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While the Lancet strikes are running at perhaps 300 a month, Ukraine is now reportedly producing over 3,000 FPVs per day. Lancet is undoubtedly effective, but it is eclipsed by other munitions. In a war which requires both quantity and quality, Russia may be losing on both.
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Russia Steps Up Deployment Of Lancet Kamikaze Drones, But How Effective Are They?

Last month saw a dramatic spike in the number of strikes by Russian Lancet long-range kamikaze drones. But they are not as effective as they could be.

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It seems that Microsoft is losing ground in the fight for artificial intelligence Instead of developing its own product, the company is laying off its employees working on AI. Also, Microsoft is deepening cooperation with OpenAI, gradually moving towards a merger of the companies. Soon the world will see the new "big four" leaders of artificial intelligence: Apple, OpenAI, Google, Facebook. Recently, Apple and Facebook announced cooperation in the development of artificial intelligence.
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Microsoft insiders worry the company has become just 'IT for OpenAI'

Microsoft's AI strategy has increasingly focused on OpenAI. The shift has led to some executive departures and less focus on Microsoft's own services.

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Ukraine destroyed 30 Russian oil refineries. This was achieved mainly thanks to drones that can fly even at a distance of one and a half thousand kilometers. The production of cruise missiles with a range of 1,000 km is also being established.
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💥 The Armed Forces hit the center of long-range space communication of the Russian Federation near Yevpatoria, - Defense Express. In total, there were only four such centers in Russia. Three more to go.
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ISIS became more active in Dagestan. 17 Russian policemen died, 34 were wounded.
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ISIS became more active in Dagestan. 17 Russian policemen died, 34 were wounded.
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Hochu dodomu v UA (@hochu_dodomu) on X

Загальні результати дагестанського френдліфаєру: 20 загиблих, з них 17 ментів. Ще 44 постраждалих, 37 з них - силовики. А що перемовини з представниками народу не провели? Вони ж так красиво нам розповідали як треба поводитися з "народним ополченієм" на Донбасі… Или это другое?

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India Beats China in Stock Performance

India’s stock market has boomed while China’s has slumped, and their wide valuation gap seems justified.

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The era of oil empires is dramatically nearing its end! Solar energy is on a meteoric rise, with China at the forefront, leading a green revolution. Traditional oil titans like Exxon Mobil and Chevron are being outpaced by innovative Chinese companies such as Longi Green Energy and JA Solar. This seismic shift is reshaping global energy dynamics, drastically altering geopolitical power structures. Solar power's growing efficiency and decreasing costs are pivotal in this transformation, signaling the decline of oil dominance. As the world transitions towards cleaner, more sustainable energy sources, China emerges as a key player in this new era. This transformation isn't just about energy; it represents a fundamental shift in global power dynamics. The once unassailable oil giants are now scrambling to adapt to a world increasingly driven by renewable energy. With solar energy becoming more affordable and accessible, the global economy is on the brink of a major overhaul. The implications are profound, touching everything from international relations to economic strategies. The end of the oil era heralds a new age of sustainable energy, with China leading the way into a brighter, cleaner future.
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👍 7
اختر خطة مختلفة

تسمح خطتك الحالية بتحليلات لما لا يزيد عن 5 قنوات. للحصول على المزيد، يُرجى اختيار خطة مختلفة.