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"Three decisions that we all control each moment of our lives: 1. What to focus on; 2. What things mean, and 3. What to do in spite of the challenges that may appear to limit us." From the book " Awaken the giant within" by Tony Robbins                       ✨✨✨ በህይወታችን መቆጣጠር የምንችላቸው ሦስት ውሳኔዎች:- 1. ምን ላይ ማተኮር እንዳለብን 2. ነገሮች ለእኛ ምን ማለት እንደሆኑ 3. የሚገድቡን የሚመስሉ ፈተናዎች ቢኖሩም ምን ማድረግ እንዳለብን። በቶኒ ሮቢንስ የተጻፈ "Awaken the giant within" ከሚል መጽሐፍ የተወሰደ
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Network Marketing keessatti akkamiin akka Abbaa Qabeenyaa taatu baratta. Mana barumsaa Idileetti garuu akkamiin akka Abbaa Qabeenyaaf hojjettu baratta. Kanaafiin Network marketing jaalladhe. Robert Kiyosaki
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Success doesn't come overnight, but if you give up, it won't come at all.🌷
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➛ Ati nama guddachuuf of qopheessuu jaalatuu dhaa? Karaa kamiiniyyuu of jijjiiruuf kallattii barbaadaa jirtaa? ➛ Yeroo kamiyyuu kallattiin ittiin jireenya keenya jijjiiruu dandeenyu malli ni jira. Of Jijjiiruuf Kallattiilee Bu’uuraa ➓: ➛ Dandeettiin nama keessa jiru daangeffamaa miti. Kanaafuu dhuma milkaa’insaa irra gaheera kan jedhu hin jiru. Tuqaan milkaa’insa isa dhumaas hin jiru. Yommuu of xinxallu nuti nama gaariidha, gahoodhas. ➛ Kallattiin milkaa’inaa kennamu itti fufiinsaan of jijjiiruuf akka ta’uu fi yeroo hundumaa tarkaanfiin guddaan irratti dammaquu qabnu akka jirudha. Tarkaanfileen milkaa’insaa tokko tokko karaa salphaadhaan kan adeemsisu yoo ta’u, kan deeggarsa barbaachisus jiru. ➊. Yeroo Hundumaa Dubbisi! (Read Every Day): ⁃ Maddi ogummaa jireenyaa kitaaba dubbisuun ni argama. Hanguma baay’ina kitaaba dubbistu ogummaan horattus caalmaatti dabalamaa adeema. Guyyaa hundumaa kitaaba yommuu dubbistu sammuun kee beekumsa soorata. ➋. Afaan Haaraa Baradhu! (Learn New Language): ⁃ Afaan dabalataa baruun dandeettii fi beekumsa dabalataa akka argattu si gargaara. Sammuu banamaan afaanii fi aadaa kanneen biroo barachuun muuxannoo jireenyaa gabbisa. ➌. Fedha Haaraa of Keessatti Uumi! (Pick up a New Hobby): ⁃ Fedha kee cinaatti fedha kanneen biroo fakkeenyaaf jabeenya qaamaa, walaloo barreessuu, horachuun yommuu hojii xumurtu shaakaluun dandeettii kee alaan, keessaan, yaadaadhaan ni guddifatta. ➍. Barnoota Haaraa Fudhadhu! (Pick up a New Course): ⁃ Barnoonni karaa ittiin beekumsa haaraa argatanii fi dandeettii ittiin of jijjiiranii dha. ➎. Kutaa Dadammaqiinsaa Uumi! (Create an Ispirational Room): ⁃ Naannoon ati jirtu kaka’uumsa waan haaraa uumuf ati qabdu cimsuuf gahee qaba. Kan jirtu naannoo dadammaqiinsaaf si gargaaru yoo ta’e, yeroo hundumaa keessa kee haaressita. Kutaan mana kee keessa jiru duwwaa akkasumas toora kan hin qabne yoo ta’e, kutaa dadammaqiinsaa gochuuf wantoota dammaqiinsaf si gargaaran, jechoota barreessuun yookin fakkii kaasuun itti maxxansi! ➏. Sodaa Kee Moo’adhu! (Overcome Your Fears): ⁃ Dandeettii dubbii irratti, sagalee dhageessifachuu irratti sodaa qabda taanan, sodaan kee sadarkaa jijjiiramaa tokko irra akka turtuu fi of jijjiiruu irraa si dhoorka. Naannoo itti sodaa kee moo’achuu dandeessu uumuun irratti hojjedhu! ➐. Sadarkaa Kee Ol Guddisi! (Level up Your Skills): ⁃ Hojii kee irratti muuxannoo fudhachuun isa caalutti ol guddifachuu dha. ➑. Ganamaan Ka’i! (Wake up Early!): ⁃ Obboroon ka’uun bu’aa hojii fi of jijjiiruu irratti gahee olaanaa qaba. Ganamaan yoo kaatu yeroo gahaa itti of qopheessitu namoota kan biroo caalaa qabaatta. ➒. Sochii Qaamaa fi jabeenyaa Torbanii (Weekly Exercise): ⁃ Qindaa’insaa fi bareedina akkasumas fayyina qaamaaf sosochiin qaamaa murteessaa dha. ➓. Kitaaba Jireenya Kee Eegali! (Start Your Life Handbook): ⁃ Kitaabni jireenyaa of keessaa akkaataa jiruu fi jireenya kee itti jiraattu qaba. Fuula tokkoon tokkoon isaa irratti of qopheessuun, kaayyoo kee, bu’aa argattuu fi galma geessu madaalaa adeemta. Via Hunde Lalisa !!!
إظهار الكل...
The #difference between #pyramid and #Network_marketing #Network_marketing is a legitimate business model that involves selling products or services through a network of distributors. Distributors earn commissions on their own sales as well as the sales of their team members. #Pyramid_schemes are illegal scams that promise high returns on investment with little or no effort. Participants in pyramid schemes are typically required to recruit new members and invest money in the scheme. The only way to make money in a pyramid scheme is to recruit new members, and the scheme eventually collapses when there are no new members to recruit. #Key #differences between network marketing and pyramid schemes: • Products or services: Network marketing companies sell legitimate products or services, while pyramid schemes do not. • Earning potential: Network marketers can earn commissions on their own sales and the sales of their team members, while pyramid scheme participants can only make money by recruiting new members. • Investment: Network marketing companies typically require distributors to purchase a starter kit or inventory, while pyramid schemes often require participants to invest large sums of money. • Legality: Network marketing is a legal business model, while pyramid schemes are illegal. Red flags of a pyramid scheme: • Emphasis on recruitment: Pyramid schemes focus on recruiting new members rather than selling products or services. • Promise of high returns with little effort: Pyramid schemes promise unrealistic returns on investment with little or no effort. • Complex or secretive compensation structure: Pyramid schemes often have complex or secretive compensation structures that make it difficult to understand how participants can make money. • Pressure to recruit new members: Pyramid schemes often pressure participants to recruit new members in order to make money. • Lack of products or services: Pyramid schemes often do not have any legitimate products or services to sell. If you are considering joining a network marketing company, be sure to do your research and make sure that the company is legitimate. Be wary of any company that exhibits the red flags of a pyramid scheme.
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Hanga kana deemtee kan dhufte hanga kana deemtee dhufuuf qofa miti. Daandiin ati deemtee badhaasota dadhabbii kee kanan dura sassaabbattu fuula kee dura jira. carraa kana fayyadami. Go beyond your limit Go for what you want
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By saving money, in many cases, you are losing money.
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Akka 2ffaa abdii hin kutannetti abdii kutadhu
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