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GCR Real-Time News © Awake-In-3D reports on “real world” financial events in context of an emerging asset-backed Global Currency Reset as Central Banksters fight hard to preserve their collapsing Fiat Currency regime and dominance over humanity.

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Russia Bans All US Dollar and Euro Trading on Moscow Exchange: Chinese Yuan Dominates Is the Dollar’s Dominance in Jeopardy After Russia’s Latest Action?
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Basel 3 is Killing the US Dollar and Bankster Gold Price Manipulation King Gold: How Basel 3 is setting the stage for a gold market revolution and devaluing the Fiat Curreny System.
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Basel 3, Gold and Rising U.S. Dollar Rejection: It’s all Connected in Plain Sight This is fact, not fiction. Basel 3 banking regulations are a major part of RV/GCR progression. While Basel 3 may not be fully implemented in the USA banking system at this point, the role of gold as a Tier 1 asset (previously a Tier 3 asset) is certainly shaking up USD valuation vs. gold outside of the Western Alliance of G7 nations. Did you know that the dollar price of gold is significantly weaker on the Shanghai Gold Exchange - by a lot - vs the gold price in New York and London? The Western value of gold (vs. western fiat currencies) is higher than in the Eastern Shanghai Gold Exchange. This is never reported in western business media, and for good reason. It’s a significant sign of events to come. Basel 3 is weakening the U.S. dollar in one big bite after another. I’ll publish an article tomorrow explaining what you won’t hear in the western financial news media. ☘️☘️☘️
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RV/GCR Heading to the Launchpad: Prepare for a Currency Reset BRICS’ new currency will launch a global REVALUATION and challenge RESET the financial system once and for all.
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How BRICS will Drive a Global RV/GCR Explained in Simple Steps BRICS’ new currency strategy will spark a global RV/GCR and challenge the US dollar once and for all.
The Looming Financial System Collapse from Industry Offshoring Explained Not even a gold-backed currency can save an economy if it is not industrially self reliant. Europe is learning this firsthand today. Is the USA next?
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Will Elon Musk’s Starlink Go Public on a New Texas Stock Exchange? Texas Stock Exchange Poised to Challenge Wall Street with Starlink IPO on the Horizon
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Will Texas Exit the United States and Join BRICS? Could Texas and BRICS Create A Gold-Backed Financial Future Beyond the Fiat Currency System?
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Will Texas Exit the United States? The Answer May Surprise You Could Texas and BRICS Create A New Financial Future Beyond the Fiat Currency System?
No More Petrodollar? Separating Reality from Rumor
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END OF THE PETRODOLLAR? 🤔 The inevitability of a petroyuan has become a popular take in the financial blogosphere: China flexing its muscles as an emerging power, elbowing one of the most visible and enduring signs of the 75-year US hegemony in the Middle East. Ask quietly in government circles in Riyadh, Abu Dhabi, Kuwait City or Doha about the petroyuan, and the response — even in the weeks following Xi’s visit to Riyadh — is unanimous: the petrodollar is here to stay. On a recent trip to the region, I didn’t hear a single official talking seriously about making preparations to introduce a new currency to the mix. The answers sound a lot like this: What’s in it for us? The greenback is freely convertible, the yuan isn’t; the dollar is liquid, the yuan isn’t. That’s the polite version; the more candid answers sounded even more emphatic about the absurdity of turning to a managed currency produced by an opaque and unpredictable financial machine. As in every conspiracy, there’s a grain of truth in the petroyuan tale, however. Xi did encourage the region to embrace the yuan for oil trade. But rather than pricing oil in yuan, as many had expected, Xi simply asked Middle East producers to accept payments in yuan. Middle East officials were lukewarm at best. In public, they are open to debate the merits, but not much more. “There are no issues with discussing how we settle our trade arrangements, whether it is in the US dollar, whether it is the euro, whether it is the Saudi riyal,” Saudi Finance Minister Mohammed Al-Jadaan said last month. Thani Al Zeyoudi, the Emirati trade minister, said his country was prepared to discuss settling trade in different currencies, but only for “non-oil” deals. In the region, the petroyuan is also seen as a door that, once opened, would invite followers. India may want a petrorupee, officials say; Japan, South Korea and Taiwan could seek similar arrangements. Although China is Saudi Arabia’s largest oil customer, taking roughly 26% of its oil exports, the combination of Japan and South Korea surpasses that share, reaching 28%. Add Taiwan, and the trio account for nearly one-third of Saudi petroleum exports. If you say “yes” to the petroyuan, how can you refuse, say, the petroyen and the petrowon? Going beyond settling oil trade invoices in yuan is even harder. The appetite among OPEC producers to price oil in yuan using a Chinese exchange is almost nil. Middle Eastern national oil companies closely watch how Beijing tries to manipulate local commodity prices such as iron ore, cotton, coal or grains every time prices rise above its pain threshold. Having spent 60 years building a formidable cartel, why would Middle East nations cede pricing power to China? Beyond Chinese capital controls, Middle East oil-producing nations have other reasons to stick to the dollar. A crucial one is that most of their currencies are pegged to the greenback, requiring a constant influx of dollars to support the arrangement. Those savings are held in dollar accounts, so Middle East countries have an interest in keeping the dollar strong. Petroyuan fans play down the importance of the currency pegs. They do have a point, as those pegs can be abandoned or, at least, tweaked. But I haven’t seen any signs that’s about to happen. The other argument in favor of the petroyuan is that the US has weaponized the dollar via oil sanctions on Venezuela, Russia and Iran, making an alternative payment not only likely but necessary. Perhaps, but this isn’t the first time the US has imposed oil sanctions, and the dollar hasn’t suffered. Libya demanded — and got — payment in European currencies in the 1990s, as did Iraq. 🔴 Interesting take on this Petro Dollar issue. Worth the read.
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I published an article on central bank gold RV accounts yesterday and today the U.S. dollar strengthened by a massive amount vs. gold. Coincidence? Well, I’m being humorous about my influence … obviously. Yet, what’s going on? Gold was on its way to the $2,400/ounce level and clearly the Banksters couldn’t stand for that. A collapse of nearly $82/oz (3.5%) is unprecedented. Manipulation is in full force. Why? Let me know your thoughts… ☘️☘️☘️
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I don’t particularly follow the daily ins and outs of the rapidly developing FinTech industry. Yet it’s a major component shaping our RV/GCR. Fact. I rely on this telegram channel to keep up with all things FinTech (Financial Technology). It’s a private (non-public) channel. Use the link below to join if you want to stay informed on this massive transformation of the global financial technology industry. ☘️☘️☘️
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I realize that many want to believe this massive financial change is super simple. Truth is … It’s not that simple It happens slowly at first, Then all of a sudden. Global finance and economics do NOT change overnight. Yet the signs of Our RV/GCR are everywhere. It won’t begin with Iraq. That ‘should’ be obvious by now (after several decodes of history). ☘️☘️☘️
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Central Bank Gold RV Accounts Are Real: What Are They Planning? Discover the Secret Tool Central Banks Might Use to Avert Financial Collapse. Perhaps Even a Total Money Reset.
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How Historical Off-Ledger Gold is Funding a Gold-Backed RV/GCR The untold GCR history of Operation Golden Lily (Yamashita’s Gold), Gold Treaties and Global Gold Trading Platforms
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What Truly Matters in Determining the Arrival of Our RV/GCR I used to think that educating myself on the global financial system didn’t matter much. Yet nothing can be further from the truth. The way I see it, the state of the current fiat currency financial system means everything regarding the trigger point for our RV. Let me explain… Our GCR cannot be forced onto humanity. It cannot be realized by a military coup, a radical government overtaking, or an overnight implementation of some mystical rainbow currency. Any of this means total chaos and civil war. This is NOT the way. The RV/GCR must be offered as a choice. As an alternative to the current failing global fiat currency experiment that has enslaved us all. If you want to know when the RV/GCR is close to happening, you must be aware of the logical conclusion of the Great Global Fiat Currency Debt System. And also the rise of this system’s alternatives. That’s exactly what this Channel tracks on a consistent basis No Hopium. No sales pitches. The collapse of the global fiat system is a mathematical certainly. Will you choose the right alternative financial system when that critical moment arrives? I don’t know about you… But I will… ☘️☘️☘️
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GCR Proof: Gold Replacing US Dollar in One Chart If one subscribes to the thesis that the RV/GCR utilizes gold at its foundation, this one chart proves that it is happening now.
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Zimbabwe’s New Gold-Backed ZiG Currency: A Record Financial Turnaround Why the World is Watching Zimbabwe’s Epic Golden Currency Initiative
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Could the Government Confiscate Your Gold when the Financial System Crashes? Executive Order 6102 and Current Implications of Gold Confiscation Explained
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States Ready for Fiat Currency Collapse: Gold is “Real Money” Is the Fiat Currency System Doomed? Louisiana Thinks So!
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Could the Government Confiscate Your Gold when the Financial System Crashes? Executive Order 6102 and Current Implications of Gold Confiscation Explained
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Currency System Failure: The Japanese Yen Will be the First to Collapse Japan’s Record Spending Unable to Stop Yen’s Destruction,
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I need your input! Greetings GCR RTN Members… Many may have noticed I’m much more candid and casual (the real me) in the Awake In 3D chat room. My news articles are formal and professional because they are read worldwide (56 countries and growing) and formal, proper English is accurately translatable into non-English languages. My website instantly translates everything on the website site into 38 languages instantly. Soon I’ll be launching a private, free email newsletter where I can be completely free and descriptive on all things RV/GCR. NO SPAM BOTS, no restrictions on my information, views, and opinions on all things related to the logical conclusion of the fiat currency debt system and the RESET scenario to follow. Good guy plans. Bad guy plans. Everything. A private newsletter is the only way I can convey my detailed analysis and relevant conclusions on real world events and what it all means to humanity. There’s so much going on and there’s even more to unpack. It requires a lot of effort on my part to produce such an endeavor. So I’d love to know your view. Would you be interested in me making this happen? Let me know by commenting on this below. Thank you in advance. Your opinion means everything to me! Again, no spam. No promotional BS or affiliate product marketing. None. I don’t have a staff or paid sponsorships. That’s not how I roll. Only you and me. ☘️☘️☘️
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I’ve been absent here for a few days with no articles/analysis. My apologies. I’ve been dealing with a dental issue that has put me out of commission for the past days. Surgery/Pain pills = impaired focus and thought formulation. 🤪🤪🤪 I’ll be back with new RV/GCR update articles soon. Thank you for your understanding and patience. ~Awake In 3D ☘️🦷☘️
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High Level Talks Indicate Vietnam Poised to Join BRICS: Great News for VND The discussions underscored the mutual benefits that Vietnam’s inclusion in BRICS+ would bring while also aligning with shared economic objectives.
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Bye-Bye Dollar: China’s Dumps USD Trade by Over 48% China’s accelerating de-dollarization shows a strategic shift towards economic sovereignty and reduced reliance on the USD.
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China’s Big De-Dollarization Jump: Is King Dollar Losing Its Crown? China’s Major Shift Away from the USD and Its Implications for the Global Financial System
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Humanity’s Inevitable Path to a Global Currency System Reset (RV/GCR) The signs are all around us as the world stands on the brink of a profound financial transformation.
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Predicting When the RV/GCR Will Happen This is the ultimate question we all ask, right? There is a rational answer. At least I believe so. My primary GCR thesis has held true for years. It’s been 100% accurate so far. Am I misinformed? Dunno. This weekend I’ll explain the details in a new article. Then you can decide for yourself if it has any merit. ☘️☘️☘️
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How to Predict the Collapse of the Global Financial System Before It Happens These simple early warning signs will help you know before it’s too late.
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Zimbabwe to Establish New Gold-Backed Currency Exchange Rate Value “The stability of the exchange rate will reflect the true value of the economy and the purchasing power of the new currency…”
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Zimbabwe Pursues ISO Code for Gold-Backed ZiG Currency “The stability of the exchange rate will reflect the true value of the economy and the purchasing power of the new currency…”
Thinking about what the ‘G’ in GCR stands for… Maybe you’ve all spent a significant amount of time contemplating the GCR. I certainly have. It’s like like that movie, The Matrix, where Mr. Anderson/Neo just feels there’s something not right but you can’t quite identify what it is. Yet he know it exists. That’s the current fiat currency debt system. We’ve always felt something was wrong about it, even though we couldn’t identify exactly what it was. Until we woke up! To me, the ‘G’ in GCR represents God, Gold and Global. While I’m pretty sure God laughs at our Human-made construct of money, I believe that if God ever created money, it’s Gold. That’s why I spiritually refer to gold as God’s money. Why? Because gold is created by the most powerful forces in our known universe. Neutron stars colliding and super nova are the only celestial events that create heavy elements (those elements that appear at the bottom of the Periodic Table from chemistry class). Humans can neither create or destroy gold. Mother Earth cannot create gold. Whatever gold is in the ground is all there is. Ever! There’s no better representation of a monetary store of value than something that is finite and cannot be created or destroyed by humanity. The fiat system and its requisite currencies can be created, destroyed and manipulated at will by those who hold the power to do so. And that’s where our feeling that something is wrong with the monetary system exists. Our GCR is founded on God’s Money. So the next time you see the term ‘GCR’, you can take heart in God, Gold and Global. In financial terms, they’re all the same G’s. ☘️☘️☘️
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IQD/VND/USD: Which Currency Will Actually RV? Gold-backed digital currencies will transform and revalue international exchange rates.
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Gold-Backed Digital Currencies Will Revolutionize Cross-Border Payments and RV Fiat Currencies Gold-backed digital currencies will challenge fiat currencies and revalue them significantly downward in exchange rate value.
True GCR Story from a 3 Million Mile Business Traveler This is not a rumor mill ‘bank story’… Over the years, I’ve been asked many times why I’m such a GCR Evangelist. Given my Executive business career, I guess I don’t strike my peers as a ‘financial conspiracy theorist’. For about two decades, I was an entrepreneurial business nomad being away from home 75% of the time. I would book round-the-world flight plans on a regular basis. Enough to accumulate 3 million statute miles travelled on United Airlines alone. One time, I was on a flight from LAX to Hong Kong and upgraded to international first class, thanks to United Global Services perks. Sitting next to me was a diplomat across the aisle from Vietnam. Halfway through the 15-hour flight, we got to talking. Given Vietnam is a socialist/communist nation, I jumped at the chance to discuss economics and international financial matters. It was a fascinating conversation. Of course I asked about the VND’s 5-digit exchange rate vs major G7 currencies. Later, as we were waiting together in the HK business lounge for our respective connecting flights, he shared something remarkable. He told me that the VND would revalue at some point as plans were being drawn to form an allied block of emerging economy nations. He wouldn’t speak of details for various reasons, yet, when he was saying his goodbyes, he said I should consider buying some VND if I were ever to find myself in Vietnam. A few months later, on another trip, that’s exactly what I did after deciding to fly to to Hanoi for a few days while staying in Singapore. Now Vietnam seeks to join the BRICS alliance. Sometimes, seemingly unremarkable nudges hit you like a hammer. Ps. This is NOT financial advice. I’m just a guy on a GCR journey. ☘️☘️☘️
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International Monetary Units: How SDRs Lead to Our GCR The quest for mapping Our GCR leads us back to the origins of international monetary units, marking the SDR architecture as the critical starting point.
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Why the Federal Reserve Fears This New Bill to End Its Power A door has opened for an American MONETARY AND CURRENCY RESET that ENDS the Fiat Financial System
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Russia Bans All US Dollar and Euro Trading on Moscow Exchange: Chinese Yuan Dominates Is the Dollar’s Dominance in Jeopardy After Russia’s Latest Action?
إظهار الكل...
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Basel 3 is Killing the US Dollar and Bankster Gold Price Manipulation King Gold: How Basel 3 is setting the stage for a gold market revolution and devaluing the Fiat Curreny System.
إظهار الكل...
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Basel 3, Gold and Rising U.S. Dollar Rejection: It’s all Connected in Plain Sight This is fact, not fiction. Basel 3 banking regulations are a major part of RV/GCR progression. While Basel 3 may not be fully implemented in the USA banking system at this point, the role of gold as a Tier 1 asset (previously a Tier 3 asset) is certainly shaking up USD valuation vs. gold outside of the Western Alliance of G7 nations. Did you know that the dollar price of gold is significantly weaker on the Shanghai Gold Exchange - by a lot - vs the gold price in New York and London? The Western value of gold (vs. western fiat currencies) is higher than in the Eastern Shanghai Gold Exchange. This is never reported in western business media, and for good reason. It’s a significant sign of events to come. Basel 3 is weakening the U.S. dollar in one big bite after another. I’ll publish an article tomorrow explaining what you won’t hear in the western financial news media. ☘️☘️☘️
إظهار الكل...
37👍 11
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RV/GCR Heading to the Launchpad: Prepare for a Currency Reset BRICS’ new currency will launch a global REVALUATION and challenge RESET the financial system once and for all.
إظهار الكل...
🙏 29🔥 8👍 4 3
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How BRICS will Drive a Global RV/GCR Explained in Simple Steps BRICS’ new currency strategy will spark a global RV/GCR and challenge the US dollar once and for all.
إظهار الكل...
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The Looming Financial System Collapse from Industry Offshoring Explained Not even a gold-backed currency can save an economy if it is not industrially self reliant. Europe is learning this firsthand today. Is the USA next?
إظهار الكل...
👍 17🔥 2
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Will Elon Musk’s Starlink Go Public on a New Texas Stock Exchange? Texas Stock Exchange Poised to Challenge Wall Street with Starlink IPO on the Horizon
إظهار الكل...
22🔥 10
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Will Texas Exit the United States and Join BRICS? Could Texas and BRICS Create A Gold-Backed Financial Future Beyond the Fiat Currency System?
إظهار الكل...
👍 29 9
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Will Texas Exit the United States? The Answer May Surprise You Could Texas and BRICS Create A New Financial Future Beyond the Fiat Currency System?
إظهار الكل...
No More Petrodollar? Separating Reality from Rumor
إظهار الكل...