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Уже 500 пакетов на Laravel Ocean Package
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Bizga 2 tagina yetar ekan istoriya qoyishga 😅😅
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Repost from rasuloff
Dunyodagi eng xavfli odam!
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Bugun bayram ekanku :))
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PHP is the future

Thanks to Laravel, PHP is the future. Laravel is a full stack framework that is actually full stack. It handles the routing, views, auth, ORM, caching, email, background jobs and more. Learn more at 00:00 An Overview of Laravel for 2023 01:33 Local development: Laravel Sail (Docker) or Laravel Valet 03:03 Installing Laravel with composer 03:48 Building assets with Vite 04:16 Routing in Laravel and Middleware 05:42 HTTP Middleware 07:06 Laravel CLI (Artisan) 07:50 Database migrations 09:36 Default user model in Laravel 11:00 Database ORM (Eloquent) versus base query builder 12:19 Env files 13:11 Caching in Laravel 15:04 Creating and scheduling CLI commands (without cron) 18:18 Testing in Laravel 19:18 The view layer 19:56 Laravel Blade templating 20:45 Laravel Livewire 22:00 Laravel with NextJS, Vue, React, and InertiaJS 23:58 Starter kits: Breeze and Jetstream 25:43 Hosting Laravel: Forge and Vapor 28:28 Laravel Horizon: queue monitoring 29:00 Laravel Cashier: Stripe subscriptions 29:28 Laravel Dusk: browser testing 29:56 Laravel Scout: full text search 30:24 Laravel Socialite: Oauth logins for your application 31:07 Code quality in Laravel 33:30 Extra learning materials

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PHP doesn't suck (anymore)

PHP in 2023 is very different than PHP in 2012. Let's run through some of the changes! 00:00 Intro 01:16 Traits 01:34 Short array syntax 01:47 Array destructuring 02:05 Variadic functions 02:12 Spread and splat 02:34 Generators 02:49 Anonymous classes 03:06 Trailing commas in function calls 03:26 Arrow functions 03:48 Null coalescing and null coalescing assignment 04:11 Null chaining operator 04:36 Named arguments 04:47 Attributes (annotations) 05:05 Non-capturing catch 05:28 Sensitive parameter attribute 05:43 Match statements 06:12 Weak maps 06:28 Enums 07:04 Typehints 07:19 Types, types, and more types 09:27 Readonly properties and classes 09:47 Addressing the speed of PHP

#bug #katttaa_bug findOrFailni post, put, patch, deletelarda ishlatishda ehtiyot bo'lish kerak... bunaqa zaproslarni redirect bilan tugatish tafsiya etiladi. sababini keyinroq tushuntiraman :)
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#interview #questions Laravel observers Mixins Enumlardan foydalanish Kubernetes, docker va Clickhouse haqida maʼlumot Indekslash qanday ishlaydi (va nimadan yutamiz yoki yutqazamiz) Gitda branching
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Let's take a look at Livewire v3

Livewire v3 has just been announced at Laracon by Caleb Porzio. There are a ton of amazing new features so let's take a look. 00:00 Intro 00:09 Wire Navigate 05:50 Lazy loading components 06:50 Reactive Properties 08:22 Modables 11:00 Locking properties 12:16 Form objects 15:47 Teleport 20:04 Upgrading