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White Hats

Storm is coming...

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TURKEY JUST CHANGED THE ENTIRE FUTURE OF NATO< Turkey to Join BRICS< _ long before anyone was talking of Turkey planning to leave NATO or join Russia financial operations...... I was giving you the full inside operations of China delivering weapons to Serbia via Turkey. I had told you three years ago that Turkey was going to leave NATO ( Turkey is NATO's biggest army in Europe) and I you there was MASSIVE panic and inside Fighting in NATO.... And a huge COLLAPSE was beginning ( back then) Now you are seeing the true military operations to bring down NATO. The world banks, The UN.. the deep state operations..... From CIA controlled Ukraine ops and money LAUNDERING systems to Saudi Arabia ( TRUMPS friend MBS) shutting off the CIA/ Rockefellers+deep state FIAT DOLLAR$ ... _NOW TURKEY publicly went to Russia and the Kremlin welcomes them... __ I told you when MUSK went to China these were military COMMS for the leaders of the world to see that white HATS alliance military operations were moving forward. _Now TURKEY moves forward inside the PLAN. > SAUDI ARABIA MADE A MASSIVE MOVE TO STOP THE FIAT DEEP STATE MONEY. _NOW TRUMP AND MUSK ARE TALKING OF THE FUTURE CURRENCY OF THE UNITED STATES< ____ The destruction of the CIA/ Rockefeller/Rothchilds/ GLOBALIST/MAJIC five eyes agencies control over Western countries and European countries is happening... And the deep state is going broke ( The wall Street financial numbers are rigged//) And you know there is panic in Europe. The [ DS] U S. Elites are in panic as TRUMP is going to regain power and shut of the funding to UKRAINE money laundering OPERATIONS (No matter what laws the U S. Passes.. Trump is going to stop the funding and put in real safe guards) ____ In 2017_18 Trump and Musk had a falling out ( but I told back in 2019 this was all a PLAN and a trick) > Even after MUSK voted for Biden in 2020 I let you know it was all fake and military operations were already happening behind the scenes and I you long before anyone MUSK was going to buy Twitter.. And then after MUSK AND TRUMP WOULD JOIN FORCES _ > NOW ALL THESE EVENTS HAPPENED ____ TRUST THE PLAN. THE PLAN TO SAVE THE WORLD. Join @WhiteHatsQ
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The strong connections of Robert de niro to the sex industry and satanic ring goes deeper and connects to Christopher Walken ( remember Mel Gibson said he was frightened of Walken and Walkens was talking of torture) and De Niro's connection to the Hollywood dark deep satanic industry Is connected to EPSTEIN.P DIDDY. CALIFORNIA BANKS> CARTELS > DRUGS HUMAN TRAFFICKING/ SEX RING > ___ (The EXPOSURE of Weather weapons/tectonic weapons/ earthquake weapons is ALL CONNECTED TO EXPOSING UAPs man made UFOs. ( And real UFOs) ////).... You are inside an amazing time and history, where everything is being revealed and a powerful PLAN with military operations is playing out. ( DISCLOSURE PROJECTS> /// Join @WhiteHatsQ
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WHAT to EXPECT< (post 1) __ Biden to drop out soon (We all knew this was coming..) Gavin Newsom being pushed to replace Biden Hillary to run with Micheal Obama ____ >TRUMP Assassination> This important Event will lead to EXPOSURE of CIA ops/ MAJIC Majority Intelligence Communitee deep state operations and Arrest wars ( Just like JFK) The deep state is already planning the operations. >BUT COUNTER MEASURES ARE IN PLACE< (White Hats WILL STAGE their own EVENT before the [ DS] ops . > You WILL know after the assassination attempt happens that white hats staged the EVENT... You will know this because TRUMP WILL survive< ____ California Coast Major Earthquake Planned to hit Oregon. California, Nevada West region. ( I warned of this several times and now the event and test trials are happening,.. DARPA with deep dark operations and technology is already doing tests this past week as Mysterious Sonic Booms are hitting California and mainstream media is also reporting mystery and the deer state military is trying to find an excuse to cover up the massive sonic booms) ( Several test earthquakes are being placed through Nevada California and Oregon then past month) -It's week known several weapons and tectonic weapons exist with thousands of patents to create Earthquakes. ( The GLOBALIST have always wanted to kill millions in an earthquake and blame climate change and bring in laws and censorship) ____ The Exposure of advanced Military weapons and technology connected to UAP .UFOS >This month Congress/Senate is passing NEW important laws that protect whistleblowers from inside the deep state military dark deep operations. These NEW laws are highly important to Bypassimg national security laws that protect the deep state operations. These NEW laws allow the Senate and Congress to see high level Classified files and videos that whistleblowers are Exposing ( To this day theDARPA , Deep dark operations were protected under corrupt national security laws) _Now with the New whistleblower laws COMING.> Full exposure of MAJIC. DARPA. DEEP DARK . OPERATIONS ARE GOING TO BE EXPOSED . ____ PEDOPHILE RINGs/ human trafficking rings/. Sex extortion rings/ ELITE SEX RINGS/ is all coming to DISCLOSURE< _ >You are highly unaware that Epstein was arrested during Trump Administration and P Diddy was also arrested during Trump administration and secret indictments were placed. > Both Epstein and P Diddy were triple agents.. Both were forced by white hats to continue to play their parts as military investigations played forward ( i have been telling you since 2017 after Trump was elected.. Trump gave FULL military power to the military and A continuity of government was installed . Devolution plan was placed... These military operations are controlling whites hats inside the FBI. And Pentagon at the highest levels) _NOW p Diddy is going to go on trial and sing like a 🐦 bird P Diddy is going to EXPOSE Elites and corruption inside music. Film industries on world Sec trafficking operations connected to the ELITES. +At the same time EPSTEIN VIDEOS ARE GOING TO BE RELEASED by military inside DROPS and dropped through white hats media > Congress WILL fully go after the EPSTEIN SAGA...( Open the case) _ >>>>> THIS IS WHY ROBERT DE NIRO IS TRYING TO STOP TRUMP . and why the ELITES are pushing De Niro as a front to stop Trump. _ Robert De niros involvement in the world sex ring is connected to the 80s and beyond and connected to Getty Museum> massive huge underground pedophile base and satanic rituals that connect to founder J Paul Getty and his connection to Bohemian Grove satanic Moloch rituals.... This is why Getty museum hosts satanists human cooker Marina Abramović as its spiritualist guild. The connection of De Niro to pedophilia ring is connected to Roman Polanski ( pedophile) who made the cult film Rosemarys Baby a satanic cult and baby of Satan... Join @WhiteHatsQ
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THE STORM ( post 2) _THE WORLD ALLIANCE STORM OPERATIONS,< .>As Putin brings down Ukraine deep state Enterprise CIA/MAJIC operations, money laundering operation biolabs and securing nuclear weapons NATO/CIA has stored in Ukraine// _at the same time in the U.S. TRIUMP has EXPOSED the corrupt Judicial system and exposing a military COUP that is connected to ex Presidents/current president Biden ( the same presidents who fund and funnel money to Ukraine) . The military operations through Ezra . Cheyenne and White Hats in 3 letter agencies that have initiated operations against Hillary Clinton through Patrick Byrne ( Danger Close operations) And several covert operations connected to general Flynn and other important operations connected to United States Cyber Command operation s Admiral Rogers and USSF Cheyenne mountain operations are all combining together into the unveiling of the EXPOSURE OF A CAPTURED UNITED STATES OPERATIONS BY FOREIGN ADVERSARIES AND DOMESTIC ENEMIES ( MAJIC. CIA. DEEP STATE 3 LETTER AGENCIES) - D_ _THE VITALITY OF RUSSIAN HELPING TO BRING DOWN DEEP STATE UKRAINE OPERATIONS , CIA money laundering ops+ _MUHAMMAD BIN SALAM ( great friend of Trump) ending the CIA. DEEP STATE FIAT U.S DOLLAR CONTROLLING WORLD GOVERNMENTS (just recent Saudi dropped the U S dollar) _White Hats in Israel bringing down the fakr Zion Israeli regimen ( a massive revolt and revolution will Begin and military occupation arresting the deep state Israeli forces and Leaders is slated<]]] _European revolution begins as over 70% of Europe rejects the GLOBALIST cia placed Leaders in the current elections. ( A massive exposure of the PLANDEMIC. VACCINE DEATHS AND EXPOSURE OF THE VIRUS is going to hit EUROPE and mass anger and revolut will hit the Streets as the financial systems COLLAPSE WILL HIT FULL FORCES WITH BLACKOUTS , CYBER ATTACK AND FALSE FLAG EVENTS.. BUT EVERYTHING WILL BE EXPOSED) _Trump vital to Operations EXPOSING the CIA and five eyes agencies and Military COUP. ☝️ These WORLD STORM OPERATIONS ARE ALL HAPPENING IN UNISON . ___ I told you years ago these EVENTS would all happen leading to a ( fake PLANned) NUCLEAR STANDOFF _NOW RUSSIA IS AT THE UNITED STATES SHORES AND BORDER REGIONS WITH NUCLEAR SHIPS AND SUBMARINES ......... this EVENT is vital as DC. CIA. DOD WILL MAKE HUGE MASSIVE MISTAKES THAT WILL LEAD TO EXPOSURE> DEEP STATE OPERATIONS<< this event is meant to shake American and the sleeping sheep to awaken and see their leaders are corrupt and the corrupt lying system. Fake news ( this EVENT is happening so the sleeping sheep will wake up and the this EVENT will lead to military intervention and 2025 EXPOSURE OF NATO. CIA. PROVOCATION OF INITIATING RUSSIA INTO WAR.. THE TRIBUNALS AND WORLD COURTS COMING ARE ALREADY IN THE MIST WORLD INDICTMENTS AND EARLY PROCEDURES) _This RUSSIA WAR NUCLEAR EVENT is going to lead to an over haul of the U.S. military procedures ( cleaning the deep state military commands) by Trump When Trump comes back ( placed!!)into office he WILL REUNITE THE WORLD ( How do you think i knew all these events would unfold years ago and have been guiding you all along dear Patriots) Do fear the EVENTS ____ IT HAD TO BE THIS WAY_Q MILITARY IS THE ONLY WAY YOU ARE WATCHING A 🎥 You have more than you know Join @WhiteHatsQ
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_ THE END GAME MILITARY OCCUPATION 11.3 _The END GAME is Military world Courts. _World courts > Tribunals (who funded Ukraine war. Soldier and Coup of 2014 ) >Tribunals (who funded biolabs in Ukraine) >General code >Nürnberg Code ( TRIBUNAL) these arrest and investigation start directly from the top and trickle down unlike U.S. RICO investigations > Nürnberg Code( tribunals) who funded the virus? >>> CIA+ deep state EU actors+ intelligence> MAJIC > Join @WhiteHatsQ
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THE STORM ( post 1) 11.3 ARREST WARS (are coming closer and it's no longer a conspiracy that Trump is going to arrest the deep state operators and bring down the operations and real puppet masters of the world Swap) >From the director of the FBI. > McCabe to U.S. military deep state general> Milley to leading MSM host >Maddow and hundreds more of Elites in the Senate, U.S. government and High Profile ELITES,.....>>>>ALL confirm Trump is coming after them<<<< > >TREASON TREASON TREASON TREASON TREASON TREASONOUS Ops>>> 🔥 ALL CONNECTED TO A DEEP STATE MILITARY COUP. The deep state Democrats, RINOS and ELITES are no longer laughing at Q nor THE STORM arrest wars COMING [ NCSWIC] __ BEHIND THE SCENES>]: MULTIPLE MILITARY OPERATIONS SET BY TRUMP. EZRA. PATEL WHITE HATS MILITARY>DEVOLUTION PLAN IS EVOLVING INTO OPEN OPERATIONS _One of the known operations is now hitting the 2024 circa in social media ,books, TV and huge discussions inside the DNC and DC ring. THE MILITARY OPERATION WITH PENTAGON DOD . WHITE HATS IN 3 LETTER AGENCIES are going after Hilary Clinton and connection to money laundering/ BRIBES/ BLACKMAIL and a military COUP SETTING UP TRUMP >>Patrick Byrne publicly Gives some of the full information on the behind the scenes military/ DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE./WHITE HATS IN 3 LETTER AGENCIES GOING AFTER HILARY CLINTON AND THE STING OPERATIONS [[ NOW BEHIND THE SCENES TRUMP ( Military) IS ALREADY PLANNING THE ARREST AND PROSECUTION OF HILLARY CLINTON> OBAMA> BUSH> CIA> ROCKEFELLERS*.> The Carnegie Endowment+++ to Gates to Fauci + more+]] The powerful combination of The Storm is connected to the deep state ,dark deep operations and unconstitutional operations in the United States connected to underground bases and the real facilitators who control Washington DC and deep state actors and operations. _ TRUMP. THE MILITARY ALLIANCE IS GOING AFTER MAJIC > ( The secret Majority Intelligence Communitee) that is runned by the Rockefellers+ Rothchilds +13 Elite families who control most of the world intelligence and banks and government corruption systems. [ DS] MAJIC is connected to DARPA and the siphoning of hundreds of trillions of Dollars annually from world governments to maintain under ground bases that house the most advanced technology in the world, connected to infinit energy. Tesla energy*.z.> Zero point Energy ( This important hidden technology is connected to a Golden future that WILL change everything, and create Wealth across the world to every country and people, including advanced health regeneration technology, ending cancer, heart problems and much much much more) ___. THE WORLD STORM OPERATIONS _it's was vital and important that Russia broke apart the under ground biolabs in Ukraine. And broke apart the CIA runned military regime of West Ukraine and the dismantling of the world money laundering operations that went to Ukraine ( Blackrock*..> vanguard> NATO. UN. OBAMA. CIA.MI6 MOSSAD. world bank fake philanthropy operations were all funneling money to Ukraine for over 50 years) _ _It was important for Trump to step back in 2021_2024 as deep state dismantling operations in Ukraine took place. ( If Trump would have fully initiated the dismantle of the CIA Ukraine operations The deep state European powers, Elites. Propaganda television would have crucified TRUMP.... Even in the U S. People would have been confused and the mockingbird CIA tv msm would have annihilated him!!!!!) >>>>It was vital to world military operations that Putin move forward and bring down the nazi / GLOBALIST regimen in Ukraine and stop the deep state elite operations ( A powerful PLAN is formulating in real time unfolding to bring down NATO. THE UN GLOBALIST AGENDA ..... This is ALL connected to the COMING WORLD NUCLEAR STANDOFF >>>>> ALREADY HAPPENING (SILENTLY)<<<<< Join @WhiteHatsQ
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☝️ connected 👇 Join @WhiteHatsQ
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Comey: “Trump is coming for the DOJ/FBI and will use them to target his enemies.” McCabe: “We might have to flee the country to avoid Trump’s retribution.” Maddow: “I’m worried Trump is going to put me in the illegal immigrant camps.” Americans: Join @WhiteHatsQ
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_ THE END GAME MILITARY OCCUPATION 11.3 _The END GAME is Military world Courts. _World courts > Tribunals (who funded Ukraine war. Soldier and Coup of 2014 ) >Tribunals (who funded biolabs in Ukraine) >General code >Nürnberg Code ( TRIBUNAL) these arrest and investigation start directly from the top and trickle down unlike U.S. RICO investigations > Nürnberg Code( tribunals) who funded the virus? >>> CIA+ deep state EU actors+ intelligence> MAJIC > Join @WhiteHatsQ
THE STORM ( post 1) 11.3 ARREST WARS (are coming closer and it's no longer a conspiracy that Trump is going to arrest the deep state operators and bring down the operations and real puppet masters of the world Swap) >From the director of the FBI. > McCabe to U.S. military deep state general> Milley to leading MSM host >Maddow and hundreds more of Elites in the Senate, U.S. government and High Profile ELITES,.....>>>>ALL confirm Trump is coming after them<<<< > >TREASON TREASON TREASON TREASON TREASON TREASONOUS Ops>>> 🔥 ALL CONNECTED TO A DEEP STATE MILITARY COUP. The deep state Democrats, RINOS and ELITES are no longer laughing at Q nor THE STORM arrest wars COMING [ NCSWIC] __ BEHIND THE SCENES>]: MULTIPLE MILITARY OPERATIONS SET BY TRUMP. EZRA. PATEL WHITE HATS MILITARY>DEVOLUTION PLAN IS EVOLVING INTO OPEN OPERATIONS _One of the known operations is now hitting the 2024 circa in social media ,books, TV and huge discussions inside the DNC and DC ring. THE MILITARY OPERATION WITH PENTAGON DOD . WHITE HATS IN 3 LETTER AGENCIES are going after Hilary Clinton and connection to money laundering/ BRIBES/ BLACKMAIL and a military COUP SETTING UP TRUMP >>Patrick Byrne publicly Gives some of the full information on the behind the scenes military/ DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE./WHITE HATS IN 3 LETTER AGENCIES GOING AFTER HILARY CLINTON AND THE STING OPERATIONS [[ NOW BEHIND THE SCENES TRUMP ( Military) IS ALREADY PLANNING THE ARREST AND PROSECUTION OF HILLARY CLINTON> OBAMA> BUSH> CIA> ROCKEFELLERS*.> The Carnegie Endowment+++ to Gates to Fauci + more+]] The powerful combination of The Storm is connected to the deep state ,dark deep operations and unconstitutional operations in the United States connected to underground bases and the real facilitators who control Washington DC and deep state actors and operations. _ TRUMP. THE MILITARY ALLIANCE IS GOING AFTER MAJIC > ( The secret Majority Intelligence Communitee) that is runned by the Rockefellers+ Rothchilds +13 Elite families who control most of the world intelligence and banks and government corruption systems. [ DS] MAJIC is connected to DARPA and the siphoning of hundreds of trillions of Dollars annually from world governments to maintain under ground bases that house the most advanced technology in the world, connected to infinit energy. Tesla energy*.z.> Zero point Energy ( This important hidden technology is connected to a Golden future that WILL change everything, and create Wealth across the world to every country and people, including advanced health regeneration technology, ending cancer, heart problems and much much much more) ___. THE WORLD STORM OPERATIONS _it's was vital and important that Russia broke apart the under ground biolabs in Ukraine. And broke apart the CIA runned military regime of West Ukraine and the dismantling of the world money laundering operations that went to Ukraine ( Blackrock*..> vanguard> NATO. UN. OBAMA. CIA.MI6 MOSSAD. world bank fake philanthropy operations were all funneling money to Ukraine for over 50 years) _ _It was important for Trump to step back in 2021_2024 as deep state dismantling operations in Ukraine took place. ( If Trump would have fully initiated the dismantle of the CIA Ukraine operations The deep state European powers, Elites. Propaganda television would have crucified TRUMP.... Even in the U S. People would have been confused and the mockingbird CIA tv msm would have annihilated him!!!!!) >>>>It was vital to world military operations that Putin move forward and bring down the nazi / GLOBALIST regimen in Ukraine and stop the deep state elite operations ( A powerful PLAN is formulating in real time unfolding to bring down NATO. THE UN GLOBALIST AGENDA ..... This is ALL connected to the COMING WORLD NUCLEAR STANDOFF >>>>> ALREADY HAPPENING (SILENTLY)<<<<< Join @WhiteHatsQ
CIA & PENTAGON IN PANIC 🔥 AS JUSTICE IS MOVING FORWARD AND> COMING<< *NCSWIC The forced release of EPSTEIN LIST is much more than a list. IT'S A DATA DUMP with thousands of pages that will be released. MSM is reporting 800 pages, conservative news is reporting over 1500 pages and alternative media is reporting over 3000 pages of data and information from the court report, logs, police reports and witnesses full testimony......> And MORE IS COMING< BEHIND THE SCENES>]; White Hats are painting a picture for the American people and world that the [ EPSTEIN] CORRUPTION is connected to a world pedophile, human trafficking extortion ring and even greater is the connection that WILL lead to world money laundering system through [ EPSTEIN] Israel, cia.mi6 , EU & U.S. military intelligence agencies. > This is just the beginning of the 🔥 and is opening the doors to the CIA Pentagon Corruption system. > This was always the *PLAN ... And the growing EPSTEIN SAGA WILL GROW INTO MAJOR WHISTLEBLOWERS COMING FORWARD AND LEAKS OF VIDEOS AND AUDIO FROM DIFFERENT SOURCES >>> INCLUDING EPSTEIN HIMSELF TALKING<<< _The EPSTEIN SAGA IS GOING TO EXPLODE BY SUMMER TIME INTO THE FULL INVOLVEMENT OF THE CIA. PENTAGON. ISRAELI INTEL WITH MI6 OPERATIONS.. White Hats are painting a picture for the world. .. And the continuing EXPOSURE is going to lead and EXPOSE a controlled Military COUP over the U.S. government and elections. Including several countries across the world. >I have been telling you for a long time these events were coming and was going to happen . / Well it's happening and growing/ You think it's coincidence that Q military intelligence operations was the first to bring EPSTEIN into the> Exposure on a world scale with hundreds of millions of ANONS and World Partiots searching for data on EPSTEIN RIGHT NOW_The CIA. Pentagon is in major panic as their corrupt system and institution is inside a collapse and more data is coming and going to be dumped. As the world gave up on EPSTEIN i have been telling what was going to happen and how it was going to connect to all branches of the government, Hollywood. Entertainment Industry. Do you think it was coincidence that i told you the black community was being guided to expose the music and entertainment industry? Do you think it was coincidence that i told you P Diddy was connected to massive pedo ring, sex extortion ring ? I gave you this information long ago and told you this would connect to the killings of Tupac and planned Black on Black hate/wars created through the music industry controlled by the CIA and Elites. > >_NOW you have MAJOR celebrities, musicians exposing P Diddy for sex extortion, pedophilia and sexual assault. The truth is getting stronger as major forces come together and start to EXPOSE WILL SMITH having sex with men and being part of a male prostitution Elite ring ( more is going to drop on Smith) _ _Sean p Diddy Combs killed his childs mother Kim Potter , she had evidence P Diddy was part of a satanic cult and she had found him having sex with young boys and she knew about the killings at these elite parties. She wanted to come forward but she was killed. ... But new evidence will emerge in the year of P Diddy connection to sex extortion ring and the CIA and to [EPSTEIN] _ _ _RIGHT NOW... White Hats operations have given the green light to Hollywood White Hats to go after OPRAH WINFREY>≥> her connection to the CIA, Harvey Weinstein ,[ Epstein] financial ring and the Clintons human trafficking ring will be EXPOSED in the next months... Right now in Hollywood and on the Internet celebrities are attacking Oprah and exposing her control over the black actors and black entertainment community. (Oprah was PLANTED by the CIA and Hollywood elites to take control of the black communities and unite them under the DNC and liberal agendas ) .. In the next coming Months White Hats are going to connect JP MORGAN. Goldman Sachs Wells Fargo Blackstone BLACKROCK to A FULL CORRUPTION SCANDLR that is connected the Pentagon the CIA ( Rockerfellers+ ELITES) Join @WhiteHatsQ
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There is going to be a BIG biblical scenario where they make out it's WW3 but really they are activating Militaries then bombing all of these Satanic Luceriferian landmarks. Enacting GESARA funds and We The People rebuild. THE EVENT. IT IS BIBLICAL. What are some of the Very BIG Satanic Illuminati landmarks in the world? Q showed us them. Vatican, Buckinghan Palace, Whitehouse x 2 (USA, Germany), 3GD in China. Cern on the Swiss/French Border possible. Big Pharma in Wuhan = Israel Israel/Khazarians controls CCP. The Media etc 34 Satanic Buildings and Dams will Fall. Rods of God/DEW WORLDWIDE Planes & Trains grounded Lights/Power switched off Changing over to Tesla Free energy Bitcoin Servers/Data Center hit and turned off for good. 99.5% of Crypto gone China Coins. Enter ISO20022 Coins backed by Precious Metals. WW3 Scare Event. Nuke Sirens Water Event Stock Market Crash Global Martial Law CASTLE ROCK -Scenario Julian Assange. Quantum Systems. Project Odin Switched on. Nesara/Gesara/RV Election Flipping via Military Courts - FISA Military Tribunals/confessions/10 day movie - 3 × 8 hr sessions. 10 countries will be running EBS to cover the whole World. Reveals. Inauguration The ISRAELI MOSSAD control the WORLD's MEDIA out of the US. Attached is Q1871 outlining this. Project Odin as mentioned by Ron CodeMonkeyz is a POWERFUL Anti-Deplatforming Tool. Project Odin is part of Quantum Starlink. Our new Quantum Systems are to be protected by Secret Space Programs out of the Cabal's reach. Q2337 tells you Mossad Media Assets will be removed. Think people like Alex Jones, Anderson Cooper etc and also Mossad Satellites. Israeli intelligence - stand down. [TERM_3720x380-293476669283001] Media assets will be removed. This part of 2527 tells you that something powerful is going to knock out Mossad Media Satellites. This will blackout the media worldwide, Switch us over to the Quantum Systems. This is PROJECT ODIN. All in All give the reason to Activate the Military EBS. If you look up the TURKSAT Rocket that launched from the USA in January you will see it was specifically for MILITARY COMMS to peoples TV's & RADIO's in AFRICA, MIDDLE EAST, EUROPE & CENTRAL ASIA. THE EVENT has many facets too it. The WorldWide Blackout to change over to TESLA Energy. Knocking out Media Satellites, QFS, Rods of God on Dams & 34 Buildings & much much more. 34 Buildings will be in the EVENT. They are very significant. Ie Whitehouse, Royal Castles, Buckingham Palace, Vatican, Getty Museum, Playboy Mansion and the like. This will surely make the Stock Market collapse as will Precision Cyber linked to Executive Orders 13818 & 13848. It is all a show. Swapping from Rothschild's Central Bank Notes to Rainbow Treasury Notes now backed by Precious Metals (Not Oil/Wars) Are we still comfy? Or are we scared? A little bit of both is normal. Trump keeps his promises. Have faith in the Lord Our God. He will comfort you through the storm. Who saw in January up to 10 countries at once have their power all turned off by the Space Force? Just before that Israel had that happen for 30 mins too. If they can turn 10 at once off all together. They can do the whole lot. Welcome to Tesla. BLACKOUT NECESSARY. Have a look at all the Global Military "Exercises" now being put in place. Its all happening in front of you. It's the largest GLOBAL MILITARY Operation in Planet Earths History. Transition to Gesara/Greatness. Now they just have to play out a fake WW3 scenario to ring sirens in every National Military Command Center. This is to justify to the Whole Entire Planet many things that have been taking place already. The fact that Gesara Military Law has been in place. The Secret Military Tribunals, Confessions etc. The executions the lot. And like all militaries normally do they will help build new things. Join @WhiteHatsQ
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☝️ It's all connected and confirms My DROPS the past 3 years 😉 🔥 Point 👇 Join @WhiteHatsQ
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🚨 Donald Trump says he will declassify the files on 9/11, JFK, and Jeffrey Epstein if he is elected President. Join @WhiteHatsQ
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MILITARY WIRES>];2023 _When X appears over the United States (X Eclipse path 2024)  MARKER 10 BEGINS >Operation destroy the Deep state Computers and servers starting from CIA San Antonio base to five finger lakes under ground CIA base >X MARKER 10 initiates RED SKIES 2024 UNITED STATES SPACE FORCE OPERATIONS (Taking down UKRAINE and Polish NATO/CIA super computers and servers through Red Skies EVENT)>RED SKIES MILITARY ADVANCED WEAPONS ___ MILITARY WIRES>]2022 _DESEASE X > INFILTRATION into the World health organization and GLOBALIST OPERATIONS /// Deseae X are Military operations insuring the world EXPOSURE OF THE GAIN OF FUNCTION OPERATIONS AND FUNDING that all lead to military intervention and world courts and Tribunals after the 11.3 MILITARY OPERATIONS LAWS OF WAR INITIATIONS _ X ( 10) is leading to 11. ( 11.3) Next MARKER You are watching a highly placed plan to save the world. That's why Q was always telling you you are watching a movie 🎥. Unfortunately the war is real. The news is fake. The real truth. The war was already won even before it all began. > DEVOLUTION PLAN/// >Biden is being forced to play a part by white hats > >ALL THESE EVENTS HAVE TO HAPPEN. INCLUDING THE INDICTMENTS OF TRUMP AND PROSECUTION....>>> ITS ALL LEADING TO THE PLANNED MILITARY COUP THE DEEP STATE INITIATED THROUGH CROSSFIRE HURRICANE AND CONTINUES THROUGH ELECTION INTERFERENCE..... \\\\\ All these EVENTS must play out for the sleeping sheep. Including all EVENTS in Europe and the middle East..... There is no coincidence in how I foretold all these EVENTS unfolding years before in many many ways. Stay Strong Patriots. Your inside THE STORM MILITARY IS THE ONLY WAY _ Join @WhiteHatsQ
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OPERATIONS  (X) 10 .>]:MARKER and COMMS 3 years ago I gave you the DROPS that Trump was going to get arrested and INDICATED (2 years ago I gave you the military WIRES>]: that Italy. Russian and EU were sharing all the same information > TRUMP ARREST IMMINENT (and the military would save TRUMP>>>. It was all a set up and military charter knew these EVENTS were coming and they were a placed PLAN) _ _NOW you are witnessing important stages of military operations set into motion to EXPOSE a military COUP taking place by the cabal deep state. >These INDICTMENTS AND GUILTY VERDICT AND ILLEGAL WEAPONIZED JUDICIAL SYSTEM OF THE U.S. GOVERNMENT is going to lead directly to OBAMA> and his lawyers who are funding the operations with the CLINTON'S and CIA, Carnegie Endowment ( Globalist) + ___ >You have to understand the MILITARY COMMS happening in the public view first that explains PLANNED Movements that can't be stopped < just two days before Trump was found guilty of 34 INDICTMENTS .... Trump met with MUSK and they are talking about crypto currency ( they are setting the stage for the future financial system of the United States> North American and middle America that is going to be backed by precious metals) .... This all comes just weeks after MUSK traveled to China to meet XI's number two man in charge and minister of finances ( XI was there at the meeting in covert ops )..... Then after this meeting days later PUTIN and XI met and they talked about the coming world financial system and BRICS (and also discussed what MUSK ( USSF commander placed by Trump) Said of the U.S. getting ready to build their multi Trillion$$$$$$$$ crypto system with Trump. MUSK+ CHEYENNE USSF OPS < I told you long ago the WORLD ALLIANCE MILITARY OPERATIONS are bringing down the Globalist who control CIA and CORRUPT military intelligence and world deep state banking operations..... And inside this ALLIANCE is TRUMP( U.S.) . MODI( India). Bin Salman (Saudi Arabia) XI ( China).... They are all working to clean their countries of the CIA and Globalist and XI is going to collapse himself inside a huge CIVIL conflict in his country to bring down the CCP Communist regimen ( later Russia will have a falling out with China >>> but this WILL be STAGED in operations aimed at the CCP and their collapse) So why do you think MUSK , and Trillions Of$$$$$$$$$ from Mohammad bin Salman and world white HATS ELITES AND DIRECT MONEY FROM CHEYENNE MOUNTAIN ( they are hiding over a quint trillion in Gold seized world wide from early 2017 beginning Storm Operations.. This is part of the reason Trump closed of CHEYENNE mnt. ) Why? Why would MUSK . USSF. CHEYENNE MOUNTAIN MILITARY BASE AND TOP INVESTORS OF THE WORLD BACK TRUMP IN CREATING A NORTH, MIDDLE AMERICA FINANCIAL SYSTEM THAT IS GOING TO SAVE THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE AND BRING IN A GOLDEN AGE? >The real Truth..I have been telling you for a long time. I told you the United States corporation is broken! And Donald J. Trump was PLACED by military OPERATIONS. and when Trump became President he gave FULL powers to the Military to bring down the deep state //) and the MILITARY is currently SECRETLY, COVERT OPERATIONS CONTROLLING A PLANNED DEMOLITION COLLAPSE OF THE DEEP STATE INSTITUTIONS , FINANCIAL SYSTEMS ( CIA.DARPA. ROCKEFELLERS JP MORGAN [ DS] ops) ... YOU ARE INSIDE THE DEVOLUTION PLAN<<<<<< INSIDE A SECRET CONTINUITY OF GOVERNMENT HAPPENING///...... THAT IS SO LEADING TO A NEAR DEATH CIVILIZATION EVENT/ NEAR CIVIL WAR/ NEAR NUCLEAR WAR>>>>. THAT WILL ALL CULMINATE INTO THE END OF THE STORM ARREST WARS AND 11.3 LAWS OF WARS MILITARY OCCUPATION ( OVERT OPERATIONS<< RESTORING PRESIDENTIAL POWERS AND A NEW GOVERNMENT ,) Operation X is the Great Awakening movement and X is significant to this year in many ways that are MILITARY COMMS and X OPERATIONS GOING FORWARD> __ Military WIRES>]: of 2019 _When TWITTER is X'd out the final stages of FULL military world operations Begin _ MILITARY WIRES>];2023 _When X appears over the United States (X Eclipse path 2024)  MARKER 10 BEGINS Join @WhiteHatsQ
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ANTARCTICA> Congress has already been briefed with military WHISTLEBLOWERS and hundreds of high level military officials on what is really happening in ANTARTICA and the [ DS ] dark deep OPERATIONS. _Now you see why (Project blue Bleam ) Alien invasion,UFOS sightings is all being pushed by PENTAGON , MSM . Israel the Vatican abd major countries. The original idea of project blue beam was to use ANTARTICA blue beam direct energy weapon to create earth quakes and use the advanced weapon to create chaos using Electro magnetic frequencies ( Neutrinos weapons that can create thoughts and install ideas in people in mass scales .... Smart phones, smartTV and smart radio can activate the voices and false illusions and feelings in humans..... This is the same reason McDonalds wanted to use technology to advertise to people who are sleeping and infiltrate dreams with Electro magnetic frequencies using smart technology.... The deep state military tech is decades ahead of McDonald's idea using Neutrinos to manipulate people.) Project blue beam wanted to create an Allen invasion, with earthquakes. Mind control on cities with particle weapons that effect neutrinos in the brain and electro magnetic currents of thoughts and at the same time use man made UFOS UAPS to fly around bombing cities, and they wanted to use directed energy WEAPONS to attack the military and cities ( blue beam.. Just like Lahaina Hawaii fires that destroyed the city) I told you long ago that their were two [ DISCLOSURE] ]]] REAL DISCLOSURE [[ operations happening... And one was fake ( project blue beam invasion plan and UAPS UFO MILITARY COVER UP and deep dark military underground operations) > And a REAL ] DISCLOSURE [ PROJECT ( This is already happening and military, the U S. Senate and Congress had been and still being briefed right now on the current operations and REAL DISCLOSURE PROJECTS) This is part of the reason[ they] [ DS] tried poisoning the military with vaccines and trying to collapse the military so the UN. could take over in Pandemic ( But this didn't happen.... Military heads rejected the vaccines in masses especially USSF) And then UN.WHO are trying to initiate the World Pandemic Treaty where the UN can take control of a country, government and law enforcement, including military operations. ( this will eventually fail in time) The deep state for the past 8 years have tried to stop the Military white hats from exposing the Military industry complex operations ( deep dark projects). Everything happening now in the U.S. is going to lead to exposure of 2020 fraud. Military COUP with INTEL over Trump administration and the treason will be uncovered and connected to deep dark operations unconstitutional hidden military operations. Including creation of virus pandemic. Hidden military bases housing hidden technology and trillions in stolen tax payer money..... You are watching a STORM of operations unfold in real time. And the COLLAPSE of the CABAL and Project Blue Beam operations silently fall. __ Stay strong Patriots you have more than you know... You have information that has been years ahead of time given to you very often. Behind the SCENES]>]; The Hand of God is bringing in Real TRUTH MOVEMENT across the world and people are no longer following the WEF WHO. ETC ECT+ +. The hand of God gave intelligence COMMS; to white HATS inside the ALLIANCE OPERATIONS. _ As we come closer to the TRUTH, the more unbelievable WILLl become MILITARY IS THE ONLY WWG1WGA Join @WhiteHatsQ
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The arrest of pedophile rings through the United States is picking up speed!!.. This WILL be MASSIVE MASSIVE MASSIVE MASSIVE for 2024 ... collusion course with much bigger fish then EPSTEIN . P DIDDY..... IT'S GOING TO CONNECT TO THE EX PRESENT AND TO A U. S. GENERAL . AND A MASSIVE RING The EPSTEIN SAGA is going to EXPLODE into much BIGGER ELITE POWERS. RIGHT NOW RAIDS ARE HAPPENING THROUGH FLORIDA. AND ISLANDS (The once 200,000 Sealed indictments are reaching 500,000.... This info comes from direct 3 LETTER agency sources and is also hitting the info grid) FIRE 🔥 Join @WhiteHatsQ
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Crossfire Hurricane (FBI investigation) into Donald J TRUMP Was a deep state cover story.. > >The real truth ( I have said the before. As did 107) .... The Deep state, Obama. CLINTON'S CIA Globalist wanted the NUCLEAR CODES and used Crossfire hurricane investigations as a Segway to get to Trump and try to oust him (THIS WAS THE FULL [ DS] MILITARY BEGINNINGS COUP with CIA/ FBI and intelligence operations against Trump) >The mar a Lago raid was the attempt to get the NUCLEAR CODES FROM TRUMP _ Do you understand that the white hats knew long ago that CIA. Rockefellers> Hillary wanted to Nuke Russia.... That's a part of reason Trump was PLACED as president< to collect the NUCLEAR codes as president. Since Trump got control of the NUCLEAR CODES, he closed Cheyenne mountain and Biden. Obama. And CIA is all blocked. Prohibited from going the MILITARY base that controls the Nuclear U.S. operations _'___ Safety measures are in place. PUTIN knows this. As the Russia begins nuclear exercises ...... Just remember TRUMP CHEYENNE MNT. Have back channels with Russia. Everything happening is connected to a MASSIVE nuclear stand off COMING. This EVENT is for the sheep and leads to later military world courts and tribunals. Military intervention ____ California Patriots be careful as I have warned of planned Massive Earthquake for the West Coast slated for 2024 Warning for DC ... As deep state is planning a false flag inside job terrorist attack or biological weapon attack to shut down DC for 2024 ELECTIONS. __ TRUMP put Presidential Executive Orders in place for counter measures if DC is ever attacked _____ Join @WhiteHatsQ
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The Dismantling of the world Cabal system is happening... Be careful and remember to have your food. Supplies. And resources. The Deep State is getting panic. The CIA orchestrated one assassination and one attempt. The Slovakian Prime Minister was shot by two people.. Not one like MSM is reporting. And Slovakian intelligence is well aware the CIA and mi6 was behind the operations. The Iran president was assassinated by the United States/ Israel... > Military WIRES indicate the helicopter exploded high above the weather clouds ( fog) _HAARP was used to create the false weather and a Military Satellite using military grade microwave frequencies/ static weapons hit the Iranian presidents helicopter > THE WORLD WEATHER DATA INTERNET SYSTEMS ERASED THE MAY 19, 2024 REPORT OVER NORTHERN IRAN. (the reasons are the weather systems caught the abnormal high frequency abnormal active weather pattern with massive unusual growth and weather radar caught heat explosions that effected the abnormal weather pattern ) ___ Join @WhiteHatsQ
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_ There is a great fight happening my dear friends and you are inside a powerful massive storm of EXPOSURE Who created the Illuminati. Who created the CIA. Who created the Rockefellers ....? Why is ATLANTIS very important? What is DISCLOSURE? ( REAL DISCLOSURE) why is DISCLOSURE and the coming world events going to shake the foundations of society? THE STORM 🔥 is much more than an election. It's Biblical. Hold on tight Patriots. GOD WINS. IN THE END YOU WILL UNDERSTAND WHY Q OFTEN MENTIONS THE MATRIX. A I. has been on Earth and through the Cosmos and galaxy much longer than you can fathom. Inside every cell and molecule is A.I. ...... Where did good A.I. COME FROM.,,? If God created everything. Then why did he create the devil? How did Jesus know that the world was an illusion and trap for the mind? How did Jesus master death? ........ _______ Hold on tight Patriots..... Have faith. The world is going to change. NCSWIC ____ YES there is powers of evil running the world. But there is an opposite force at work .... THE GREAT AWAKENING Join @WhiteHatsQ
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The Nights Templar's were supposed to be protecting the Christians in Jerusalem but were looking for gold and wealth they stole. After meeting the brothers of the East they were told deep under Solomons temple was the gold and the advanced technology and sacred ARKS of ATLANTIS that was used to create energy. Heal humans and was used as a weapon. The Ark of the covenant could create limitless energy (as Tesla had talked about.. And zero point energy) using MANNA . In the Bible Manna was a good source with white flakes . But the truth is the atalantians created a mono atomic powder that creates energy, The manna was a super electric conductor and powered the pyramids of Egypt. The Ark of the covenant fit inside the Kings Sarcophagus in the pyramids ( this was not a burial places for the king in the pyramid and no king was ever found in the pyramid .. This is a cover story) . The Vatican of Roam for centuries hid the true knowledge of the Bible and serval other Bibles connected to Atlantis. , connected to Egyptian Gods. Mesopotamia Gods . Anunnaki And the real story of creation. ( Do you really think the Vatican and the Roam empire and hundreds of years of Popes killing each other and creating political alliances connected to world control of religion would be honest to give you the full details of the real hidden Bible.? What do you thinks hidden under the Vatican in the 54 miles under ground tunnels that's houses over 4 millions books and documents and the original tablets and emerald tablets that show how to build ZERO POINT ENERGY sources That can create weapons. Healing. Time travel etc etc etc etc ECT etc ECT etc etc etc.... There is far more technology and hidden advanced spiritual information under the Vatican that was built on top of old SATANIC RITUAL grounds) __ _The original Nights Templar's knew the Anunnaki created some of the first humans... To mind gold for advanced technology.... The Christian Nights Templar's were in secret Christian Gnostics who believed the Christ mind was in so humans and no religion was needed and inner peace came from within and no temples or priests were needed to understand the Christ mind connected to God and divinity... But the Templar's Nights obeyed the Popes and Roman empire as the Christian empire became more powerful year by year... For a thousand years before the Nights Templar's the Roman empire and Popes cheated Christianity and controlled the information of the real Bibles... There was no way the Roman Christian empire would let their institution fall to knowledge that God is already in you ( Gnostic teachings) ... By the 13 century people were killing each other in Rome and Vatican politics and control was at an all time high and the Templar's Nights were disbanded and arrested... But several branches of the nights Templars escaped on ships and land....... And changed their names and groups..... Some went to Scotland and became Freemasons., in original Portugal they were nights of Christ. In Germany they became Rosicrucianism.. They traveled as far as Nova Scotia and hid treasures ...all the way down to panama the Nights Templar's were traced to indigenous people who are light skinned they say they are decent of the Templar's.... In early Europe the first Vikings were Templar's and the original Pirates on the oceans were Templar's who flew the Skull and bones flag.... The Nights Templar's red flag is still evident today through the Red Cross. _ For centuries the Nights Templar's turned into different groups with different names and often became unknown enemies to each other in all regions and their off spring and children became strangers to others sectors...... Later on this MASSIVE division of the Nights Templar's would divide into good and evil..... Some formed the Skull and bones of Yale who created presidents. Some created the Illuminati... But other orders created goddess and worked behind the scenes to EXPOSE world corruption and governments and the dark Cabal forces...... Join @WhiteHatsQ
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WHY did Q tell you that. Israel was saved for last? The reason is Israel is the KEY to bringing down the global deep state.... ( This isn't antisemitism.. Im referring to the Kazarian Jews the fake northern European Kazars who stole the identity of real Jewish people and created the ROTHSCHILD'S. ROCKEFELLERS who all came from South Germany where they created the Illuminati in 1776 ... And took control of the local governments and financed the trains and public roads and created the ROTHSCHILD'S banking systems through Europe and help JP Morgan take over the U.S. banking system after the Titanic killed the biggest U S. Bankers and richest tycoons who were against creating a federal reserve controlled by the ELITES ( kazariams. The Fake AshkenNAZI Jews , who only made a deal with the Roman empire and bought of the Jewish Leaders to become into Judaism and name themselves Jews..) Now to this day the The Elite families of Kazariams descendants control Israel ( it was [they] Kazarians who created Rothchilds banking etc etc ECT etc.... And then created the WORLD WARS to install governments and loan money for wars and created 70% European laws through war and propaganda........ To this day the GLOBALIST/Kazariams run Israel and created the United Nations and took over countries and governments...... Most people are unaware that the U.S. government and most democratics and Republicans are runned by the Kazarians Fake Jews. This is why Q told you Israel is saved for last (taking down fake Jewish sector that intertwined with the real Jews ...... You must Remember the real Jews are also fighting against the fake Jews Zionist kazars ... This is happening right now.... ) Your are watching the EXPOSURE of how a Captured U.S. government by outside foreign entities created a MILITARY COUP using the CIA. 3 LETTER AGENCIES TRUMP was PLACED to EXPOSE the THE CAPTURED U.S. GOVERNMENT. This is all happening and being recorded into Congressional records and The United States Archives and the Military sectors are recording everything. You are highly unaware the world is going to change. On a massive level as the CIA. GLOBALIST Western funds and fiat currency comes near extinction level . Right now in Congress a huge topic is taking place on Globalist powers and their reach into the U.S. system that is connected to an OPEN MILITARY COUP. World courts are looking to documents, files and servers that prove Netanyahu could be held accountable for crimes against humanity and mass murder and corruption..... If this fails. > WHITE HATS from other several United countries are going to keep pushing for his arrest. ( Later after the near Death civilization EVENTS come to a close.. military courts will go after Netanyahu) ..... Right now in Israel a near CIVIL War is brewing and white HATS inside the Israeli government are initiating a military COUP to unseat the puppet masters of Israel..... ____ The real story of the Illuminati reaches far back into the Nights Templars who created the earliest banking systems through Europe ..... The story of the Nights Templars goes back to the middle East where they found kings Solomons gold and the real Ark of the Covenant. Hugh De Payens one of the leaders of the Nights Templars. De Payens had family that was sufi Islamic Faith and they had deep connections to the secret society of the Brothers of the East. The secret society met with the Templar's Nights and De Payen and gave them the secrets of the ATLANTIS. The real story connected to the original hidden Bible and the Angels, aliens and different deity's that were connected to old Sumar Gods Mesopotamia and the civilization before Christ and the other several civilization hundreds of thousands years older and much like ATLANTIS. And their connections to the Anunnaki . Join @WhiteHatsQ
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ALEXIE NAVALNY> THE [ DS] CIA/MI6 ASSET THAT WAS INTENTIONALLY PLACED IN OPERATIONS TO BECOME PRESIDENT OF RUSSIA . < ⚠️ FAILED OPERATIONS/// Here's the TRUTH ; _NAVALNY was contacted by/ CIA+Mi6 informants in Russia in early 2000s inside the CIA operations that was starting a colour revolution [ COUP] against Putin using college students. ( The CIA was well aware white hats as Admiral Rodgers and several Generals and colonials were all well aware that 911 was an inside JOB of the CIA/DARPA/ [ ds] U.S. MIL. with Elites to initiate the Patriot act ( spying programs on U.S. citizen> U.S. military commanders to track down white hats who were against the deep state) .. They also knew the 911 attack was to steal and hide trillions of U.S. tax dollars inside Pentagon Operations ...... And white hats generals as Wesley Clark all knew the 911 attack was the initiation plans and false flag event to start deep state plans to create wars in middle east and go after the oil and over throwing non compliant nations as Iran. Libya and 3 other countries in the region.. > >The deep state Rockefellers CIA + [ ds] military were all aware that there was an WHITE HATS ALLIANCE HAPPENING WITH RUSSIA, CHINA AND EU.... And the deep state knew the Putin was destroying CIA/mi6/mossad operations in Russia in 2002 and Putin was taking all the money from the operations and doing military sweeps through Russia. _ _The CABAL/CIA initiated plans to over throw Putin and start the colour revolution COUP. >Navalny was contacted through CIA student operations and Vetted ( the CIA Had found their guy.... a normal street person fighting for revolution ) and in time Navalny was brought to the United States to Yale University where CIA secret training programs took place. .it was here that the CIA decided on operations to place NAVALNY as the future president of Russia. ( President Dmitry Medvedev who was placed by Putin eventually wanted to stay in power //// Medvedev silently worked with CIA idea/ handlers and gave full media coverage to Navalny to discred Putin) and tried a COUP ATTEMPT////// _ _The COUP attempt failed and Putin regained control in 2012 >NAVALNY in 2013 was indicated for embezzlement money from a state owned timber firm and swindling millions to his friend who sold the wood from the timber firm and Navalny paid kick backs to the governor and oligarchs ( CIA assets) Together with Petr Ofitserov, owner of Vyatka Logging Company (VLC), Navalny stole over 10,000 cubic metres of timber from the state enterprise Kirovles in 2009, while he was adviser to the liberal governor of the Kirov Region, Nikita Belykh. VLC was supposed to have bought timber for less than the market price and Navalny apparently helped tie up the unprofitable contract. Navalny and Ofitserov were accused of misappropriation of state funds and embezzlement under Article 160 of the Russian Federation Criminal Code. ( This was Putins way of arresting Navalny and didn't want the public to know Navalny was a CIA spy and was being placed for a presidential future.... Arresting Navalny gave Putin time to see who the traitors were in his government working with another COUP attempt) >After serving time in prison Navalny was freeded and allowed to leave Russia to Germany ( the fake poisoning report was pushed by CIA mockingbird media and several doctors confirmed no poison was found.. But the true story was covered up) _soon after the CIA Created documentaries for Navalny ( made within weeks , all pick up shots and editing and special effects and music scores and shooting on locations .... > No Hollywood team is this week endowed to make such a documentary in weeks... THE REAL TRUTH, THE DOCUMENTARY WERE CREATED BY CIA AND GIVEN TO NAVALNY ..... >And a great push by CIA MOCKINGBIRD OPERATIONS PUSHED THE > NAVALNY DOCUMENTARY OF HIS LIFE///. > and plans were made for Navalny to return to Russia and be arrested again.. . Join @WhiteHatsQ
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The deep state has super computers in Ukraine. Poland. Germany + EU and the recent placed planned SOLAR EVENTS > RED SKY EVENTS DISABLED A large part of their deep state operations. As the RED SKY EVENTS happened several attacks were initiated by USSF+ X+ STARLINK USING advanced weapons that cooked underground DUMBS IN SILOS HOUSING SUPERCOMPUTERS QUANTUM and at the same time hundreds of NUKES WERE DISABLED>>> 5 G advanced mapping technology, plus powerful Military virus tracked all the deep state computers the past 5 years that include STUXNET > ZEUS VIRUS, kranken,5 , + more ////// RED SKY EVENT WAS INITIATED and this was part of the Reason Musk went to see XI and his commander weeks ago. To personally let him know SKY EVENT WAS INITIATED//) __ Stay calm dear Patriots as we continue heading into world EVENTS OF THE STORM >>>>> REMEMBER TRUMP TOLD YOU THE THE ONE YEAR CELEBRATION STARTS IN 2025-25 ( he gave you the COMMS letting you know the powerful EVENTS we are going through in 2024 that WILL lead to full EXPOSURE and A MASSIVE COLLAPSE OF THE WORLD DEEP STATE) __ No everything is as the seems Military is the only way ___ RED SKY EVENTS CONTINUE THAT LEAD INTO BLUE SKY EVENTS > ]] BEGINNING OF DISCLOSURE [[[ DISCLOSURE ]]] BUCKLE UP 🔥 BUTTER CUPS You have more than you know Join @WhiteHatsQ
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SKY EVENTS 1 ,2 _>]: RED SKY EVENT >CHEYENNE MOUNTAIN . MILITARY OPERATIONS,USSF SPACE X, STARLINK.>5 G MILITARY GLOBAL OPS _ >[BLUE] SKY EVENT> PROJECT BLUE BEAM DEEP STATE OPERATION / COUNTER MEASURES= WHITE HAT OPERATIONS > EXPOSURE >HIDDEN MILITARY TECHNOLOGY> >EXPOSURE>HIDDEN DEEP DARK OPERATIONS Long before anyone warned you, i told you in early 2020 and 2021 that we were heading into a NUCLEAR EVENT ( very near) and a global war ( very near) ... These events plus the death vaccines and pandemic combined with the NEAR CIVIL WARS TO ERUPT IN POLAND UKRAINE. EU. UNITED STATES. CANADA. UK. [ FIVE EYES] COUNTRIES, AUSTRALIA + MORE++ >>>> IS THE NEAR DEATH CIVILIZATION EVENT I HAVE BEEN WARNING YOU ABOUT _NOW WE STAND AT THE BRINK OF A MASSIVE WORLD COLLAPSE AND WORLD WAR THAT WILL LEAD TO MASSIVE REVOLTS, REVOLUTIONS AND FULL EXPOSURE OF THE CORRUPTION SYSTEM RUNNING ORGANIZED CRIME BY THE GLOBALIST ELITE WHO CONTROL WORLD BANKS, CIA MOSSAD UN. > NATO< WHO WORLD WARS, HUMAN TRAFFICKING, DRUG OPERATIONS AND WORLD WIDE PEDOPHILIA RINGS .. /// We stand at the brink of THE STORM >>>A powerful 8 year Storm... Since the moment the Military placed TRIUMP as President inside Global operations to take down the world deep state Satanic Cabal< _____ I have been telling you. You are watching a movie. A very important plan unfold in real time. I have told you many times that Trump placed Musk and their silent fallout in 2017 was all a show . The many times i have told you Trump feuding with certain people and making them opposition is a fake scenario and planned... Just as Vivek Ramaswamy was ops, then United with Trump and now Trump united with Desatis ( i said this was going to happen long ago and their public fued was a show and Trump would absorb his followers..) .... I have given you alot of information years before hand off the events unfolding now. NOW _ TRUMP WILL GO AFTER PUTIN AND XI ( but this is a show...i told you they WILL all UNITE FOR PEACE in 2025 and MILITARY TRIBUNALS WILL TAKE PLACE AND [NATO] INVESTIGATION WILL HAPPEN AND COLLAPSE AND REBUILD AFTER THE GREAT STORM OPERATIONS OF 2024 [ COLLAPSE] ] COLLAPSE [ GLOBAL COLLAPSE.... BLACKOUTS. WORLD CYBER ATTACKS. NEAR DEATH CIVILIZATION EVENT.. NUCLEAR STANDOFF ( this EVENT is for the world sleeping sheep and these EVENTS must happen so the REAL Israeli people WILL fight the The fake ZIONIST GLOBALIST control . So Europe WILL stand up and fight for their countries and sons from going to war and WILL lead to EXPOSURE of the governments and corruption.... These revoluts are going to hit all Western Major countries....... As the people WILL fight for their freedom....... > IT MUST LOOK LIKE THE PEOPLE FOUGHT FOR THEIR FREEDOM AND COUNTRY ( the sleeping sheep must wake up) .......... Only till then deep state governments, officials, banks. [ Ds] military and politicians and Elites will be arrested for the full crimes> INCLUDING CREATING THE WORLD WAR AND NEAR NUCLEAR EVENTS. YOU ARE HIGHLY UNAWARE THAT NASA IS LYING ABOUT SEVERAL OPERATIONS PAST AND PRESENT. INCLUDING THE FALSE DISCLOSURE OF THE SUN SOLAR EVENT (there is a solar storm. But its not at all as strong as NASA mainstream media are pushing out to be/// including white hats pushing this narration) UNITED STATES SPACE FORCE >USSF CHEYENNE MOUNTAIN has already conducted RED SKY 2024 EVENTS months ago ( but there fake news story on Red Sky 2024 operations in the Internet is a cover story) .... The real TRUTH is the recent Red Sky events in Poland. Ukraine and Europe Russia was USSF using advanced technology to disable nuclear weapons and shut down several military operations using Quantum computers and super advanced weapons systems through Europe that the Deep state was planning to use. ( I had told you in the early 2000s the U.S. Air Force had created weapons to make nuclear weapons obsolete and disable them - for every Creation their is cure. As there is darkness their is light and vise versa - this is just one of the BIG reasons Trump created USSF and placed into Intelligence )
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☝️ Why would USSF write a fake cover story for Red Skies 2024 OPERATIONS.... And do you really think USSF would tell you the truth of red skies 2024 ops.. Here's the Truth 👇 Join @WhiteHatsQ
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TURKEY JUST CHANGED THE ENTIRE FUTURE OF NATO< Turkey to Join BRICS< _ long before anyone was talking of Turkey planning to leave NATO or join Russia financial operations...... I was giving you the full inside operations of China delivering weapons to Serbia via Turkey. I had told you three years ago that Turkey was going to leave NATO ( Turkey is NATO's biggest army in Europe) and I you there was MASSIVE panic and inside Fighting in NATO.... And a huge COLLAPSE was beginning ( back then) Now you are seeing the true military operations to bring down NATO. The world banks, The UN.. the deep state operations..... From CIA controlled Ukraine ops and money LAUNDERING systems to Saudi Arabia ( TRUMPS friend MBS) shutting off the CIA/ Rockefellers+deep state FIAT DOLLAR$ ... _NOW TURKEY publicly went to Russia and the Kremlin welcomes them... __ I told you when MUSK went to China these were military COMMS for the leaders of the world to see that white HATS alliance military operations were moving forward. _Now TURKEY moves forward inside the PLAN. > SAUDI ARABIA MADE A MASSIVE MOVE TO STOP THE FIAT DEEP STATE MONEY. _NOW TRUMP AND MUSK ARE TALKING OF THE FUTURE CURRENCY OF THE UNITED STATES< ____ The destruction of the CIA/ Rockefeller/Rothchilds/ GLOBALIST/MAJIC five eyes agencies control over Western countries and European countries is happening... And the deep state is going broke ( The wall Street financial numbers are rigged//) And you know there is panic in Europe. The [ DS] U S. Elites are in panic as TRUMP is going to regain power and shut of the funding to UKRAINE money laundering OPERATIONS (No matter what laws the U S. Passes.. Trump is going to stop the funding and put in real safe guards) ____ In 2017_18 Trump and Musk had a falling out ( but I told back in 2019 this was all a PLAN and a trick) > Even after MUSK voted for Biden in 2020 I let you know it was all fake and military operations were already happening behind the scenes and I you long before anyone MUSK was going to buy Twitter.. And then after MUSK AND TRUMP WOULD JOIN FORCES _ > NOW ALL THESE EVENTS HAPPENED ____ TRUST THE PLAN. THE PLAN TO SAVE THE WORLD. Join @WhiteHatsQ
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The strong connections of Robert de niro to the sex industry and satanic ring goes deeper and connects to Christopher Walken ( remember Mel Gibson said he was frightened of Walken and Walkens was talking of torture) and De Niro's connection to the Hollywood dark deep satanic industry Is connected to EPSTEIN.P DIDDY. CALIFORNIA BANKS> CARTELS > DRUGS HUMAN TRAFFICKING/ SEX RING > ___ (The EXPOSURE of Weather weapons/tectonic weapons/ earthquake weapons is ALL CONNECTED TO EXPOSING UAPs man made UFOs. ( And real UFOs) ////).... You are inside an amazing time and history, where everything is being revealed and a powerful PLAN with military operations is playing out. ( DISCLOSURE PROJECTS> /// Join @WhiteHatsQ
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WHAT to EXPECT< (post 1) __ Biden to drop out soon (We all knew this was coming..) Gavin Newsom being pushed to replace Biden Hillary to run with Micheal Obama ____ >TRUMP Assassination> This important Event will lead to EXPOSURE of CIA ops/ MAJIC Majority Intelligence Communitee deep state operations and Arrest wars ( Just like JFK) The deep state is already planning the operations. >BUT COUNTER MEASURES ARE IN PLACE< (White Hats WILL STAGE their own EVENT before the [ DS] ops . > You WILL know after the assassination attempt happens that white hats staged the EVENT... You will know this because TRUMP WILL survive< ____ California Coast Major Earthquake Planned to hit Oregon. California, Nevada West region. ( I warned of this several times and now the event and test trials are happening,.. DARPA with deep dark operations and technology is already doing tests this past week as Mysterious Sonic Booms are hitting California and mainstream media is also reporting mystery and the deer state military is trying to find an excuse to cover up the massive sonic booms) ( Several test earthquakes are being placed through Nevada California and Oregon then past month) -It's week known several weapons and tectonic weapons exist with thousands of patents to create Earthquakes. ( The GLOBALIST have always wanted to kill millions in an earthquake and blame climate change and bring in laws and censorship) ____ The Exposure of advanced Military weapons and technology connected to UAP .UFOS >This month Congress/Senate is passing NEW important laws that protect whistleblowers from inside the deep state military dark deep operations. These NEW laws are highly important to Bypassimg national security laws that protect the deep state operations. These NEW laws allow the Senate and Congress to see high level Classified files and videos that whistleblowers are Exposing ( To this day theDARPA , Deep dark operations were protected under corrupt national security laws) _Now with the New whistleblower laws COMING.> Full exposure of MAJIC. DARPA. DEEP DARK . OPERATIONS ARE GOING TO BE EXPOSED . ____ PEDOPHILE RINGs/ human trafficking rings/. Sex extortion rings/ ELITE SEX RINGS/ is all coming to DISCLOSURE< _ >You are highly unaware that Epstein was arrested during Trump Administration and P Diddy was also arrested during Trump administration and secret indictments were placed. > Both Epstein and P Diddy were triple agents.. Both were forced by white hats to continue to play their parts as military investigations played forward ( i have been telling you since 2017 after Trump was elected.. Trump gave FULL military power to the military and A continuity of government was installed . Devolution plan was placed... These military operations are controlling whites hats inside the FBI. And Pentagon at the highest levels) _NOW p Diddy is going to go on trial and sing like a 🐦 bird P Diddy is going to EXPOSE Elites and corruption inside music. Film industries on world Sec trafficking operations connected to the ELITES. +At the same time EPSTEIN VIDEOS ARE GOING TO BE RELEASED by military inside DROPS and dropped through white hats media > Congress WILL fully go after the EPSTEIN SAGA...( Open the case) _ >>>>> THIS IS WHY ROBERT DE NIRO IS TRYING TO STOP TRUMP . and why the ELITES are pushing De Niro as a front to stop Trump. _ Robert De niros involvement in the world sex ring is connected to the 80s and beyond and connected to Getty Museum> massive huge underground pedophile base and satanic rituals that connect to founder J Paul Getty and his connection to Bohemian Grove satanic Moloch rituals.... This is why Getty museum hosts satanists human cooker Marina Abramović as its spiritualist guild. The connection of De Niro to pedophilia ring is connected to Roman Polanski ( pedophile) who made the cult film Rosemarys Baby a satanic cult and baby of Satan... Join @WhiteHatsQ
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THE STORM ( post 2) _THE WORLD ALLIANCE STORM OPERATIONS,< .>As Putin brings down Ukraine deep state Enterprise CIA/MAJIC operations, money laundering operation biolabs and securing nuclear weapons NATO/CIA has stored in Ukraine// _at the same time in the U.S. TRIUMP has EXPOSED the corrupt Judicial system and exposing a military COUP that is connected to ex Presidents/current president Biden ( the same presidents who fund and funnel money to Ukraine) . The military operations through Ezra . Cheyenne and White Hats in 3 letter agencies that have initiated operations against Hillary Clinton through Patrick Byrne ( Danger Close operations) And several covert operations connected to general Flynn and other important operations connected to United States Cyber Command operation s Admiral Rogers and USSF Cheyenne mountain operations are all combining together into the unveiling of the EXPOSURE OF A CAPTURED UNITED STATES OPERATIONS BY FOREIGN ADVERSARIES AND DOMESTIC ENEMIES ( MAJIC. CIA. DEEP STATE 3 LETTER AGENCIES) - D_ _THE VITALITY OF RUSSIAN HELPING TO BRING DOWN DEEP STATE UKRAINE OPERATIONS , CIA money laundering ops+ _MUHAMMAD BIN SALAM ( great friend of Trump) ending the CIA. DEEP STATE FIAT U.S DOLLAR CONTROLLING WORLD GOVERNMENTS (just recent Saudi dropped the U S dollar) _White Hats in Israel bringing down the fakr Zion Israeli regimen ( a massive revolt and revolution will Begin and military occupation arresting the deep state Israeli forces and Leaders is slated<]]] _European revolution begins as over 70% of Europe rejects the GLOBALIST cia placed Leaders in the current elections. ( A massive exposure of the PLANDEMIC. VACCINE DEATHS AND EXPOSURE OF THE VIRUS is going to hit EUROPE and mass anger and revolut will hit the Streets as the financial systems COLLAPSE WILL HIT FULL FORCES WITH BLACKOUTS , CYBER ATTACK AND FALSE FLAG EVENTS.. BUT EVERYTHING WILL BE EXPOSED) _Trump vital to Operations EXPOSING the CIA and five eyes agencies and Military COUP. ☝️ These WORLD STORM OPERATIONS ARE ALL HAPPENING IN UNISON . ___ I told you years ago these EVENTS would all happen leading to a ( fake PLANned) NUCLEAR STANDOFF _NOW RUSSIA IS AT THE UNITED STATES SHORES AND BORDER REGIONS WITH NUCLEAR SHIPS AND SUBMARINES ......... this EVENT is vital as DC. CIA. DOD WILL MAKE HUGE MASSIVE MISTAKES THAT WILL LEAD TO EXPOSURE> DEEP STATE OPERATIONS<< this event is meant to shake American and the sleeping sheep to awaken and see their leaders are corrupt and the corrupt lying system. Fake news ( this EVENT is happening so the sleeping sheep will wake up and the this EVENT will lead to military intervention and 2025 EXPOSURE OF NATO. CIA. PROVOCATION OF INITIATING RUSSIA INTO WAR.. THE TRIBUNALS AND WORLD COURTS COMING ARE ALREADY IN THE MIST WORLD INDICTMENTS AND EARLY PROCEDURES) _This RUSSIA WAR NUCLEAR EVENT is going to lead to an over haul of the U.S. military procedures ( cleaning the deep state military commands) by Trump When Trump comes back ( placed!!)into office he WILL REUNITE THE WORLD ( How do you think i knew all these events would unfold years ago and have been guiding you all along dear Patriots) Do fear the EVENTS ____ IT HAD TO BE THIS WAY_Q MILITARY IS THE ONLY WAY YOU ARE WATCHING A 🎥 You have more than you know Join @WhiteHatsQ
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_ THE END GAME MILITARY OCCUPATION 11.3 _The END GAME is Military world Courts. _World courts > Tribunals (who funded Ukraine war. Soldier and Coup of 2014 ) >Tribunals (who funded biolabs in Ukraine) >General code >Nürnberg Code ( TRIBUNAL) these arrest and investigation start directly from the top and trickle down unlike U.S. RICO investigations > Nürnberg Code( tribunals) who funded the virus? >>> CIA+ deep state EU actors+ intelligence> MAJIC > Join @WhiteHatsQ
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THE STORM ( post 1) 11.3 ARREST WARS (are coming closer and it's no longer a conspiracy that Trump is going to arrest the deep state operators and bring down the operations and real puppet masters of the world Swap) >From the director of the FBI. > McCabe to U.S. military deep state general> Milley to leading MSM host >Maddow and hundreds more of Elites in the Senate, U.S. government and High Profile ELITES,.....>>>>ALL confirm Trump is coming after them<<<< > >TREASON TREASON TREASON TREASON TREASON TREASONOUS Ops>>> 🔥 ALL CONNECTED TO A DEEP STATE MILITARY COUP. The deep state Democrats, RINOS and ELITES are no longer laughing at Q nor THE STORM arrest wars COMING [ NCSWIC] __ BEHIND THE SCENES>]: MULTIPLE MILITARY OPERATIONS SET BY TRUMP. EZRA. PATEL WHITE HATS MILITARY>DEVOLUTION PLAN IS EVOLVING INTO OPEN OPERATIONS _One of the known operations is now hitting the 2024 circa in social media ,books, TV and huge discussions inside the DNC and DC ring. THE MILITARY OPERATION WITH PENTAGON DOD . WHITE HATS IN 3 LETTER AGENCIES are going after Hilary Clinton and connection to money laundering/ BRIBES/ BLACKMAIL and a military COUP SETTING UP TRUMP >>Patrick Byrne publicly Gives some of the full information on the behind the scenes military/ DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE./WHITE HATS IN 3 LETTER AGENCIES GOING AFTER HILARY CLINTON AND THE STING OPERATIONS [[ NOW BEHIND THE SCENES TRUMP ( Military) IS ALREADY PLANNING THE ARREST AND PROSECUTION OF HILLARY CLINTON> OBAMA> BUSH> CIA> ROCKEFELLERS*.> The Carnegie Endowment+++ to Gates to Fauci + more+]] The powerful combination of The Storm is connected to the deep state ,dark deep operations and unconstitutional operations in the United States connected to underground bases and the real facilitators who control Washington DC and deep state actors and operations. _ TRUMP. THE MILITARY ALLIANCE IS GOING AFTER MAJIC > ( The secret Majority Intelligence Communitee) that is runned by the Rockefellers+ Rothchilds +13 Elite families who control most of the world intelligence and banks and government corruption systems. [ DS] MAJIC is connected to DARPA and the siphoning of hundreds of trillions of Dollars annually from world governments to maintain under ground bases that house the most advanced technology in the world, connected to infinit energy. Tesla energy*.z.> Zero point Energy ( This important hidden technology is connected to a Golden future that WILL change everything, and create Wealth across the world to every country and people, including advanced health regeneration technology, ending cancer, heart problems and much much much more) ___. THE WORLD STORM OPERATIONS _it's was vital and important that Russia broke apart the under ground biolabs in Ukraine. And broke apart the CIA runned military regime of West Ukraine and the dismantling of the world money laundering operations that went to Ukraine ( Blackrock*..> vanguard> NATO. UN. OBAMA. CIA.MI6 MOSSAD. world bank fake philanthropy operations were all funneling money to Ukraine for over 50 years) _ _It was important for Trump to step back in 2021_2024 as deep state dismantling operations in Ukraine took place. ( If Trump would have fully initiated the dismantle of the CIA Ukraine operations The deep state European powers, Elites. Propaganda television would have crucified TRUMP.... Even in the U S. People would have been confused and the mockingbird CIA tv msm would have annihilated him!!!!!) >>>>It was vital to world military operations that Putin move forward and bring down the nazi / GLOBALIST regimen in Ukraine and stop the deep state elite operations ( A powerful PLAN is formulating in real time unfolding to bring down NATO. THE UN GLOBALIST AGENDA ..... This is ALL connected to the COMING WORLD NUCLEAR STANDOFF >>>>> ALREADY HAPPENING (SILENTLY)<<<<< Join @WhiteHatsQ
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☝️ connected 👇 Join @WhiteHatsQ
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Comey: “Trump is coming for the DOJ/FBI and will use them to target his enemies.” McCabe: “We might have to flee the country to avoid Trump’s retribution.” Maddow: “I’m worried Trump is going to put me in the illegal immigrant camps.” Americans: Join @WhiteHatsQ
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_ THE END GAME MILITARY OCCUPATION 11.3 _The END GAME is Military world Courts. _World courts > Tribunals (who funded Ukraine war. Soldier and Coup of 2014 ) >Tribunals (who funded biolabs in Ukraine) >General code >Nürnberg Code ( TRIBUNAL) these arrest and investigation start directly from the top and trickle down unlike U.S. RICO investigations > Nürnberg Code( tribunals) who funded the virus? >>> CIA+ deep state EU actors+ intelligence> MAJIC > Join @WhiteHatsQ
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THE STORM ( post 1) 11.3 ARREST WARS (are coming closer and it's no longer a conspiracy that Trump is going to arrest the deep state operators and bring down the operations and real puppet masters of the world Swap) >From the director of the FBI. > McCabe to U.S. military deep state general> Milley to leading MSM host >Maddow and hundreds more of Elites in the Senate, U.S. government and High Profile ELITES,.....>>>>ALL confirm Trump is coming after them<<<< > >TREASON TREASON TREASON TREASON TREASON TREASONOUS Ops>>> 🔥 ALL CONNECTED TO A DEEP STATE MILITARY COUP. The deep state Democrats, RINOS and ELITES are no longer laughing at Q nor THE STORM arrest wars COMING [ NCSWIC] __ BEHIND THE SCENES>]: MULTIPLE MILITARY OPERATIONS SET BY TRUMP. EZRA. PATEL WHITE HATS MILITARY>DEVOLUTION PLAN IS EVOLVING INTO OPEN OPERATIONS _One of the known operations is now hitting the 2024 circa in social media ,books, TV and huge discussions inside the DNC and DC ring. THE MILITARY OPERATION WITH PENTAGON DOD . WHITE HATS IN 3 LETTER AGENCIES are going after Hilary Clinton and connection to money laundering/ BRIBES/ BLACKMAIL and a military COUP SETTING UP TRUMP >>Patrick Byrne publicly Gives some of the full information on the behind the scenes military/ DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE./WHITE HATS IN 3 LETTER AGENCIES GOING AFTER HILARY CLINTON AND THE STING OPERATIONS [[ NOW BEHIND THE SCENES TRUMP ( Military) IS ALREADY PLANNING THE ARREST AND PROSECUTION OF HILLARY CLINTON> OBAMA> BUSH> CIA> ROCKEFELLERS*.> The Carnegie Endowment+++ to Gates to Fauci + more+]] The powerful combination of The Storm is connected to the deep state ,dark deep operations and unconstitutional operations in the United States connected to underground bases and the real facilitators who control Washington DC and deep state actors and operations. _ TRUMP. THE MILITARY ALLIANCE IS GOING AFTER MAJIC > ( The secret Majority Intelligence Communitee) that is runned by the Rockefellers+ Rothchilds +13 Elite families who control most of the world intelligence and banks and government corruption systems. [ DS] MAJIC is connected to DARPA and the siphoning of hundreds of trillions of Dollars annually from world governments to maintain under ground bases that house the most advanced technology in the world, connected to infinit energy. Tesla energy*.z.> Zero point Energy ( This important hidden technology is connected to a Golden future that WILL change everything, and create Wealth across the world to every country and people, including advanced health regeneration technology, ending cancer, heart problems and much much much more) ___. THE WORLD STORM OPERATIONS _it's was vital and important that Russia broke apart the under ground biolabs in Ukraine. And broke apart the CIA runned military regime of West Ukraine and the dismantling of the world money laundering operations that went to Ukraine ( Blackrock*..> vanguard> NATO. UN. OBAMA. CIA.MI6 MOSSAD. world bank fake philanthropy operations were all funneling money to Ukraine for over 50 years) _ _It was important for Trump to step back in 2021_2024 as deep state dismantling operations in Ukraine took place. ( If Trump would have fully initiated the dismantle of the CIA Ukraine operations The deep state European powers, Elites. Propaganda television would have crucified TRUMP.... Even in the U S. People would have been confused and the mockingbird CIA tv msm would have annihilated him!!!!!) >>>>It was vital to world military operations that Putin move forward and bring down the nazi / GLOBALIST regimen in Ukraine and stop the deep state elite operations ( A powerful PLAN is formulating in real time unfolding to bring down NATO. THE UN GLOBALIST AGENDA ..... This is ALL connected to the COMING WORLD NUCLEAR STANDOFF >>>>> ALREADY HAPPENING (SILENTLY)<<<<< Join @WhiteHatsQ
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