі зібрані кошти будуть передані в Добровольчий Український Корпус "Правий Сектор" та 14 Окремий Полк ЗСУ
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Repost from British Movement
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Repost from Whitelaw RAC Music
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This episode, Scarecrow is filling in while Josh is on the road. We each picked some songs to play for you, and Scarecrow also brought a new Birthrite track, Time to Act, to debut on the show. Enjoy, 14 Words
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Repost from ACTIVE CLUB
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*RUNDO UPDATE* As of a few days ago, Rundo was officially extradited to the US. For everyone who Rundo has inspired online or in person, this is your opportunity to pay it back and show your support by sending him letters, books (must be from the store itself or Amazon), etc. Keep in mind to have good optics and watch what you say. Also, don’t send him any spergy books or materials like Siege, etc. Rundo wouldn’t like it anyways. Robert Rundo Inmate # 77104112 MDC Los Angeles PO Box 531500 Los Angeles,CA 90053 USA We all appreciate your support here at W2R and we’re not going anywhere💪🏻 - W2R crew
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Repost from N/a
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Only two weeks until the event!!! #REVALERS 🇪🇪 #PWA 🇪🇪 #Mistreat 🇫🇮 #Skumshot 🇬🇷 #WhiteBoySummer #WelcomeToEstonia #RACyeahh [email protected]
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Repost from Nordic Sun Records
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Repost from Tinnitus Records
Here we go! Public Enemy Vinyl and some more Vinyls and Cds are added for you.
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See you in Valhalla
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this week is just some toe tapping classics. bands include people haters,bully boys,mistreat,ovaltines and many more. enjoy 88!
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Repost from Thomas Sewell
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The National Socialist Network and European Australian Movement present: 'The 2023 Annual White Power Lifting Meet' @EuropeanAustralianMovement @nationalsocialistnetwork
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Repost from Jimbo
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So we all know the Big Fella, Blair Cottrell. Founder and spokesperson for UPF, members of Lads, advocate for White Australia, and all around Aussie Legend. As a key figure in the wider Nationalist movement, Blair attended the EAM White Power Lifting Event on Saturday 29th July, 2023. He was throwing up some beastly numbers and doing his part for the cause. He was tee'd up to give a classic Cottrellian speech at the White Power Seminar the following day when his ability to continue was cut short with a nasty injury. Benching some inhuman amount of weight, his right pec tore clean off the body, and he was immediately rushed to hospital. It's likely to be a surgical situation, and on top of that will likely remove his ability to train and work for a large amount of the foreseeable future. Now, anyone that knows Blair knows that training is his passion and a huge part of this life, and this will be a longer road to recovery than anyone would like, so a few of us figured we'd rally around the big guy who has done so much for Australian Nationalism and throw the hat around. At the very least we can supply him with some calorie dense care packages and perhaps some entertainment so he doesn't go entirely stir crazy outside of the gym. If you've been on the scene as an old head, you already know the go, and if you're relatively new, Blair is essentially the oldest, if not the largest torchbearer of White Nationalism in Australia. It's time to get around him.
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WPh EP. 162 Great Aryan American Bash featuring Skip from Ironwill. This weeks bands include Ironwill,The bully boys,Red,white and black,BFG,Das Reich,New Glory,MTBB and many more enjoy. 88!
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Repost from Active Club France
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Défends ton quartier, défends ta ville Defend your neighborhood, defend your town
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Repost from Thomas Sewell
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French Civil War, a reminder to tribe and train.
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Repost from Nordic Sun Records
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18.00 Doors open 19.00 Vérvád 20.30 Skumshot 22.00 Fehér Törvény 23.00 Batallon de Castigo Tickets only at the door 20,-€ or 7.000,- HUF in cash In the bar and in the Nordic Sun shop we accept HUF, EUR and Cards Meeting point will be on the and on our Telegram channel in the morning on 15th July On the event please dont make any photos or check in to any social media.
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We hereby challenge any proud boys who want to punch a nazi to come fight us at Come fight us in 1 vs 1 honorable combat or we can find a field for crew vs crew fights.
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Repost from White Unity Project
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White warrior whose little sister was grabbed by a feral Afghan migrant beats the ferals ass. This is how a protective White man is supposed to act. @WhiteUnityProject.
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Repost from Thomas Sewell
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Commitment. 2 types of White Nationalists. Tribe and Train.
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This one is for the ladies. this weeks bands include brutal attack,race war,ravens wing and many more enjoy. 88!
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Repost from N/a
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Attention party animals, "RAC Summer" is happening again on August 26th! Save the date, book your trips, share this information and see you soon in 🇪🇪! More information in August 🍻😎👌🏻 #RACsummer #SeeYouThere #ShareTheInfo #RACyeahh #REVALERS 🇪🇪 #PWA 🇪🇪 #Mistreat 🇫🇮 #Skumshot 🇬🇷 #WhiteBoySummer #WelcomeToEstonia #OutdoorConcert [email protected]
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Repost from Active Club Estonia
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Welcome to Estonia!
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