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Q&A Creation Lightship

This channel is not affliated with the team at However, it is created by a Light Being who connected with Ron Amitron and wishes to share Ron's work and the work of other Light Beings with many Infinite Heart Spirits.

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BLUEBEAM Beyond Blue Beam By Windlander June 4, 2024 Hello readers, welcome back to another episode of Beyond Blue Beam. Today we journey into the realms of mystery and intrigue again. Is it fiction or is it reality? “Red is grey and yellow white but we decide which is right and which is an illusion” (The Moody Blues) You decide! Share your thoughts in the comments. Also please feel free to add whatever other information you have to add to the article in the comments. Meanwhile, relax and enjoy the read. Today we discuss several different topics. buckle up for an interesting journey through time and space. There is quite a bit of information in today’s new episode. Topics: Secrets of the Frozen Frontier: Captain Robert Scott's 1912 Antarctic Odyssey, Time's Echo: Ancient Technologies Mirroring the Modern Age, Ancient Innovation: India's Terracotta Water Cooler-Nature's Air Conditioning, Hidden Gateways, Tesla's Legacy, Early Innovators: Solar and Electric Cars, and more The videos can be viewed on Benjamin Fulford's website
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Repost from TRUTH PUPS
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Trump assassination ATTEMPT< COMING ⚠️ This EVENT is vital to taking down the deep state> MAJIC ( Majority Intelligence Communitee ) that controls the CIA and controls the U S. Government and controls the European union and several countries ( The true CABAL OPERATIONS) _White Hats are going to STAGE the EVENT ( black hats [ DS] have tried several attempts the last years and failed) and you WILL know it was a white hat Operation as TRUMP WILL SURVIVE the EVENT & WILL LEAD TO DISMANTLING > MAJIC the deep state operations that control the dark deep operations that also control the illegal non-constitutional illicit operations and money laundering networks of the CIA and world banks. The COLLISION COURSE OF EXPOSING> MAJIC ops > MILITARY COUP, STOLEN ELECTIONS. PLANNED WARS, WORLD COUPS ETC ++ ops WILL COLLIDE WITH [ DISCLOSURE] WHITE HATS PROJECTS TO EXPOSING MILITARY HIDDEN TECH .UAPS.UFOS . Please help support our channel bringing TRUTH
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💖 The Recording of our call will be sent to Q and Mermaid 💖
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💖💜💖 Friday Happiest Hour Call, 6/7/24: We're going to start something new for Q based on his request for more input from us...and you are all invited to play... Our new PlaySpiration is called "Messages for Q'ster" Below is a list of "Sentence Starters" that we can use to respond to Q's request for us to "Keep pulling on me" and to give him direction toward those topics we would like him to expand upon... On Friday's Happiest Hour Call, each of you will have the opportunity to use one or more of the Sentence Starters to share your feelings with Q and Mermaid... The "Starters" are all designed to get you "Started" with a share/message for them... I'm giving you the Start of a Sentence and you complete the sentence in any way you wish in order to share your feelings, ask for topics to be expanded upon and/or ask for new explorations on ForThe People and the projects of others... Here's an example: 2. Can Q and Mermaid please tell us __________________________________________. If I were to fill in that blank, I might say: "Can Q and Mermaid please tell us how they interact as a couple to avoid conflict, if and when it occurs?" We will give everyone, who wishes to play ,a chance to use one sentence starter and then rotate back around to give everyone a second and third chance, depending upon timing... Between now and Friday, please pick up to three sentence starters and write out the rest of the sentence you would like to share, so you will be ready to play when it is your turn... This could be a wonderful way for more of us to share our feelings and ask for what we would like Q and Mermaid to focus on in upcoming calls... THIS IS NOT A TIME FOR ASKING PERSONAL QUESTIONS...THAT IS BEST IN ONE ON ONE SESSION, WHICH Q HAS SAID WILL RESUME AT SOME POINT... THIS IS A WAY TO SHARE ONE SENTENCE TO GIVE THEM INPUT AND SUGGEST FUTURE TOPICS FOR THEIR CALLS... If you need any further explanation, feel free to private message me: @heartplay Here are our Sentence Starters: 1. I would love to hear Q talk more about ________________________________________. 2. Will Q and Mermaid please tell us ________________________________________. 3. One topic that I wish Q would cover in detail is __________________________________________. 4. I wish Q would __________________________________________. 5. When I hear Q talk about __________________, I feel ______________________________________. 6. Would Mermaid please tell us more about ___________________________________________. 7. If I could do a one on one session with Q, I would want to talk about _____________________________. JUST A TOPIC HERE...NO SPECIFICS 8. A topic I would like to see covered on FTP is ___________________________________________. 9. I would like to hear more about other people’s projects on the topic of ______________________. You can also create your own sentence, if none of the above resonates for you: 10. What one sentence would you like to share with Q? PLEASE honor the game guidelines as set above... Room opens at 2:45 pm Pacific Call starts at 3 pm Pacific If you are not yet a member, you can use the link below to join Our PlayPlace room: All Are Welcome! 💖
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Carrie is putting together a fun call this Friday in her Inspired by Q: Our Playplace! room. 😃👇
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Harry Potter’s Scar continued Coded in your DNA is the God Essence of the Divine knowledge of life, death intertwined with Infinite energy embodied within the spirit connected to the finite/infinite structure of the universe, creation of the Sacred dreaming mind living in its own dream and using Point Energy, infinite energy to Stage existence called a life journey. This DIVINE energy is placed in every cell of your body, mind and spirit and was placed by a higher Sacred DIVINITY. The same code in your DNA that carries Infinite Energy is connected to the same Technologies that are hidden from the public sectors.. These technologies use INFINITE ENERGY , ZERO POINT ENERGY TESLA ENERGY. The War currently happening is based on keeping Infinite Energy , Zero Point energy , Tesla energy a secret. And hidden. Why? Because this means the COLLAPSE of the Energy sector that controls the world and monetary systems and banks and a new world of free energy that is connected consciousness living. Consciousness healing. Consciousness Awakening into the ASCENSION OF THE DIVINE KNOWLEDGE CONNECTED TO INFINITE ENERGY WITHIN THE BODY MIND AND AND SPIRIT >>>Known as the Great Awakening///
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Q) The Storm Rider / Official Page >This is Qs most important Post to date_ #4966 Nov 27, 2022 8:06:20 PM EST Q !
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Harry Potter’s Scar continued IMMACULATE CONCEPTION The so called’ IMMACULATE CONCEPTION’ was a term used for stripping the DNA filters out of Jesus’s body, so his Spirit, or LIGHT BODY, could embody and activate with almost all of his Source Light to assist with the Ascension 2000 years ago. This is how he was able to perform miracles and heal people instantly, according to Ron Amitron, an Ambassador from Source; Light Being Brother to Q, who both animated the body of Jesus 2000 years ago. The densities, (lineage trauma and patterns) in his DNA, filtering light potential, were removed, making it possible to access Source Light in a physical body. This is what is happening to all who choose the LIGHT right now. When darkness or density was infused into our DNA with the construct of a head verses heart focus, we lost connection with our higher wisdom, discernment and ability to know what True Light is, causing us to be continually tempted and fooled by false light into making foolish, dangerous and often self destructive choices. Have you ever noticed that the more intellectual a person is, the less common sense or wisdom they exude? Our Spirit, our Light within, is the wisest aspect of our being. It is that part of us that knows how to ascend. Our thoughts can’t help us in that area whatsoever. Just like Harry Potter, the alterations we were exposed to, causing a reliance on mental verses Spiritual or Unlimited focus, will be transmuted. Free of this spell of density, we once again realize we have Divine capacity and Infinite Energy to do and be anything we choose to experience.
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