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Nucleus medical media

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-147 أيام
-2230 أيام

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معدل نمو المشترك

جاري تحميل البيانات...

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Xanthelasma There are well demarcated, yellow plaques on the medial aspect of the bilateral eyelids, which is consistent with xanthelasma. Xanthelasma consists of cutaneous lipid deposits and is a common finding in patients with hypercholesterolemia
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Cri-du-chat syndrome (cat cry syndrome) Definition: rare syndrome caused by a chromosome 5 aberration  [11][12] Epidemiology: sex distribution: ♀ > ♂ (2:1) Etiology: microdeletion of the short arm at chromosome 5 (46,XX,5p- or 46,XY, 5p‑) Clinical features Cat-like, high-pitched crying in affected infants Congenital heart defects, e.g., VSD Microcephaly Intellectual disability (moderate to severe) Single palmar crease Dysmorphic facial features Moon facies Widely spaced eyes Epicanthal folds Broad nasal bridge Downward-slanting palpebral fissures Skeletal abnormalities
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Bacillary angiomatosis is a skin condition in immunocompromised patients (especially patients with AIDS and/or CD4 count < 100) characterized by vascular proliferation that results in lesions on the skin and potentially other organs (e.g., GI tract, respiratory tract). It is caused primarily by Bartonella henselae, which is most commonly transmitted via cat scratches. Skin manifestations include red papules and nodules that bleed easily. Diagnosis is confirmed on biopsy. Antibiotics are used to treat bacillary angiomatosis, and patients with HIV should be started on ART.
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The superficial temporal artery is very prominent, indicating giant cell arteritis (formerly known as temporal arteritis)
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Infective endocarditis
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Rheumatic fever
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1-Pathogen: coxsackie  A virus 2_Route of transmission Airborne droplets Fecal‑oral route 3_Hand, foot, and mouth disease Definition: highly contagious infection that manifests with a characteristic  maculopapular /partially vesicular rash on hands and feet Clinical features Fever, malaise Maculopapular and partially vesicular rash on the hands and feet (can also involve the buttocks)  Oral ulcers  Anorexia, oral pain
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Maccune _Albright syndrome Photograph of the torso of a 5-year-old girl Multiple large, hyperpigmented lesions (café-au-lait spots) can be seen on the face, the left hemithorax, and the left arm. The borders of the lesions are jagged (coast-of-Maine appearance) and barely cross the midline. Café-au-lait spots are characteristic findings in McCune-Albright syndrome
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تعلم كيف تخيط الجروح بطريقة صحيحه #How_to_suture👇👇 1⃣النوع الأول من أنواع الخياطه 1⃣Instrument Tie and Square Knot Suture 2⃣النوع الثاني من أنواع الخياطه 2⃣Simple Interrupted Suture 3⃣النوع الثالث من أنواع الخياطه 3⃣Simple Buried Suture 4⃣النوع الرابع من أنواع الخياطه 4⃣Vertical Mattress Suture 5⃣النوع الخامس من أنواع الخياطه 5⃣Horizontal Mattress, Figure of 8, Half Buried Suture 6⃣النوع السادس من أنواع الخياطه 6⃣Simple Running Suture 7⃣النوع السابع من أنواع الخياطه 7⃣Simple Running Locking Suture 8⃣النوع الثامن من أنواع الخياطه 8⃣Subcuticular Running Suture خذ ما شئت واترك لنا دعوة🤲
الطب في جميع أنحاء العالم🌏 الطب في جميع أنحاء العالم🌏
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🌏 الطب في جميع أنحاء العالم 🌎

1⃣ Instrument Tie and Square Knot - Learn #Suture Techniques

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Paget disease of bone
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