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Cancer vs Brenton

I have Stage 3b Colorectal Cancer, and I intend to send it into remission with a Metabolic Therapy approach.

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One thing I've noticed in the cancer community is influencers using their experience to gain monetisation. My opinion is that you can't streamline cancer treatment for everyone, it has to be customized for each patient because of their own genetic expressions, the cancer metabolic pathways favoured and the overall health/condition of the person. One of the first influencers I came across in the cancer world was Chris Wark. Chris had a golf ball sized stage 3C (right sided) colorectal cancer at 26yrs old. He had it surgically removed and refused adjuvant chemotherapy. He's written cookbooks, he does paid consultations, he takes speaker fees at conventions etc. My gripe with him isn't that he makes money. My gripe is that he believes he's providing blanket ACTIVE treatment for cancer through a juice fasting diet. His ultimate goal is to balance the bodies health so that it heals the cancer itself. He doesn't claim he can cure cancer, he doesn't claim to have medical knowledge or an education. He's all about selling his experience. In my opinion you should "share" your experience, not charge for it. He gives cancer patients hope that a 3 month juice will cure cancer. He never acknowledges that the curative surgery he underwent had a 30-60% prolonged curative factor. What kept him cancer free? Was it the surgery and the juicing?? The juicing alone? Or the surgery alone? Either way he adopted an adjunctive approach, like I am, but his appeal is focused on "detox", wellness, nourishment and slightly a metabolic approach. Does having less toxins in your body help?? Does eating/ juicing wholefoods help?? Does your metabolic health have an impact on cancer??? Absolutely!!! I juice fruits and veggies on occasion, nothing wrong with it. But I'm under no illusion that it's going to cure cancer. I've listened to nearly every Chris Wark podcast, he interviews people that have had success usually with surgery/chemo/ juicing. Some of the people he interviews completely reversed cancer with juicing, fasting, alternative treatments etc. I'd say about 1% of the people he interviews didn't take the standard of care and they had low grade tumours and are now cancer free (some relapse, some don't). These are great stories, and anyone that can avoid the standard of care I congratulate. In my opinion however it was merely a stroke of luck that it didn't get worse or they didn't have the dangerous fast growing types of cancer. He sells the concept that "you can do it too, all cancer is the same!! Just juice carrots etc". This concept is far fetched at best. But it's a great start for people that have eaten absolute crap most of their lives, or they're giving their body a rest from digestion and allowed fasting or mimic fasting or a low carb diet to balance themselves metabolically to encourage their healthy cells to react better to treating cancer. So that's the good he does. But that's all it is. Do you ever hear the stories of people that refused standard of Care, juiced veggies but died as a result or condition of their cancer??? Nope.....Does that mean it happens? Absolutely. But you don't hear about those situations, bad for business. So while one is scared and confused about their diagnosis and scrambling for answers and alternative cancer treatments they can be led astray from concepts like Chris Warks.....but he still makes money. I don't think the guy has nefarious intent, but he's blinded by the revenue raising machine he's created to ensure he sticks to his message to reinforce his convictions and maintain the revenue stream. Here's an article opposing Chris Warks point of view. It's written by an MD and is very swayed towards "exposing Quacks". I hate the terminology with how "Quack" is used. Some Quacks in history have exposed a lot of corruption in the healthcare industry. But this article breaks down the context of why Chris is likely mistaken about his direction and how his message is presented.
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Yes, Chris beat cancer, but it wasn’t quackery that cured him

Chris Wark is a young man who was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer in 2003 at age 26. He underwent appropriate surgery for his cancer but declined adjuvant chemotherapy in favor of quackery. Now promotes his testimonial, in which he tries to convince people that it was the quackery, rather than the surgery, that cured him. He even claims that surgery…

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Heavy Metal Detox: I spoke to the Naturopath yesterday about heavy metal chelation (the best heavy metal detox). This is the process of taking a substance/chemical that binds heavy metals and sends them to the kidneys for excretion. I work in an environment where there's heavy metal dust that is very abundant in the workshop. Grinding/cutting/sweeping etc. So it's an avenue I thought I'd look into. The naturopath said for my situation there's no point doing heavy metal chelation. Any chemo-drug that has "platin" at the end of its name means that the drug contains Platinum. One of my chemodrugs is Oxaliplatin (Oxalate derived alkaloid mixed with platinum). The platinum molecule in platinum-based drugs binds to the DNA of cancer cells, causing damage to the DNA structure. This damage inhibits DNA repair and/or DNA synthesis, leading to cell death. The crosslinking of DNA also inhibits the ability of cancer cells to replicate and divide, ultimately causing their death. While heavy metals like Mercury, cadmium, Aluminum, vanadium etc aren't desirable in your system, they're usually managed by your system when it comes to excretion. It's highly unlikely you're overloaded with heavy metals unless you used to play with lead based paint, or mercury from thermometers as two examples. If your exposure to heavy metals is high and consistent from your occupation/environment, it's worth monitoring this and trying chelation. If I was to do a test now and find an abundance of heavy metals in my system, then proceed with chelation. It's likely I'll undo the work that the Oxaliplatin is doing. The naturopath actually said that metal chelation and detox is something I should look at a few years after being cancer free. While the platinum prevents cancer growth/progression, it needs to stick around to make sure it's managed the cancer well enough that your immune system cleans up the rest. So being as healthy as possible helps with this. Lots will say chemo ruins your immune system, I'd argue that it changes your immune system. I'm not sticking up for Chemo here, I'm simply stating that the platinum side of the chemo is maintaining a kill phase for the cancer cells (likely some of your healthy cells too, which is why you get Neuropathy). So removing the Platinum too soon, it will likely diminish the Chemo's efficacy. My plan is to be cancer free for a year or so, then I'll absolutely try heavy metal chelation. But I want those mutated cells under control, rebuild my body and immune system before I do that.
إظهار الكل...
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Below is an A.I generated answer for potential parasites that potentially contribute to the development of rectal cancer. Interesting that a lot of the studies have been done in China 🤔. "Parasites rectal cancer There is a link between certain parasites and the development of rectal cancer. Schistosoma japonicum, a parasitic pathogen, has been found to be associated with rectal cancer, as well as other types of cancer, such as colorectal cancer, squamous cell carcinoma, and membranous nephropathy. Studies have shown that infection with S. japonicum can increase the risk of developing rectal cancer. A matched, case-control study in rural China found that previous infections with S. japonicum were independently associated with both rectal cancer and colon cancer. Mechanisms of carcinogenesis include inflammation and oxidative stress caused by parasite-derived molecules. Additionally, somatic mutations in the p53 gene have been observed in Chinese patients with both rectal cancer and S. japonicum infection. Other parasites have also been linked to various cancers, including Toxoplasma gondii, Cryptosporidium parvum, Trichomonas vaginalis, and Theileria, which are associated with specific cancer cells. Plasmodium falciparum can also be an indirect cause of cancer. In summary, certain parasites, such as S. japonicum, have been linked to an increased risk of developing rectal cancer, and further research is needed to understand the mechanisms underlying this association."
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#Nitazoxinide an anti-parasitic that has off-label use for Colon cancer by targeting B-Catenin and mutated Wnt Signalling pathways. I learned of Nitazoxinide when reading Jane McLelland's book back in January 2024. This anti-parasitic Drug is in Lee Merits anti-parasite protocol. "Recently, the antiparasitic drug NTZ drew our attention. In contrast to previous Wnt inhibitors, NTZ antagonizes Wnt/β-catenin signaling independent of GSK-3β and APC [31]. NTZ increased the citrullination and degradation of β-catenin by stabilizing PAD2. Our study demonstrated that NTZ repressed the growth of colon cancer cells by abrogating β-catenin expression. Notably, NTZ depleted β-catenin in colon cancer cells with mutant APC or β-catenin, For cancer treatment, a new use for an “old drug” has many benefits without the limitation of unknown safety and toxicity profiles [35]. Hence, NTZ is expected to be a potential anticancer drug for cancer patients with Wnt pathway mutations." Will look into this more. I kind of forgot about it. I've never heard of anyone using Nitazoxinide by itself. Mebendazole has been the consistent champion anecdotally.
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Synergistic tumor inhibition of colon cancer cells by nitazoxanide and obeticholic acid, a farnesoid X receptor ligand

Cancer Gene Therapy - Synergistic tumor inhibition of colon cancer cells by nitazoxanide and obeticholic acid, a farnesoid X receptor ligand

Doing another 75g of I.V Vitamin C (IVC) today. I took Mebendazole, doxycycline, normal off-label drugs AND supplements, RSO, I ate a keto breakfast (not that it matters). I'm noticing the "stinging" feeling at the tumour site. I think I'm gonna have to mark whenever I feel the "stinging" feeling in my posts for future. I feel like this pain is a good pain against the cancer. It's very distinct, and unique to anything else you could feel. It must be the cancer suffering 🤞
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Every now and then I like to challenge what I think I know about what I'm dosing/taking to adjunctively treat cancer, or at least give myself the best chance of it. This time I'm Revisiting the use of #Berberine. This supplement is quite the wonder supplement....but now that I'm on chemotherapy, how does it synergize?? What's it's nature when using with Chemo? I found this article that points out some concerns and some more complexity to understanding it's mechanism when paired with Chemo. Berberine when you don't have cancer basically reverses type 2 diabetes, fixes your gut microbiome and regulates IGF-1 which are all amazing things!! But what if I'm on a 5-FU Chemodrug? From the piece: "Our results demonstrated that berberine at low dose range (1.25 ~ 5 μM) promoted cell proliferation to 112% ~170% of the untreated control in various cancer cells, while berberine at high dose rage (10 ~ 80 μM) inhibited cell proliferation. Further, we observed that co-treatment with low dose berberine could significantly attenuate the anticancer activity of chemotherapeutic agents, including fluorouracil (5-FU), camptothecin (CPT), and paclitaxel (TAX)." "These findings are known as hormesis, the situation where a low dose can cause adaptation, where a higher dose is destructive." So it seems if you use Berberine with Chemo (in my situation 5-FU) don't use a small dose of it. In saying that, I don't take Berberine during chemo. But maybe my standard dose (1000mg) will potentiate (supercharge) the Chemo?? My understanding is that Berberine blocks glucose receptors, chemotherapy drugs are mixed with dextrose. So are you blocking the chemo drug from getting into the cancer cell using Berberine?? 🤔 Why is it that in small doses it attenuates chemo? (makes it less effective). I'll be keeping an eye on this and reflecting on my drug/supplement regimen to make sure I'm not undoing the Chemo's potential. It's a constant game of cat and mouse.
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Berberine vs. Metformin: Breaking Down the Latest Research - Gene Food

Does micro-dosing berberine offer the same benefits as the popular diabetes drug Metformin? Read on to find out who wins the battle.

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#GiveSendGo campaign withdrawal breakdown: I will be logging my expenses based on chemo cycles. For example chemo day 1 - June 11th 24' to chemo day 14 - June 28th 24' But I launched the GiveSendGo on June I'm taking from the GiveSendGo as of the 14th June. 14 days of expenses breakdown below: Currency is in CAD$ 1st Cycle (2weeks): Total Expenses: $1730.39 Organic Food/Grocery: $813.37 Alternative Cancer Therapies: $514.42 Off-label drugs: $49.75 Medical Supplies (Ostamy): $21.02 Cannabis Products: $163.75 Next cycle will be a higher cost because it will encompass 3 weeks because chemo was delayed a week (gout). My wife asked GiveSendGo to just deposit the amount we needed each cycle, but it turns out the fees are higher for multiple withdrawals. There was a misunderstanding and GiveSendGo deposited $8726.77 into our account July 4th 2024. From my tracing of the funds at the time the campaign was @ $9348 so GiveSendGo's fees were: $621.25 (not sure if tax is included?) for that lump sum. Hopefully the way I report this will evolve in time, this isn't a really good way of presenting it, but at least I'll state it so it can be checked in future. I'm still ironing out creases, any suggestions?? I'm open to them for how this could be tracked/presented better. I won't edit these posts for consistency, transparency and posterity, check the bottom right of this post to see if it's been edited. If I want to make an edit, I'll cut and paste so you can see the changes to this post. Luckily because the donations have been coming in strong. I won't need too many top ups for awhile. Hopefully if costs stay the same, what I've already raised might be enough?? But if I decide to go for chemo-radiation after Chemo, I'll want to do 3 × Hyperbaric chamber sessions to coincide with Radiation to deter effects, that will be approx $660 per week. I'm oversharing, but it's all here to look back on. Consistency and accountability is why I'm doing this.
إظهار الكل...
5👍 3
#GiveSendGo campaign withdrawal breakdown: I will be logging my expenses based on chemo cycles. For example chemo day 1 - June 11th 24' to chemo day 14 - June 28th 24' 14 days of expenses breakdown below: Currency is in CAD$ 1st Cycle (2weeks): Total Expenses: $1730.39 Organic Food/Grocery: $813.37 Alternative Cancer Therapies: $514.42 Off-label drugs: $49.75 Medical Supplies (Ostamy): $21.02 Cannabis Products: $163.75 Next cycle will be a higher cost because it will encompass 3 weeks because chemo was delayed a week (gout). My wife asked GiveSendGo to just deposit the amount we needed each cycle, but it turns out the fees are higher for multiple withdrawals. There was a misunderstanding and GiveSendGo deposited $8726.77 into our account July 4th 2024. From my tracing of the funds at the time the campaign was @ $9348 so GiveSendGo's fees were: $621.25 (not sure if tax is included?) for that lump sum. Hopefully the way I report this will evolve in time, this isn't a really good way of presenting it, but at least I'll state it so it can be checked in future. I'm still ironing out creases, any suggestions?? I'm open to them for how this could be tracked/presented better. I won't edit these posts for consistency, transparency and posterity, check the bottom right of this post to see if it's been edited. If I want to make an edit, I'll cut and paste so you can see the changes to this post. Luckily because the donations have been coming in strong. I won't need too many top ups for awhile. Hopefully if costs stay the same, what I've already raised might be enough?? But if I decide to go for chemo-radiation after Chemo, I'll want to do 3 × Hyperbaric chamber sessions to coincide with Radiation to deter effects, that will be approx $660 per week. I'm oversharing, but it's all here to look back on. Consistency and accountability is why I'm doing this.
إظهار الكل...
I just had a massive donation from a anonymous donor. I can't thankyou enough whoever you are out there!! Thankyou!! We made a withdrawal from the GiveSendGo, GiveSendGo stuffed up with how I wanted the withdrawal deposited. I've been breaking down the cost and expenditures (annoying part is aligning receipts) but I'm nearly there. The brain fog is clearing now, so I'll stand by my word of being accountable and get my spreadsheet in order, display total costs for what I'm spending it on and post it here. I welcome any questions for expenditures or actual costs. I don't deduct the full price of items in which my insurance or the government covers, I only cover outstanding amounts that aren't covered. I'm fully aware most people don't require this of me. But anyone that is receiving money from a fundraiser, at least in my opinion must be transparent and accountable for reporting that they're on track to achieving their goals. Unfortunately with cancers predictability this is a hard road to navigate, so transparency is key. This is why it's my goal to use my opportunity to create my own accountability model that will hopefully set a standard that makes people think twice before donating to whatever cause.
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#Enzymes Proteolytic enzymes: "digestive enzymes". This will assist the pancreas in general with producing enzymes for food digestion. This is also the basis for Dr William Kenney's approach to curing cancer and having a 93% success rate treating others. He found that these enzymes acted as a protease inhibitor. On the outside of cancer cells theres proteins that send signals to the immune cells to signal the cancer cells are safe and for the immune cells to ignore cancer cells. Proteolytic enzymes interrupt this process and take down the cancer defenses so that the white blood cells attack it.
إظهار الكل...
Dr. William Donald Kelley - Audio from Live Event 1996

Listen to Dr. William Donald Kelley speak about the conventional treatment of cancer versus the only truly effective answer to cancer.

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