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Under reconstruction

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لم يتم تحديد البلدلم يتم تحديد اللغةالفئة غير محددة
مشاركات الإعلانات
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معدل نمو المشترك

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⚠️ Announcement ⚠️ Hai selamat siang untuk semua warga Cyberent dan siapapun, pengumuman ini disampaikan oleh saya sendiri Dhatia selaku owner dari Cyberent, saya meminta maaf se-besar besarnya jika selama berdirinya Cyberent, kurang mempunyai kinerja yang bagus, dan juga cekatan, saya selaku owner Cyberent juga ingin memberikan pengumuman bahwa, mulai hari ini, Cyberent resmi ditutup karna ada beberapa alasan yang tidak bisa dijelaskan kepada semua yang ada disini, dan untuk seluruh mutual agency ini, hak kalian untuk keluar dari sini adalah bebas, terimakasih. Salam bahagia 💗
إظهار الكل...
إظهار الكل...
The Dream Rent : Dec 28th

The winter holidays have arrived, the children who have finished their exams will be home soon to celebrate. This winter is so bright and happy, giving birth to a charming soul for home. In the dimming sun, with ice covering all corners of the country, it makes a chill and pleasant sensation one out of many thousands of happiness. If winter is not brought with something cheerful and pleasant then it will be this empty heart. From this it is safe to say that we are going to be organizing something which you may rarely find in stores, it is a game that begets affection for the soul. What will happen here? Surely we will provide a delightful gift to each of these tele-lings. It's a unique and amazing couple's game.

إظهار الكل...
LA MEGNA ; Hirtal

Greetings. Vouchsafing our furthermost prominent courtesies, we would like to annunciate that our agency is forthwith questing after talents who are keen of becoming a part of our syndicate! Before sending your applications to our personal auxiliary, please read through these indispensable stipulations beforehand: ✫. Hanya untuk tipe akun CA/BA ✫. Subscribe @Lamegna ✫. Mengerti tentang dunia perentalan ✫. Dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik sebagai talent. Baik dengan admin, talent lain, dan customer. ✫. Sukarela selfpromote ✫. Diutamakan yang avail rl thingy ( VN, OTP, singing, playing instrumental, pap activity ), IC Idol dan Anime, Nsfw thingy, dan hard dom. ✫. Tidak tergabung lebih dari 3 agensi/store, termasuk La Megna ✫. Tidak dalam masa sibuk dan dapat mengatur waktu dengan baik. Hence, presuming that you match the aforementioned qualifications, please copy this format hello ega, i'm ( your name + username ) interest to be your talent as the part of La Megna. Posterior to that, kindly send it to our subordinate…

إظهار الكل...
bloopes tomorrow!

(to anyone/ my beloved mutuals, can you please spread this message to your business channel! thank you 🫐 muchh) tomorrow at 1pm, @bloopes will open their gate for the first time???! leggo check out what's inside 🏃🏃 and oh yaa there's some discount! every catalog will be minus 3k but for psd license will be minus 1k, for 2 daysss (26-27) 🥵🥵 whatchu waiting for? here's our catalog and don't forget to read the regulations bestie, don't miss our promowww you guyss. big luv luv for uu 🤩🤍

إظهار الكل...
King Of Affection (OPEN)

[To my mutual BA or anyone who see this message, can you help me to share this in your channel? Thank you!] [ KING OF AFFECTION HIRING NEW MALE TALENT ] REGULATIONS: 1. Akun utama sudah subs channel @KingOfAffection 2. Berpengalaman, niat bukan hanya minat, bertanggung jawab, mampu menerima kritikan, tidak dalam masa sibuk dan sudah memiliki testi. 3. Saat mendaftar wajib menggunakan akun utama. 4. Memiliki sikap yang baik dan bertanggung jawab. 5. Maksimal sudah bergabung di 3 agensi, jika ketahuan lebih akan langsung dikeluarkan. 6. Avail otp, vn, ic, sing, playing instrumen, move pf get a +++ 7. Bersedia di wawancara dan trial satu hari! 8. Tidak dalam waktu sibuk dan punya banyak waktu luang. Format pendaftaran: 1. Nama: 2. Username: 3. Alasan mendaftar: 4. Available: 5. Jika sudah bergabung dengan agensi lain silahkan sebut username agensi/storenya: 6. Deskripsikan dirimu secara singkat atau bisa langsung kirimkan profil talentmu: Kirim ke @KingOfAffectionRobot

إظهار الكل...

! ALTERAZIONE'S PROMO TIME ! @aiterazione is holding A SPECIAL CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR PROMO WORDING, the discount has an estimated time limit which means this promo is only held for one week, starting from 25 Dec to 1 Jan 2022. For a clearer information, it'll be explained below. ✸ Starting from IDR 8,000 get a discount of IDR 1,000. ✸ Starting from IDR 10,000 get a discount of IDR 2,000. ✸ Starting from IDR 15,000-20,000 get a discount of IDR 3,000. ✸ For wording packages short get a discount of 10%. ✸ For wording packages medium get a discount of 20%. ✸ For wording packages long get a discount of 25%. Before submitting your order form, please fill it correctly, after that please do re-check. Of course you must read our regulations, send your format through @alterazionebot or if you've something to ask to us you can contact our bot. Happy shopping! NOTES: wording packages which means BA PACKAGES and GEN!RP PACKAGES.

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Selamat Hari Natal Cybers 🤍
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إظهار الكل...
𝐓he 𝐒cevern — Tomorrow 12.00

[ Massive salute things. For all mutual BA who are reading this can you forward this message to your Business channel ? Thank you very much ! ] The 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒍𝒅 of wonders on the beautiful expanse of the wind that pierces the body shines. With the ℬeauty of all nature by God's grace, now a living gem radiates happiness on the basis of written pleasure. 𝗹𝘂𝘅𝘂𝗿𝘆 basic poetry always changes everything. Only the 𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 of nature that pierces the cavities of your body cavity. Now @Scevern is holding an 𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚝𝚢 for its customers with a Chrismas Special Promo on December 25th 2021, 12.00 🎅🎄 The Promo Pricelist :: 𔘓 2 days free 1 add req 𔘓 3 days free 1 extra days 𔘓 5 days free 1 days + 1 add req 𔘓 1 week free 1 days + 2 add req note :: free all additional req except ic, move pf, nsfw thingy. and all additional request get 5% discount. with the 𝑒𝑥𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 conditions and 𝒃𝒆𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒚. we are always waiting for you to submit a form to bot @Scevernbot

اختر خطة مختلفة

تسمح خطتك الحالية بتحليلات لما لا يزيد عن 5 قنوات. للحصول على المزيد، يُرجى اختيار خطة مختلفة.