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Hackers Palace⚡️✨

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🚨 BIG COMBO DEAL - SELLING TO ONE PERSON 🚨 We are selling a combo of three major breaches and two smaller for ONLY $1.5K (ONE PERSON ONLY) This includes: 🎰 Eurobets Casino (450k records containing username, full name, address, email, etcetera.) 🏦 Phongsavanh Bank (Contains list of admins) ✈️ Interep (All of their software source code, can be used to find vulns) Two smaller businesses (one healthcare & one investment) Whoever buys first gets it, won’t sell it to multiple people 🚨 DM NOW
إظهار الكل... is a social platform that stands out among its competitors for various reasons making it a better choice for users who prioritize privacy and data security. With its 100% encrypted messaging and commitment to not selling users' data provides a safe and secure environment for its users. If you're looking for a social platform that prioritizes user privacy and data protection look no further than One of the primary reasons why is better than other social platforms is its emphasis on encryption. All messaging on the platform is encrypted ensuring that conversations remain private and confidential. Unlike other platforms that may only encrypt some messages or lack encryption altogether ensures end-to-end encryption for all communication. This means that only the intended recipients can access and decipher the messages minimizing the risk of unauthorized access and data breaches. Additionally takes a firm stance against the sale of user data. Many social platforms profit by selling user data to advertisers or other third parties compromising users' privacy and security. on the other hand commits to never selling users' data providing peace of mind to those who value their personal information and want to avoid targeted advertising. By maintaining strict control over user data creates an environment where users can freely express themselves without fear of their information falling into the wrong hands. Furthermore is a social platform that was created by Commanderx Anons a respected figure within the online activist community. Commanderx Anons is known for his dedication to promoting internet freedom and fighting against censorship. His involvement in the creation of ensures that the platform is built with the principles of free speech and transparency in mind. Users can trust that is shaped by a commitment to upholding the values of online democracy and activism. also offers a range of features to enhance user experience. From forums to groups the platform provides various avenues for like-minded individuals to connect and engage in meaningful discussions. Whether you're interested in technology politics or social justice issues you can find communities within that align with your interests. The platform fosters a sense of belonging and enables users to find support encouragement and inspiration from others who share their passions or concerns. Moreover values user feedback and encourages active participation in its development. The platform continuously seeks input from its user base to make improvements and implement new features. This user-driven approach ensures that remains responsive to the needs and desires of its community creating an inclusive and empowering environment for all its users. In conclusion if you prioritize privacy data security and a commitment to free speech is the ideal social platform for you. With its 100% encrypted messaging and firm stand against selling user data ensures that your conversations and personal information are kept confidential. Furthermore the platform's association with Commanderx Anons guarantees that it is built on the principles of internet freedom and activism. Join today and become part of a community that values privacy transparency and the power of collective action.
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🔥 SS7 Attack Paid Tutorial⭐️ 👁 Language : English 🌈Hijacking Network Elements Over SS7 - A New Type of Attack 🌈What is Signaling SS7 in GSM & Cellular wireless Networks 🌈Software  & Hardware Need for  SS7 🌈SS7 attack Part - 2 Kali Linux SS7 - Part - 3 Cell Phone Signal Jammer Kali Linux 🌈SS7 GSM Sniffing Wireshark 100 % True 🌈SS7 And GSM Arsenal Installed Kali Linux 🌈SS7 Dependence Install Kali Linux 2020.2 🤖Link -
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725.51 MB folder on MEGA

17 files

Repost from DarkWeb
🔥 SPAMMING 🔥 📌 Content - 💠 Introduction To Spamming 💠 How to make your own Scampage 💠 Letter making tutorial 💠 Get leads without dumping 💠 SMS Spamming 💠 Email Spamming Join us: @DarkWeb
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🌐 Discover the Power of Jabber Registration 📩 Have you heard about Jabber? It’s not your average messaging platform — it’s a whole new level of communication freedom! 🚀 🤔 What is Jabber? — Jabber is a part of the XMPP network, a global community of XMPP servers that allow you to connect with users worldwide. No personal data binding, no mobile device restrictions — just pure, straightforward communication. 🗣️ 🌐 The XMPP Network: ✅ Register easily on an XMPP server, just like signing up for any website. ✅ Your account consists of a username and password, no more hassles. ✅ Create multiple accounts on a single device with ease. ✅ Your XMPP account is tied to a domain name, like [email protected] — just like email! ✅ Communicate with users on different XMPP servers seamlessly. 💬 Say Hello with Jabber: — To chat on the XMPP network, you’ll need special client programs, and there are plenty to choose from. Pidgin, Adium, Xabber, Psi+ — pick your favorite! They’re available on all popular mobile and desktop platforms. 🌍 The Jabber Difference: — The standout feature of Jabber is decentralization. There’s no single controlling entity. You can set up and manage your server, define data policies, and even choose how to cooperate with law enforcement agencies. It’s all about your control and privacy! 🛡️ Ready to embrace the future of communication? Give Jabber Registration a try and unlock a world of possibilities. 🌟
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Welcome to @softyoutubesBot, The Most Advanced utube Video and Audio Downloader in Telegram! Please send any utube video link or search using @vid inline mode.
إظهار الكل...
🔥🔥 If you want to become a hacker, it is essential to always be knowledgeable about what steps to do🔥🔥 1-Network Plus 2-CEH 3-Linux Commands 4-Cmd Commands 5-Windows Tools 6-Kali Linux Tools 7-Learning Php 8-Learning Python 9-Learning Ruby 10-Learning Perl ... #exploithub 1-DDoS 2-Forensics 3-Programming 4-Exploitation 5-Phone Hacking 6-Server Hacking 7-Client Hacking 8-Website Hacking 9-Network Hacking 10-Wireless Hacking 11-Reverse Engeenering 12-Information Gathering #DDoS 1-MDK3 2-LOIC 3-HULK 4-DDOSIM 5-Ufonet 6-Hping3 7-Xerxes 8-Hammer 9-Slowloris 10-Websploit 11-GoldenEye 12-Metasploit 13-Aireplay-ng 14-Slowhttptest #Forensics 1-COFEE 2-Volafox 3-Autopsy 4-Foremost 5-Hashdeep 6-Binwalk #Programming 1-Notepad++ 2-Visual Studio 3-Text Editor #Exploitation 1-Metasploit 2-Sqlmap 3-Core Imact 4-W3af 5-BeEF 6-Dradis #Phone_Hacking 1-Metasploit 2-Apktool 3-Droidjack 4-AndroRAT 5-Spynote #Server_Hacking 1-SQLmap 2-Jsql 3-Havij 4-Hydra 5-Metasploit 6-Armitage 7-Brupsuite 8-Owasp-ZAP 9-Netsparker 10-Acunetix 11-OpenVAS #Client_Hacking 1-Darkcomet 2-FatRat 3-Veil-Evasion 4-Shallter 5-Unicorn 6-Setoolkit 7-Armitage 8-BeEF-Framework 9-EmPyre 10-FakeImageExploiter 11-Pupy 12-DFU-Programmer 13-Cobalt Strike 14-Exploitpack 15-Gcat 16-Crowbar #Website_Hacking 1-Sn1per 2-Owasp-ZAP 3-Brupsuite 4-Netsparker 5-Acunetix 6-SQLmap 7-Xsser 8-WPScan 9-Joomrra 10-Joomscan 11-WPSeku 12-XSStrike 13-Kadimus 14-jexboss 15-CMSmap 16-brut3k1t 17-0d1n 18-CloudFail 19-Arachni 20-Nikto 21-Webscarab 22-Nmap 23-Vbscan 24-Sentry MBA #Network_Hacking 1-MITMf 2-Bettercap 3-Ettercap 4-Tcpdump 5-Wireshark 6-Driftnet 7-SSLstrip 8-Armitage 9-Metasploit 10-Xerosploit 11-Sparta 12-Hydra #Wireless_Hacking 1-Wifite 2-Airodump-ng 3-Aireplay-ng 4-Wash 5-WiFi Pumpkin 6-Wifiphisher 7-Fluxion 8-Infernal Twin 9-WPSpin #Reverse_Engeenering 1-OWASP-ZSC 2-OllyDBG 3-Apktool #Information_Gathering 1-Enum 2-Recon 3-Whois 4-Email Contact 5-Phone Contact 6-Service Status 7-Protocol Analysis
إظهار الكل...
Services for deleting your accounts from services: -- provides links and descriptions of the required actions, shows the complexity. -- requires access to your Gmail/Outlook mailbox, checks for accounts, deletes them automatically where possible and sends template requests for deletion by mail.
إظهار الكل...

TikTok was flooded with a bunch of crypto scam videos. As usual, with the same disgusted face - the distribution of freebies comes from Elon Musk, Tesla and SpaceX. Every hour, deepfakes pop up from Musk’s interview about cue balls and ether. Some videos are just amateur with an example of logging in using a promotional code and receiving bitcoins for free. Well, the links are simple template sites pretending to be crypto exchanges. The victim enters a promotional code, his eyes light up at the sight of ~9000 bucks received from the space visionary... Well, then the rest is small: activate your account by depositing ~$130 into it to withdraw the money. The offer is tempting, how can I refuse? It would seem, who still buys into such scams? But no, they are still quite profitable. Well, don’t forget what the average TikTok user is like. With them, crypto cameras will set new records for stolen millions by the end of the year
إظهار الكل...
💀🔪Google Hacking Tools 🔪☠️ 🔺GHDB - Google Hack Database 🔵Link - 🔺SearchDiggity - SearchDiggity 3.1 is the primary attack tool of the Google Hacking Diggity Project 🔵Link -- 🔺Katana - A Python Tool For google Hacking 🔵Link --   🔺GooFuzz - GooFuzz is a tool to perform fuzzing with an OSINT approach, managing to enumerate directories, files, subdomains or parameters without leaving evidence on the target's server and by means of advanced Google searches. 🔵Link --   🔺 Pagodo - pagodo (Passive Google Dork) - Automate Google Hacking Database scraping and searching. 🔵Link -- 🔺Google-Dorks - Useful Google Dorks for WebSecurity and Bug Bounty 🔵Link --
إظهار الكل...
OffSec’s Exploit Database Archive

The GHDB is an index of search queries (we call them dorks) used to find publicly available information, intended for pentesters and security researchers.