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“Transition talks between Labour and the civil service are well advanced in some departments, particularly the Foreign Office, where officials are preparing for a Nato summit, four days after Sir Keir Starmer is expected to become prime minister. That will be followed by a summit of the European Political Community, which the prime minister will host.” Just in case you get excited by the democratic process and think the nation’s fate is in the balance: the continuity monopoly capitalism machine is in place, functioning smoothly, and all decisions have been made. We call it by its scientific name: ‘the dictatorship of capital’. They of course prefer the veiled and much hackneyed term ‘democracy’. As long as you realise they mean democracy of the capitalists / the billionaires, according to the relative magnitude of their wealth, then it’s the same thing. If you think you get a say: think again.
Former Israeli Ambassador to India, Daniel Carmon remarked that India "might" be supplying weapons to Israel in its war on Gaza as a gesture of gratitude for Israeli assistance during the Kargil war of 1999. "The Indians always remind us that Israel was there for them during the Kargil war. Israel was one of the few countries that stood by them and provided them with weapons. The Indians don’t forget this and might now be returning the favor." Carmon stated. The diplomat's comments came amid reports confirming that India has supplied drones and artillery shells to Israel during its ongoing war on Gaza, which international bodies like the ICC and ICJ have ruled as involving serious war crimes committed by Israel.
Medvedev and co are still labouring under delusions about the Europeans. They keep citing the losses made by Germany and others stemming from the sanctions regime, but they fail to consider the prize the US block is chasing. That prize is the ability to loot and exploit Russian resources and labour without any restrictions. Following on from that would be the weakening of China and Iran and the increased possibility of regime change operations succeeding in those countries. What the Germans, French, and Italians are looking at is a short-term loss in return for a gigantic long-term gain. That this policy has not worked thus far is regarded by the ruling classes of Europe as a setback, but they have to continue on with it. The reward is nothing less than securing the dominance of the US led block for another century and for that the ruling classes of Europe will sacrifice almost anything.
Yet another package of anti-Russian sanctions has been adopted. This already is the fourteenth one, and the total number of sanctions is nearing 20.000. There is nothing new, or scary in it, but each time it’s getting more and more delirious. So, for example, the EU Council has stated that Europe will go on buying liquefied natural gas (LNG) from Russia but will ban re-exporting it. Moreover, it will limit transshipment of our LNG through the terminals of European ports. The aim is “to reduce Russia's revenues from liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports”, that’s what it says. The dumbhead eurodummies are keen on foiling any Russian commercial activity without losing anything themselves. The European Commission has also prohibited investments, provision of services and technologies to such projects as Arctic LNG-2 and Murmansk LNG, so as to hinder exporting Russian gas from the Arctic on icebreaker tankers. Once again there are bans in the financial sphere, limits on exporting certain goods to Russia, individual sanctions… it is boring even to list them. They work in a dull and uncreative manner, once again repeating themselves. There are, however, some novelties; they have remembered about Artek, the international children’s center. It appears our children are also enemies to them. No other word to call them except bastards. All in all, the EU has once again demonstrated that it is ready to sacrifice the sovereign interests of both its member states and common Europeans. Our country is harmed far less than the EU citizens and companies. According to the late 2023 calculations, the total Europe’s loss caused by the anti-Russian sanctions reached about $1.5 trillion. Just for natural gas the people of the Old World paid extra €185 billion: switching to alternative suppliers had not paid off, and, what’s more, LNG turned out to be an insufficient substitute for pipeline deliveries. American exporting companies came out as the only winners. Europe was forced to reduce the output of energy-intensive production, such as steelworks, and to move the load of paying for domestic needs on to common citizens. The consequence of the crisis in the energy sector was inflation growth, increase of the EU member states’ external debt, ruin of many companies and impoverishment of citizens. Russia has restored the revenues it failed to receive from exporting energy resources by actively establishing its presence on Asian markets. We do not miss the Western companies: substitutes do exist. Our economy grows steadily, the state fulfills its social obligations. By way of comparison: today, the growth rate of our economy is 3.6 percent, while in Europe it is about 0.1 percent. This is why in Europe they have to approve packages of new sanctions with one hand and go on buying Russian gas with the other: that is their only lifeline. Whatever the hostilities may be, your own shirt is closer to the body. Yet, the shirt is wearing off. Life has proven time and again that the so-called “sanctions from hell” adopted by the EU on order from the US, pave the way to the Inferno solely for their own makers. So the 14th package of sanctions will not reach the goal, but will be yet another act of hostility. We will survive this. But we won’t just forgive and forget, we’ve got a good memory. We won’t leave without response the intent to harm our people– and sanctions of any kind always hit people and businesses, but not authorities. We will thoroughly note down this very case of assault on our interests, and in a very short time will present our demands – and not only economic – to the hostile countries. There will be hell to pay.
🇺🇸🇰🇪The United States has declared Kenya its main non—NATO ally - White House statement 🔴 @DDGeopolitics
🚫🇫🇷NIGER KICKS THE FRENCH OUT OF ITS URANIUM MINES🇳🇪 Niger has removed the French company, Orano's, permit to mine uranium in their country. A company that has been working in Niger since 1971. It is estimated that there are 200,000 tons of uranium at this Imouraren mine in the north of the country. Boost Us @TheRevolutionReport Support our work by donating here!
Leader of the Kenyan Communist Party @BookerBiro @CommunistsKe delibera a powerful message to the people: Food security does not come from technology alone - certainly not from the “miracle” of genetically modified organisms (GMO) pushed by Monsanto and the large Weston agri-Business conglomerates. Food security comes from sovereignty over the land and the resources of our nation. In fact it is those conglomerates, the corrupt politicians, billionaire elites and the legacy of colonialism - the modern day imperialists - who in fact have monopolised the best and most fertile land and marginalised the mass of the working people. It’s impossible for the masses of Asia, Africa, Latin America or the workers in the west to have “freedom and security” without economic control over our countries, our planet and its resources. Only popular democratic control over our planet can lead to balanced and sustainable development and a decent life for all.
Here's the translation of the statement made by the KPRF on the terrorist attacks in Russia.
— 🇵🇸/🇮🇶/🇮🇷 BREAKING: Hamas plans to leave Qatar and establish its headquarters in Baghdad, Iraq; reportedly, Iran will be responsible for the security of Hamas officials from now on, and Iraq has already approved the move – The National @Middle_East_Spectator
— 🇮🇷 Last ISPA (Iranian Students Polling Agency) poll just published: – Pezeshkian (Reformist) overtakes Jalili, leading with 24.4% of the vote. – Jalili (Hardline) closely behind in second place, with 24% of the vote. – Ghalibaf (Populist) loses a lot of ground, going from 19% to 14.7% of the vote in today's poll. – Other candidates combined have less than 4% of the vote. If Jalili drops out of the race or fails to reach the second round, 48% of his voterbase will vote for Ghalibaf, and 7.9% for Pezeshkian. If Ghalibaf drops out of the race or fails to reach the second round, 33.3% of his voterbase will vote for Jalili, and 19.4% for Pezeshkian. @Middle_East_Spectator
Obukhov's reflections point to a real problem the Russian state appears to have in Dagestan. Their method of bringing these regions that had been heavily infiltrated by salafists, working with the CIA, was to absorb local elitesa into the United Russia party. That is shown up as a disaster when some of these characters are double agents.
Sergei Obukhov about the consequences for the party system of the terrorist attack by Islamists in Dagestan Doctor of Political Sciences Sergei Obukhov commented on social networks on the consequences for the party system of the terrorist attack by Islamists in Dagestan. So, United Russia responded to the complicity of terrorists by its prominent functionary, Magomed Omarov, the head of the Sergokalinsky district of Dagestan, who, as it turns out, covered up the participation of his sons and relatives in the bandit police. Omarov was quickly expelled from United Russia. According to an RT source, he knew that his relatives adhered to the views of Al-Qaeda (recognized as a terrorist organization), but did not report this to the intelligence services. There is no information yet about the reaction of the A Just Russia party to the fact that the head of the local branch of this party, Ali Zakarigaev , was among the participants in the terrorist attack. Well, and a related political sphere: champion Khabib Nurmagomedov, promoted by the authorities, living in Dubai, spoke rather allegorically about the terrorist attack in which a fighter from his MMA school participated . All three personnel issues are directly related to the existing political system in the republic. I will not repeat after United Russia political scientist Markov that “radical Islamism has penetrated the elite of Dagestan . ” But the fact that “United Russia” and its allies, who received “146%” of voting support in the Dagestan elections, dear to the hearts of federal political administrators, did not save the country either from the riot at the Makhachkala airport, or from the current pogroms of Orthodox churches and synagogues - speaks eloquently for itself. It is clear that the private participants in the mutiny at the Makhachkala airport have still not been properly punished . Will political conclusions be drawn for the political administrators of the party in power, who have filled their structures with terrorists and their accomplices? Or will left-wing activists continue to be declared foreign agents for fair criticism of the authorities, and real terrorists and accomplices will be hidden in the structures of United Russia and SRZP? The original article can be found on the KPRF website.
🇵🇱👎POLAND TO CLOSE BORDER WITH BELARUS🇧🇾 Poland is considering closing absolutely all checkpoints on the border with Belarus, Polish Foreign Minister Sikorski said on TVN24. “In connection with the actions of Belarus, we are considering the possibility of closing all border crossings. We are currently studying whether this affects the economy,” Sikorsky said. The reason they use as an excuse is the “migration crisis” on the Belarusian-Polish border. Migrants from the Middle East and Africa have been regularly crossing the Belarusian-Polish border since 2021. Boost Us @TheRevolutionReport Support our work by donating here!
And we are live over on YouTube and on twitter.
This is a translation of a post taken from the Communist Party of Belarus channel. 🇧🇾30 years of the Institute of the Presidency ✅ June 23 is an important date in the history of sovereign Belarus. 30 years ago the first round of the first presidential elections took place. The favorite of the race is independent candidate, member of parliament Alexander Lukashenko. ➡️ His election program in 1994 was called “Take the people away from the abyss.” And included three key goals: ❗️stop rising prices and impoverishment of people, ❗️fight against corruption and defeat of the mafia structures ruling the state. ❗️And also the restoration of ties with the republics of the former USSR on an equal and mutually beneficial basis. ➡️ Unlike his competitors, when addressing voters then, Alexander Lukashenko was extremely honest. He did not promise milk rivers and jelly banks. But he warned: there was a lot of difficult work ahead, which no one but ourselves could do. ✅ In the first round, over 45% voted for the candidate from the people. Unlike the nomenklatura and nationalists of that time, he gave people hope. And already in the second round, Alexander Lukashenko was supported by more than 80% of voters. Over the past decades, the President has not only managed to bring the country back from the brink, but also to build a successful independent state, where the interests of the people were and remain the basis of economic and social policy.
Квартал с жилыми домами (~1989) Белява, Польша 🏢Brutalism
🇱🇧⚡️ Hezbollah has identified and obtained detailed coordinates for the following targets: Ben Gurion Airport, Ashkelon power station, and the gas and oil refineries south of Ashkelon, Ashdod Port, oil and chemical storage facilities in Haifa, and the Dimona complex. The coordinates featured in Hezbollah's video are maritime targets that map programs are prohibited from displaying. 🚩 @ResistanceTrench
🟢 Hamas: — In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful The position expressed by the head of the terrorist occupation government, Netanyahu, confirming his continuation of the genocide war against unarmed civilians in the Gaza Strip and his aim for a partial agreement to recover only a few prisoners and then resume the war, is a clear affirmation of his rejection of the recent UN Security Council resolution and the proposals of US President Joe Biden, contrary to what the US administration tried to market as alleged approval by the occupation. Hamas's insistence that any agreement must clearly include a permanent ceasefire and a complete withdrawal from the Gaza Strip was necessary to thwart Netanyahu's attempts at deception and prolonging aggression and genocide war against our people. We call on the international community and influential countries to work diligently to compel the fascist occupation government to stop its war against our Palestinian people. We also demand that the US administration make a clear decision to stop supporting the comprehensive genocide faced by our people in the Gaza Strip and to lift the cover from the occupation and its crimes, making Washington a key partner in committing them. Islamic Resistance Movement - Hamas Sunday: 17 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445 AH Corresponding to: June 23, 2024
— 🇮🇷 NEW: Iran's Reformist Presidential candidate, Masoud Pezeshkian, is now openly spreading anti-regime incitement, claiming that Mahsa Amini was killed by Iranian security forces in 2022, while this was disproven several times by independent and state doctors He also says that the obligatory Hijab rule should be abolished, that Islam does not command Hijab, and referred to the 2022 Western-backed anti-government riots as 'protests'. Additionally, he calls for increased autonomy of ethnic groups within Iran, like Kurds and Turks, and has expressed Pan-Turkist ideas in the past. Perhaps worst of all, he advocates for a return to the Nuclear Deal and ties with the West, while knowing that it was the United States that unilaterally canceled the agreement, leaving Iran in an economic crisis. @Middle_East_Spectator
This is a translation of a post taken from the Kommunisti Mir channel 83 years ago, on June 22, 1941, the heroic defense of the Brest Fortress began. The heroic defense of the Brest Fortress became a bright page in the history of the Great Patriotic War. On June 22, 1941, the command of Nazi troops planned to completely capture the fortress. As a result of the surprise attack, the garrison of the Brest Fortress was cut off from the main units of the Red Army. However, the fascists met fierce resistance from its defenders. Units of the 6th and 42nd rifle divisions, the 17th border detachment and the 132nd separate battalion of NKVD troops - a total of 3,500 people - held back the enemy's onslaught to the end. Most of the fortress' defenders died. When the Brest Fortress was liberated by Soviet troops on July 28, 1944, the inscription of its last defender was found on the melted bricks of one of the casemates: “I’m dying, but I’m not giving up!” Farewell, Motherland,” scratched out on July 20, 1941. And “There were five of us, we will die for Stalin!” - scratched back in June 1941. Many participants in the defense of the Brest Fortress were posthumously awarded orders and medals. On May 8, 1965, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Brest Fortress was awarded the honorary title “Hero Fortress” and the “Gold Star” medal.
When Julius Malema called the new government a grand coalition in defence of white monopoly capital he was entirely correct. Just look at this absolute smorgasbord of pro-capitalist garbage the ANC leaders have put together.
Repost from The Communists
“Transition talks between Labour and the civil service are well advanced in some departments, particularly the Foreign Office, where officials are preparing for a Nato summit, four days after Sir Keir Starmer is expected to become prime minister. That will be followed by a summit of the European Political Community, which the prime minister will host.” Just in case you get excited by the democratic process and think the nation’s fate is in the balance: the continuity monopoly capitalism machine is in place, functioning smoothly, and all decisions have been made. We call it by its scientific name: ‘the dictatorship of capital’. They of course prefer the veiled and much hackneyed term ‘democracy’. As long as you realise they mean democracy of the capitalists / the billionaires, according to the relative magnitude of their wealth, then it’s the same thing. If you think you get a say: think again.
إظهار الكل...
Why don’t our leaders want to talk about Brexit?

Once, politicians talked of little else. But in this election campaign, nobody dares to bring up our decision to leave the EU – for better or worse. Our chief political commentator analyses why

👏 3
إظهار الكل...
red. (@redstreamnet) on X

A total shutdown is gripping Kenya. Protests against crippling tax hikes have intensified with police resuming their crackdown this morning. A nationwide strike is underway to pressure President William Ruto’s government to abandon the reforms. Before noon, police forces were

🔥 3👏 1
Repost from Quds News Network
Photo unavailableShow in Telegram
Former Israeli Ambassador to India, Daniel Carmon remarked that India "might" be supplying weapons to Israel in its war on Gaza as a gesture of gratitude for Israeli assistance during the Kargil war of 1999. "The Indians always remind us that Israel was there for them during the Kargil war. Israel was one of the few countries that stood by them and provided them with weapons. The Indians don’t forget this and might now be returning the favor." Carmon stated. The diplomat's comments came amid reports confirming that India has supplied drones and artillery shells to Israel during its ongoing war on Gaza, which international bodies like the ICC and ICJ have ruled as involving serious war crimes committed by Israel.
إظهار الكل...
🤮 3🤔 1
إظهار الكل...
روني الدنماركي (@Aldanmarki) on X

The Al-Qassam Brigades have, for the first time ever, deployed and used a Chinese Hongjian-8 wire-guided anti-tank missile system against Israeli armor to great effect. Certainly a first of its kind. This is a weapon system not even Iran is using.

❤‍🔥 2🔥 2
Medvedev and co are still labouring under delusions about the Europeans. They keep citing the losses made by Germany and others stemming from the sanctions regime, but they fail to consider the prize the US block is chasing. That prize is the ability to loot and exploit Russian resources and labour without any restrictions. Following on from that would be the weakening of China and Iran and the increased possibility of regime change operations succeeding in those countries. What the Germans, French, and Italians are looking at is a short-term loss in return for a gigantic long-term gain. That this policy has not worked thus far is regarded by the ruling classes of Europe as a setback, but they have to continue on with it. The reward is nothing less than securing the dominance of the US led block for another century and for that the ruling classes of Europe will sacrifice almost anything.
إظهار الكل...
👍 8💯 4
إظهار الكل...
Class Consciousness Project (@Class_C_Project) on X

If the unions were at all serious about getting anything of substance our of the labour party they'd have demanded the repeal of all anti union laws and made any further support contingent upon the labour party carrying that out.

💯 4
Repost from N/a
Yet another package of anti-Russian sanctions has been adopted. This already is the fourteenth one, and the total number of sanctions is nearing 20.000. There is nothing new, or scary in it, but each time it’s getting more and more delirious. So, for example, the EU Council has stated that Europe will go on buying liquefied natural gas (LNG) from Russia but will ban re-exporting it. Moreover, it will limit transshipment of our LNG through the terminals of European ports. The aim is “to reduce Russia's revenues from liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports”, that’s what it says. The dumbhead eurodummies are keen on foiling any Russian commercial activity without losing anything themselves. The European Commission has also prohibited investments, provision of services and technologies to such projects as Arctic LNG-2 and Murmansk LNG, so as to hinder exporting Russian gas from the Arctic on icebreaker tankers. Once again there are bans in the financial sphere, limits on exporting certain goods to Russia, individual sanctions… it is boring even to list them. They work in a dull and uncreative manner, once again repeating themselves. There are, however, some novelties; they have remembered about Artek, the international children’s center. It appears our children are also enemies to them. No other word to call them except bastards. All in all, the EU has once again demonstrated that it is ready to sacrifice the sovereign interests of both its member states and common Europeans. Our country is harmed far less than the EU citizens and companies. According to the late 2023 calculations, the total Europe’s loss caused by the anti-Russian sanctions reached about $1.5 trillion. Just for natural gas the people of the Old World paid extra €185 billion: switching to alternative suppliers had not paid off, and, what’s more, LNG turned out to be an insufficient substitute for pipeline deliveries. American exporting companies came out as the only winners. Europe was forced to reduce the output of energy-intensive production, such as steelworks, and to move the load of paying for domestic needs on to common citizens. The consequence of the crisis in the energy sector was inflation growth, increase of the EU member states’ external debt, ruin of many companies and impoverishment of citizens. Russia has restored the revenues it failed to receive from exporting energy resources by actively establishing its presence on Asian markets. We do not miss the Western companies: substitutes do exist. Our economy grows steadily, the state fulfills its social obligations. By way of comparison: today, the growth rate of our economy is 3.6 percent, while in Europe it is about 0.1 percent. This is why in Europe they have to approve packages of new sanctions with one hand and go on buying Russian gas with the other: that is their only lifeline. Whatever the hostilities may be, your own shirt is closer to the body. Yet, the shirt is wearing off. Life has proven time and again that the so-called “sanctions from hell” adopted by the EU on order from the US, pave the way to the Inferno solely for their own makers. So the 14th package of sanctions will not reach the goal, but will be yet another act of hostility. We will survive this. But we won’t just forgive and forget, we’ve got a good memory. We won’t leave without response the intent to harm our people– and sanctions of any kind always hit people and businesses, but not authorities. We will thoroughly note down this very case of assault on our interests, and in a very short time will present our demands – and not only economic – to the hostile countries. There will be hell to pay.
إظهار الكل...
🔥 9👏 1
Repost from DD Geopolitics
🇺🇸🇰🇪The United States has declared Kenya its main non—NATO ally - White House statement 🔴 @DDGeopolitics
إظهار الكل...
🤮 5👎 1
Repost from TheRevolutionReport
Photo unavailableShow in Telegram
🚫🇫🇷NIGER KICKS THE FRENCH OUT OF ITS URANIUM MINES🇳🇪 Niger has removed the French company, Orano's, permit to mine uranium in their country. A company that has been working in Niger since 1971. It is estimated that there are 200,000 tons of uranium at this Imouraren mine in the north of the country. Boost Us @TheRevolutionReport Support our work by donating here!
إظهار الكل...
👏 10👍 2 1
Repost from The Communists
Video unavailableShow in Telegram
Leader of the Kenyan Communist Party @BookerBiro @CommunistsKe delibera a powerful message to the people: Food security does not come from technology alone - certainly not from the “miracle” of genetically modified organisms (GMO) pushed by Monsanto and the large Weston agri-Business conglomerates. Food security comes from sovereignty over the land and the resources of our nation. In fact it is those conglomerates, the corrupt politicians, billionaire elites and the legacy of colonialism - the modern day imperialists - who in fact have monopolised the best and most fertile land and marginalised the mass of the working people. It’s impossible for the masses of Asia, Africa, Latin America or the workers in the west to have “freedom and security” without economic control over our countries, our planet and its resources. Only popular democratic control over our planet can lead to balanced and sustainable development and a decent life for all.
إظهار الكل...
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👍 7❤‍🔥 5 1💯 1
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