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➸➷➹➴➸➺➹➴➺➶➴➺➶➴➺ .➠እኛም እንዲ ነን👍 የየራሳችን 💎ብርሃን አለን ነገር ግን የሌላው ሰው ጭላንጭል ያስቀናናል🤓 ➣ የምንሰራው በክፍያ ነው በክፍያው የምትስማሙ ብቻ አናግሩን ➳ ለሃሳብ እና አስተያየት እና ➣ cross @NATI9s ➳ሁለተኛው የት/ት የመወያያ ግሩፓችንን ይቀላቀሉ➣ @Ama_UNITE @NATI9s

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➪የመፅሐፍ ቅዱስ ዕውቀቴን እንዴት ማሳደግ እችላለሁ ? ➪መፅሃፍ ቅዱስን እንዴት ልረዳው እችላለሁ ? ➪መንገዶቹስ ምን ምንድናቸው?
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📝 የመፅሐፍ ቅዱስ አተረጓጎም 🔑
📖 መፅሐፍ ቅዱሳዊ ጥያቄዎች ⁉️
👥በህብረት ማጥናት 🖊️
📚 ስለ ብሉይ ኪዳን
📓 ስለ ሐዲስ ኪዳን
🔑ቁልፍ ቃላት🗨️
ልቤ አንቺን ሊጠላ @ha_ppyness @ha_ppyness @ha_ppyness Cross @heymitaa @heymitaa @heymitaa
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WD yechanale members enekuwan adersen adersachu zari yegetachenn ledet bemasemlekt leyet yale negr yezenlachu metenal ena yekerta meteyek yemtefelgutn sew yekrta bemalet bealun yeykrta enadergw In box @heymitaa Ma channel @ha_ppyness @ha_ppyness
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Real love❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ @ha_ppyness @ha_ppyness
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Real love❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ @ha_ppyness @ha_ppyness
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እኔ አንተን ከማጣ... ኩፖኔ ጠፍቶብኝ ስኳር ዘይት ልጣ እኔ አንተንከማጣ... ዘላለም ቀበሌ ደጃፍ ላይ ልሰጣ እኔ አንተን ከማጣ... ሰይፉ ፋንታሁን ሉጫ ፀጉር ያውጣ😂😂😂 @ha_ppyness @ha_ppyness
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Hi member zari beayentu leyet yal nger yezilachu metchalehu Yetemariwoch ye photo wededer nw wdederunm yebelte 👁 Yagegn sew nw ena 1gna yewtaw photo me channel lay 1 ken pro edewm addmin yehonkubet channel lay phost yedergal Inbox @heymitaa @heymitaa @heymitaa Ma channel @ha_ppyness @ha_ppyness @ha_ppyness
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Hi member zari beayentu leyet yal nger yezilachu metchalehu Yetemariwoch ye photo wededer nw wdederunm yebelte 👁 Yagegn sew nw ena 1gna yewtaw photo me channel lay 1 ken pro edewm addmin yehonkubet channel lay phost yedergal Inbox @heymitaa @heymitaa @heymitaa Ma channel @ha_ppyness @ha_ppyness @ha_ppyness
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