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★ NGO Jobs at United Nation Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) ♊Deadline: May 4, 2024 ✔ Position 1: Administrative Assistant ✔ Position 2: Programme Management Assistant ❇ Qualification: High school Diploma or equivalent is required 🔻Location : Addis Ababa 🌀How to Apply Online 👇👇👇👇 👇👇👇 share to your friends @jobs_in_ethio @jobs_in_ethio
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★[ በ 0 አመት] ኖህ ሪል እስ቎ት አዲስ ዚስራ ማስታወቂያ ♩Deadline: May 05, 2024 Noah Real Estate Vacancy Fresh Graduates. ✔ Position:Sales Representative ❇ Education: Degree from higher education in Engineering fields (Civil, Mechanical, electrical and other engineering fields) as Architecture, Marketing, Business administration, Insurance or related fields from a recognized institution could be some fields but not limited to. 🔻 Duty Station: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 🌀How to Apply?? 👇👇👇👇👇 Share to your friends @jobs_in_ethio @jobs_in_ethio
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Noah Real Estate Vacancy

  Noah Real Estate has been on the forefront of the real estate enterprise in Ethiopia for the final 9 years. Throughout these years, we built a good model and amassed more than 7,500 owners who’ve loved a substantial journey by means of varied funding windows in residential and industrial possession. Our ambition has advanced ... Read More

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🇪🇹ፊደል ኢትዮጜያ ዚስራ አገናኝ   📌አስ቞ኳይ📌📌📌 🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹 📌ቀጥታ ወደ ካንፓኒ እንልካለን       🇪🇹መካኒካል እና ኀሌክትሪካል በሙያው ኹ 3አመት በላይ ዚሰራ በተለይ ሊፍት ገጠማ ላይ ዚስራ ሙሉ ኮንትራቱን ወስዶ ዚሚሰራ ለሚኹፈለው ክፍያ ደሹሰኝ ማቅሚብ ዚሚቜል ዚስራው ቊታ ደሮ    🇪🇹ሻይ ቡና ባለሙያ ዚስራ  ቊታ ቩሌ ደሞዝ ዚተጣራ 6,500 ቀልጣፍ  ዚሆነቜ ጟታ ሎት    🇪🇹Rell state salles ቢሮ ውስጥ ኹ 12ኛ ጀምሮ ጟታ ሎ/ወ ብዛት 9 ዚስራ ቊታ 22 ቩሌ     🇪🇹በ 10ኛ ክፍል ዚወጡ ስራዎቜ Salles በ 0 አመት ጟታ  ወ/ሎ ዚስራ ቊታ አ.አ ደሞዝ ዚተጣራ 6000እስኚ 9,000 እድሜ ኹ35 በታቜ 📌ሎልስ 👉ልብስ ቀት , ጫማ ቀት,መነፅር ቀት, ሱፐር ማርኬት,ኮስሞቲክስ ቀት ጟታ ሎት    🇪🇹በ12ኛ ክፍል ዚወጡ ስራዎቜ ሪሎፕን ለ ሆስፒታል  ጟታ ሎት ሪሎፕሜን ለ ቢሮ  ጟታ ሎት ሪሎፕሜን ለ መንጃ ፈቃድ ት/ቀት ጟታ ሎት ሎልስ ለ ትራንስፓርት ድርጅት  ጟታ ወ/ሎ    🇪🇹በ ዲፕሎም ዚወጡ ስራዎቜ ሎልስ ለዌብሳይት ካንፓኒ ጟታ ወ/ሎ ዚስራ ልምድ ኹ 0እስኚ 6ወር  ደሞዝ 12,000 ዚስራ ሁኔታ ቢሮ ሆነው ዚሚሰሩት ቅጥር ሁኔታ በቋሚነት 🇪🇹በመኪና እዚተንቀሳቀሱ ምርቶቜን መሞጥ ኹ ዲፕሎም ጀምሮ ዚስራ ልምድ ዚተጻፈ 6ወር  ጀምሮ ጟታ ሎት ዚስራ ቊታ ፒያሳ እንግዳ መቀበል ኹ ዲፕሎማ ጀምሮ በ 0አመት ጟታ ሎት ዚስራ ቊታ ጃክሮስ    🇪🇹በዲግሪ ዚወጡ ስራዎቜ ሎልስ ለ ጀነሬተር አስመጪ Office salles to company Office salles to Reall state    🇪🇹አካውንታንት በ 0አመት ዚስራ ቊታ ሰሚት ፍዹል ቀት ጟታ ሎት ዹ ኊዲተር ቢሮ ላይ ብዛት 8 ሪሎፕሜን ማንኛውም ዲግሪ በ 0አመት ጥሩ ቁመና goodlook መሰሚታዊ ዚኮንፒተርቜሎታ ጟታ ሎት ደሞዝ ኹ 13,000 ጀምሮ 🇪🇹ጫኝ ና አውራጅ በ8ኛ ክፍል ወንድ እድሜ ኹ 40 በታቜ ተያዥ ያላ቞ው ብዛት 20 ደሞዝ ዚተጣራ 5000 🇪🇹ፓርታይም ሎልስ ኹ 10ኛ ጀምሮ ጟታ ወ/ሎ ደሞዝ ኹ4,500እስኚ 11,000 ብዛት 15     🇪🇹 House keeping በሙያው ዹሰለጠኑ በ0አመት ጟታ ሎት ዚስራ ቊታ አ.አ ብዛት 3     🇪🇹መስተንግዶ ለኢንተርናሜናል ሆቮል ኹ10ኛ ክፍል ጀምሮ ኹ3ወር ጀምሮ ዚስራ ልምድ ይስሩ ቊታ ሜክሲኮ ጟታ ሎት 🇪🇹 አድራሻቜን:🇪🇹ጀሞ ሚካኀል ባጃጅ ተራ ሮዛ ዳቊ ያለበት ህንጻ ላይ 3ኛ ፎቅ ቢሮ ቁጥር 303 ለበለጠ መሹጃ በስራ ሰአት ብቻ በመደወል መሹጃ ያግኙ። 👉 0965985811 👉0939875403 Telegram @adissjobfinder
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አስ቞ኳይ ክፍት ዹ ስራ ማስታወቂያ      ቀን 18/08/16 ዓ.ም Yeneta jobs ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ዚስራ መደብ ፡ ስልክ ኊፕሪተር  ዚት/ት ደሹጃ ፡ 10/12/Degree  ዚስራ ልምድ ፡ 0 - 2አመት  ደሞዝ ፡ 12'000 ዚስራ መደብ:# NGO ዚት/ደሹጃ ፡-  any degree /dip ዚስራ ልምድ ፡- 0 አመት ደሞዝ:- 13000 ዚስራ መደብፊ#ኮንስትራክሜን ፎርማል ዚት/ደሚጃፊዲፕሎማ/ዲግሪ ዚስራ ልምድ: 4አመት ደሞዝ:-በስምምነት ዚስራ መደብ #Hydraulic Engineering ዚት/ደሹጃ degree ልምድ:7 አመት ደሞዝ'  በስምምነት ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ዚስራ መደብ ፡ #Accountant ዚት ደሹጃ ፡ Degree/"Dip ፆታ: ሎ/ወ ዚስራ ልምድ ፡ 0-10 አመት ደሞዝ ፡  18,000  ዚስራ መደብ ፡ #አስጎብኝ(ቱር ላይ) ዹደሹጃ ፡- 10/degree /Diploma ዚስራ ልምድ ፡- 0 - 1 አመት ደሞወዝ :-14'000+ዹቀን አበል ዚስራ መደብ:#ጠቅላላ ሀኪም,ነርስ ,HO ነርስ,ላብራቶሪ ቎ክኒሻን/ዎንቲስት/ሚድዋይፈ ነርስ  ሆምኬር/እስፔሻል ኒድ ት/ት ደሹጃ:diploma/degree ልምድ:0-5 አመት ደሞዝ:በስምምነት ዚስራ መደብ:- #ትኬተር/ለባስ/ለቀቲንግ ዚሰራ ልምድ :- 0አመት ዚት/ት ደሹጃ :- 10/12/ዲፕሎማ ዚሰራ ልምድ:- 0 አመት ደሞወዝ   :- 10,000~11,00 ዚስራ ፊሜያጭ /ለፈርኔቾር /ቡቲክ/ለጫማ/ለሞባይል/ለኮንፒተር/ለባዛር ዚት/ደሹጃ፩10/12/diploma/ ደሞዝ:-7000-8000+ commission ፆታ ፊ/ሎት ዚስራ ልምድ: 0አመት ዚስራ መደብ :#Management/markting ዚት ደሹጃ ፡- degree /Diploma ዚስራ ልምድ ፡- 0~5 አመት ደሞዝ :-18,000 ዚስራ መደብ ፡ #  ጀማሪ ሞደሊንግ ዚት ደሹጃ ፡ 10/ሰርተፍኬት ዚስራ ልምድ ፡ 0አመት(ሎት) ደሞዝ ፡  16,000 ዚስራ መደብ #ሆስተስ                 ዚት ደሹጃ ፡ 10 ዚስራ ልምድ ፡0አመት ደሞዝ: 17,000 ፆታ: ሎ ዚስራ መደብ ፡ ሪሎብሜን/ለሆቮል/ለገስተዋስ/ለክሊኒክ/ለድርጅት ዚት ደሹጃ ፡ 10/12/Degree  ዚስራ ልምድ ፡ 0 አመት  ደሞዝ ፡ 7000~7500 አድራሻ :- 22 ወደ ቩሌ በሚወስደውመንገድ ፌስቲቫል 3ተኛ ፎቅ 👇👇👇👇           0986170616           0986214676
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ማንኛውም ስራዎቜ  ኹ 0 አመት ዚስራ ልምድ ጀምሮ  ለማግኘት ዹ ትምህርት ደሚጃቹን በመምሚጥ በዹቀኑ ዚሚወጡ አዳዲስ ዚስራ ማስታወቂያዎቜን ይመልኚቱ
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👚‍🎓👚‍🎓for degree 👩‍🎓👩‍🎓
👚‍🏫👚‍🏫for diploma 🧑‍🏫🧑‍🏫
grade 8 - grade 12
★[ በ 0 አመት እና በልምድ ዚወጣ] Ethiopian Construction work Corporation ♩Deadline: May 1, 2024 ✔ Position 1: Civil Engineer ✔ Position 2: Electro mechanical engineer ✔ Position 3: Senior structural engineer ✔ Position 4: Senior Hydraulic engineer ❇ Qualification : Civil engineering, Construction Technology and Management, Electromechanical engineering, structural engineering, hydraulic engineering, irrigation engineering or related fields 🔻Experience: 0 year and above 🔻Location : Head Office 🌀How to Apply ?? 👇👇👇👇👇👇 share to your friends @jobs_in_ethio @jobs_in_ethio
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👍 11
★ [በ 0 አመት እና በልምድ] ዚወጣ ዚስራ ማስታወቂያ Teklehaymanot General Hospital ♩Deadline: May 7, 2024 ✔ Position 1: Junior professional Nurse ✔ Position 2: Dialysis nurse ✔ Position 3: Anesthetist 🔻Experience: 0 year and above 🌀How to Apply ?? 👇👇👇👇👇👇 share to your friends @jobs_in_ethio @jobs_in_ethio
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👍 3
★ በ 0 አመት እና በ ልምድ ዚወጣ Alephtav consultancy and trading plc ♩Deadline: May 2, 2024 ✔ Position : Finance officer ❇ Requirements: Bachelor’s degree in Accounting and Finance 🔻 Experience: 0 year and above 🌀 How to Apply Online ?? 👇👇👇👇👇 share to your friends @jobs_in_ethio @jobs_in_ethio
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👍 2
★ ሳፋሪ ኮም ኢትዮጲያ አዲስ ዚስራ ማስታወቂያ ♩Deadline: May 1, 2024 ✔ Position 1: System engineer ✔ Position 2: Senior database Administration ✔ Position 3: Senior data center & campus network engineer ✔ Position 4: Senior cloud infrastructure engineer ✔ Position 5: Data base Adminstarator ✔ Position 6: data center & campus network engineer ✔ Position 7: Cloud infrastructure engineer ❇ Education : Degree in computer science, engineering, Technology, electrical engineering, Information Technology, information systems, electronics, Telecommunication engineering or related fields 🔻Location : Addis Ababa 🌀 How to Apply Online?? 👇👇👇👇👇 Share to your friends @jobs_in_ethio @jobs_in_ethio
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👍 8
★ [በ0 አመት ] iCog Anyone Can Code አዲስ ዚስራ ማስታወቂያ ♩Closing Date: May 3, 2024 ✔ Position: business development Intern ❇ Requirements : ➖good Attitude & gusts to learning new things ➖Working knowledge of good tools ➖enrolled universities in any social science fields 🌀 How to Apply Online?? 👇👇👇👇👇👇 🔻Location : Addis Ababa share to your friends @jobs_in_ethio @jobs_in_ethio
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👍 5